Sending the Divine

Chapter 103: One glance


"There's nothing serious about Yu Zikuan. It's just that you two are very worn out and need to rest for a few months."

Shi Jingzhi withdrew his hand to check the pulse and said to Yan Zheng, who was leaning on the bedside.

Yin Ci found Yu Zikuan and Yan Zheng on the mountainside. The Kushan sect found an empty house at the foot of the mountain and settled the two of them. After being in contact with the Inviting God Formation for a long time, Yan Zheng's white hair became dull, and he lost weight, but he still had the strength to speak. Yu Zikuan is older, has less energy than a young man, and is still in a coma.

Yin Ci made some simple medicinal meals and fed them slowly, finally regaining some vitality.

"Thank you, Master Shi... How is it going outside now?" After hearing the whole story, Yan Zheng took a long breath, as if he wanted to let out all the years of suppression.

"They are all taking care of the team. Those sects are almost gone." Shi Jingzhi responded warmly, "I heard from Shen Zhu that we lost a few lone rangers this time, plus one or two who ran too far. ‌Sects. Except for the Ling Cult, there is basically no damage to the sects.”

"...Hmm." Yan Zheng rubbed his eyebrows, without much joy on his face. "There are still innocent people involved. It's because we didn't think carefully."

"Looking at the bright side, if it weren't for this series of coincidences, there would have been more injuries. With the current number of casualties, the world cannot be in chaos."

Yin Ci came in with another bowl of sweet rice soup and handed Shi Jingzhi a bun. The two people's fingertips crossed and brushed, and they both had a meal. Yin Ci took back his hand, and there was still a warm and numb feeling on his fingertips.

He composed himself and used the topic to distract his attention: "Yan Zheng, what are your plans in the future? If something like this happens, decent people will definitely come to investigate. In the meantime, you and Yu Zikuan will probably not be able to survive if you stay here. . Just stay anonymous and live peacefully.”

Yan Zheng sipped the rice soup and quietly squinted at Yu Zikuan, who was unconscious.

Leader Yan's white hair and ghostly eyes are now less human than before, but just at this glance, the smoke and fire aura around him is stronger than ever before.

"Before that, I still have some things to do... If the main altar is destroyed, the lunatics in the branch altar will either establish themselves as kings or join other demonic sects. If chaos is inevitable, Taiheng may not be able to suppress it. "

Yan Zheng looked at the peeling mud walls of the empty house, his eyes still firm, and his heavy breath was swept away.

"Now is not the time for the position of 'Ling Sect Leader' to be vacant. I have done my best to eradicate evil, and I will finish this job well. This is the grace that saved my life today, and Yan will definitely remember it. In the future, if the Kushan Sect will be like There’s danger—”

Shi Jingzhi held the bun in his mouth and said in a very sincere tone: "Don't worry, I'm definitely open to asking for help."

They waited for three or four days before asking the gods to stop operating. At that time, almost all the Jianghu people gathered here had left, the Lingjiao General Altar was almost completely wiped out, no one was left to maintain the formation, and the Fog Grave Formation gradually dispersed. Without the billowing demonic fog and pedestrians coming and going, the huge Zongwu Mountain seemed even more empty than usual.

Yan Zheng and Yu Zikuan are genuine masters. After a few days, although they were still weak, they were able to walk around. At the strong request of the two, the Kushan Sect allowed them to follow them for the time being - Su Si was still looking for Mr. Bai, and Shen Zhu was inquiring about the news outside the mountain, so Quan should replenish his manpower.

"After all, I have been in Zongwu Mountain for six years, and I am very familiar with the nearby terrain. After the two of us help you find clues, it will not be too late to leave." Yu Zikuan grinned, "Maybe you are looking for someone to see the flesh. We will be able to clear out the remaining members of the Ling Sect before now. Next time we meet, we might be together. Well, it seems like we should prepare the flag in advance..."

While he was talking, he patted the back of Yan Zheng's head affectionately. The latter's expression was a little shy, and his appearance was actually mixed with a bit of shyness. Yan Zheng's white hair was tied up high, and his face had a lot of color. The violent energy around him disappeared, leaving only stability and gentleness.

However, Zongwushan and his party were still not at ease.

Even with the Buddhist records provided by Chen Temple and the information from each sect for reference, clues are still extremely difficult to find. Yu Zikuan saved everyone a lot of detours, and the group still wandered around the mountain for nearly five days. In the end, Yin Ci recognized the general location and found the lonely stone chessboard.

The stone chessboard is made of local rocks. It was originally inconspicuous, but now it is covered with a thin layer of soil and moss. It looks no different from the random rocks. Compared with the gray chessboard, there is a more conspicuous symbol -

Near the chessboard, several apricot trees were in bloom. The flowers are thin and white, and the moist air is filled with a faint fragrance. The gentle spring sunshine makes this place quiet and secluded. Although it was the place where the bones were buried, Yin Ci didn't feel the slightest bit of coldness.

There is no more peaceful destination than this.

Shi Jingzhi briefly discussed the matter between Yan Budu and Kong Shi on the road. No one said anything at this moment, just quietly looking at the apricot trees covered with flowers.

Yin Cicheng was about to step forward when his wrist was grabbed by Shi Jingzhi. Shi Jingzhi looked serious and shook his head slightly: "There seems to be no mechanism here. This is Yan Budu's arrangement... Yan Qing, take a look at the Mercy Sword. Remember to move slowly."

Under the ghost tomb, Yan Budu took care of his descendants. Yan Qing took the Sword of Mercy and put it on double insurance, making him the safest among them all.

Yan Qing nodded solemnly, holding his sword and moving closer to the chessboard. He paid special attention to his steps when walking, for fear of stepping on bones or other things. After moving at a snail's pace for half an hour, Yan Qing finally came to the edge of the chessboard, with obvious sweat on his forehead.

Nothing happened.

"I saw, the 'key' is still there!" Yan Qing breathed a sigh of relief and raised his voice. "It looks like a jade bead... should I take it out now?"

Shi Jingzhi silently felt the atmosphere around him for a while, but found nothing strange: "Try it. Remember, never let go of the Mercy Sword, and stop it if something goes wrong, okay?"

"Yes." Yan Qing took a deep breath, took out the thin hook he had prepared in advance, and began to pry the "jade beads" embedded in the chessboard.

The moment the thin hook touched the jade bead, something unexpected happened.

On the Mercy Sword, the protective spell left by Yan Budu was activated immediately. The stone sword trembled slightly, glowing with an extremely soft light. The light gradually took shape and turned into a thick mask, tightly wrapping Yan Qing in it. The next moment, the faint light of the protective shield flickered like a candle in the same wind, extinguishing dangerously, as if it was about to burst in the next second.

In the past, a group of people would not have been able to react instantly. But not long ago, they came into contact with a similar scene -

Something is sucking up a lot of energy.

The Sword of Mercy is made of Mu Yan Stone. The Muyan Stone is the strongest stone in the world. It is transformed from the corpse of an ancient monster and is also a magic material. The Dharma words engraved on the empty stone will take effect after a hundred years, and its power can be seen.

Yin Ci remained silent. He used the method that Yan Budu had used to rescue Yu Zikuan and Yan Zheng a hundred years ago. If you don't have the Sword of Mercy and touch the jade beads without permission, it's hard to say whether a whole body can be preserved.

But it was the Inviting God Formation that absorbed the essence before. What is it that absorbs the essence now? The mausoleum sect is good at repairing tombs. If he just wants to put visitors in trouble, there are countless mechanisms and techniques that can be used. Why would Yan Budu use such an unsophisticated and complicated method

Yan Qing held the Mercy Sword tightly in his left hand and continued to pry the jade bead with his right hand. He worked for nearly half an hour before the jade bead emerged from the cave and touched the sun for the first time in a hundred years.

The moment he saw the jade bead clearly, Yan Qing's hand shook and he almost let go of the Mercy Sword. At the same time, the protective shield of the Mercy Sword finally stopped flashing, but it was dimmer and almost nothing compared to when it was first activated.

The absorption of essence seemed to have stopped, and a warm halo appeared on the surface of the jade bead. Yan Qing froze in front of the jade beads, neither picking them up nor picking them up.

Yin Ci took a step forward: "What's going on?"

"...It's an eyeball." Yan Qing swallowed, "This thing is an eyeball."

He turned slightly to the side so that everyone could see it.

The eyeball was translucent with a jade-colored luster. The jade eyeball is extremely delicate and is definitely not an artificial carving. If you look carefully, you will see that the surface of the eyeball is densely engraved with complex patterns, which have nothing to do with the word "key" no matter how you look at it.

Is this the key to seeing flesh

"There is no such thing in Lingjiao." Yan Zheng frowned and spoke proactively. "I don't have any magic like ‌‌, and I haven't heard of anyone using it."

Not to mention Yan Zheng, Yin Ci himself didn't have such a thing. Anyway, the absorption of energy had stopped. He walked straight to the chessboard and took the jade eye into his hand.

The jade eyeball lay quietly in his palm. There was no movement around him, and Yin Ci didn't feel the slightest bit of discomfort. He looked at the lines on the jade eyes for a while and distinguished two magic circles.

One of them uses ‌ to absorb essence. The magic circle was so complicated that he couldn't see its secrets at a glance. No matter how you look at it, it is not something that Yan Budu, a newbie in magic, can do.

The other formation was even more complicated, and Yin Ci couldn't even identify its purpose.

Many monsters have their own natural magic formations. These magic formations often have exquisite butterfly wing patterns that are difficult for mortals to design. Thinking about it now, this magic circle is more like it originally existed in the eyeballs, and was embodied and used directly.

Yin Ci held the eyeball for a long time and made sure it was not dangerous before throwing it to Shi Jingzhi.

"That moment just now, all the energy was absorbed by this thing. There are two interesting magic circles on it. Take it and take a look."

Shi Jingzhi picked up the jade eye and played with it towards the sun for a while: "This thing is definitely more than a 'key'... It's terrible, it makes people dizzy. I'll take a little bit of my true energy to go in and understand it."

Chief Shi's idea is very simple. Yin Ci has no internal strength and cannot use magic. You can separate out a little bit of essence, follow the lines of the formation, and explore the nature of the formation - the formation that absorbs essence still has some murderous intent, this unknown formation is quite peaceful, and it should be Nothing will happen.

Finding out the function of the key may also shed some light on finding the sight flesh. This place is deserted, so you don't have to worry about the walls having ears, so it's perfect for an experience.

Shi Jingzhi specially suppressed a very small amount of Qi, trying to touch the unknown formation. He originally wanted to try it briefly, but then quit when it was good. However, the moment the formation was activated, the air around him shook, and a fine numbness spread along Shi Jingzhi's arm.

The unknown formation used the stored energy on its own and officially started operating.

When the formation started, Shi Jingzhi hissed and shivered violently. There was no evil in this attack, and it didn't bring any pain. Instead, it gave him an extremely weird feeling.

It was like he had been soaking in warm and comfortable water all his life, and now he put his head out of the water for the first time. Heaviness and coldness hit him head-on, and he could hardly breathe.

…‌This is not the point.

He knew the true function of this formation.

Shi Jingzhi saw Yan Zheng and Yu Zikuan looking at him worriedly, and Yan Qing in a daze holding the sword of mercy. And around them, countless "bald branches" shot straight into the sky, swaying in the wind, forming a forest that was not very dense.

This scene is like the Buddha's Heart Formation, but not like the Buddha's Heart Formation.

If the bare branches in the Buddha's Heart Formation were like looking at the shadows of fish in muddy water, now he was holding the fish in front of his face, and he could see even the thinnest scales very clearly - there were countless dark shadows growing on those gray-red "bald branches". The thin red roots dance and float out of thin air, like algae in the water. The skin of the bare branches has an uncomfortable sheen and wrinkles, and the growth in the scars looks like diseased sarcomas, making people feel acid reflux in their stomachs.

"What's wrong?"

It was A Ci's voice. His whole body suddenly froze, and Yin Ci must have noticed something.

"I didn't..." Shi Jingzhi turned to Yin Ci, and his words of peace suddenly got stuck in his throat, almost causing his throat to bleed.

The sight in front of him instantly froze the blood all over his body. All conspiracies and conspiracies were forgotten by Shi Jingzhi, fear and worry surged at the same time, and he fell into the ice cave.

The formation was extremely complicated, and all the energy that she had just sucked in from the Mercy Sword was completely used up in a matter of seconds. The jade eyeball starts and ends in a matter of a few heartbeats or a startling glance.

But Shi Jingzhi saw clearly enough.

Yin Ci was standing in front of him, but he didn't look like the banished immortal he was familiar with.

A "bald branch" is extremely long and thin, mixed with those dark red roots, and together they form the shape of a person. In the gaps between the thin roots, one can still see the fresh flesh and blood - the flesh and blood are in pieces and attached to the bare branches and thin roots, as well as the mud stuck in the vine net. At a cursory glance, the Yin Ciwan Temple in front of him is a... strange statue that has not been painted with gold paint.

I can clearly see similar scenes, Shi Jingzhi thought.

He is in the forbidden area of Yuanxian Village. The "Yin Ci" in front of him was exactly the same as the huge statue made of tree roots.

The face of the person opposite did not have the usual fair skin and beautiful eyebrows, only a mixture of flesh and blood and roots. They form the facial features delicately without any trace of deliberate intervention.

The energy is exhausted and the formation stops. In just a short moment, Shi Jingzhi felt that he had been struggling for a year. The bare branches disappeared as if they were dissolving, and the person he cared about seemed to have grown into an immortal skin out of thin air. The skin is snowy, the hair is black, and the past is flawless.

"What's wrong with you?" Yin Ci asked again, with obvious worry in his eyebrows.

… This time, Shi Jingzhi didn’t know how to answer.