Seizing Dreams

Chapter 86: Satan


Fu Liqun added: "You can leave after graduation, but what about me? She can't let go of your sister-in-law's relationship with her father. You have plan B, but I don't. I need the entire 200 to 300 million yuan for his father to recognize me. My son-in-law, but where do I go? My dad said today, I should go to my sister-in-law's house and visit in advance? I want to cry when I hear it, isn't this a humiliating way to send it to the door?"

When Yu Hao came back, Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun stopped talking, Zhou Sheng said, "Are you finished talking?"

Yu Hao: "Um... You guys drink so much? Are you okay?"

Zhou Sheng was drinking whiskey, Fu Liqun was drinking gin, Yu Hao saw that their glasses were almost empty, and observing Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun's expressions, Fu Liqun said, "Just one glass, it's alright, let's go and play basketball!"

Yu Hao wondered what was going on with playing basketball after drinking so much alcohol, but Fu Liqun actually took a basketball and played three-person basketball with Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao on the sports field. As the Mid-Autumn Festival approached, the moon was big, round and very bright.

"I don't want to go." Yu Hao dribbled the ball, "As you guessed, her real purpose is to find Teacher Chen to help her write this column. I'm just a middleman running errands."

Fu Liqun understood as soon as he heard it, and said, "Find Kai Kai as a consultant. He is a school lecturer. He is afraid of taking responsibility and it is inconvenient to come forward, right?"

Yu Hao said "En", Zhou Sheng said blankly, "Go, is there any problem?"

"What if he... thinks too much?" Yu Hao said.

Zhou Sheng: "What?"

Fu Liqun: "Then what?"

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao stood still, shot, and hit, Zhou Sheng said, "What do you think! Do you think he might like you? Oh, look at you crazy."

Fu Liqun burst into laughter, Yu Hao was extremely embarrassed for a moment, Zhou Sheng slapped the ball a few times and said, "I'm really not jealous, you can go if you want." He turned to the side quickly and passed Yu Hao, but Yu Hao responded very quickly. , a move stopped him.

"Then I'll try it first?" Yu Hao said, "If you can't, then quit. Don't take her reward first?"

"Well, let's go." Zhou Sheng replied.

Yu Hao made a three-step layup and thought to himself, "Why do I play basketball so well?"

"You let me again!" Yu Hao said.

Zhou Sheng smiled and said, "Where did you get it?" After he made a three-pointer and made a basket, Fu Liqun shouted "woohoo".

[Is your brother okay?]

When returning to the dormitory, Yu Hao was lying on the bed, first texting Xiao Yujun, Xiao Yujun hadn't slept yet, Yu Hao sent Zhou Sheng a message, he could feel that Fu Liqun couldn't get in touch with Cen Shan recently, something was wrong with him.

[It's okay, said in the dream.] Zhou Sheng returned the news.

Yu Hao: "!!!"

Zhou Sheng crossed the bedside fence with his hand wearing the Golden Crow Wheel and said, "Good night." Immediately, he pressed it on Yu Hao's forehead.

In an instant, the sky brightened, and Yu Hao appeared in his dream.

"Zhou Sheng?" Yu Hao never expected that Zhou Sheng would let him fall into a dream tonight without warning.

Since leaving Chichen Itza, he has hardly examined his dreams again. His dream world has undergone earth-shaking changes. The capital is still the same capital, and the Great Wall in the distance is still the Great Wall. However, as far as the eye can see, there are ginkgo trees everywhere, with golden leaves flying.

On the edge of the city, there is a Ferris wheel standing in the sky. The tiles and streets of the whole city are shining with a layer of faint golden color. Heart-shaped kites are raised all over the capital, flying under the blue sky, like a picture of sunshine under the sun. Colorful like oil painting.

Totem has changed! It rose from the inside of the palace and hovered at the top of the palace. Yu Hao recognized it for a long time, but he couldn't understand what shape it had become. It changed from a silver-white shield to a circular ring, a bit like a jade pendant. , emitting a faint soft glow.

"What is this?" Yu Hao asked the NPC standing beside him.

"This is your totem, master," replied a warrior.

"I'm not stupid." Yu Hao couldn't help laughing, "Of course I know."

However, the NPC in the dream is unlikely to answer in too much detail. After all, this is all an existence transformed from his own consciousness. Unless he already has a general answer in his heart, he cannot get an exact answer from the NPC.

Yu Hao looked at the totem for a while, thinking what would Zhou Sheng want to do today? He walked out of the palace and came to the platform where Zhou Sheng used to drink tea and chat. There was a luxuriously decorated bar. The bar was filled with wines that were almost identical to Liang Jinmin's house, and the wine cabinets were full of dazzling array. With shock in his eyes, Yu Hao entered the bar and touched the crystal wine glass that shone like a diamond.

From the platform, you can see the mountains in the distance and the magnificent Ferris wheel. It's like living in a fantastic movie.

In the sky, a figure soared past, and Zhou Sheng in armor flew over with a black dragon.

Zhou Sheng landed on the platform, the black dragon flew away, the metal armor on his body rattled, Yu Hao stood behind the bar, Zhou Sheng took off his helmet, placed it on the bar, and snapped his fingers with his metal gloved hand.

"Beauty, have a glass of vodka." Zhou Sheng said lazily, "Drink well and go to the battlefield."

Yu Hao laughed, turned around, raised his finger, the vodka on the wine cabinet automatically flew out, and the bottle was filled with wine, and icy mist appeared. Yu Hao took a crystal glass and poured him the wine, and Zhou Sheng drank it. Small half a cup, the facial features are a little distorted.

"Liquor." Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Hao with a smile in his eyes.

"How's the battle going?" Yu Hao grabbed a towel in his hand and started wiping it. Zhou Sheng laughed.

"In a stalemate." Zhou Sheng's handsome smile looked very intoxicating, "But for my lover, I fought hard."

"Everything has to pay attention to strategy." Yu Hao said, "You can't rely solely on force."

"You're right." Zhou Sheng nodded, looked at Yu Hao's dream world, and pondered, "The repeated defeats in battles stem from the general's fear."

"Why don't you ask your lover to help?" Yu Hao brought another cup.

"What do you want to tune?" Zhou Sheng said, "I'll teach you."

"Can you know about Long Island Iced Tea?" Yu Hao said, "I've always wanted to try it."

Zhou Sheng snapped his fingers a few times, four kinds of wine flew out from the wine cabinet, Yu Hao took out the ice bucket, Zhou Sheng tapped the wine bottles with his fingers one after another, making a pleasant sound of metal colliding with glass, Yu Hao added them in order.

"He can't participate in the fight." Zhou Sheng said.

"Why?" Yu Hao said, "Because General, do you have... stubborn thoughts of protecting him?"

Yu Hao raised his head from the cocktail and glanced at Zhou Sheng.

"No." Zhou Sheng watched Yu Hao's entire bartending process, "Frankly speaking, it has nothing to do with this, fighting side by side with him makes me no longer lonely. But... in my impression, he Against powerful monsters, he has no fighting power, he can only support me."

Yu Hao: "Just like facing Lin Xun, in Kaikai's perception, Lin Xun doesn't take me seriously at all, so he also believes that I can't defeat Lin Xun in my dreams."

"Not bad." Zhou Sheng said, "So my wife's power can only directly affect me, not the ultimate boss, Satan."

"Understood, what's next?" Yu Hao asked.

"In theory, this is my battle alone," Zhou Sheng said. "But if he can sit in the stands, I will have the motivation and courage."

"I said cocktails..." Yu Hao said, he had already mixed all the wine and put it in the mixing jug.

Zhou Sheng laughed, took the mixing jug, held it on his palm, and then flipped it gently, and the mixing jug flew up. Zhou Sheng held it on his shoulders and arms like kicking a ball, and the mixing jug was covered with his armor. The collision, the metal sound, and the constant rolling are very beautiful.

Yu Hao: "Then what can I do for you?"

Zhou Sheng: "Watch me fight for us." He put the mixing pot on the bar, Yu Hao put a cup, and Zhou Sheng poured the Long Island iced tea into the cup.

What should I do? Yu Hao was lost in thought, but Zhou Sheng lifted his chin lightly, crossed the bar, and kissed him sideways. Yu Hao hugged Zhou Sheng's neck, and he could finally act recklessly in his dreams.

"Eating popsicles?" Zhou Sheng whispered.

Yu Hao stared at Zhou Sheng's lips, and then his eyes moved to his eyes.

"What does it feel like to eat popsicles in a dream?" Yu Hao said, "I haven't tried it yet."

A dragon roar came from afar, shaking the world. The black dragon soared into the air, circling at the top of the palace, towards the totem in the middle, staring at it.

The NPCs suddenly felt like they were facing a big enemy, and they flocked to the totem, each holding a weapon, and began to clamor to drive away the black dragon.

Zhou Sheng walked in over the bar and pressed Yu Hao to the ground behind the bar.

"Let them back down." Zhou Sheng said in Yu Hao's ear with a deep and magnetic voice.

Yu Hao patted Zhou Sheng's shoulder armor lightly, and the shoulder armor disappeared instantly. He slapped the chest guard and hand guard again. Wherever he touched, Zhou Sheng's armor disappeared one after another. , almost indistinguishable from reality.

The NPCs slowly put down their weapons and stepped back.

"The wish in reality has not yet come true." Yu Hao hugged Zhou Sheng and whispered in his ear, "Instead of acting in a dream, it's not good for you to say it yourself..."

"Just practice in advance, don't be nervous." Zhou Sheng put a hand on Yu Hao's shoulder and grasped it lightly. Yu Hao's clothes instantly turned into a robe, and with a "swoosh", Zhou Sheng pulled it clean and flew off the platform. fluttering in the wind.

"What are you looking at?" Yu Hao whispered.

"I really want to eat..." Zhou Sheng's eyes wandered, he retracted it, and looked at Yu Hao's eyes.

The black dragon stopped at the top of the palace, stretched out its claws, and tentatively touched the totem. The totem emitted a little flame and hit it back lightly, but did not punish it.

Yu Hao raised his eyes, Zhou Sheng couldn't help kissing him, the whole world seemed to have changed, the wind was blowing, ginkgo leaves were swept away, the black dragon on the mount grabbed the totem, crouched over his palace, and issued a declaration of sovereignty like a dragon roar.

The black dragon slammed a claw and hugged the totem! At the same time, Yu Hao looked down at Zhou Sheng. The light of the totem continued to increase, and then it became extremely hot, as if it had become another sun. The dazzling white light of the totem complemented the golden black wheel hanging in the sky in the distance, and instantly poured into Yu Hao. Hao's mind.

That burst of strong light lasted for a long time, and when it ended, it receded like a tide, and Yu Hao suddenly remembered something.

"General?" Yu Hao asked.

"One more time." Zhou Sheng said, "I won't fight monsters today until dawn."

Yu Hao's wings were dragged beside the bar, his skin was fair, his legs were long and his waist was thin, and his thin muscles were extremely sexy.

Yu Hao raised his hand, trying his best to capture that vague thought. He put his hand on Zhou Sheng's face, Zhou Sheng leaned over to kiss him, but Yu Hao's eyes were filled with puzzlement.

"Totem." Yu Hao said to Zhou Sheng.

"What?" Zhou Sheng sat down cross-legged, held Yu Hao's hand with one hand, rubbed his fingers together, intertwined, and looked up at the high totem. At this time, the black dragon flew away contentedly, but still stared at Yu Hao's totem, reluctant to part with it. fly away.

"My totem has become your weapon." Yu Hao said.

"It's also a shield." Zhou Sheng said, "What happened?"

Yu Hao said, "So, it's okay to bring my power into the arena! It's just that I can't participate in the battle, right?"

Zhou Sheng said, "Yes..."

"Then my NPC..."

Zhou Sheng: "!!!"

Zhou Sheng suddenly became quiet.

"Have a drink?" Yu Hao said, and then he snapped his fingers like Zhou Sheng, and his clothes appeared. Zhou Sheng also snapped his fingers, and the armor on his body appeared, reassembled, and covered his body.

"Come back and drink after you win, let's go!" Zhou Sheng took Yu Hao's hand and whistled, and the black dragon was still staring at Yu Hao's totem reluctantly.

"Fuck me down!" Zhou Sheng roared, "It's business!"

Heilong had to turn around and fly back to the platform, carrying Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng across the Golden Crow Wheel.

The golden black wheel platform on Zhou Shengyun's sea was filled with brilliance and splendor. The rolling clouds turned pale blue. There were countless flowing clouds swept around the golden black wheel. What shocked Yu Hao even more was that a long line broke open in the distance from the platform. Cloud cracks up to several kilometers!

The sun shines through the gaps in the clouds, filling the world where the arena is located.

Although the heavy cloud layer has not completely dissipated, there is already a magnificent sunlight for several kilometers, coming straight along the angry sea and passing through the arena. The sea was rippling with golden light from the sky, and the arena was bright.

Nearly two thousand NPC warriors from Yu Hao's spiritual world were lined up neatly on the platform of the Golden Crow Wheel.

Zhou Sheng dressed in armor, clicked on the parade horse, turned to Yu Hao, Yu Hao flapped his wings, suspended in the air, and stared at the arena world on the ground.

"How many enemies are there?" Yu Hao asked.

Zhou Sheng replied: "Thirteen, one has been defeated, and twelve are left."

Yu Hao asked curiously, "What's the first one?"

Zhou Sheng laughed it off, jumped up, and hugged Yu Hao.

"Go down!" Zhou Sheng said.

The two turned into meteors and flew towards the arena. Yu Hao shouted, as soon as he broke through the sea of clouds area, his body changed again, becoming the white fox with wings last time, Zhou Sheng hugged him tightly with one hand, and whistled with the other hand, the black dragon flew over and caught the two of them. .

The black dragon descended to the arena, and the audience thundered and cheered!

Satan: "You're back again."

The little fox looked at the eleven black flames behind Satan in Zhou Sheng's arms, speculating what it meant. There are too many monsters!

Zhou Sheng said: "Challenge Medusa again."

Satan said slowly in the shocking cheers: "The healing is over? You are in good spirits."

Zhou Sheng smiled.

Satan said again: "But I have to remind you that you cannot invite companions in the battles of your life unless you are determined to break the rules here."

The fox stared at Satan, but Zhou Sheng said, "He doesn't participate in the war, just as a strength to support my courage, invite him to the auditorium."

Satan stretched out his hand, and the fox said to Zhou Sheng, "You can do it."

Zhou Sheng gently touched the little fox and said, "With you here, of course I can."

The fox jumped from Zhou Sheng's shoulder to Satan's hand. In an instant, the light was radiant, feathers flew, and Yu Hao appeared in the form of an angel in the strong light.

"Welcome to our distinguished guests today." Satan hovered in the air, holding Yu Hao's hand, and flew towards the VIP auditorium facing the arena.

Yu Hao looked back and saw that Zhou Sheng was still standing in the arena, looking up at the ceiling, the clouds were surging, and the sun was shining down on the arena.

As long as there is a ray of sunshine, there is hope.

"Please take a seat." Satan said politely, and asked Yu Hao to sit down on a soft cushion facing the arena, "I think the master of the dreamland still needs to prepare, so please wait a moment.

Zhou Sheng was in the arena, whispering to his black dragon.

Yu Hao said, "It's strange to talk to your own dick."

Satan laughed and said, "There is an obvious error in your cognition. Bahamut represents blood and animal nature, not the embodiment of genitals."

"Oh is that so..." Yu Hao turned to Satan and said with a smile, "What about you?"

Talking about the black dragon was just the beginning, and Yu Hao's true purpose was only revealed now.

"What do you think?" Satan's mouth twitched slightly, his brows raised, and there was a strong evil spirit in that smile. Yu Hao instantly felt like he knew it, this smile was too familiar!

"You are also Zhou Sheng?" Yu Hao said, "You are his dark self."

Satan changed his form, his two horns gradually faded away, revealing the form of Zhou Sheng wearing black armor, his eyebrows were full of anger and ridicule, he sat beside Yu Hao, faced him, and said in a low voice, "Yes, I am with you. He loves you the same, I love you madly, I want to imprison you, control you, make you cry because of your love for me, want to hurt you, chew it carefully, your feelings for me."

"Any negative awareness about love?" Yu Hao said, "Fortunately, you restrained yourself."

"It was he who restrained me." Dark Zhou Sheng said mockingly, "Otherwise you will be tortured badly by me, little fox, stay with me, and make sure you can experience a different feeling."

"Have you been SM every day?" Yu Hao retorted.

Dark Zhou Sheng began to stroke Yu Hao's wings, but a halo suddenly appeared on Yu Hao's body, and a clear "hum" bounced off him.

Dark Zhou Sheng smiled: "You should be obedient, so as not to anger me, don't look at me being so patient, this is because we are in a period of love now, and it will be difficult to say after that."

"I like a little bit of fun too." Yu Hao said, "But in order to compete for the control of love, if there are endless quarrels, then it's free."

Yu Hao remembered the first time with Zhou Sheng's help, the blackened form in the battle palace.

"Who in the world is not like this?" Dark Zhou Sheng said.

"Mr. Liang also had this idea." Yu Hao said, "But I believe that relationships should be managed well."

Dark Zhou Sheng laughed it off.

"I remember that in other people's dream worlds, there is no rule that you can't hit you directly." Yu Hao said, "We have always been on a rampage."

"That's right." Dark Zhou Sheng's voice was magnetic, "but this is only limited to when you ignore the rules. Now if you want to follow the steps and defeat his ego, you have to follow my rules. When you challenge me, I don't Mind you going on together again. Of course, you can all choose not to obey the rules, and I will also take back all the apostles together, I believe this is not what you want to see."

Yu Hao said, "What if the challenge fails?"

Dark Zhou Sheng picked Yu Hao's chin and whispered, "When the time comes, it will be my turn to control you. What do you think of me?"

Yu Hao stared into the dark Zhou Sheng's eyes, his pupils were deep, he felt Zhou Sheng's strong and evil love.

"To be honest, I don't approve of him treating you like he is doing now." Dark Zhou Sheng said, "He spoiled you. People always do this. Once you get used to the other person's contribution, you will always be greedy and take it for granted. Duo, if he can't give you one day, you'll think he doesn't love you anymore. After the passion subsides and you get into endless quarrels, you'll want to leave him..."

Yu Hao folded Dark Zhou Sheng's wrist, pressed it on the table, pulled out the dagger, and nailed it to the table with a bang, right between his fingers.

"Be disciplined." Yu Hao said, "Don't do anything in public, I won't."

Dark Zhou Sheng smiled and said slowly: "The devil and the archangel seem to be destined to be enemies."

Yu Hao looked at the case and said, "What is this?"

A mass of light appeared on the table—Dark Zhou Sheng stretched out his middle finger and touched it, and the mass of light flowed between his fingers.

"You already have the answer in your heart." Dark Zhou Sheng said.

Totem, this is Zhou Sheng's totem, Yu Hao couldn't help but turn his eyes from the totem to the field.

Zhou Sheng touched the black dragon's head, separated from it, and said loudly, "Let's start!"

Yu Hao became nervous, and suddenly, a sound came from far to near, Zhou Sheng turned his head to look around, then looked up at the sky, the entire world of consciousness began to distort and blur.

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao realized something, but a white light burst out from where Zhou Sheng was, and the ancient Roman Colosseum quickly disintegrated, a loud noise swept across Yu Hao, and the dream world collapsed.

Yu Hao woke up in his dream and heard the alarm clock ringing on the opposite bed of Fu Liqun.

"You make a stupid alarm clock on vacation!" Zhou Sheng exploded and sat up abruptly, Yu Hao burst into laughter and flipped to and fro on the bed.

Instead, Fu Liqun woke up last, sleepy-eyed, got up and turned off the alarm clock, saying, "I'm sorry, I forgot." Then he climbed down the ladder to go to the toilet.

Zhou Sheng was about to explode with anger, and Yu Hao looked helpless. Fu Liqun climbed into the bed again. It was already bright and the sun was shining through the blackout curtains.

As soon as Yu Hao moved, he noticed it immediately, and hurriedly opened the quilt, while Zhou Sheng threw him a pair of underwear from under the bed for him to change. Sure enough, that time in the dream world led to a conditioned reflex in reality.

Zhou Sheng went to take a shower, and then lay on the bed, Yu Hao also hurried to take a shower, and both of them lost sleep after washing.

Zhou Sheng waved to Yu Hao, Yu Hao leaned over on the bed, but Zhou Sheng went out to sleep a little, pointed to his side, and motioned for Yu Hao to come over. Yu Hao looked at Fu Liqun. Fu Liqun turned over and faced the wall.

Yu Hao walked over lightly. The single bed in the university dormitory was very small. The two of them could only hug each other when they squeezed together. It was uncomfortable for Yu Hao to put one hand on. Then he turned around and let Zhou Sheng hug him from behind. Own.

The weather started to get cooler. Even after taking a shower, Zhou Sheng still had a strong hormonal aura on his body. He was holding Yu Hao from behind. Yu Hao thought to himself that this guy is really a beast... Yesterday in the daytime, he had ejaculated once in a dream, and now he is actually lustful. Still so strong.

"I can't sleep after taking a shower." Zhou Sheng whispered.

"Go to sleep at night." Yu Hao said in a very low voice.

"I'm sorry, darlings." Fu Liqun said reluctantly.

Zhou Sheng hurriedly said nothing, Yu Hao typed a line on the phone to show Zhou Sheng: [Is Satan the dark you?]

Zhou Sheng put one arm on Yu Hao's pillow, freeing up the other hand: [I don't know, it should be, otherwise who else?]

Yu Hao always felt very strange, that is to say, Zhou Sheng, who was holding him now, was both a general and a Satan. It seems understandable when you think about it, although most of the time, the general's integrity prevails, but Zhou Sheng is sometimes a little bit unspeakably bad.