Sending the Divine

Chapter 10: Trouble silk


Before Shen Zhuren arrived, the voice came first: "In principle, there are ten people with one disciple of Yueshui Pavilion. There are five of you. It is enough for me to follow you alone. Any more will only add chaos."

Jin Lan was startled and asked, "When did you come?"

"It started when the leader was jumping around." Shen Zhu smiled like a flower.

She did not leave any embarrassing time for Shi Jingzhi, and continued: "I recognize this technique. This technique is called sticky shadow, and it is used to guide the way. But the statue is too extravagant to guide the way, and it is not intuitive enough, so it has been lost for a long time. If you think you can see it here... Master, please take ten steps back, don't worry, it's just an illusion and can't hurt anyone."

Shi Jingzhi obediently took ten steps back. The shadow followed suit at first, but stopped midway and stopped following.

"This is the effect of taking the wrong path. Master Shi, please go forward twenty steps and go towards the fork in the road."

Shi Jingzhi did as he was told, and the shadow walked in front of him and chose a fork in the road.

Shen Zhu: "Look, this is the way."

Jin Lan: "... It's really troublesome. No wonder it's lost. Isn't the compass easy to use? Who has enough time to build such a thing?"

Yin Ci said calmly: "I am alone."

Yan Qing was silent for a moment: "Can I not go? I don't want the treasure."

"No." Shi Zhongyu shook his head, "You were the first to notice the footsteps, and I need your ears. When I return to the sect, I will report this to the leader and ask for credit for you."

Yan Qing agreed gloomily, and Yin Ci looked at him a few more times.

As soon as he hit him, he knew that the blind man's martial arts was average, even inferior to Jin Lan's. As for those who can see the sticky shadow, their martial arts skills are not much different. I'm afraid it won't make sense if I just use my sensitive ears to explain.

Could it be that there are other filtering conditions for that technique

It’s the right thing to come to explore the ghost tomb, and interesting things will happen one after another.

Yin Ci smiled and poked at the blind man: "Brother Yan, you are protected by Heroine Shi, so I can only follow my master. You see, I dare to go. You can only gain wealth in danger."

Shi Jingzhi: "... A good disciple, there is no need to be so frank."

Jin Lan was shaking like a sieve, but she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of senior sister. So three people from the Taiheng sect, two from the Kushan sect, and one Shen Zhu, and six people set off in a low-key manner.

Shi Zhongyu consciously became the team leader: "We have a small number of people and we mainly focus on exploration. If there is a conflict, don't get involved."

Yin Ci was not surprised. Shi Zhongyu is a great disciple of the Taiheng Sect. He has a great reputation and is ranked among the best in the world. Taking into account only the overall strength, Shi Jingzhi is not her opponent.

The faceless monk moved forward quietly, leading them out of the brothel and into the chaotic alley. Unfortunately, they were so cautious that Yin Ci still found a small tail.

A breath followed behind, neither far nor near, all the way to the destination—

The Faceless Monk stopped in front of a coffin shop. It turned around, clasped its hands together, and dissipated like thin smoke. The coffins were laid out on two floors, looking quite decent and inconspicuous in the dark alley.

Shi Zhongyu tied up his sleeves so that others could see the string of blood and bone beads. The string of beads was as white as snow just now, but now it is so red that it seems to be dripping with blood.

She waved her sword: "There are evil spirits nearby, so be careful."

The other five people immediately hid behind her, lining up in an orderly manner, like a row of chickens.

Old hen Shi Zhongyu: "..."

She pricked her fingertips, smeared a few drops of blood on the stones, and flicked them into the store door. The stone fell to the ground without any sound. Shi Zhongyu looked at Yan Qing, who shook his head.

"It seems that the monster is not the type to take the initiative." She sighed.

Shi Zhongyu put away the string of blood and bone beads, held the sword in his right hand, and replaced it with a bronze dagger in his left hand. She stepped into the coffin shop, her white clothes turned into a dark yellow like paper money, and her fierce aura did not diminish at all.

The chickens followed on tiptoe, keeping about five steps away from her.

There is nothing special about the interior of the coffin shop. The paper shopkeeper is reading leisurely. There are no customers in the store, only patent leather coffins. There was a faint fishy smell in the air, and the string of blood and bone beads became redder and redder, almost turning into darkness.

Shi Jingzhi suddenly stopped. Even though he had a Nuo mask on his face, his aura was completely different from that of just now. Even Shi Zhongyu looked slightly sideways.

"Don't move." His tone lost the lightness, "Miss Shi, the monster is the 'Three Thousand Worry Threads'."

Shi Zhongyu immediately became serious. She threw the bronze dagger to Jin Lan: "Cut a circle around your feet and report back quickly!"

Shi Jingzhi shook his head: "It's too late. There are quite a few of them. We're afraid we might get caught outside the store."

Jin Lan and Yan Qing listened to the two of them playing riddles, then looked at the empty coffin shop, both looking confused. Yin Ci lowered his head, hid his face in the shadows, and said nothing.

"'Trouble Silk' is some kind of...forget it, it's not clear whether it is an insect or a vine. In short, it is a monster that is as thin as spider silk, as light as nothing, and invisible to the naked eye. Thousands of them gather together , is the 'three thousand trouble silk'.

Shen Zhu explained smoothly, his expression still calm: "They will start from the feet and burrow upward, causing a slight itch when passing through the waist and abdomen, and will cause obvious discomfort after burrowing through the neck. It's a pity to wait until that step... It doesn't matter, we have just entered the door not long ago, for sure There is a way."

Jin Lan and Yan Qing, who were only in their early twenties, were frightened by this change of topic: "Tell me first, what will happen when you get to that point...?"

The trouble silk will knead the person into a half-dead meat ball, feed it on the insects and rats in the tomb, and eat it slowly. Yin Ci added in his mind.

In fact, there is no problem with this thing eating insects and rats directly. Yin Ci has seen live rat meat balls kneaded by Worry Silk. It's just that humans have bigger bodies and more energy, so they especially like to eat.

The amount of this pile of trouble threads is exaggerated, and the appetite cannot be left behind. No wonder Yan Budu kept them in the coffin shop. The coffin was definitely filled with "feed".

Since becoming immortal, Yin Ci has gradually been able to see various invisible monsters. At this moment, in front of him, countless filaments were flowing like water. They flowed down from the second floor, covered the walls and coffins, and formed a puddle outside the shop. Everything in the room was covered with silvery white filaments, as if there had been a blizzard.

They silently circled around his feet, refusing to touch him either out of fear or disgust.

Yin Ci looked at the other five people. The three people from Taiheng faction and Shen Zhu had troubles just reaching their ankles. On Shi Jingzhi's side, the worry threads had climbed up to his knees, as if he had added white fur leggings.

Yin Ci: "..." Why, did they spot this person's delicate skin and tender meat, which tastes good

But this does not prevent him from continuing to watch the show - he is just a "weak little mountain household". When the situation becomes critical, he will think of ways to escape.

Shi Zhongyu reacted very quickly. She swiped her palm and spread a circle of blood around her body. While the troublemakers were distracted, she took out a few pills and threw them at the others.

"This is poison, take it quickly." Shi Zhongyu whispered, throwing in five more white pills. "The white one is the antidote. Take it after you escape."

Shen Zhu swallowed the poison and said: "Yes, yes, the blood is mixed with poison, and the corrosion rate of this thing will be slower... Headmaster Shi, I think you are quite familiar with trouble threads. Have you ever dealt with this thing?"

"I read in the book that setting it on fire can solve the problem."

Everyone fell into silence - this is a paper man street, and you have to chill yourself first when you touch a paper man. A fire must be set up on the spot, and all the firefly spiders within a two-mile radius will come to the feast.

Shi Jingzhi seemed to have thought of something, and said indifferently again: "Yan Budu is very interesting. Let's get a monk to lead people to cut off three thousand trouble threads. Does this mean that we all need to become monks collectively?"

Yin Ci: "...Master, shut up. If you don't run away, there will be a mass funeral."

Shi Zhongyu didn't want to listen to Shi Jingzhi's nonsense. The blue light on her sword flashed, and there was a faint heat. Yin Ci saw her sword dancing like the wind, and all the troubles around her were cut into two pieces.

The Green Girl Sword Shi Zhongyu has yin in the body and yang in the body, and the sword fires up green yin fire. The head of the Taiheng Sect specially selected her to lead the team, so that she could achieve 80% success.

Shi Jingzhi stopped making any sound and stared at the sword style without blinking.

Yin fire belongs to yin, and it has miraculous effects on killing living things, but it is not as effective as Yang fire on killing evil things. Shi Zhongyu took the poison and was targeted by the trouble silk again, and his complexion gradually turned pale.

Jin Lan used a bronze dagger to scratch at everyone's feet and took the opportunity to lead them to escape. Unexpectedly, before they reached the door, everyone's feet seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and they were stuck on the thread of trouble.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shi Zhongyu simply gave up his defense and turned to clear the way for the remaining five people.

Jin Lan's eyes turned red instantly: "Senior Sister..."

Unexpectedly, Qingnv's sword was halfway swung, and a flagpole shot out from the sky. Shi Jingzhi said with a smile: "Miss Shi, life is very precious. Don't be tempted to sacrifice yourself for charity."

A layer of golden fire appeared on the flag of "Medicine can cure diseases". The golden fire burned brightly, but the flag was not damaged at all.

"I have no intention of stealing my senior's unique skills, but the situation is urgent, so please bear with me. Anyway, thank you for your guidance."

Shi Zhongyu: "'re welcome?"

Shi Jingzhi was convinced, and turned the flag upside down with his backhand... and then swept the flag up from the ground.

He didn't know what he did to Qingnvjian, but he just turned the yin fire into yang fire. The sun fire clings to the flag and never separates, and the flag surface is much wider than the sword surface, so the effect is wonderful. The troubled people immediately stopped eating and ran away in all directions.

Shi Zhongyu stood there in confusion. After a long while, he turned his head and said to Jin Lan: "Make a note for me to bring more mops with you next time you eliminate demons."

After saying that, she fell into deeper confusion - turning her energy into fire and covering weapons with fire were her unique skills, so how could she be so easy to learn

Yin Ci watched in amusement as the threads of worry rolled up into a pile and shivered as they crowded into the corner, a bit like a pile of snow being swept up.

... It seems that this time, there is no need for him to take action.

While Jingzhi was doing a lot of cleaning in the store, everyone simply sat on the floor and swallowed the antidote. Jin Lan and Yan Qing had the worst foundation in martial arts. Their legs and feet were still affected by the worry threads and they couldn't walk for a while.

By the time Shi Jingzhi finished cleaning, the huge bundle of worries had already crawled out of the coffin shop and rolled away sadly.

Shi Zhongyu's string of blood and bone beads turned white again, but the awkward atmosphere did not change at the same time. Shen Zhu said he wanted to take samples and record them, but he ran away to nowhere. Once there were fewer people, the atmosphere became a little cooler.

Jin Lan tried to heat up the atmosphere: "Thanks to Senior Sister and Master Shi, we finally got rid of the monsters, and we can rummage around. With so many coffins in the store, there must be a lot of treasures hidden."

"Jin Lan, be careful what you say." Shi Zhongyu finally came to his senses, "The absence of monsters does not mean there are no traps."

Shi Jingzhi put away the flag and opened the medicine box: "It's poison and it's from monsters. It will definitely hurt your vitality. Come on, everyone take medicine."

Seeing Shi Jingzhi's strength, Shi Zhongyu showed more respect in his words: "May I ask, Master Shi, what is this?"

Shi Jingzhi: "Kushan sect's special product, Dali Wan."

Shi Zhongyu: "..."

She patted her face and finally regained her composure: "Thank you so much, Master Shi, for helping me. Just now..."

"It's not easy to explain the imitation skills passed down from our family. It's just a mistake, so don't take it to heart, Miss Shi." Shi Jingzhi stood up. "You guys eat first! I'll go out and check it out. Maybe the troubles haven't gone away yet."

Yin Ci chewed the pills and looked at the door meaningfully.

Outside the coffin shop.

Sorry, I haven't found the right time since I received the Sparrow Demon's message. Shen Zhu put away his casual expression and said with lip language. Yin Ci did have a grandfather who was educated, and his father also sold furs in the town several times. But I didn't find much information about Yin Ci himself.

Shi Jingzhi looked at her quietly.

Shen Zhu frowned: Yin Ci's family lives in the mountains, so it's not surprising that there are no records. This is not a flaw, it’s just...

You did a great job.

Shi Jingzhi also responded with a lip message.

Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion.