Seizing Dreams

Chapter 8: Pick up gold


"A stack of 100,000." Yu Hao said to Huang Ting, "1.2 million."

During the summer vacation, Yu Hao sold the house for 240,000 yuan, and went to the bank to get cash to pay for the medical bills he owed, which was a bundle of 100,000 yuan, which was the standard.

Zhou Sheng said to Huang Ting, "Who put so much money in the reservoir?"

The whole police station was a sensation, and they came out to see the bag of money they had picked up.

Huang Ting said, "What are you two doing at Zhongshan Reservoir?"

Yu Hao: "Uh..."

Zhou Sheng looked at Huang Ting provocatively: "What does this have to do with you?"

"Of course there is." Huang Ting said, "In the evening, two college students go to the reservoir?"

"I can't teach him to swim," Zhou Sheng said.

Chen Yekai said, "Tell the truth! Yu Hao, make it clear yourself."

Yu Hao had to tell the truth. Of course, he didn't mention Hei Long's dream. He just said that he had learned from the textbook and that he had to overcome the fear in his heart. Huang Ting looked at Zhou Sheng and then at Yu Hao.

"I guess this money must belong to some corrupt official's family!" Zhou Sheng added, "The origin of the huge amount of property is unknown, isn't it always in the news? Maybe it can lead to a big tiger. This is a merit! Why don't you thank us now?"

Chen Yekai's expression sometimes made him want to beg Zhou Sheng to stop talking, but Yu Hao also said, "It's very possible, this case needs to be investigated carefully."

"This has nothing to do with you guys." Huang Ting finished the record and closed the notebook, "Don't worry about eating radishes... yo! Director?"

The director answered the phone and hurried over halfway through dinner. Everyone stood up and shook hands with the director. The director patted Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng on the shoulders. It was really a reward. It was nothing but "it's not easy for young people to resist temptation" Class, Chen Yekai had an idea and said along the way, "Can you give Yu Hao a pennant?"

"This... I haven't found the owner yet." The director hesitated, "What name is used? I think otherwise..."

Zhou Sheng suddenly said: "In the 'name of the people'! It's not ignorant to pick up gold, is it a custom to give 10% of the gratitude to those who pick it up?"

The director immediately replied: "This pennant should be there."

"I'll make it myself." Chen Yekai said immediately, "Just sign our name." He glanced at Zhou Sheng and quickly added, "You two write it together."

Huang Ting also helped to add, explaining to the director: "This child has just been wronged, and he has a pennant, which can reverse the impression of the college leaders. Yu Hao is an honest person... Of course, this red... Huang... The same goes for your classmates who have dyed their hair." Everyone didn't dare to provoke Zhou Sheng, so as not to be ridiculed by him again, they quickly added to Zhou Sheng.

Yu Hao immediately applauded Chen Yekai and Huang Ting wildly.

After leaving the police station, Chen Yekai called a car, swiped Taobao in the front seat, and said, "Why did you come to Zhongshan Police Station to report the case?"

"I know the address of this police station." Zhou Sheng looked out the window and said nonchalantly.

"I give you a thumbs up." Chen Yekai found a family in the same city to make a pennant on the Internet, and asked for it to be delivered tomorrow in a hurry. After saying that, he looked back at Yu Hao and said, "You are also very good, and you don't need money. lure."

"I didn't think about it so much." Yu Hao said, "This is the first time in my life that I have seen so much money, but it's not mine, so I shouldn't have it."

Zhou Sheng said sternly: "Mr. Chen, you still ask people to make a pennant. Once this pennant is made, won't others know that the police station has picked up the money? We should not say anything, put the money down, come quietly, quietly Walk on the ground, wave your sleeves, don’t take away a cloud, anyway, it is the stolen money of corrupt officials, turned over to the state, filled the treasury, and finally had to support the corrupt officials.”

"If the police station takes it, it can also improve the lives of our people's police... At the end of the year, everyone will be given 500,000 yuan, everyone is happy..."

In Yu Hao's mind, the scene of the director opening the plastic bag and seeing nothing.

Zhou Sheng: "Just kidding, Huang Ting is a good policeman. But let me tell you, that director is not a good thing."

Yu Hao: "Why?"

Zhou Sheng: "I can't say, in short, he's a lousy person. There will be no result in the end."

Chen Yekai couldn't help Zhou Sheng, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, 1,200,000, what can you do with this money? Don't talk about our Director Li so hypocritical and so wretched? Not to mention so many People are watching."

"This money? This money!" Zhou Sheng slapped his thigh and said, "I want 1.2 million, what books should I read?"

Chen Yekai said sternly: "In your whole life, how much more than a million dollars have you made? If you think so, it's over. If it was me, of course I would hand over to the state. Zhou Sheng, why are you always at odds with each other? Can you be more sincere?"

Zhou Sheng said decisively, "That's right, our teacher Chen only costs 24,000 for a scarf, of course we don't look down on such a mere..."

Yu Hao: "..."

Chen Yekai immediately stopped Zhou Sheng's words: "Don't say these words in the academy!"

Chen Yekai answered Xue Long's call that day and rushed to the hospital to see Yu Hao. He forgot to take off the scarf. Zhou Sheng's eyes were sharp and he caught a glimpse. The impact is really bad.

"1.2 million." The Didi driver held the steering wheel and said, "I want 1.2 million, what else can I drive?"

Chen Yekai: "..."

Zhou Sheng burst into laughter and pinched Yu Hao in his arms. Chen Yekai looked helpless. After he got to the academy, he raised his face again and again, ordering Zhou Sheng not to tell the story about the scarf, so they let them go.

1.2 million... Yu Hao had forgotten almost everything in the past few days, and the scene of picking up the money was all in his mind.

[Why didn't you pick up a hundred?]

On QQ, Zhou Sheng sent him a message.

Yu Hao: [If you find a hundred, you might not be able to hand it in. After all, you can't find the owner.]

Zhou Sheng: [(curts his lips) Fifty is fine.]

Yu Hao: [Ten yuan is not bad.]

Zhou Sheng: [Ten yuan is enough to eat a hair! Go to work together another day. I suddenly remembered, did the parents owe you the tutoring fee yet?]

Yu Hao: [It's not bad if you don't send me to jail, but still pay?]

Zhou Sheng: [I will accompany you when he comes, ask me for the money, and you invite me to dinner. Buffet, one hundred and sixty-eight.]

Yu Hao: [No problem.]

Yu Hao turned off his cell phone. Today was the day he interacted with the most people in his life, and it was also the day he talked the most. He was so exhausted that his roommate didn't go all night. The bed next door was snoring, and the top bunk was shaking. Stopped, so he stretched his foot and kicked the bed board twice, not wanting to be used to the top bunk anymore.

"Go to bed!" Yu Hao shouted impatiently, "Jerk off and go to the toilet!"

There was a burst of laughter in the dormitory, Yu Hao was a little surprised that he was not so bun. However, the upper bunk stopped, Yu Hao put on his earphones to block his snoring and fell into a deep sleep.

The music sounded like a tide in the sea, and at the next moment, he opened his eyes amidst thousands of troops! The general's roar came from his ears.

"Why do you still bring BGM to fights?!"

"I just fell asleep! I'm listening to a song!" Yu Hao waved the clothes drying fork in his hand, and saw the cavalry charging towards them. The enemy's general, covered in armor, was the class teacher of his junior high school.

"Fuck him!" Yu Hao shouted.

The general swung his big sword and shouted, "You're doing it!"

The sound of the sky rang, and in that majestic music, Yu Hao held the clothes drying fork in both hands, the clothes drying fork seemed to be sensed, and instantly burst into golden light, followed by thunder!

Yu Hao levitated in that brilliance, and was surprised to find that he had changed into a whole body. His short robe with a cardigan was shaken, and the robe was embroidered with lightning patterns, like a black royal robe lined with a snow-white shirt, drying clothes in his hands. The fork is golden light, disconnected from the connection, and the flowing light is reconstructed into two long bronze knives!

Yu Hao let out a whistle, holding short knives in each hand, like a warrior with two knives. When he landed, he bowed and pushed the short knives forward. The tip of the knife burst out with thunder and lightning like a tidal wave, spreading out like the wings of a god, dashing towards the front of the cavalry!

The general cheered loudly, swung his big sword, followed by lightning and thunder, and the cavalry suddenly turned on their backs. Pushing forward, the general shouted: "Fix the leader!"

The head teacher of the junior high school was ferocious, and charged towards them in armor, holding a saber, and he rushed in front of him in an instant, saying it was too late, the general slashed his broad sword, Yu Hao stepped on the broad sword, and took a few steps into the air. A flip in the air.

The general drew his sword, crossed his body, and forcibly collided with the general's warhorse, only to see the front foot of the warhorse rise into the air, and the leader was lifted up with him.

"Die!" Yu Hao took a step in the air, turned over, and swung both short knives at the same time, beheading the leader's head in an instant.

Black air erupted instantly, and the cavalry team scattered in an uproar.

Yu Hao landed and turned to look at the general. The general looked around. The two broke through the back door of the palace and sneaked inside.

Behind the door is a dark corridor.

"Is there a fire?" said the general.

"No." Yu Hao answered honestly, "When did you come into my dream?"

"Almost at the same time as you." The general replied in the dark, accompanied by the sound of the armor walking, explaining: "When you end your dream, the outsider will also pop up the dream."

"I thought you would stay here and fight alone." Yu Hao said, "Wait for me for a while." He was trying to splice the two short knives together.

The general stopped and replied, "Then I'm finished."

Yu Hao said in the dark, "What would happen if I died in a dream?"

The general said: "You are the master of the dream, and when you die, you will return to the totem master, lose all power, be completely controlled by it, banished from the border, thrown into the subconscious world beyond the border of consciousness, fall into the darkness, wander forever, There's no way to come back. It means that one of your 'self' has completely disappeared in the heart. In reality..."

The general thought for a moment and said, "Maybe he will take the initiative to end his own life again? It's hard to say. As for me... um... Forget it, don't get to the bottom of it."

Yu Hao's heart moved, these words also meant that the true identity of the general was perhaps a person

"You will also die in reality, right?" Yu Hao asked again.

The general seemed to realize that he said something he shouldn't have said, and said, "But you have recovered your strength now, and we should be able to win."

So you come to the Great Wall to save me, and you are also facing danger yourself. Yu Hao thought to himself, who are you in reality? I would love to meet you if I could.

But no matter who the general is, once it is confirmed that he is human, another thing is confirmed: he has the ability to travel through dreams, is this a superpower? Yu Hao probably understood why the general didn't want to talk too much, and he probably didn't want to let him know that he had this kind of ability.

The inference of one question leads to more questions. Why would a general have this ability

Yu Hao spliced the two short straight knives together. With a flash of light, the clothes drying fork returned to the shape of a staff. Compared with the splendid appearance in grandma's hands, in Yu Hao's hands, it turned into a bronze sword. Staff.

A bird with exaggerated shape and round eyes appeared on the head of the stick.

The staff lights up, illuminating the darkness.

General: "This is..."

Yu Hao said, "I don't know why... it seems that I am born with spells."

He felt that there was an endless stream of power in his body, flowing in the blood vessels, and when it was injected into the staff, the body of the staff lit up.

"You will naturally know the spell, because this is your world. I'm surprised that this bird..." The general turned around and pressed one hand on the helmet, as if he wanted to lift the visor of the helmet, and take a closer look , but finally held back.

Yu Hao said, "Why do I feel like I haven't seen it, but I always thought I'd never seen it, but in fact I've seen it."

"Have you been to Sanxingdui?" the general asked, flicking the bird with his fingers.

Yu Hao was reminded of this and said, "In the magazine! "Chinese Heritage"! My family ordered it before. But why is it related to Sanxingdui?"

The general waved his hand and said, "Go."

Yu Hao raised his staff, illuminated the corridor, and entered the palace. The passages were intricate and complicated. Yu Hao followed his instincts. He always felt that he had been here before. Between the stairs and the corridor, he could always find the right path.

"I feel the totem." Yu Hao said.

Not far away, there is something that is calling him strongly.

The general fell silent after seeing the bronze bird in Sanxingdui, Yu Hao said again, "General?"

General: "Um..."

Yu Hao said: "To the last part of the road to Totem, let me go by myself."

The general said without thinking, "No."

General Yu Haochao said seriously, "This should be my battle alone."

The general said, "Don't you want someone to come and witness for you?"

Yu Hao suddenly didn't know how to answer. He was actually afraid that the general would be in danger. No matter what he concealed about himself and died in someone else's dream, he would definitely not take it lightly, and most likely would have serious consequences. If the general is a person, it is enough to send him here.

"I won't do anything, I'll watch by the side," the general said. "You have to learn to accept the kindness of others. Don't always feel that you owe others."

Yu Hao smiled sadly and said, "I really do mind."

The general put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a slight push, motioning him to move on.

"Tell me about the most difficult thing in my life." The general said, "You can talk about big things and small things."

Yu Hao said, "I've already let go of what I can't let go of the most."

"Only one?" the general asked again.

Yu Hao briefly recounted the events of the third year of junior high school, and the general just listened silently.

As Yu Hao spoke, he walked up a long flight of stairs. When he climbed this flight of stairs, the light in front of him suddenly lit up. This was a spacious passage. On both sides of the passage, there were tall statues made of pure gold. There were two giant gates at the end. In front of the gate stood a warrior. The warrior's face was so clear that Yu Hao thought he had forgotten.

"Who is he?" The general removed the long sword from his back.

"My... friend." Yu Hao replied, "His name is Liu Pengxuan, Pengxuan, long time no see."

It was his junior high school tablemate who stole the flower wheel wallet and caused his grandmother to kneel at school. Yu Hao said, "I originally thought that the person guarding here would be Hua Lun, but I didn't expect it to be you."

"Die gay." Said the samurai with a thin face, sunken eyes, and a long stick in his hand, "Sell out your friend's trash and I'm going to kill you!"

The general roared, "Shut up!"

When Yu Hao was told about his most sensitive and vulnerable point, he was at a loss, but the general's angry shout saved him.

The general said loudly: "Don't do it, I will teach him a lesson for you!"

Yu Hao: "..."