Seizing Dreams

Chapter 97: Rainy night


Zhou Sheng: "!!!"

Yu Hao: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"Forgot." Ou Qihang said, "I didn't think of it when I saw you."

Zhou Sheng was suddenly dumbfounded: "What's going on? Make it clear!"

Yu Hao: "Go back to reality!"

"Calm down." Zhou Sheng immediately said, "The time in the dream is slower than in reality. You fell asleep in the car?"

Ou Qihang was very calm and said, "I asked for leave in the morning and didn't go to school. As soon as I went out after lunch, someone covered my nose and tried to put a cloth bag on my head. At first I gave in, but they carried me away. I didn't expect that I would suddenly fight back on the way. I tore off the cloth bag and struggled for a while, but the drug attacked and I couldn't move. They dragged me into a car..."

"Do you remember the license plate number?" Yu Hao asked nervously.

"Buick." Ou Qihang said, "I saw it, the license plate number is not very clear, it should be this."

"You were kidnapped and still so calm?" Yu Hao couldn't help laughing.

Ou Qihang smiled and said, "You made me calm down, didn't you?"

Ou Qihang is a black belt in Taekwondo. It is not easy to subdue him. He saw the license plate number.

"Where do you think the car will go?"

"I'm on the expressway." Ou Qihang said, "I stopped at the toll booth halfway, and I heard the voice of 'please take the card'... It's about 20 minutes away from my house."

"Wait for us." Zhou Sheng said.

Yu Hao immediately put one hand on Ou Qihang's forehead, and the entire dream world suddenly disappeared. The two returned to reality and opened their eyes at the same time.

At six o'clock in the evening, the blackout curtains were drawn in the bedroom. Fu Liqun was eating takeout carefully, wearing headphones to catch up with the new season of "The Walking Dead".


Behind them, Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao suddenly shouted and sat up in shock.

Fu Liqun was scared to urinate on the spot, the curry rice overturned, screamed and bounced, his whole body trembled, and he looked at the two roommates.

Zhou Sheng grabbed his phone and called Huang Ting. Yu Hao rolled over and got out of bed and almost fell. He got up and put on his socks, and said loudly, "Isn't anyone monitoring him from the police?"

"Check the license plate number!" Zhou Sheng shouted over the phone, "Ou Qihang has been kidnapped, WeChat has been sent to you!"

Fu Liqun was leaning against the corner, shivering. Seeing Yu Hao was wearing shorts and shoes, Zhou Sheng jumped out of bed: "No one answered Kaikai's phone!"

Fu Liqun: "..."

"When did you come back, brother?" Zhou Sheng asked.

In Fu Liqun's eyes, he thought that the two of them were suddenly caught by a ghost, and said, "Are you two okay?"

Yu Hao said, "Mr. Chen shouldn't be in class now!"

"Kidnapped?" Fu Liqun looked at Yu Hao tentatively, "What's going on?"

"You call him!" Zhou Sheng said, "he will definitely pick up yours!"

Yu Hao grabbed the phone and called Chen Yekai. Sure enough, he answered. Chen Yekai said, "What's wrong? We're in a meeting..."

"Wait, wait... Why are you looking for Teacher Chen? Zhou Sheng, why are you looking for him?"

"Let him drive out of the car and wait for us at the back door of the school!"

Zhou Sheng changed his shoes, opened the door, and rushed out with a gust of wind. Fu Liqun had already changed into a T-shirt and said, "Wait for me!"

"The key!" Yu Hao turned around and took the dormitory key, chasing after Zhou Sheng. Fu Liqun and Zhou Sheng ran very fast, Zhou Sheng said, "Brother, don't come here! It's too dangerous!"

Fu Liqun: "Of course I have to follow you!"

"No pennants!"

"Just kidding!" Fu Liqun roared, "You are my brothers, can I ignore them?"

"Kiss one!" Zhou Sheng laughed.

"Brother kiss one!" Yu Hao also laughed.

Chen Yekai's Mercedes-Benz was parked at the back gate, Zhou Sheng pulled out the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt, Chen Yekai said, "What?"

Yu Hao: "Everyone is staring at such an important case, no one will protect the sailing?"

Zhou Sheng: "Steal and steal! Is there any other possibility?"

Yu Hao suddenly figured out one thing—Ou Qihang was under close surveillance, so naturally someone was responsible for watching his every move, so he could be kidnapped, what does that mean? ! I'm afraid all this has long been premeditated!

Yu Hao and Fu Liqun got into the backseat, Zhou Sheng said, "Go this way, get on the expressway!" Then he located Chen Yekai's cell phone, and said, "Yu Hao, pay attention to Huang Ting's phone number." Then he started to call again.

Chen Yekai didn't ask, Zhou Sheng dialed the phone and said to the other side: "Old man, send a driver, bring three thugs, drive out and wait at Yingxin Expressway, don't ask why! Quick!"

"A thug, a thug..." This was the first time Yu Hao heard a serious discussion of "thug" in real life.

There was obviously something inexplicable over there, Zhou Sheng had to say, "That child was kidnapped!"

Yu Hao answered Huang Ting's call, and Huang Ting said, "Where are you? I went to the community to adjust the monitoring, and the monitoring has been deleted in advance. He didn't go to school and he didn't go home. I didn't notify the city bureau..."

Yu Hao said, "Who the hell did it?"

Zhou Sheng was on the phone again and replied, "The city bureau sent someone to monitor him, and if he was caught under his nose, there must be a ghost inside."

Fu Liqun: "Why don't you look at that kid?"

"The city bureau took over, what do I think? Saying two more words will make them suspicious." Huang Ting said, "I didn't expect to jump over the wall in such a hurry. I drove to the entrance of the expressway to meet you."

"You shouldn't have woken him up," Chen Yekai said. "As soon as I wake up, I don't know where he is."

Yu Hao: "His head is covered, he doesn't know where he is."

Zhou Sheng immediately stopped Chen Yekai with a wink. Chen Yekai remembered that Fu Liqun was still in the back seat, and immediately changed the subject: "Sit tight." Then he stepped on the accelerator and started to accelerate.

Chen Yekai took a shortcut to the high speed and drove the car very fast, but very stable. Fu Liqun said, "Kakai, are you good at driving?"

"Promise." Chen Yekai said, "Why was your friend kidnapped?"

"It's too long to talk about this." Yu Hao said.

The school is less than ten kilometers away from the Yingxin Expressway. It was dark and dark. Chen Yekai said, "Tell me?"

Yu Hao said it one by one, and it only ended when he went to sleep. Chen Yekai roughly understood what happened and sighed, but Fu Liqun said, "How did you know he was kidnapped?"

Zhou Sheng had thought about it for a long time, and replied, "Yu Hao made an appointment with him using a password on WeChat."

"Oh..." Fu Liqun said with lingering fears, "I said, it scared me to death."

Yu Hao added: "I just woke up at that time, and I was frightened when I glanced at WeChat." Huang Ting called again, this time he opened the door to facilitate communication.

Chen Yekai arrived at the entrance of the expressway and said, "Are you sure this is here?"

Huang Ting said, "I saw Nicky's car. I'm following behind you. Drive safe."

Zhou Sheng was also a little unsure. He took a deep breath and said, "Not sure, let's take a gamble. This is the most likely path. I'd rather choose the wrong one."

Chen Yekai said, "Theoretically, if I want to kidnap someone, I can't say I have to go around the city a few times." But he still got on the expressway, but Yu Hao said, "But they must cooperate closely and won't let anyone Seeing that this car hijacked Ou Qihang, going in circles is not a necessary option."

"It depends on their goals." Chen Yekai turned the steering wheel, got into high speed, and said, "If he doesn't go around in circles, his situation will be quite dangerous."

Zhou Sheng said, "Well, so I said I'd rather be wrong."

Yu Hao asked, "Why?"

Huang Ting replied: "Because they are planning to kill people, they are not going to put the child back, so they don't have to go around the city anymore, Nicky, can you see the car?"

Chen Yekai said, "Reluctantly, if I remember the license plate number correctly."

"Go ahead." Fu Liqun said, "I'll help you keep an eye on the car on the right."

Zhou Sheng said, "Kaikai, please pay attention to safety."

"Of course." Chen Yekai said, "Trust me in my skills. After all, I drove all the way through the tropical rain forest."

On the phone, Huang Ting said, "Old driver, it's up to you."

Yu Hao: "It's raining."

In the darkness, Chen Yekai turned on the high beam, and the snow in front of him was bright, the rain poured, and the vision became more and more blurred. However, the strong light shot, like the power of the gods, breaking the entire chaotic universe when the world opened up.

Under the white light, the rain is like thousands of stars that are constantly colliding and separated. There are countless vehicles shuttling on the highway, and each vehicle has many stories and many lives.

At first, Chen Yekai didn't care about the cars around him, but Zhou Sheng made an estimate based on the approximate speed on the highway. The moment he woke up, the car that hijacked Ou Qihang should have driven at least 70 kilometers.

Zhou Laichun's car also drove on the highway, and Zhou Sheng called the driver directly and asked him to follow Mercedes-Benz.

Chen Yekai said, "Sleep for a while? I'll call you if there is a situation."

"I'll make a few calls, please don't say anything." Huang Ting said on the phone.

Huang Ting communicated with them with one cell phone on, and the other cell phone dialed to find colleagues. He was chatting and asked if the other party would go to sing K at night. Zhou Sheng looked back at Yu Hao, Yu Hao suddenly understood that Huang Ting was testing his colleague.

After hanging up the phone, Huang Ting's voice could be heard very anxious: "It's hard to do, and there is no way to notify the expressway exit to stop the car, it is easy to leak information, in case the enemy gets wind..."

Chen Yekai said, "So many enemies?"

"Well." Huang Ting said, "... try the other side."

Huang Ting continued to dial again. A girl over there said "hello". Huang Ting said, "transfer me to Teacher Bai." After the transfer, he said, "Open environment, please listen to my report." After a brief report, he finally said: "There are insiders in the bureau, so I can't notify the high-speed exit to stop the car. I'm afraid I'll startle the snake, so I can only follow it like this."

A male voice said, "Understood, I will immediately notify someone to cooperate with you."

Huang Ting replied, "Yes."

The man said: "This child must find a way to protect it."

When they heard this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Ting hung up the phone and said tiredly, "It's just a high school student. Is it necessary to kill them all? The teachers in their school are still writing pleading letters to him, hoping that the sentence will be less."

"Go on, we can win! Punish them for the moon, Officer Huang." Chen Yekai said casually, making everyone laugh.

"It would be much better to be able to notify the expressway exit." Huang Ting said, "The dog jumped over the wall, and it is estimated that there is some wind."

"It's impossible to play between local and central." Chen Yekai was very clear.

"Mr. Chen," Huang Ting said again on the phone, "pay attention to the influence."

Chen Yekai was silent, Zhou Sheng was sleeping, and Yu Hao kept staring at the car outside, trying to distinguish the Buick that Ou Qihang was talking about. Not long after, Zhou Sheng woke up again, glanced in the rear mirror, and shook his head extremely slowly.

"Wait, Kaikai." Fu Liqun said suddenly, "Master, do you think it's that car?"

Chen Yekai glanced in his busy schedule, the license plate number was wrong by one number, but it was the Buick they described!

"Add chicken legs!" Zhou Sheng shouted, "Brother! You are a real god!"

Yu Hao almost shouted "I'm going"! Fu Liqun's attention is really amazing! Fortunately, I took him with me, otherwise it would be over!

Everyone shouted together: "Add chicken legs!"

Fu Liqun said, "What should I do now?"

"Wait!" Zhou Sheng immediately said, "Don't disturb them! Huang Ting, are reinforcements coming?"

Chen Yekai drove a little slower, and when he saw the car in front of him starting to overtake, he said, "Where do you want to go?"

Buick changed lanes, and Chen Yekai also changed lanes and turned to the back of a truck. Yu Hao was immediately nervous, don't let anything happen on the highway.

Approaching the toll booth, there were quite a few cars between the two sides. Chen Yekai kept staring at the car and saw it drive away. Huang Ting was on the phone again. The other party changed the person in charge of the docking. After knowing the details, he said, "We will arrive within half an hour. Please follow them closely, and don't have a direct conflict unless it is necessary."

"Don't get off the high speed..." Zhou Sheng muttered, "Don't get off the high speed."

When Chen Yekai saw the car, he finally turned off the high-speed. Everyone slammed at the same time. Yu Hao realized that there was danger, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen!"

"I know." Chen Yekai said, then turned the steering wheel and got off the high speed. Zhou Sheng called the driver at home and pointed the way. This is a county seat in the middle of Yingxin Expressway. Chen Yekai did not dare to turn on the high beams, so he followed from a distance on the national highway. He almost lost it several times, but Fu Liqun accurately Point out the way.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Zhou Sheng said, "I can't see it anymore, where does this car want to go?"

"They are familiar with this place." Fu Liqun said, "I don't know where it is, but I've never been there before. Yu Hao, check the map..."

"It's a mountain." Yu Hao said, "It's not a scenic spot, there's a plantation below."

It was dark all around, the road was bumpy, and there were almost no cars on the road, Chen Yekai said, "The chassis of this car is too low."

"Is it here?" Zhou Sheng said.

"That's right!" Fu Liqun said, "I looked at the dirt road. Yu Hao, is there a town nearby?"

"No..." Yu Hao suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and in the rainy night where he could not see his fingers, he ran here with the hostages, the only possibility was one—destruction and destruction...

Chen Yekai suddenly stopped the car.

"What's wrong?" Fu Liqun asked.

"They should have found out that they were being followed," Chen Yekai said.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and Zhou Sheng made a decisive decision: "Let's go, we can't put everyone in danger."

Huang Ting said: "You withdraw, send me the location,"

Yu Hao pinpointed Huang Ting, and at this moment, Chen Yekai's car made a loud noise, a car hit the side, Yu Hao almost screamed, and everyone was almost hit against the door!

Fu Liqun immediately stabilized Yu Hao and said angrily, "Damn!"

Zhou Sheng was enraged by this move, and shouted, "Let's go!"

Chen Yekai was reversing the car, the mountain road was pitch black, and the opponent's car accelerated sharply again, and hit him hard from the side! In an instant, everyone knew that the moment of life and death was coming. Fu Liqun said, "It's going to go down the mountain again!"

"Get out of the car and look for cover! Watch out for guns!" Chen Yekai stopped reversing, Zhou Sheng unbuckled his seatbelt, and the four got out of the car, each flying towards each other. The opponent's Buick collided again and pushed the Mercedes-Benz directly to the protective fence, leaving the two wheels in the air!

The torrential rain poured, Yu Hao skidded on the mountain road, Zhou Sheng shouted: "Run!" Then he rushed to the driver's seat of Buick, yanked the door, locked the door, and suddenly a person appeared behind the car, holding an iron rod at Zhou Sheng The back of the head slammed down.

Fu Liqun shouted and rushed forward, two more people came out of the car, Zhou Sheng punched in the past, the enemy actually bowed to avoid, and the two sides fought. Zhou Sheng roared: "I have practiced! Don't be tough!"

Chen Yekai suddenly went up and fought against Fu Liqun together. Yu Hao picked up a rock by the roadside, rushed forward, slapped it with one move, and hit the back of the head. There was chaos under the rainstorm, and everyone was covered in muddy water. Zhou Sheng struggled with one person and rolled down the mountain road.

"Zhou Sheng!"

"Don't mind me!" Zhou Sheng broke free from the man and ran towards the mountain road.

There were four enemies plus the driver, obviously all of them had learned grappling and grappling. Zhou Sheng was already struggling to deal with one. In addition, Yu Hao, Fu Liqun, and Chen Yekai were hardly opponents at all, so they could only dodge around Buick.

"Stop!" The driver grabbed someone and dragged him out of the car. It was Ou Qihang!

A dagger was placed on Ou Qihang's neck. The driver's kidnapper's quality was obviously very good.

The crowd separated for a short time, Yu Hao raised a heart in his throat, the kidnapper was slowly retreating, but Zhou Sheng carried a captured iron rod, slowly approached from behind the kidnapper, flicked the iron rod away, and went down without a sound.

"I'm going to fuck you..."

"Save people!" Chen Yekai shouted.

Suddenly there was chaos again, and Zhou Sheng roared, "Go back immediately after saving the person!"

The rain was so heavy that Zhou Sheng was afraid that he would accidentally beat his own people. The iron rod greeted the kidnappers on the head, and it was quite dangerous for anyone to be touched. Chen Yekai rushed to save Ou Qihang, Fu Liqun and Yu Hao immediately retreated.

"Deal with him first!"

The kidnappers cooperated very quickly, and immediately recognized the main target. Zhou Sheng must be dealt with as soon as possible. As long as Zhou Sheng lay down, the others would not pose a threat. This next week, it was one to three, and the pressure was extremely high, so I stepped aside and retreated to the back of the Buick.

Yu Hao immediately stepped onto the roof of the Buick in three steps, lying on one side of his body, using his elbow to smash the hammer, and slammed down the three people who were swimming in the back of the car. Zhou Sheng rolled over and carried it on his back. The two exchanged positions at the back of the car. Yu Hao's elbow hit the driver's neck and dragged Ou Qihang over.

"Go!" Zhou Sheng shouted.

Yu Hao hadn't fought for a long time. When he chased Lin Xun's briefcase last time, those two were just bastards. The enemies now are not the same. The enemy left two people to deal with Zhou Sheng, freed up two people, and came back to chase after Yu Hao and Ou Qihang. In an instant, the driver grabbed Ou Qihang by the collar and took him down the mountain road.

"Let go!" Chen Yekai rushed over.

Yu Hao slid sideways along the mountain road, bringing the muddy water to the sky and sliding straight down. Chen Yekai had already rushed in front of the driver and entangled with him. Ou Qihang shouted, "Yu Hao! Is that you?! Let me go! I'll help!"

Ou Qihang had a rope tied to his hand and was cutting it backwards. He was overturned to the ground, and was struggling to escape, but Chen Yekai roared loudly, "Don't run! Beware of falling down the mountain!"

The other party twisted Chen Yekai's arm, shook him away, and kicked him again, Chen Yekai shouted, his arm was kicked, Yu Hao flew down from a height, and kicked the top of the man's head, the man had no choice but to do it again. Turn around to deal with Yu Hao.

Chen Yekai took out his Swiss Army knife, cut the rope on Ou Qihang's hand, and took off his headgear. The two of them were covered in rain, and they looked at each other for a brief moment—

Chen Yekai said, "Go away! I'll help him!" After finishing speaking, he rushed up.

Fu Liqun was a little nervous when he dealt with one person by himself. His fighting skills were never as good as Zhou Sheng's. hold the enemy.

There was shouting from the foot of the mountain, and the kidnapper sneered, but he ignored Fu Liqun and slid sideways!

"Don't run!" Fu Liqun also slid down.

The two of the enemies were surrounded and wanted to fight Yu Hao to death on the spot. Chen Yekai rushed forward, raised his arm, and blocked Yu Hao. Ou Qihang joined the fray, and the three of them started fighting again. Zhou Sheng shouted from the heights, "Stop fighting! When someone is rescued, run away! They can't recognize who is who!"

Yu Hao had already been beaten with stars in his eyes, and there was a sound of engine rattling in his ears.

"Get out of the way!" Yu Hao shouted, rushing forward and pushing away Fu Liqun who was sliding down the mountain.

A car drove by and pushed the driver over the hood. Huang Ting pushed the door to get out of the car and said loudly, "Police! Put your hands on the back of your head! Squat down!"

Huang Ting's voice was full of momentum, Ou Qihang immediately took Chen Yekai to hide behind Huang Ting's car, but the four abandoned the car and Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao, and surrounded Huang Ting, Huang Ting took out his gun, He said in a deep voice, "Raise your hand!"