Seizing Dreams

Chapter 78: summer vacation


The Qixi Festival was over, and the summer vacation was nearly half over. After Yu Hao handed in the first round of drafts, the second round of drafts was immediately sent to the mailbox. It seemed that the agency couldn't find a suitable outsourcer. Seeing that Yu Hao's manuscripts were delivered quickly, they immediately threw a bunch of them to him. Yu Hao thought to himself, is it so difficult for you to find a few translators? But alright alright... Anyway, just take the money.

Yu Hao browsed the translation forum for a long time, and found that his job was really moving bricks. Except for the first time Chen Yekai acted as an intermediary, the second time, the agency bypassed him and contacted Yu Hao alone, and the manuscript fee was It is 20% lower than the market price, and many foreign language school students will not accept it.

But this was already very satisfying to Yu Hao, at least it was better than moving bricks.

"How much is that bottle of wine?" Yu Hao asked Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng: "Two thousand, I posted a little, I don't owe him anything."

Yu Hao said, "How much did you eat?"

Zhou Sheng: "I am dignified, Prince Yun Laichun, do you still need money to eat at your own restaurant?"

Yu Hao said, "We ate that meal!"

Zhou Sheng: "The order I signed is included with our dinner. Yu Hao, can you please stop worrying?"

Yu Hao: "Okay, I'll transfer the wine money to you..."

Zhou Sheng said inexplicably, "Isn't my money always with you?"

Yu Hao thought about it too, so he had to count the red envelopes he got back into Zhou Sheng's living expenses, but the red envelopes only took 1,580, so Yu Hao didn't stop doing it, he opened WeChat, scrolled up, and ordered the gothic armor The two red envelopes sent within 24 hours made my heart feel more balanced.

Yu Hao: "I was blocked..."

Zhou Sheng laughed and said, "He's just a scumbag. You've been tricked and you don't know."

Yu Hao didn't have the scumbag skills at all, and when he was asking Zhou Sheng how he saw it, Zhou Sheng ignored him and fell asleep.

No more... let my life be like this.

Yu Hao gave up completely, and his recent life was like a farce that was out of control and chaos. He didn't want to go back and forth in the car and think about Zhou Sheng, wanting to empathize, wanting to be empathetic, wanting to be in love with the general, wanting to be in love, and thinking about life. He couldn't understand it, and he made himself very tired. Love is really a lottery lottery for me, not only is it impossible to win, but I don't even know where to throw the tickets to the lottery.

I'll just continue to love him unrequitedly, Yu Hao thought, it's a big deal to pay attention to the distance, just don't hurt Zhou Sheng from being said to be gay. After thinking about it, Yu Hao relaxed a little.

In the academy in midsummer, even the number of students who lived on campus and did not go home gradually decreased. Every night was very quiet, as quiet as if they were isolated from the world. The last window of the cafeteria was also closed, the bus stopped, and even Chen Yekai went home. Every day, either Zhou Sheng cooks, or the two of them walk about two kilometers to the bottom of the mountain to eat stir-fry.

"What's this?" One night, Yu Hao found that Zhou Sheng brought back a few pieces of clothes and hung them in the closet one by one. They were all Chinese-style T-shirts and hemp pants.

"The boss gave it." Zhou Sheng said nonchalantly, "I found a part-time job as an online model. It just ended today, and I ended up with 4,000."

"So you go out every day to be a model?" Yu Hao said, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"No." Zhou Sheng said with an expressionless face, then turned to bed and lay down to sleep.

Yu Hao was full of doubts. After finishing reading today's manuscript, he could submit the second round before the end of the summer vacation, so he had to hurry up to study. However, the part-time translation lasted for nearly five months, which made his foreign language writing and Chinese texts improve by leaps and bounds. He is expected to close his eyes for the fourth grade in January next year.

Do a job that you are willing to give your whole life to, and be with someone you truly love... Yu Hao couldn't help but think of Chen Yekai's words every quiet night after finishing his work. The translation is that I am willing to give my whole life. work? Yu Hao didn't think so, but this part-time job as a translator awakened a certain sense of responsibility in his heart.

"Zhou Sheng?" Just as Yu Hao was about to get up to wash up, he suddenly saw the light of the Golden Black Wheel appear in the bedroom again.

Zhou Sheng fell asleep wearing the Golden Crow Wheel!

Yu Hao suddenly became nervous, and immediately shook Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng opened his eyes instantly, was woken up, and said angrily, "What are you doing?!"

Zhou Sheng sat up irritably, Yu Hao was quite frightened, and said, "Whose dream have you entered?"

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Zhou Sheng raised his eyes to look at Yu Hao, his expression was like that of a bullied child, his brows furrowed. Yu Hao asked nervously, "What happened to you?"

Zhou Sheng took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "Didn't I promise you that I won't enter other people's dreams without authorization?"

Yu Hao said, "That's right! Then why are you..."

"Of course it's my own dream, can you still get better?" Zhou Sheng said.

"Oh..." Yu Hao was frightened and said, "You are in your dream, okay, it's fine, I'm too nervous, you go to sleep."

Yu Hao went to brush his teeth, Zhou Sheng lay down again, and let out a long breath.

When Yu Hao was washing, he suddenly remembered that he didn't pay much attention recently. Zhou Sheng seemed to be sleeping with his hands buried under the pillow. How long had he been using the Golden Crow Wheel? But have you never had your dream? What is Zhou Sheng doing in his dream

Yu Hao went to bed and looked at Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng's brows were still furrowed when he fell asleep. One hand was under the sheet, and the other hand moved subconsciously. Yu Hao observed for a while, without asking any further questions, he lay down and went to sleep.

At this time, WeChat reminded that a stranger added him at more than eight o'clock.

Yu Hao glanced at it and added it through a search. His WeChat account is his mobile phone number. Who is this person

Yu Hao passed the contacts, and then glanced at Zhou Sheng, who was asleep. Just when he was about to sleep, the phone screen lit up.

Stranded: [Have you not slept so late?]

Yu Hao: [Summer vacation, who are you?]

Stranded made an emoji and said: [Sleep, I'm afraid my mobile phone will be confiscated by my mother, get up tomorrow to chat, good night.]

Yu Hao was inexplicable. He sounded like he knew him. He put down the phone and looked at Zhou Sheng again. Zhou Sheng didn't move.

For several days in a row, Zhou Sheng wore the Golden Crow Wheel to sleep, and he didn't say a word every day. Yu Hao realized that something was wrong.

One morning, Zhou Sheng was brushing his teeth tiredly, and Yu Hao never dreamed all night, which also meant that Zhou Sheng didn't come to him, so Yu Hao observed Zhou Sheng: "Are you okay last night?"

"Well." Zhou Sheng said, "Shall we go to the playground in a few days? The summer vacation is almost over."

"Okay." Yu Hao said, "What are you doing in your dream?"

Zhou Sheng didn't answer. He glanced at the phone in Yu Hao's hand and asked, "Who are you talking to?"

"A child." Yu Hao said, "I don't know how to add me."

"Child?" Zhou Sheng laughed, "How small?"

"High school senior." Yu Hao said.

Zhou Sheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How did you hook up?"

The guy named "stranded" added Yu Hao, and he would chat with him every day. He was nineteen years old, he was just a sophomore in high school, he had taken a year off from school before, and he was actually a few months older than Yu Hao. Yu Hao was always very strange and kept asking him how he found his WeChat ID, but the other party only said it was a friend's introduction.

Yu Hao wondered if this child had a brother or sister who was in the same school, maybe in the same grade. The high school student named "stranded" was tutoring during the summer vacation, and asked Yu Hao if he could help him with English by the way and pay. Yu Hao looked at the question, and it was indeed a real college entrance examination question, so he occasionally explained a few words to him on WeChat. Heart Dao should not be deceived, right? It doesn't look like it, but flickering himself is really writing the English composition for the college entrance examination, which is too hard.

"When are you going to meet?" Zhou Sheng had a mocking smile on his face.

Yu Hao: "No, I'm not interested in high school students."

Zhou Sheng: "How do you know if you haven't seen it? Go ahead."

Yu Hao: "..."

"Zhou Sheng?" Yu Hao saw that on Zhou Sheng's phone, the lock screen WeChat came from "Jing Ya".

"Huh?" Zhou Sheng looked at the mirror, scratched his hair with wax, and said to Yu Hao, "Do you like my hair longer or shorter?"

Yu Hao's thoughts were not on Zhou Sheng's hair, and he said, "You can call me anytime if you have something to do? I think something is wrong with you recently."

"No—" Zhou Sheng said, "I'm fine, say, what hairstyle looks good?"

Yu Hao said, "The first time I saw your hairstyle, it was very pretty, and the color was also pretty."

"Dye it again for you to see?"

"Don't." Yu Hao said, "I prefer black hair. Are you going out today? Zhou Sheng, I think we need to talk."

"Let's do it in a few days." Zhou Sheng said, "I have something to do today. You don't have to wait for me to eat dinner. The pair of jeans that Kaikai bought for you is very nice. Let me wear them."

"I bought it myself." Yu Hao said, "The original price is two thousand and four."

Yu Hao found the jeans for Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng put on his body, but it was more suitable than Yu Hao. He had a very street-like temperament and said, "How about it?"

"You are a natural clothes rack." Yu Hao said helplessly, "The pants are yours from now on. Who are you going out to meet today?"

Zhou Sheng smiled, took out his jacket and went out. It was a rainy day. Yu Hao stood on the balcony and looked at the road soaked by the rain in the drizzle.

Zhou Sheng pulled up his hood and walked lonely on the road outside the dormitory.

Yu Hao packed up the final draft and sent it to the email, remembering the sea of clouds and mist in Zhou Sheng's dream, he got up and opened Zhou Sheng's drawer - the Golden Black Wheel was taken away by Zhou Sheng.

What the hell is this guy doing? Yu Hao thought to himself.

Before the end of the summer vacation, the final work was done. Fu Liqun and Cen Shan posted a lot of photos of Hokkaido in the group. Yu Hao was temporarily distracted. Looking at the photos in the group, he was struck by their show of love. Bo, I thought it would be great to fall in love, and I also really want to go to Hokkaido with Zhou Sheng, and I get tired of doing nothing every day.

Stranded: [Huh, the tutoring is finally over, and school is about to start. Are you free today? Have a meal together?]

Yu Hao said: [It's raining, I don't want to go out.]

Stranded: [Come out and talk, I want to commit suicide.]

Yu Hao: [Don't make fun of this kind of thing.]

Stranded a few words "Hahaha": [I came to your school to find you?]

Yu Hao: [You don't know where I am.]

Stranded: [Of course I do, I also know that you major in psychology.]

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao thought to himself, how does this kid know so much? After thinking about it, I realized that I had been suspended for a year, and now I am in the third year of high school, which means that all my high school classmates have been promoted to the first year, and there may be acquaintances in my school.

Stranded: [Do you have an umbrella? I'll come pick you up, you and Zhou Sheng share a bedroom, right?]

Yu Hao: [You know him? ? ? ! ! !]

Stranded: [I don't know, I know the name.]

Yu Hao: [Don't come here, the bus has stopped, let's have a coffee somewhere.]

Stranded and said cheerfully: [Okay. ] Then he sent Yu Hao a location, which happened to be Huafang Coffee.

Yu Hao went outside the academy to wait for the bus. The bus was rain or shine, but the frequency was reduced. In the afternoon, he went to Huafang Coffee, entered the mall, put away his umbrella, and suddenly saw Zhou Sheng's back.

Zhou Sheng was wearing Yu Hao's jeans and a white T-shirt. He had just had his hair cut. He stood on the escalator with a girl with long hair and headed to the second floor, carrying a bag for the girl. Seeing that Cen Shan had carried the bag, Yu Hao thought it was Cen Shan at first, but the girl's dress was very different from Cen Shan's style.

The girl is wearing a long white dress and sneakers. She looks very young from the back and has a very clean temperament. The two of them look like little lovers, and they are a natural pair.

Yu Hao watched for a while, until Zhou Sheng went to the second floor and took the elevator to the third floor, then Yu Hao walked to the other side and went to Huafang Coffee.

At a table by the window, sitting a boy in a blue and white school uniform, with fair skin and thick eyebrows and big eyes. Just as Yu Hao went in and wanted to observe, the boy raised his head from his phone and whistled at Yu Hao.

Now Yu Hao couldn't dodge even if he wanted to, so he smiled helplessly and had to sit opposite the boy.

"I didn't lie to you, what do you think?" The boy showed Yu Hao the scorecard of the mock test that he got back from the cram school today, and he ranked first in the cram school.

Language 133! Full marks in math! English 141! Wen Zong 129!

"My God!" Yu Hao just wanted to smash the table, "You can get into Peking University and Tsinghua University with your grades!"

He also noticed that the boy's name on the test paper was "Ou Qihang", the school was Yingshi No.

"What to drink? I'll buy it." Ou Qihang said, "Thank you for teaching me English composition during this time."

Yu Hao leaned back on the chair and looked at him, thought for a while, and said, "Haiyan Coffee."

Ou Qihang bought two cups of coffee and added five or six packets of sugar to it. Yu Hao thought that apart from Zhou Sheng, this guy was also a candy eater. However, it is understandable that people with a lot of brain activity need to add a lot of sugar, and sugar is the most consumed brain activity.

Ou Qihang was about the same height as Zhou Sheng. He was wearing sports clothes and basketball shoes, which happened to be from the same series as Fu Liqun's favorite. Yu Hao thought to himself that the children of today are all developing very well... No, this guy is only in the third year of high school, and he seems to be a few months older than himself.

"Aren't you a little surprised?" Ou Qihang asked.

"What are you surprised about?" Yu Hao was indeed a little surprised, but he didn't intend to follow his words.

"Me." Ou Qihang said.

"You are so young." Yu Hao said, "It's really different from the ones we have already gone to college."

"But aren't we the same age?" Ou Qihang said, "Forget it, I'd better treat you as a brother."

Yu Hao laughed.

Ou Qihang said, "Yu Hao, what model are you?"

Yu Hao said, "As a senior in high school, you know too much! Study hard, don't do anything like that."

Through his contacts on WeChat during this period of time, Yu Hao could feel that this guy was obviously prepared. He came out today to specifically reject him, and decided not to add any strangers to WeChat in the future.

"Are you going to the movies?" Ou Qihang asked.

"Don't go." Yu Hao said.

Ou Qihang: "Then see the art exhibition? I have a ticket."

The art museum is nearby. Ou Qihang took out two tickets for the Dunhuang special exhibition. Today was the last day. Yu Hao couldn't resist the temptation. Ou Qihang said again, "Let's go! Don't be so boring."

"It's not boring... Okay." Yu Hao wasn't in a good mood today. For a week, Zhou Sheng hardly paid any attention to him. He seemed to have something on his mind. It wasn't a cold war, it was dark and dark, and it didn't feel good. In addition, it rained for three days, which made Yu Hao very depressed.

"Let's go." Yu Hao said, "Change your mood."

"Are you in a bad mood?" Ou Qihang put the shoulder bag on his back and was a little taller than Yu Hao. Holding coffee in one hand, he opened a big black umbrella, leaned a little towards Yu Hao, and crossed the road with him. , go to the museum to see the special exhibition. The power of art can make people forget their troubles for a while, especially standing in front of the gorgeous paintings, Yu Hao felt that in his dreams, he would not be able to be decorated by these beautiful flying sky and Buddha statues.

"It's like a dream." Ou Qihang asked Yu Hao, "Have you been to Dunhuang?"

"No." Yu Hao said, "I've always wanted to go, but I have no money."

Yu Hao found that he didn't know why, but when facing Ou Qihang, he held it a little, as if he was imitating Chen Yekai subconsciously. A good interpretation is Chen Yekai's demeanor.

"This line is too beautiful." Yu Hao swiped along the special exhibition mural with his fingers.

Ou Qihang said: "Yes, Buddha's magic power can make people forget sorrow."

Yu Hao smiled and said, "Where does so much sadness come from?"

Ou Qihang sighed and smiled at Yu Hao again, Yu Hao thought that this kid should also be their high school male god, right? With such good grades, tall and handsome, it seems that living conditions are also very good.

After watching the exhibition, Yu Hao and Ou Qihang were eating oden and boxed lunches in the convenience store. Yu Hao gradually began to like this boy a little bit. It seemed that he didn't come here to meet and date. He was very pure and clean. . Maybe you really just want to chat with yourself and make friends.

"Work hard in the third year of high school." Yu Hao said, "I won't regret it."

"Well..." Ou Qihang said, "It's just a pity that the time is too short."

Yu Hao said, "It's a whole year! Think it's too short?"

Ou Qihang said: "I mean I didn't develop a good relationship with you, hahahaha-"

Ou Qihang burst into laughter, Yu Hao was immediately embarrassed, and said, "Don't make trouble!"

"Then... I'm going home." Ou Qihang said, "I'm going to live on campus when school starts. I'll give my cell phone to my mother, so I can't contact you anymore."

"I'll take you back?" Ou Qihang asked.

Yu Hao hurriedly said no, why did everyone have to send him back, am I just suffering

"I should send you back, let's go?" Yu Hao finally attacked.

"Then you take me to the subway station? You go back to your school, and I go to my house."

Before the end of the summer vacation, many students began to gradually return to school. This line is full of colleges, high schools, and vocational high schools, with students coming and going with suitcases.

"Yu Hao." Ou Qihang leaned back against the pole, and there were not many people in the carriage, so he asked Yu Hao, "What the hell are you?"

Yu Hao looked at him like a monkey, and his temperament was a bit like Fu Liqun, and said, "I'm a human!"

Ou Qihang unconsciously licked his lower lip and said, "Are you a 1 or a 0, quietly tell my brother..."

Yu Hao was about to tease him when he suddenly took out his mobile phone, turned on the video recording function, and turned towards the subway car. It was not a rush hour, but there was an old man behind a girl in shorts, and Yu Hao said, "Put your mobile phone on. Take it." He walked over and forcibly pulled the old man away.

Ou Qihang also found out, and immediately stood up straight and said angrily, "Hey!"

Ou Qihang was even faster, only to see him stuffing his phone into Yu Hao, striding over, blocking Yu Hao behind him, holding the old man's collar in one hand, dragging him away abruptly, roaring, "What are you doing? You're fucking courting death!" Immediately, he slapped him down, the entire subway station was in an uproar, and the girl hurriedly hid aside.

Yu Hao didn't expect Ou Qihang to be so arrogant. The old man was slapped by Ou Qihang, and he was instantly blinded. Someone on the subway couldn't figure out the situation, so he asked Ou Qihang, "What are you doing?"

Ou Qihang: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing! Beat the old man?"

Yingshi quarrels always start with "what are you doing" in the dialect and end with "you are courting death". Whenever "what are you doing" loops, Yu Hao knows that this matter will not end in a short time. When loop said "what are you doing", no one dared to come forward to ask Ou Qihang to do it. The elderly realized that the situation was in their favor, and began to lie on the ground and misrepresent medical expenses.

Yu Hao said to the girl, "You hurry up, it's alright, hurry up now."

He had already recorded the video anyway, so he wasn't afraid to call the police. When the subway arrived, the girl whispered, "Thank you." He handed Yu Hao two pieces of chocolate, wiped his face and got out of the car. "

Yu Hao was really afraid that Ou Qihang's slap would make the old man deaf, but seeing him jumping on the ground, there shouldn't be anything wrong.

"I'm a black belt in Taekwondo." Ou Qihang said to Yu Hao, "I'm not afraid of them."

Yu Hao: "..."

Everyone in the carriage quickly caught the key words and began to shut up gradually. The old man was left with howling, begging everyone to help the police. He sat on the ground and tried to crawl over, but Ou Qihang kicked him again: "Get out!"

The old man was frightened. He didn't speak for a while. When the subway arrived at the station, the two of them got off and changed trains as if nothing had happened.

Yu Hao: "To let us go without any risk, without being deceived, I thought we were going to the police station."

Ou Qihang said: "I'm afraid of Mao, my dad said that if you are to deal with this kind of person, you have to beat him to the death. You have to be more arrogant than him."

Yu Hao: "Yes, I used to be unable to make a move, but gradually I learned it."

After following Zhou Sheng a lot, Yu Hao only felt that he was taken without fear, and I had no money, so what could you do to me

"Then..." Ou Qihang put his hands in his pockets and looked at Yu Hao seriously.

"Let's go?" Yu Hao smiled, "Study hard, this is for you." He handed Ou Qihang the two chocolates that the girl gave him. Ou Qihang took one and kept one for Yu Hao. He took out something from his pocket and said, "This is for you."

It was a small box, Ou Qihang said, "It's a Rubik's cube, it's not expensive, I made it myself, just accept it."

Yu Hao accepted it because it wasn't expensive, and Ou Qihang said, "Yu Hao, see you next year."

Yu Hao smiled and said, "See you next year!"

Yu Hao separated from Ou Qihang, put on headphones and listened to music to transfer. On the subway, he looked down at the little Rubik's Cube that Ou Qihang gave him, and turned it a few times. This high school student's hands were quite clever.

Ancient Roman Colosseum.

Medusa turned into black smoke and disappeared instantly. The flames erupted from the black dragon reached in front of him, and instantly flew into the air. Then Zhou Sheng raised his head with his shield, and Medusa shook off her claws and fell from the air!

Medusa's snake tail wrapped around Zhou Sheng, and threw the scarred him to the sidelines. The next moment, the black dragon turned around, and Medusa's eyes emitted a big flash of light!

The entire arena flashed, accompanied by the black dragon's wild scream, spinning in the air, one side of the dragon's wings shattered, turned into rubble and ashes disintegrated, the next moment, Medusa held the dragon's head and cut the black dragon's throat cleanly.

The black dragon spurted blood and fell heavily to the ground.

Zhou Sheng was trembling, struggling to stand up in the rainstorm. His armor was torn to almost shreds. His chest and back were all covered with scratches from Medusa.

He lowered his head and saw his muddy face in the puddle of the arena.

"Admit defeat!" Satan's voice said, "Admitting your failure is also a kind of courage."

Zhou Sheng gasped and raised his head, Medusa's claws closed, and the pupils of her eyes rotated and enlarged, and began to focus.

"No." Zhou Sheng said coldly.

When it was too late, it was too soon, the plush fox doll on Zhou Sheng's shoulder turned into a silver light and rose to the sky.

After leaving the subway station, the last bus left at nine o'clock. Yu Hao waited for forty-five minutes and sent a message to Zhou Sheng.

As the summer vacation drew to a close, and more and more students were returning to school, Yu Hao looked at the passers-by and felt a faint sense of loss in his heart. This summer vacation obviously did a lot of things and made a lot of money, but it was like wasting time, bringing him an unspeakable emptiness.

Zhou Sheng went to see the blind date arranged by his father. It should be a smooth talk for a while, right? This is also a good thing for each other... Yu Hao went back to the bedroom under the street light, opened the door, Fu Liqun will only come back tomorrow, the bedroom seems to have been cleaned, and Zhou Sheng is sitting on the balcony.

Yu Hao didn't say a word. He went to the balcony to pat him on the shoulder, but saw the Golden Crow Wheel flashing again, one after another, just like when he entered the subconscious, he was summoning him.

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng sat on the reclining chair on the balcony, fell asleep, and turned his head slightly.

Yu Hao sat on the other reclining chair, frowned and gently pulled up Zhou Sheng's wrist, placed it on his lap, pressed one hand on the Golden Crow Wheel, and rested his head against his head.