Sending the Divine

Chapter 100: Balance


"Do you know who I was doing when I hacked up everyone's family?"

As soon as these words came out, the momentum around Yan Zheng suddenly changed. The lifeless energy just now changed, and the evil energy was so strong that it almost exploded and almost lost control.

‌Obviously dragging wounds all over his body, I don’t know where he got the strength. Before Yan Qing had time to react, Yan Zheng stepped on the edge of the giant sword, jumped up, and threw the soul-killing whip in the air with a piercing sound.

Yan Zheng condensed the frenzied evil energy into one place, and rushed towards the corpse team that was supposed to protect him like a hawk, only to see that the corpses were opening a gap regardless of the situation. Unfortunately, the whip movement was not completed. Chai Chao broke the pair of dragonfly feathers in the air, causing chaos in the entire whip wind.

The members of the corpse team looked like corpses, still standing around in silence, not moving even a step.

"Oh, don't you still care about this? Back then, you were still crying against my master. You could only seek revenge and were willing to do anything. Now you betray the divine religion just to treat something external to the body like flesh?"

Chai Chao still didn't take Yan Zheng seriously. The dragonfly feathers flashed, and the blade swiped across the barbed whip. The harsh sound made people's skin crawl.

"shut up."

Chai Chaohuo seemed not to have heard: "If you turn your elbows outward, you still have to pick someone, even if you join Kong Duanxiu. I heard that the Kushan sect killed the real Huo Chang in order to sneak in... Such contempt for the divine religion Let’s change our collaborators.”

Unable to hit the target with all his strength, Yan Zheng dragged his injured body and turned back behind the Mercy Sword, his expression distorted. The soul-killing whip sensed the killing intent, and the dark whip body trembled slightly.

We can't kill Chai Chao. The gap between experience and strength creates a gap that cannot be crossed by courage alone. But when the divine formation was activated, Chai Chao and his confidants were still on the mountain...

Yan Zheng locked his eyes tightly on Chai Chai and slowly straightened his back.

"The divine sect has been destroyed by outsiders. Who will help you take revenge on Taiheng? Who will help you investigate information about your enemies?" Chai Chao knew nothing about the approaching killing array and continued to speak "seriously".

Yan Zheng: "Those who kill will always be killed. I will pay my price and you will pay yours."

"Okay, don't make such a fuss." Chai Xuan said with a smile. "Your price? As a teacher, I didn't see you paying any price. Instead, I gave you a place to live and taught you martial arts. It's true that you took advantage of it... Think more about how your parents died without even avenging blood. , don’t follow others’ ways of fighting for power and treasure.”

Upon hearing these words, Yan Zheng's evil spirit suddenly solidified.

‌A pair of blood-stained eyes stared at Chai Xian, and the hostility and anger just now were all put into an ugly smile. When dealing with magicians and disciples, they don't have as many rules as the famous and upright sects, and their words are not very polite. But at this moment, Yan Zhengyong's tone suggested that instead of facing the "master", it would be better to face the "enemy".

"The blood feud has not been avenged?"

Yan Zheng's voice was hoarse, and there was a hint of despair in his smile.

"I avenged the 'blood feud' you talked about six years ago - in the end, you almost compiled Taiheng's senior executives into a list of my enemies. This year, you used the name of revenge for the 'descendants of the Yan family' How many demons and monsters have been recruited, and how many innocent people have been killed?”

"'Apprentice', is this knife easy to use?"

‌In the end, ‌’s voice almost smelled of blood.

However, Chai Chao was just slightly startled, and then smacked his lips: "What do I think? It turns out that this is it. I'm just using your name to kill someone... How elegant the holy leader was back then, no matter whether he was young, sick or disabled, he was not pleasing to the eye. Kill them all, why are you so fussy!"

"The Ling Cult kills innocent people every day. Didn't you listen? How can it be such a good thing in the world to let the demon sect work for you in vain?"

Immediately afterwards, the avatar thought of something and smiled sharply: "I really don't want to be used by the cult, you can just finish your blood revenge and find a place to kill yourself. Good disciple, why don't you die? ?”

He said these words with great arrogance, as if he was sure that he had Yan Zheng in his grasp. Not far away, the dark red Zhulou loomed in the mist. It was obviously just a thin shadow, but when Yan Zheng looked at it, it was like a thorn piercing deeply into a wound.

"Six years ago, I did think and did that."

Yan Zheng did not act like Chai Xuan expected, and became angry and angry after his cowardice was exposed. He just raised his eyelids, his expression was strangely blank. Blood trickled down the broken red clothes and accumulated into a small pool on the stone slab, emitting a faint fishy smell.

"Perhaps they thought my funeral was too thin, but Tian disagreed and didn't let me die. I have been saving my burial for the past six years... As for the blood feud, my disciple, I'm sorry."

Yan Zheng looked at Chai Chai who was just a few steps away, and his voice became softer and softer.

Compared with eight years ago, Chai Xuan's appearance has hardly changed. For people, eight years is just a blink of an eye. For Yan Zheng, it was a long time that was enough to turn a boy into a young man.

When I first met Chai Chai, I was soaked in his blood. Right now, being soaked in his own blood can be considered the beginning and the end. Memories of the past are like daydreams, haunting me again and again.

‌My original name was not Yan Zheng, but my ancestors changed their surname to "Yu" to avoid being hunted.

Father Yu Chunhui was born with ghost eyes. In order to protect his parents, wife and children, he blinded himself early and became a blind doctor. Yu Chunhui was a skilled doctor and his family bought a house near Yidu and lived a comfortable life.

The father prepared the potion, and the mother crafted it carefully. They even made a pair of "soft eyes" that concealed the color of the eyes, allowing the son to play in the sun like an ordinary child. My father is gentle and my mother is smart, and the job at home is to treat illnesses and save people. Yan Zheng originally thought that there was no such thing as a peaceful life in the world.

Until eight years ago, my father's friend fell ill.

That friend was a jade craftsman named Wu, who originally earned a lot of money. As a result, the illness came like a mountain and turned into a bottomless pit for swallowing money. The Wu family was young, so they relied on jade craftsmen to support their family. Seeing that the pillars of their family were in ruins, the family quickly left home and took possession of their property, and at one point reached the point of selling their sons and daughters.

… He happens to be a jade craftsman, why don’t we give him the heirloom jade pendant and let him cut it off and sell it for a cent? The jade material is so good that it can be sold for two to three hundred yuan when made into a finger ring, which is enough to cure the illness.

At that time, my parents deliberately stayed away from me and discussed in the backyard. Yan Zheng followed quietly and heard everything clearly. My father's words were as gentle as ever, and I remember every word very clearly.

My mother hesitated: Husband, is there really nothing wrong with that jade? No, maybe it's Yan... Sigh, you had to hide it before, and bring it out as a last resort.

Yu Chunhui: The devil has been dead for a hundred years, but most people don’t know about such objects. This time, I asked Wu to divide and modify it, so I can rest assured that I can leave it at home in the future. Our family has been friends for more than ten years, and Wu has watched Ah Zheng grow up all the way. We can't watch our family being destroyed.

‌’s mother was silent for a while and sighed.

That's fine. ‌The son and daughter are white, plump and cute. They have always been in the forefront of my heart. It is really pitiful to sell them...

‌’s parents have always been soft-hearted, almost to the point of being stupid. Yan Zheng thought about it countless times, if his father was more hard-hearted and cautious, even if he inherited one thousandth of Yan Budu's selfishness, would his parents still be there

When Wu Yujiang got the jade pendant, he was so grateful that he dragged his sick body to kowtow to Yu Chunhui. Unfortunately, what Yu Chun didn't know when he returned was that this friend's distant relative was a servant of Taiheng, and he had been familiar with the Yan family's tokens since early in the morning.

Especially jade pieces.

Yan Zheng didn't think too much at that time. How could his omnipotent parents make mistakes? ‌‌Uncle Wu has always been kind and kind. He would give ‌candied fruits when they met, without even saying a single harsh word.

This is an act of friendship and is understandable.

However, in the end, all Yan Zheng got was a lamentation of "Run quickly, don't look back."

But even if he didn't look back, he still saw the flash of Taiheng's sword and remembered the muffled sound of his parents' bodies hitting the ground.

Without his father to prepare the soup, Yan Zheng's demon-skinned soft eyes quickly withered and shriveled, unable to cover the ghost eyes. Yan Zheng had no choice but to cover his eyes with a rag and staggered on the street. Wu Yujiang's family became prosperous. They moved out of the poor streets and moved into a bright and clean compound. A pair of children, wearing silk and satin jackets, were fatter and fatter than before.

Neighbors called Wu Jade Craftsman "Yi Xing" who was not afraid of evil spirits.

What a good idea.

Yan Zheng stole a knife and sneaked into Wu's house in the dark and windy night. After seeing those eyes clearly, "Uncle Wu"'s usually kind face was full of fear.

A Zheng, A Bo deserves to die, A Bo is confused for a moment, confused for a moment!

Wu Yujiang stuttered, and the tip of Yan Zheng's knife drew a bloody line on his neck, and he almost peed his pants.

And, and you have to understand, you can only get two to three hundred silver, but the clues from the descendants of the Yan family can be worth three thousand. Abo can't help it, Abo is doing it for his family... You take the knife away first, and Abo will kneel down and apologize to you, okay

Ah Zheng, your younger brother and sister are still here, ahem, still waiting for Uncle to come home!

The jade craftsman looked at those scorching ghost eyes and was so horrified that he burst into tears. Yan Zheng's hands shook when he heard this person mention a child. As a result, Wu Yujiang took the opportunity to grab Feng's wrist and immediately shouted for help.

Yan Zheng's back exploded, and cold sweat and hot tears almost poured out together. ‌Using all his strength, he stabbed the blade into Wu Yujiang's neck. The next moment, hot blood sprayed all over his face. Wu Yujiang's eyes widened and he soon became silent.

The acupuncture points and medical knowledge taught by his father in the past have become the most suitable killing techniques. The person's neck is harder than I imagined, there is more blood than I imagined, and the breath before death is hoarse and more unpleasant than I imagined.

Just for Wu Yujiang's life, his parents were killed. Without using half a stick of incense, I easily took it away.

Endless absurdity and emptiness swept over him, and Yan Zheng was in danger of losing his grip on the knife. There is only one left, Yan Zheng thought in a daze, he must survive and find the Taiheng disciple who killed his parents that day...

The killing momentum is good, and he is quite talented, but he is too stupid. What a waste with these eyes.

There was a rough and unpleasant voice, and Yan Zheng raised his head and saw a one-eyed head like a dried radish on the eaves of Wu's house. His hands were still stained with sticky blood, and Yan Zheng's three souls and seven souls were flying around outside the shell, and he had no time to pay attention to such a thing.

How old are you? The head jumped down and stopped in front of him.

Thirteen. In fact, it's not yet, but when he thinks of his family celebrating birthdays together in the past, Yan Zheng's stomach turns over.

‌A little big, but okay. You come with me, I will ensure that you have enough food and clothing, and I will also help you get revenge.

Yan Zheng turned around and left. Chai Xian smiled and held the chicken in his hand: Why don't you know what's good and what's bad? ‌It wasn't me who took action. If you made such a big noise, your family would have heard about it a long time ago! You were killed, and then your life was gone. If you let an enemy wander, can your parents rest in peace

Yan Zheng stopped struggling and opened his eyes in confusion, seeing black and red blood on his hands. He moved his eyes and saw a row of porcelain plates deep in the courtyard, and almost vomited them out on the spot.

Wu Yujiang's two children were finally dead. The child's round head was placed in the middle of the large porcelain plate, resting on the thinly sliced body, with his eyes still open in fear. Then came the Wu family members and their female relatives. Their corpses were arranged exquisitely and smelled fishy.

Yan Zheng's soul suddenly flew into the sky, and he couldn't figure out for a moment whether he was cruel or merciful in killing Wu Yujiang at the door.

Killing one person alone is not enough, this is the revenge of the Ling sect. Yu Zheng, I know everything about you - you are a beggar-like little kid, and you are an idiot to Taiheng. Well, come back to the religion with me. I will be your master and will take good care of you.

Chai Chao said with a smile, Tian Zao finished and took out a stick.

Anyway, you have nothing to do with what happened today. The Wu family is in such misery, the government and Taiheng will definitely try their best to capture you, this "evil obstacle", what do you think? How about I break your legs and let you run away with a limp

Whether it was coercion or inducement, young Yan Zheng relied on his burning hatred to finally compromise.

At that time, I was still young and thought that every road in this world could be a turning back.

The "struggle" your parents give you is not a fight, but a fight to live up to your morale. Ah Zheng, you are the best doctor in the game.

… But what’s your ending

‌ No ‌ is Yu Zheng, the son of Yu Chunhui, but Yan Zheng, a descendant of Yan Budu.

Chai Chao used his ghost eyes to recruit dangerous people into the Ling Cult, and Chi Gou and Tai Heng occupied a lot of territory. Yan Zheng closed his eyes, plugged his ears, devoted himself to practicing martial arts, and worked day and night to track down the person who killed his father and mother.

Anyway, without him, the Ling Cult would still kill people everywhere. Hatred is the best anesthetic. Yan Zheng put conscience and hatred at the top of the scale and managed to maintain a balance.

‌'s revenge is justified, ‌ has no choice.

Chai Xian did what he did and "helped" a lot. The head set a target for him. After each target died, Chai Chao would always say in an understatement: "I tortured you specially for the teacher. It's not this person. It doesn't matter. Let's continue." .

This life lasted for ‌ years. When Yan Zheng was fifteen years old, a Taiheng disciple quietly approached him.

The man looked haggard and looked quite painful. Yan Zheng originally thought that this person would defect to the Ling Cult, but unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, the words he spat out almost froze Yan Zheng.

I killed your parents.

The Taiheng sect member knelt in front of Yan Zheng and slammed his forehead against the stone slab, leaving a faint trace of blood.

After killing two people that day, many people approached Tai Heng for justice. ‌The Yu family and his wife are kind-hearted and charitable, and they are not really evil people... Today's bad consequences in the world are entirely caused by me. sorry.

‌What in ‌? Yan Zheng thought blankly, what is this

At that time, the jade craftsman Wu carried Yan Budu's jade pendant to Taiheng, and the spies who came back also fanned the flames. They found that the Yu family was guilty of many evil deeds, which happened to match the Wu family's reputation. I was anxious to make a meritorious deed, so I didn’t do any in-depth investigation...

Is this a confession? A member of a well-known and upright family admits his mistake to the leader of a demon sect? This must be a conspiracy. The person who killed his parents must be someone with ulterior motives and great evil.

The Yan family will be killed on sight. Yan Zheng wrapped the whip around the man's neck and whispered softly. The Taiheng sect's rules don't mention good and evil, so you don't have to be so pretentious.

Doesn't this person think that with a soft word, he will spare his life

The enemy's life was in the palm of his hand. Almost all of Yan Zheng's blood rushed to his head, and his breathing became rapid. When death is imminent, it is time for this man to show his ugly face. You must strike when this person is most frightened, retaliate with tooth, and let the enemy taste the feeling of losing everything.

Sect rules are dead, but people are alive. The man didn't struggle, he just raised his eyes, with no luster in his eyes. By blaming "their sect" for the evil deeds they have done, they can deceive everyone in the world, but they cannot deceive themselves.

Yan Zheng's heart suddenly shrank, and he felt a sharp pain.

‌After calming down, he managed a sneer and said: "Everyone can tell the truth." If you sincerely regret it, I will not let you go.

I am the lord of injustice and debt, but I cannot ask for it.

Yan Zheng shook his hands, gritted his teeth, looked away, and suddenly tightened the whip in his hand.

There was a crisp click, the man's neck was broken, and the body fell heavily to the ground. A simple human life is more clean and tidy than killing Wu Yujiang. It's just that Yan Zheng didn't feel happy at all. Instead, he felt very blocked in his heart.

Rather than taking revenge, it was more like fulfilling that person's wish.

The enemy did not lie, and the pain and guilt accumulated over time did not seem like a lie. Yan Zheng is very familiar with it. Whenever he hears elders showing off their killing methods and competing for lives on their hands, he looks at the bronze mirror and sees the same emotions in his own eyes.

‌I thought I would get used to it, but my guilt grew day by day. Now the hatred has suddenly lost its focus, and the balance in his chest is teetering. The pain that had been suppressed for several years burst out, making it difficult to breathe.

Does it mean that everything you have done so far for revenge has no meaning

Yan Zheng kept an eye on it. He quietly disposed of the body, added the person's name to the investigation list, and went to investigate in person. However, Chai Xuan just glanced at him. Not a day later, the man pretended to be a child and said: "My teacher has conducted a detailed investigation and found that this person has nothing to do with your parents."

Good disciple, why don't you look at how long this dog looks like? The time your family members died happened to be near Yidu. When he found a descendant of the Yan family, Taiheng only gave him a reward of one thousand yuan. The additional ‌1,000 ‌ is a private addition, and most people cannot afford it. This must be something that is given separately...

Yan Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

Near Yidu... When he planned to kill Wu Yujiang, Chai Chao was also near Yidu. Yidu is not close to Zongwu Mountain, and Chai Xiangui is the leader of the cult. Why did he happen to be wandering around Yidu and make arrangements in advance to wait for him? ‌ He hid himself well after his parents were killed, and even Taiheng was not found, but let the Lingjiao discover the revenge plan

Something isn't quite right.

Is the "Taiheng spy" who is fanning the flames in the enemy's mouth really a member of Taiheng? Behind the bloody feud, it seems that other people are adding fuel to the flames. In this way, the upright parents were killed and the orphan filled with hatred was the one who gained the most...

That night, Yan Zheng secretly checked Zhu Lou's account books without telling everyone.

From that day on, the balance on Yan Zheng's chest was completely overturned and shattered.

Now looking at the triumphant Chai Chai in front of him, Yan Zheng felt extremely disgusted: "Master was really good at calculating what happened back then - he increased the bounty for the jade craftsman while confusing Tai Heng. I Once your parents die, you will have a ghost-eyed puppet who hates Taiheng."

"It only costs 2,000 yuan, which is so cheap. Fortunately, I checked the account books when I was fifteen. You should destroy the records of the 2,000 yuan."

Unfortunately, just as Yan Zheng expected, Chai Chao's conscience died long ago. After listening to what he said, Chai Xuan didn't show any guilt at all. Seeing Yan Zheng's angry reaction, he put his hands on his hands and laughed: "Oh, my disciple is more promising than I thought. Well, I have stopped acting since I became a teacher. Acting is very tiring."

"You kid have known this for a long time, and you still can't bear to part with the leader's chair. I've allowed you to sit on it for six years. Is it comfortable? Leader Yan, if you put all the shit on my teacher's head, you will be clean and not considered a villain?" "

After that, Chai Chao turned to Yan Qing with great interest: "Boy, you heard it too. This is a bad debt. The people killed by the Ling Cult this year will still be recorded on the head of my beloved disciple-"

Yan Qing shook his head subconsciously.

Not counting the dharma words engraved by Master Kongshi, the Sword of Mercy is extremely heavy. Yan Qing lost too much blood, and his hands and feet felt weak and cold. Just holding the stone sword tightly took all his strength. Chai Xuan's voice seemed to be separated by a thick film of water, making it vague and indistinct. But Yan Zheng's reaction next to him was very clear. Yan Zheng's originally pale face turned pale, and the hatred on his face became even heavier.

But Yan Qing only felt that Chai Xuan was making a lot of noise. If ‌ has not fallen, then this battle is not over yet... ‌ has not been lost yet.

Is Yan Zheng a villain under the concept of righteousness? Is he serious? The previous cooperation with Na Yu Zikuan was something I witnessed with my own eyes. At this moment, Yan Zheng wants to eradicate the Ling sect, so he can only help him.

"Chang Chai." Yan Qingke said politely.

"The divine religion has always acted like this. If you are deceived, you only blame yourself for your lack of brains. The law of the jungle has been a rule for hundreds of years..."

"Chang Chai." Yan Qing said politely for the first time.

"Huh? You are."

Yan Qing took a deep breath and didn't look at Yan Zheng beside him. ‌ He moved his sore and numb wrists, put on an extraordinarily simple smile on his face, and his tone was full of doubts -

"I'm sorry. Nine out of ten sentences from the devil's sect are lies, and the remaining one is also one-sided. Sir, you talk about 'you deserve to be cheated'... What do you expect me to believe?" Do you still hope that I don’t believe you?”

‌ is not strong enough, at least not strong enough to be distracted by such nonsense and think about things during a fierce battle. I don't know if it's because of my dull mind or my temper. Once all the worries and worries were gone, Yan Qing felt a sense of unknown confidence.

Chai Xuan opened and closed his mouth, and in his eyes it looked like Mr. Bai was chewing vegetables. Just now, Chai Chao had a mean smile and spoke in a high voice for a long time, but Yan Qing didn't hear even a single word.

Chai's head was choked subtly, and he could only pretend that he didn't hear it: "You also heard what my disciple said just now. This person is a well-deserved member of the Ling Cult. I don't want to help the tyrants do evil, so you still Just give up..."

"I didn't hear it." Yan Qing said calmly.

Chai Xuan: "...?"

Yan Qing: "I am also a member of the Demon Cult. Why am I rushing to find someone to believe in me? We are fighting to the death, not going to court."

I'm sorry to say that we have been suffering and feuding for a long time, but this Kushan sect member has been in a daze and has not listened to a single word.

Even Yan Zheng turned his head, a trace of doubt flashing across his face - originally he had seen this man as upright and honest, but now he saw that he was still a descendant of the Yan family. Yan Qing's ghostly eyes were half-opened, and he looked calmly at Chai Chai just a few steps away. ‌'s movements were as steady as ever, and there was a bit of unfamiliar arrogance in his aura.

That arrogance mixed with that gentle attitude is particularly irritating. Compared with this one, Yan Zheng looks much cuter.

"Kong Shi's bald donkey sword is nothing more than that. He only cares about villains and can't tell the difference between hypocrites. Since you didn't hear it, I -"

"Senior, I forgive this junior for being stupid. Even if I agree that Yan Zheng is a villain, what then?... Will senior let me go readily? Or will senior feel that he is evil enough to be approachable, and that he will be more attractive to this junior?"

Chai Chai was speechless.

Yan Qing's words are not powerful, but he is neither humble nor arrogant. His tone is serious, and his sarcasm is particularly strong. After being summed up in this way, I looked like a fool who didn't match his words with his words.

What the hell is this guy doing

Seeing that Chai didn't answer, Yan Qing coughed up blood and smiled: "Since the senior has no other advice, then the junior will continue to just talk about his achievements and not his heart."

Yan Zheng swung the soul-destroying whip and couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, very good. You are worthy of being my blood brother." ‌Zhi‌ shook his body. "Yan Qing, I don't dare to take our lives, so why not give it a try?"

If he could fight like this before he died, he would be able to rest in peace.

Being blocked by someone's unexpected angle, Chai Xuan's face turned purple. ‌ gave up a little bit of jade chime sword-sharpening skills and decided to fight quickly: "Give them all to me! It doesn't matter if you attack harshly, just give ‌‌ some time to breathe!"

"...Then let's continue."

Yan Qing took a long breath and spoke calmly.

"Before that, I would like to express my thanks to you, junior. If you were not making a mess in front of me, maybe I would still think about the other things."

For example, right and wrong, cause and effect, weighing the pros and cons, and the gap in strength. The truth in front of him was complicated and there was an abyss behind him, but Yan Qing suddenly became enlightened.

Yan Zheng was taught by Chai Chai and was controlled everywhere. We have relied on the first move of "Jade Qing Sword Technique" to survive until now. The most powerful third move, Yan Qing has never successfully used.

In my current state of mind, I suddenly wanted to give it a try.

The third formula is called "The metal and stone are opened". Only with sincerity can gold and stone be opened. If you are as careful and foresight as before, how can you talk about sincerity when your heart is filled with extremely complicated emotions? The most sincere thing is to sacrifice your own life to save others. In the blink of an eye, do the martyrs really think so much

Just see what you see in front of you and try your best. Everything behind you, look back ‌‌.

The mercy sword in his hand seemed to be much lighter, and Yan Qing closed his eyes. He did not think about the difference in strength between the master and disciple of the Dry Mountain Sect, Shen Dian, nor did he think about the impact and consequences of defeat in this battle. ‌I just emptied my mind, and only Yin Ci’s demonstration that day was left in my mind.

The third form of the Jade Qing Sword Technique uses gold and stone as the opening.

The method of dealing with the masses is to injure the enemy by one thousand and damage yourself by eight hundred. It cannot be used unless it is the last resort. Now that we are at the end of the road, it is becoming more and more convenient and easier to use.

The path of the sword is upright, carrying gusts of strong wind. The corpse team that rushed towards them were knocked away by the powerful sword style as soon as they touched the sword wind. Although the set of sword moves seemed unfamiliar, the sword intention was more pure and gentle than Yin Ci's demonstration. Seeing that the situation was not good, Chai Chao tried to stop the giant sword with dragonfly feathers. Unfortunately, the Death Whip is soft and light, but the Mercy Sword is very heavy. A pair of thin daggers are like a mantis using its arms as a chariot, almost breaking.

This sword path actually vaguely revealed the power of Jianchen Temple, which just happened to completely restrain Chai Chao's skills. All the deficiencies were made up by Yan Zheng. ‌The people's skills complemented each other, and they didn't even let half of the Lingjiao people get close.

Even Chai Chao was hooked by the Soul-destroying Whip and was unable to escape, and his forearm was broken off by the Mercy Sword.

Chai Shutou collected the dragonfly feathers with one hand and said angrily: "Pretending! This sword move consumes a lot of energy and has no murderous intent at all. I don't believe that you kid can keep pushing down. When you stop, I will have to kill you." That arm of yours is broken..."

Halfway through ‌‌, my eyes suddenly opened wide.

A sharp blade tip emerged from his chest, with a thin layer of blood on it. Chai Xuan vomited out a mouthful of blood, almost gasping in fear, and made a gurgling sound in his throat.

He is a killer, a very good assassin. Otherwise, how could it be possible to break through the corpse team and approach quietly? But where did this killer come from? This is clearly not the style of a prestigious family...

"What are you shooting for?" The killer's voice was sweet and steady, "Who are you shooting for?"

Chai Xuan turned his head in fear, only to see a pair of smiling eyes. There was a tear mole in the corner of the man's eye, and his eyes were filled with evil spirits.

After finishing, the man drew the short knife in his hand and stepped back lightly. The members of the corpse team had just been seriously injured by the sword, and before they could react, their throats were cut cleanly. However, this person was unable to defeat his opponent with both fists, and a few of them tried to kill him with a fatal blow - before they even got close, they were shot through the heart by arrows one after another.

In an instant, blood flowed out.

The remnants of the Ling sect were like wheat after a storm. They harvested them all before half a cup of tea came out.

After applying the knife to each corpse, Su Si simply put away the meat-picking knife. Yu Zikuan also jumped down from a high place, holding a long bow behind his back and sweeping over Yan Zheng's injuries at double speed.

"Third son, I just sent you a message. How did you get yourself into this?" Su Si wrinkled his nose. "What a misfortune. You've taken out all of the boss's medicine box. Do you still have any money left this month?"

Yan Qing's face turned pale, and he held his body tremblingly with his sword. The heroic spirit that he had just saved was instantly released to the ground: "But, but I have learned the third form of the "Jade Chime Sword Technique"..."

‌The voice became softer and softer, and he probably felt that given the shame of the current leader, he probably wouldn't care about this progress. What's more, I haven't come as planned, and I haven't met at the foot of the mountain yet.

The more Yan Qing thought about it, the more he felt that his future was bleak, so he had to change the topic: "Where is Mr. Bai?"

Su Si supported Yan Qing's arm and said, "That stupid goose was caught by the Chigou Cult, but we will feed it with good food and drink. It's better than stealing the goose, you It’s even tighter here. Anyway, I know Chi Gou’s habits. If you can steal it the first time, you can steal it the second time.”

"Didn't you meet Mr. Bai by chance..."

"I don't care about such trivial matters." Su Si said seriously, changing the topic instantly. "Brother Yu, I'm going to take my people down the mountain first. You should also hurry up over there - the God-inviting Formation is not an ordinary magic formation, and Shen Zhu may not be able to get the time right."

Yu Zikuan didn't help Yan Zheng, but just replied with a dull "hmm". The relaxed expression on Yan Zheng's face also disappeared, and he shook his head at Yan Qing and made a farewell gesture.

Yan Qing was dizzy and still holding the Mercy Sword in one hand, so he really couldn't think too much. He nodded towards Yan Zheng and turned to Su Si hurriedly: "Have you taken care of the Chigou sect's people? How will we react when you know we found the key?"

The Chigou Sect is not the Ling Sect, they are experts in finding objects, and they have been here for a long time. It’s hard to believe whether Shi Jingzhi’s lies told in an emergency would be seen through by knowledgeable people.

"Oh, that's not the news I sent." Su Si smiled very happily, "I made a better 'secret message'. Not only will we evacuate quickly, but we won't be blocked at the bottom of the mountain." ”

"What 'secret message'?"

Su Si sneered: "We and I have died. Let us go back to attend the funeral."

Yan Qing: "..."

I always feel that after the battle at Zongwu Mountain, we really offended the Chigou Sect to death. Yan Qing hoped that Master Shi and Senior Brother Yin would not kill Su Si, and Yan Qing prayed sincerely.