Seizing Dreams

Chapter 9: totem


The general stepped forward, dragged his broad sword, and bowed slightly.

Liu Pengxuan said gloomily, "Come on, I've been waiting for this day for too long!"

When Yu Hao heard this, he instantly remembered the past. For the past three years, what he had been looking forward to was that Liu Pengxuan would find him and beat him severely. This past was over. But Liu Pengxuan didn't, so in his conscious world, he was always there and never left.

"I'm not wrong!" Yu Hao suddenly shouted, "You betrayed me first!"

The next moment, the general turned into a silver light, rushed forward, and fought with Liu Pengxuan. Immediately, Liu Pengxuan shouted, and the long stick in his hand burst into light. In the entire hall, all the golden sculptures moved!

The eight gold-cast sculptures all looked like Yu Hao's junior high school classmates. They charged towards the two people in the middle of the corridor. The general swung a big sword, and Liu Pengxuan danced a long stick. In an instant, the two exchanged a few tricks. Dazzled, took apart the scepter, turned it into two long knives, and joined the battle.

The general leaned on his iron armor to carry it hard, and attacked with Liu Pengxuan, while Jin Su turned his head at the same time and charged towards Yu Hao!

Yu Hao shouted anxiously, "General!"

"Trust me!" the general shouted angrily. "Whoever he is! Trust me to beat him!"

"I..." Yu Hao calmed down and was about to step forward to support the general, but the speed of the two was too fast, they kept switching positions, and they were like a gust of wind among the countless golden statues, interspersed back and forth. Yu Hao had to spell out the scepter again, unleashing thunder and lightning, and the electric current pierced through the golden sculpture.

"I'm going to use this weapon to beat you bastards to death!" Yu Hao roared.

In an instant, in his mind, the scene of bringing out the clothes drying fork from the house and beating the group of attendants of Hua Lun to the ground to find their teeth. In an instant, the scepter burst into thunder and exploded with a bang, and the eight golden sculptures suddenly fell to the four directions, exploded, turned into tens of millions of gold coins, and scattered all over the ground.

At this moment, the general was fighting fiercely with Liu Pengxuan, hitting the roof beam from behind the huge red lacquer pillar, and the two fell down together.

The general shouted, "Yu Hao, help me!"

Yu Hao rushed forward, but Liu Pengxuan took a stride and shot at the general. The general crossed the broad sword and blocked it. With a loud bang, he was knocked straight out by the impact, his back hit the giant pillar, and he suddenly The red lacquered wooden pillar was broken in the middle!

"Not so helpful... Give me strength! You are the master of this world!" said the general.

"How can I give you strength?!" No matter how hard Yu Hao chased him, he couldn't catch up. Liu Pengxuan seemed to be chasing the general with all his might, preventing him from having a chance to escape.

The general roared, "Trust me!"

"I'm trusting you!" Yu Hao shouted, "Come on!"

"You don't believe me!" The general turned over and jumped up, fighting with Liu Pengxuan, and he was knocked off by him, and he fell to the ground.

"You don't have any remaining feelings at all, this is to help him!"

"I didn't!" Seeing the general being beaten constantly, Yu Hao flew forward, but the two suddenly separated. Yu Hao released lightning, and when the lightning burst, he couldn't get close to Liu Pengxuan's body at all.

The general groaned and got up and said, "I'm going to be beaten to death... you can do it..."

Yu Hao: "I don't love him!"

"Empathy!" the general shouted angrily, "Do you understand what empathy means? I like other people! This guy is invincible now!"

Yu Hao stood in front of the general, Liu Pengxuan spun his long knife, changed from a horizontal slash to a straight stab, roared wildly, turned into a shadow and rushed over, but the general switched places with Yu Hao in the flash of lightning and blocked his body. In front of him, he let go of his broad sword, turned his left wrist, and his right hand crossed, locking Liu Pengxuan's blade in one stroke!

Liu Pengxuan collided with his body, and the general and Yu Hao were knocked down like kites with broken strings, and were slammed to the ground. However, as soon as he fell to the ground, the general struggled to sit up, his first reaction was to raise his hand and embrace Yu Hao in his arms, protecting him with his body.

Yu Hao: "..."

Liu Pengxuan picked up the general's broadsword, and his right hand sword and left hand sword were intertwined. Black energy erupted from his body, and he said slowly, "Accept your retribution."

Yu Hao breathed slowly, but the general stretched out his hand, pulled Yu Hao's chin, and looked at him through the face-covered helmet.

"Do you feel moved that I protect you like this?"

Yu Hao said in a trembling voice, "Yes, I'm very moved."

General: "If you like this scum, you might as well like me, right?"

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao felt his heart beating wildly in an instant, and then, Liu Pengxuan roared wildly, and the swords came out, turned into a phantom, and shot at the general with a bang. The general hugged Yu Hao and held him in front of him.

The next moment, Liu Pengxuan approached, the sword gleamed, and the general said solemnly.

"now it's right."

With a loud noise, the general's armor shot out dazzling silver light, and he stepped on the ground, his back was hard, his left hand embraced Yu Hao, he stood up sideways, his right fist attacked, his beautiful lower uppercut pierced through the sword, and hit him ruthlessly. He hit Liu Pengxuan's chin, picked him up and flew up, and then turned around again, kicked in a series of kicks, and twisted Liu Pengxuan to the ground!


After the general's words fell, Yu Hao threw the broad sword that Liu Pengxuan had let go of, and the general raised his hand to take it. Liu Pengxuan struggled to get up, trying to escape.

"Die! Scum!"

The next moment, the general used all his strength to slash down the broad sword, Liu Pengxuan screamed and was cut into two pieces by the general!

Yu Hao subconsciously turned his head to the side, unable to bear to look anymore, Liu Pengxuan shot with blood, but the moment he shot, the flesh and blood all over his body turned into black gas, steamed up, and completely disappeared in this corridor.

The corridor fell into silence. At this moment, Yu Hao felt that everything was coming to an end with the general's sword. Liu Pengxuan may still be alive somewhere in the world, but he has nothing to do with him since. He doesn't love him anymore, he doesn't hate him anymore, he has no regrets or misses about it.

The general stood up slowly, turned his back on Yu Hao, and said, "You have to find a lover who will teach this guy a lesson in reality for you."

Yu Hao didn't speak, all thoughts were mixed in his heart for a while.

The general turned around, came to Yu Hao, stretched out his hand covered with an iron glove, touched Yu Hao's head, and said, "I'm sorry, I just..."

"I know." Yu Hao interrupted him and smiled a little sadly, "Just now you just had to."

"In reality, you will meet the right one," the general explained, "but not me. I'll tell you why later."

"You also promised me that you would take off your helmet and show it to me." Yu Hao said.

"I remember," said the general, coming to the door at the end of the corridor.

The general asked again, "Why do you want to live a good life?"

Yu Hao: "Huh?"

The general said, "I ask you seriously."

Yu Hao: "Is this important?"

General: "It's very important. Before you think about it, let's not push the door and go in."

Yu Hao stood behind the general, stared at his back, and said, "I've made up my mind."

"You must think clearly about the answer," said the general, "and firmly believe in it, unshakable, because this will be the key to regaining the totem."

"Okay." Yu Hao replied, "I've thought about it."

The general was a little surprised that Yu Hao didn't say it. After a while, he said, "Just think about it." He approached the gate.

Yu Hao followed, and his heart surged for a while, he took the general's hand, the general's iron hand shook a little, then let go, and then he didn't say anything, he pressed his shoulder against the door and slowly pushed it open.

Yu Hao came to the other side and pushed open the door with the general. He looked sideways at the general, and the general's visor was also facing his direction.

"If I really like you, will your power become stronger?" Yu Hao suddenly said, "As long as you don't reject me, I believe in your power, and you won't lose it."

"It's up to you." The general stopped and said, "It's not up to me."

"But I finally let go of Liu Pengxuan." Yu Hao said with a smile, "I can't forget you, it's useless."

"Only people you have loved in reality will leave a projection in your conscious world." The general said seriously, "I'm just a visitor in your dream. When I leave, I'm really gone, and I won't take any account of it. to your heart."

Yu Hao thought to himself, I would rather you be here forever and have a place.

"Come on," the general encouraged him.

Yu Hao's heart moved for no reason, and he thought to himself, could it be him

Yu Hao: "Dad?"

The general said, "Hey, dear. Scream again?"

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao said angrily, "You took advantage of me!"

The general seemed to be laughing. He was so laughing that he almost lost the strength to open the door. He bowed down and pressed his knees. Yu Hao kicked him, and the general said, "You want to call me dad yourself."

Yu Hao said to himself, "I'm just giving it a try."

The general was silent for a moment, and then said, "Push the door! The king is back!"

Yu Hao was a little sad at first, but his blood boiled immediately after these words. He pushed the door open with the general, and suddenly light burst out. With a loud noise, the walls in all directions collapsed, shattered, and drifted in all directions. Dark clouds rolled, and an open-air altar appeared.

In the center of the altar, a king chair appeared. In the sky, the black dragon roared and descended slowly.

The platform is over a thousand square meters, and is engraved with strange patterns. The wooden structure of the palace disintegrates and cracks rapidly. They seem to be on the zenith. As long as they stretch out their hands, they can feel the rolling dark clouds above their heads.

"You're finally here." said a childish voice.

In the center of the throne, a child in black sat, and then the golden light from the sky was taken away, turning into a huge, twisted symbol that sprayed black flames in the sky, suspended in the air.

"That's your totem." The general raised his head and looked at the sky.

Yu Hao: "This is..."

"Well," the general replied, "he is your other side, or rather, your dark personality."

Yu Hao took a step forward, and the black dragon suddenly descended, guarding the blackened Yu Hao. Yu Hao's young body continued to grow, turning into an adult himself.

For the first time, Yu Hao looked at himself seriously. Although he was another self, he had a strong sense of unreality. The blackened Yu Hao was frail, his face was snow-white, with a morbid temperament, his hair was slightly longer, his feet were bare, his eyes were lowered, and he didn't know where to look.

"What are you thinking?" Yu Hao said softly in the dark, "You gave up here voluntarily, why do you still want to come back?"

Yu Hao said, "I'm thinking, Teacher Chen is right, I do look pretty good, but I'm too poor. I always wear old clothes, so I need to change into a better one."

"No one will like you." Dark Yuhao said, "Your character is already annoying."

Yu Hao smiled and said, "Change your clothes and pack them properly. It's not for people to see, but to make yourself feel better."

Dark Yu Hao said: "No matter how good clothes you wear, if you say a few words, you will still be beaten back to your original shape. You are inferior and sensitive, you are a child brought up by an old man, and you are stubborn. You always feel like someone else's unintentional remarks. I'm laughing at you, laughing at your poverty, laughing at your soil."

"Yes." Yu Hao said again, "Because of low self-esteem, I don't want to owe favors. I always feel that I won't have friends. People are poor and short-minded, and they feel that the whole world has abandoned me and betrayed me..."

When he said this, Yu Hao in the dark finally raised his eyes and looked at him.

Yu Hao added, "I'm cowardly, I'm not motivated, I'm self-righteous, I don't know what I'm saying, and I'm a piece of shit. An angry youth knows how to use the keyboard to care about reality, I'm not even an angry youth. Whatever you do, it doesn't matter to me."

Dark Yu Hao said, "Yeah, what the hell is the point of living? Why don't you die? Go into your subconscious, that's where you should go."

Yu Hao took another step forward, and the black dragon let out a roar, preventing him from approaching.

"Answer cautiously." The general said suddenly.

Yu Hao stared at his dark personality.

"No reason." Yu Hao said, "Next, I want to find the answer slowly. I don't know why I am alive, but I believe that there will be an answer to this question."

"So, I will use the next days to live well and find this answer!"

After hearing this answer, the dark personality instantly roared.

"Wishful—I'm going to exile you—"

In an instant, the black dragon rushed towards Yu Hao, opened his huge mouth, and let out a roar.

"Now!" The general passed in front of Yu Hao, rushed towards Heilong, and shouted, "Stretch out your hand!"

Yu Hao and Dark Yu Hao stretched out their hands at the same time, and the totem floating in the high place suddenly spread out golden light, Yu Hao's left hand was facing the sky, his right was holding a staff, and he shouted angrily.

"You are the one who was banished!"

The thunder in Yu Hao's hand bloomed, and the lightning struck the black dragon. The black dragon opened its mouth, but it couldn't cause a tsunami, and only sprayed a small amount of water, and was immediately thrown onto the high platform by the electricity. The general suddenly turned over and got on the back of the black dragon. The black dragon continued to struggle, and the general shouted: "Die!"

The general stabbed his sword into the head of the black dragon fiercely. The black dragon struggled and flew into the air, but with a whimper, it tossed and fell to the outside of the platform!

"General!" Yu Hao shouted.

"Leave me alone!" The general's voice came from the end of the platform, and he grabbed the edge of the platform at a critical moment.

Dark Yu Hao said in shock, "You... you..."

"I'm not afraid of you anymore!" Yu Hao said loudly.

The next moment, Yu Hao in the dark pushed forward with both hands, gathering a force of energy, collided with Yu Hao, Yu Hao shouted fiercely, and pointed his staff at the throne, the two forces of energy collided, rolled up a hurricane, and the hurricane swept the entire altar. The general climbed up with difficulty several times, but could not resist the gust of wind and was blown away.

The power of darkness formed a frenzied vortex, wrapping Yu Hao and Dark Yu Hao in the center. Dark Yu Hao stretched out his hand without giving up and summoned the luminous totem on the ceiling. The totem began to reveal its concrete form and descended toward the center. Yu Hao roared: "Remember this weapon?!"

In the darkness, Yu Hao suddenly widened his eyes, and in that hurricane, the staff in Yu Hao's hand revealed its original shape, showing the shape of a clothes drying fork!

"This, this is... Grandma's..." Dark Yuhao's voice trembled.

"Hit his legs!" the general roared coldly, "legs are weak points!"

Yu Hao rushed forward and rolled on the spot. In the darkness, Yu Hao was suddenly terrified, and he ducked backwards unconsciously, avoiding the true, profound meaning, the clothesline that he feared most when he was a child, and kicked his legs!

Yu Hao rolled over and jumped up, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he grabbed the falling totem with a volley!

The moment the totem was in his hand, the dark Yu Hao let out a mad cry, and the golden light came frantically along the skyline.

- The totems appear!

The golden light shot out, and the hurricane stopped. Time seemed to stand still. Yu Hao held a silver triangular metal shield in his hand.

"This is..." Yu Hao suddenly understood something.

Dark Yuhao cried out in pain, and released black meteor-like fireballs from his hands, hitting the shield, but the metal shield emitted a strong light, completely smashing the dark flames, and then rolled back, wrapping around Dark Yuhao's whole body!

"I want… "

"… exile you!"

Yu Hao shouted angrily.

The shield sent out a shock wave, which spread silently in the air, and Yu Hao Ru was hit hard in the darkness. In that loud noise, it turned into a black meteor, swept across the sky, flew to the distant horizon, and crashed into the subconscious world outside the Great Wall.

The black fire rolled in the air, dissipated, and flew in all directions.

"You can never destroy me..." Dark Yuhao's voice faded away, turning into an echo.

"Yeah." Yu Hao replied, "But you can stop for a while, and I'll keep an eye out for your return at any time."

The shield turned into gold powder and dissipated, rose to the sky, formed a totem again, and slowly rotated.

"Give me a hand." The general's voice came from the end of the high platform.

Yu Hao immediately dropped his weapon, ran quickly, and pulled the general up from the edge of the high platform. Before the two reached the throne, they sat down wearily and gasped.

"I won." Yu Hao murmured, "I'm back."

"From the time you said 'I want to live'," the general said in a deep voice, "This result is inevitable."

The general sat for a while, then got up and walked slowly to the edge of the stage. Yu Hao was still in a trance, so he quickly got up and followed.

"You promised me..."

"Shh." The general turned around, put his finger on his lips, and said, "Look."

Yu Hao: "What are you looking at?"

The general asked him to turn around and stand in front of him. Yu Hao wanted to turn his head, but the general forced him to face him out of the platform, and said, "We'll talk about it later, let's take a serious look first."

The dark clouds dissipated, and a golden light appeared on the horizon.

"The sun... the sun..." Yu Hao's voice trembled.

The morning glow surging, retreating to the end of the sky and the earth, the golden light of the skyline burst out, like thousands of thunderbolts shattering the night; like the rolling tide flooding the earth; like the deafening bells shaking the world...

The sky is blue and the sun is rising!

That was the most magnificent sunrise that Yu Hao had ever seen in his life. It was like the sun god overturned the furnace that tempered all things, and the red light poured out endlessly. Illuminated his dreams, his life, his soul.

The sun shone on the Great Wall, the beacons went out, the tide-like darkness receded one after another, and the army cheered in the sky. Outside the Great Wall, there was an endless, mirror-like sea, reflecting the white clouds in the sky and the splendid morning sun.

The sun shines on the grassland, the animals run, and the elephants chirp in unison.

The sun shines on the countless mountains and cities in this dream world, and the residents look up at the sky one after another, and the black air dissipates.

The sun shines on the capital city, and the bricks, tiles and broken wood that have been washed away by the flood rise up and return to their places. White masonry and glazed tiles flew from all directions and were embedded in the temple, and statues of elephants and gods rose in the garden. The safe haven door slowly closed.

The altar gradually sank, the broken columns and walls rose from the ground, and the magnificent palace was put together again like building blocks. The totem is suspended high in the hall, blooming with golden light.

Yu Hao and the general stood by the window and looked into the distance. When they came, the mountains were lush and green, and the tops were covered with clouds and mist.

The sunlight came in from the window and fell on the two of them. Yu Hao turned around, raised his head slightly, and looked at the general.

"I have to go," said the general. "My friend, this is what I promised you."

He reached out and took off his helmet.