Seizing Dreams

Chapter 81: Heart traces


It was a cool night, so cold that it was even chilly. It was only the end of summer, but it already felt like winter. The whole city of Ying City cooled down rapidly, and Yu Hao felt that in the middle of the night, Zhou Sheng threw a quilt over him and covered him.

When he turned his head, he was half asleep and half awake, and saw Zhou Sheng was holding a mobile phone, lying on the bed sending a message, the light on the screen illuminated his handsome profile.

When he woke up again, the sky was already bright, and Yu Hao found himself covered with the autumn quilt that Zhou Sheng had pulled out from the cabinet, but Zhou Sheng had no idea where he had gone. The anger from last night had completely disappeared, Yu Hao sat on the bed with a little regret, thinking of his anger last night, he just felt embarrassed and tired.

"Can I go out?" Fu Liqun was sending a WeChat message when he raised his head and glanced at Yu Hao.

"It's completely healed." Yu Hao jumped out of bed to wash up and said, "I'm just hungry, where's Zhou Sheng?"

Fu Liqun said, "I disappeared early in the morning. Did you pick me up?"

Yu Hao was very energetic today. A small illness came and went quickly. After having breakfast with Fu Liqun, Yu Hao felt that he was alive again.

Everyone gathered in front of the subway station at the foot of the mountain, and Yu Hao saw Zhou Sheng and Huang Jingya. Everyone nodded politely to Huang Jingya. Although the group of college students was not as crowded as when watching Zhou Sheng's game, it felt a lot more lively than before, because the boys in the sports class who went out today all brought their girlfriends.

"Step on his shoes!"

"Step on the young master's new shoes! Come on!"

A group of people started stepping on Zhou Sheng's new shoes, Zhou Sheng angrily said, "Get out! Get out!"

In the subway, a large group of people began to boo, and the security guard was startled and thought something had happened. Zhou Sheng shouted, as if he was really angry.

"Who dares! Break up!" Zhou Sheng angrily said, "Really break up! Don't think I'm joking!"

The scene was a little embarrassing, Zhou Sheng realized that he was too angry, and said casually: "Go on your brother's step."

Fu Liqun was so frightened that he ducked behind Cen Shan and said hurriedly, "I've been wearing them for a month! They're not new shoes!"

Yu Hao: "..."

They occupied the entire carriage on the subway, and it was full of students in pairs. The scene was mighty and spectacular.

"Is it better?" Cen Shan patted Yu Hao's head, Yu Hao's expression was still a little tired, but he laughed and said, "It's completely healed."

"Why did you buy such an expensive gift for your brother?" Cen Shan said angrily again, "The stupid big guy licks your food every day, you will spoil him like this!"

Fu Liqun hugged the iron pipe on the subway, laughed and said, "Brother will perform pole dance for you?"

Cen Shan: "..."

Yu Hao smiled and said, "Zhou Sheng asked me to buy it."

The two turned to look at Zhou Sheng, who was not far away. Today's Zhou Sheng is very handsome. He is wearing Yu Hao's jeans and a white T-shirt. His hair can be seen scratched with hair wax, and he is carrying a one-shoulder sports bag. With his hands in his pockets, he didn't seem to wake up, he was tired and lazy, and his feet were slanted forward. It was the first time that Yu Hao wore this pair of AJ. Suitable for Zhou Sheng.

Someone gave Huang Jingya a seat, Zhou Sheng leaned his back on the carriage, stood beside Huang Jinya, chatted with her without a word, his expression was very frustrating, and occasionally responded with "um" or nodding, as if he couldn't listen. What Huang Jinya said, she only looked at the subway platform passing by in a trance.

"It can't be like this in the future." Cen Shan taught again.

"Okay." Yu Hao smiled, "Got it."

When leaving the subway station, Yu Hao deliberately walked behind Zhou Sheng and kept a distance from him. As he was walking, Zhou Sheng suddenly turned around to look for him, Yu Hao raised his hand and signaled my presence. Fu Liqun put his hand on Yu Hao's shoulder, Zhou Sheng's eyes were a little complicated, he just glanced at it and turned around.

Yu Hao joked, "Sister-in-law, how many times do you think Zhou Sheng will take Jinya on the roller coaster today?"

Cen Shan suddenly laughed and said, "Last time you didn't move into their dormitory, the three of us came to the playground to play, and he sat alone twelve times."

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao had been to this playground many times, and it was the place where he and Zhou Sheng worked together during Chinese New Year. Fu Liqun went to collect the tickets, Cen Shan took out two lucky charms and handed them to Yu Hao.

"The talisman you asked for in Hokkaido." Cen Shan said with a smile, "one for you and one for Zhou Sheng."

Yu Hao hurriedly thanked him and took it seriously. When he looked at Zhou Sheng again, he saw Zhou Sheng on the bench, drinking from a bottle of Red Bull, sitting side by side with Huang Jinya.

"I'll give it to him when I go back." Yu Hao said, "Is it a love charm?"

"That's right, I'm asking for love." Cen Shan smiled softly, and the two sat on the bench. Yu Hao felt that if he was a straight man, he might have a crush on Cen Shan. This sister-in-law is really beautiful.

"Didn't you say the sun will come out today?" Cen Shan said, "It's still cloudy."

Yu Hao looked up at the sky. It had been raining for several days. The dark clouds were densely covered, layer upon layer. A little white light faintly appeared in the clouds, and the wind was blowing.

"Sister-in-law, are you cold?" Yu Hao asked.

Cen Shan waved her hand, Fu Liqun came back, and issued admission tickets, everyone took the tickets and got up to enter the park. There were quite a lot of people on the last day of the summer vacation. Yu Hao hadn't been here for almost half a year. He remembered the last time he brought Shi Ni to play, and he was still very kind here.

He took his mobile phone and took pictures of Zhou Sheng and Huang Jinya, especially when they were in line. In many projects, two people ride together. Yu Hao thought that he would be alone. His classmates were all lovers, so he planned to go to the single lane, while Cen Shan and Fu Liqun kept pulling Yu Hao.

When queuing up, the line went back and forth. Yu Hao often passed by Zhou Sheng and Huang Jinya. Occasionally, he picked up his mobile phone and took a picture for them. Zhou Sheng looked up at Yu Hao while he was patiently listening to Huang Jinya's words. Yu Hao smiled at him and motioned them to leave them alone.

"I don't want to ride a roller coaster..." Cen Shan looked depressed, "I really don't like it, can you two go?"

"Come on." Fu Liqun said, "It's not scary."

Yu Hao said, "Yes, sister-in-law, it's scary when you're in line, but it's just like that when you sit down."

Cen Shan's expression was like she was about to go to the execution ground. Fu Liqun raised his mobile phone: "I'll take a picture hahaha!"

Yu Hao and Cen Shan raised their heads a little together, Fu Liqun adjusted the selfie mode, and the phone reflected the three people in the queue. Yu Hao suddenly saw Zhou Sheng in the background, turned around not far away, and stared at his Zhou Sheng.

With a "click", Fu Liqun pressed the phone and took this photo. Cen Shan's bright and sweet smile disappeared instantly, and lamented, "Can you not sit!"

"It's coming soon!" Yu Hao laughed, "Hold on!"

At the end of the line, Yu Hao said, "I just caught a cold, I'm afraid I'll get a headache from sitting, I won't sit anymore, you guys can play." After speaking, he got out from under the rope.

"Yu Hao!"

Behind the team, it was Zhou Sheng who stopped him.

"Where are you going?" Zhou Sheng said, "Are you leaving?"

Yu Hao smiled and said, "I'll be waiting for you outside!"

"Go to the Ferris wheel later." Zhou Sheng said.

Yu Hao nodded, the roller coaster started with a "bang", and at a distance of hundreds of meters, Yu Hao could hear Cen Shan's desperate screams, he just thought it was too funny. He walked outside the exit to wait for them to come down, and kept reminding himself not to act too sad, otherwise it would make everyone unhappy.

But sometimes Yu Hao also found out that his own mood doesn't really affect anyone. Sometimes people always think too much about themselves. Maybe Zhou Sheng, Fu Liqun and Cen Shan don't care too much today. In his mood, is he having a good time

"Yu Hao!" the manager shouted outside the chicken wing pavilion.

Yu Hao said "Hey" and greeted him with a smile. The manager was very impressed with them and said, "I saw Zhou Sheng, come and play."

Yu Hao had a few words with him in the past, and the manager asked them why they didn't come to work during the summer vacation. After a while, a group of people came down, Cen Shan stood still gasping for breath, Yu Hao said to the manager, "This is my sister-in-law."

"Zhou Sheng!" The manager saw Zhou Sheng and Huang Jinya, and said with a smile, "Okay, boy, have you made a girlfriend? Can you introduce me?"

"It's not a girlfriend." Zhou Sheng said in public, "Ask your shop to be demolished again."

Suddenly everyone was a little embarrassed, Yu Hao had to pretend he didn't hear it, and Zhou Sheng said again, "The old Gao Gang played eighteen cups, I'll come and get it later, Yu Hao, pay for it."

"Is sister-in-law okay?" Yu Hao observed Cen Shan's face, for fear that she would be frightened.

"One more time." Cen Shan took a deep breath, "Go! My sister likes it!"

Fu Liqun: "..."

Everyone laughed wildly at the same time, and Fu Liqun said, "Just once... Hey! Wait! Wife!"

Cen Shan dragged Fu Liqun away directly. Yu Hao couldn't help laughing. He took out his mobile phone to take pictures of Cen Shan and Fu Liqun, and sang, "Just once, I'll accompany you to the end of the world..."

"Go on the Ferris wheel." Someone suggested.

"Or free activities?" Zhou Sheng said, "My brother and sister-in-law have all run away."

Xia Lei said, "Are you going to have dinner together tonight?"

Zhou Sheng thought about it, everyone seemed to listen to him, Zhou Sheng glanced at Yu Hao, and then said, "No way, remember to grab a drink later."

So everyone went to find their own projects to play, but the most recent game was the Ferris wheel, and there were not many people in line, so everyone rushed over to grab a seat.

The Ferris wheel was full of couples sitting on the side, and Zhou Sheng shouted again, "Yu Hao!"

"I'll go get a drink." Yu Hao said.

Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Hao, then at Huang Jinya, and finally said, "Okay."

Yu Hao got outside the restaurant and saw Zhou Sheng taking Huang Jinya to row the Ferris wheel. The little brother put the drinks on the table one by one. Yu Hao started counting and took out his mobile phone to pay the bill.

The manager looked at the students queuing in the distance, and saw Zhou Sheng and Huang Jinya entering the Ferris wheel, he was very emotional: "It's good to be young, is Yu Hao in love?"

"No." Yu Hao smiled sadly. On the second, fourth, sixth... The playground produced a couple's stamp cup during the summer vacation. Inside it was a special "Love Match", buy one get one free, Yu Hao forget it. Next, nineteen people, Zhou Sheng only ordered eighteen cups, nine pairs.



The manager asked again: "You should be singular, right?"

"I'm a single dog, what am I drinking this for?" Yu Hao smiled and packed two drinks together, put them on the bench, and waited for them to come and pick them up.

After riding the Ferris wheel, the rest of the people came one after another to get drinks, and some people went to buy hot dogs, each saying, "Thank you, Master."

"You're welcome, young master." Yu Hao replied with tears in his eyes.

He sat on the bench for a while, and began to look through the photos of Zhou Sheng on his phone. Yu Hao had a lot of photos of Zhou Sheng in his phone. Yu Hao flipped through them one by one, and saw that he secretly photographed Zhou Sheng while he was sleeping.

Fu Liqun sent over the photo of the group while queuing. Yu Hao saw the photo, standing at the corner of the line, staring at Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng's eyes were a little lonely.

Yu Hao thought to himself, Zhou Sheng probably liked him a little bit, but they couldn't tell the difference. If on this historic day, if he were to define this relationship, Yu Hao felt that Zhou Sheng might have liked him more than a friend or a good brother. Just like that night, Zhou Sheng asked him: "You say it yourself, what are you?"

Yu Hao couldn't answer this question, and neither could Zhou Sheng.

Since he liked Zhou Sheng, he has often watched the emotional sharing of many people on the Internet. In every relationship experience, he fell in love with the gay who was a straight male brother. In the end, he was mobilized by graduation and work. After many years, no matter how deep the relationship is The past that can no longer be parted, along with the other party to build a family and raise children, gradually become the best memory.

Just like these photos, let it stay forever. Years later, when we meet again, when we talk about this past, at least we are left with beauty and happiness for each other.

Yu Hao looked up at the height of the Ferris wheel. In the dark cloudy sky above the turntable, the clouds gradually dispersed.

"Hey." Cen Shan came back, sat next to Yu Hao, and took a deep breath.

"I can't do it anymore." Fu Liqun said, "Let me relax for a while."

Cen Shan said, "Yu Hao, give your brother a drink to calm the shock, and continue later."

Yu Hao: "Hahahahahaha!"

Fu Liqun said, "I have a high center of gravity! Hypoxia! Don't come!"

Cen Shan said: "You said it yourself, I will sit with me as many times as I want."

Fu Liqun had no choice but to say, "Okay, okay, I'll fight with you today. Thank you young lady for the invitation."

"The young lady is on top." Yu Hao said, "Don't make fun of me."

Cen Shan glanced at Fu Liqun reproachfully, and Fu Liqun laughed again. The two drank some drinks, and Cen Shan asked, "Have you come down yet? It's been an hour."

Yu Hao thought to himself, oh, he didn't notice the exit of the Ferris wheel just now, Zhou Sheng should have been seated long ago, forget it.

"You guys go ride the Ferris wheel." Yu Hao said, "I'll sit here for a while."

"Yes, yes, yes." Fu Liqun said quickly, "Combining work and rest."

Cen Shan got up and dragged Fu Liqun away. Yu Hao looked around again, thinking that Zhou Sheng should play something else with Huang Jinya. He looked down at his phone, but Zhou Sheng sent a message.

[Where are you?]

Yu Hao took a picture of the drinks beside him with his mobile phone, and there were still six glasses left to take, so Zhou Sheng replied, "Wait for me.]

In the sky, dark clouds were surging, light rain was blowing in the wind, and sporadic raindrops fell on Yu Hao's face.

"Not finished yet?" Zhou Sheng sat on the side of the bench, breathing a little too fast, as if he had just run.

"Chaoyang and Brother Jun took their daughter-in-law and don't know where they went." Yu Hao said, "I guess they are still lining up, where is Jinya?"

Yu Hao originally wanted to say "Where's the young lady?" and joked about Zhou Sheng by the way, but he knew that Zhou Sheng didn't like it, so he restrained himself.

"Go back." Zhou Sheng took a drink and drank it, "I just sent her away, isn't it cold? You just caught a cold, so wear my coat?"

Yu Hao: "It's okay."

"Go on the Ferris wheel?" Zhou Sheng said, "Leave them alone, throw the drinks here, whether you like it or not."

Yu Hao said, "I won't go, I'll be back later."

Zhou Sheng took off the lid of the drink and looked at Yu Hao. He drank half the glass in one breath, obviously very thirsty.

"You should also drink the other cup." Yu Hao smiled.

Zhou Sheng put down the cup and turned to look at the couples coming and going in the playground.

"I want to ride the Ferris wheel with you again." Zhou Sheng turned his head sideways, looked into Yu Hao's eyes, and said seriously.

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng's tone was serious, as serious as they met in a dream on the first day.

"Let's go then." Yu Hao smiled, and some words were just right to be said, making a formal termination, although he knew that they should be very clear in their hearts.

Zhou Sheng was the first to get up and go to the queue, Yu Hao followed behind. Not long after Fu Liqun and Cen Shan got down, Cen Shan melodiously whistled towards them.

"Sister-in-law really released herself today." Zhou Sheng smiled.

Yu Hao said, "You can accompany her on the roller coaster later, and sit until the playground closes."

Zhou Sheng: "If you don't like sitting, just say it, don't make fun of me, can't you have a hobby in life?"

"I didn't mean that." Yu Hao said.

"You've been mad at me these days." Zhou Sheng said, "You think I don't know?"

"Aren't you trying to get mad at me?" Yu Hao suddenly couldn't control himself for some reason. His anger came suddenly, and he was so impulsive that he was caught off guard.

"Forget it." Zhou Sheng said, "There will be a quarrel later."

Yu Hao didn't say a word, the two lined up in front of the Ferris wheel, the staff let them go, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng got into the box, sat down separately, and the door was closed outside.

This is the largest Ferris wheel in Central China. It takes half an hour to go around in a circle. There is still music playing in the box. Zhou Sheng turned off the music and looked at Yu Hao, while Yu Hao looked out the window.

"Look at the scenery." Yu Hao smiled, "Look at what I'm doing?"

Zhou Sheng said: "I haven't gone up yet, look at Mao."

Yu Hao said, "Let's spend time with Jing Ya."

"Don't you like her?" Zhou Sheng asked.

Yu Hao said softly, "No, I like her very much, as long as it's someone you like, I like it."

Hearing this, Zhou Sheng's eyes instantly turned red, and when Yu Hao said it himself, he also had a strong feeling that tears were about to burst out.

Zhou Sheng took a deep breath, tried his best to calm down, and said, "But I don't like her, what should I do?"

Yu Hao was a little bit confused for a moment, forced a smile and said, "I don't like it, but take her out? I know you're afraid that I care, it really doesn't matter..."

Suddenly, Yu Hao's voice stopped, and the whole world was extremely quiet.

Zhou Sheng took out a silver, heart-shaped metal music box from his bag, like a beautiful gem, with a pair of angel wings patterned on the surface of the box.

Yu Hao didn't speak, and watched Zhou Sheng wind up the music box. Zhou Sheng turned it over, with the head-up subtitles of Zhou Sheng's "Z" and Yu Hao's "Y" hot on his back. Zhou Sheng raised his eyes nervously while winding the clock, staring into Yu Hao's eyes, so nervous that his fingers were all over the place. Trembling, the ding ding sounded, it was the song "Little Lucky" that Yu Hao once sang.

It turns out that you are the luck I want to keep most, it turns out that we and love used to be so close...

"Here it is." Zhou Sheng handed the music box to Yu Hao and said, "I made it myself, I made it for three months, just for... today... give it... give it... to you, will you accept it? ? You will, won't you?"

Yu Hao took the music box subconsciously, and looked at Zhou Sheng in a bit of a bewilderment.

Zhou Sheng said, "I want to say... Yu Hao, I... I..."

Yu Hao's breathing became quicker. In the sky, the strong wind swept the dark clouds, the thick clouds receded, the Ferris wheel rose into the sky, and the sun shone down unexpectedly.

"I... I think I'm in love with you." Zhou Sheng looked into Yu Hao's eyes and said, "Yu Hao, do you still like me? I've been preparing for a long time, but... I don't know how to say it, I said that day, I want to What I discussed with you... is... do we want it, should we try it together... If you don't dislike me, I want to be with you, I think I... I will never... again... Except for you, I don't... Who will fall in love again."

The Ferris wheel box was very quiet, only the sound of the music box, Yu Hao's tears almost came out of his eyes.

"I was bent by you." Zhou Sheng finally blushed, laughed, and said, "Damn, do you love me or not, give me an answer! Cry hair? Speak!"

Yu Hao held the music box with one hand in front of his nose, choked up, nodded, Zhou Sheng reached out to hold it, one hand covered Yu Hao's hand, the other pressed against the back of his neck, and the two pressed their foreheads against each other. together.

In the silence, Zhou Sheng's slightly hoarse voice said softly:

"Yu Hao, I love you."

Ying City was gradually bathed in sunlight, from far to near, the sun shone all over the earth in an instant, the clouds and mists of Yunding Mountain in the distance dissipated, and the sunlight slantingly shone on them in the Ferris wheel box, as if it had brought Yu Hao into a dream.

Yu Hao choked and said, "I've always liked you. I... can't do it, it's too sudden, Zhou Sheng."

"I know I haven't done a lot of things well, but I can't do anything about it, my parents, my family, just, they always do this, I want to overcome these, I want to take good care of you, I am willing to work hard, I want to put my totem Take it back first, turn it into this music box, and then give it to you personally, but it's too difficult, really too difficult, I haven't succeeded yet. I'm afraid to wait, you've already... you've already... Or, we'll be together first Okay? I think, at least I know what I'm fighting for."

Yu Hao could no longer hear what Zhou Sheng said, his consciousness was completely blank, and all he could see was Zhou Sheng's handsome face.

Zhou Sheng raised his eyes and looked at Yu Hao quietly, then leaned forward and kissed Yu Hao's profile.