Sending the Divine

Chapter 112: Bandits


This time there was no Taiheng's arrow horse riding, so there was no time to take a long detour. The Kushan sect's group spent half a day together and specially traveled with the Sun family's herb caravan.

With Sun Huaijin here, they don't need to worry much. Old Man Sun was a bit confused, but he was as efficient as ever. The five of them took separate cars and ate and drank a lot. The carriage was stuffed with hidden medicinal herbs, filled with a pleasant aroma of herbs.

"Sister Shen is a female dependent, so it's convenient for her to sit alone. This car is quite big, so the four of us can squeeze into one car, so it's even better—"

Before Yan Qing could finish speaking, Su Si covered his mouth and dragged him back: "How big is it? Look at how many medicines are stuffed in it. The leader even put a bunch of books in there, which you don't have room for. Let's go for a walk." , let’s take one.”

Yan Qing glanced at Su Si incomprehensibly, but in the end he remained silent and followed him into the car obediently.

The medicinal materials are fragile, so the wheels of the Sun family's truck are covered with bamboo strips, making them more stable than ordinary carriages. Yin Ci exchanged a few words with Sun Huaijin as usual. As soon as he got into the car, he was almost shocked by the sight in front of him.

In just a few cups of tea, Shi Jingzhi built a decent straw nest using the medicinal materials in the car. From the outside, you can only see medicinal materials, but the inside is well organized, with places to lie down and sit, leaving a special gap to look out of the car window. On the left hand side of Master Shi was a crumbling mountain of books, and on his right side was a precarious mountain of food boxes. There was a medicinal bag sitting under this man's butt, and he seemed to be on a throne.

Seeing Yin Ci come in, Shi Jingzhi moved quickly, leaving half of the "throne" empty, and specially gave the side of the food box to Yin Ci.

Yin Ci couldn't help but laugh: "This world of medicinal materials is still not available to my disciples."

After all, he sat down next to Shi Jingzhi. Yin Ci glanced at the mountain of books and found that they were all filled with various versions of Sun Wan's biography, including a dozen or so volumes of General History of Dayun. Shi Jingzhi returned to the nerdy state he had when he returned from the North, except that last time he read about magic, this time he read about history.

But this time, the headmaster bargained: "Aci, let me lean on you for a while, and you can lean on me later."

Not long after, Yin Ci ushered in his second historical reserve inspection. Shi Jingzhi changed his seat to leaning, resting his head on Yin Ci's lap, holding a book with both hands: "The journey is long, and every battle in the founding period, A Ci will accompany me through it."

Yin Ci lowered his head and saw two smiling eyes above the book. Just as he was about to touch them, Shi Jingzhi retracted his head under the book: "Let's start with the earliest 'Puzhong Rebellion'—"

The surroundings are filled with medicine and books, and a few rays of sunlight shine through the gaps. This was obviously the cramped environment that Yin Ci hated most, but he felt relaxed and happy with the fragrance of the medicine. The warmth on the thigh is reassuring. The golden beam of light sweeps across the cover of "The General History of Dayun", and the floating dust also shines brightly.

Yin Ci took a deep breath and let the warm wind soaked in medicinal fragrance fill his chest and lungs. Then he leaned down with a smile and brushed his lips against the rough spine of the book: "‌Ask."

Yin Ci hates reminiscing, especially reminiscing about that ambiguous time. Even though he has thousands of delusions, all of them have only one ending - he must be betrayed by others and fall into such a desperate situation.

In a sense, Yin Ci is the exact opposite of Shi Jingzhi. He may not have lost any memory, but the fragments of his delusion are like colorful bubbles, covering each other in a mist. Every time Yin Ci tried to distinguish between true and false, the boundless darkness would overflow again, drowning him deeply.

But in this extremely ordinary moment, darkness did not appear again.

Yin Ci played with Shi Jingzhi's fingertips and stared at a clean and round nail. He was typing absently on his lips, and more vague "memories" that he didn't know were true or false emerged.

I have collected so many beautiful stones, Cuicui must like them. The handsome man in the yellow sand appeared again, beaming with joy. Unfortunately, there is nothing but sand here. ‌When we go to the south to fight, I can also buy some jewelry to take back.

Brother Sun gave me some sand, and my sister-in-law also liked it! The soldiers nearby laughed. Brother Sun has to pick out gifts every time he goes to war. My sister-in-law is so lucky—

"Brother Sun" didn't smile: "Blessing is nothing. Who can be blessed when he sees the sky and fights in the sky?" My second oldest child can already memorize Chinese characters, but he still doesn’t know what my biological father looks like. I made an agreement with our sister-in-law that the world would be at peace, and I would immediately disband and return to my farm, and accompany her to the countryside to live a small life - that is called blessing.

With you two and Master He, the world will be at peace sooner or later. Brother, why don't you become a high official when you're done

"Brother Sun" sighed: I don't know a few words in Douda, and I can only listen to others' orders when leading troops. When it comes to becoming an official, you still have to count on my good brother... This brother of mine is young and promising, and he doesn't have a family yet, so he is a great material for becoming an official!

He rubbed the beautiful stone in his hand and turned his head: "But I don't know where to find a woman who can match my brother." Fortunately, Brother Xu has a headache about the marriage. If you ask me, with your face, you should marry the most beautiful woman in the world -

"A Ci?" Shi Jingzhi's voice seemed to be separated by a layer of water, blurry. "Aci, what's wrong?"

The whistling sound of wind and sand in Yin Ci's ears slowly disappeared, and his eyes were still a little distracted: "Huh?"

"... I just asked about the second major conflict of the 'Battle of Shafu'." Shi Jingzhi frowned slightly, stretched out his arms and rubbed Yin Ci's eyebrows. "‌Suddenly stopped answering."

"Hmm." Yin Ci rubbed his temples, his internal organs seemed to have been frozen. "Something happened, I was distracted for a moment."

"To be honest, I always feel that it has something to do with Sun Wan." Shi Jingzhi stood up and kneaded the acupuncture points on Yin Ci's head. "‌I've played so much in the sandbox, ‌that kind of commanding spirit can't be developed by just playing around in the world."

"‌It's just that you like me."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," Shi Jingzhi tugged at Yin Ci's long hair, "I'm half a veteran, so I won't be mistaken."

Yin Ci glanced at him: "Half a veteran?"

Shi Jingzhi put Yin Ci's head back: "Since I was sensible, my eldest brother has been teaching me the art of war on the sandbox like a duck. When I beat the generals of the DPRK and China on the sandbox, he made some indifferent border frictions for me to practice. Before I left the palace, Dayun asked me to be his adviser in every battle... It was partly because he was a teacher, do you understand?"

After all, he is still this person's defeated general, so he really can't let it go.

"The use of 'Yuzi' today is quite comprehensive."

"Isn't it? Wait, don't change the subject."

Yin Ci stopped hiding his secrets: "I have a fantasy related to Sun Wan, but the name and the residence recorded in history do not exist. Maybe I am one of his subordinates who gave birth to such a real fantasy."

Shi Jingzhi looked at Yin Ci quietly for a while, but to Yin Ci's expectation, Shi Jingzhi did not continue to ask. He looked into Yin Ci's eyes quietly for a while, then suddenly kissed the side of Yin Ci's neck.

"Well, we will find out sooner or later when we find out the tricks of the Immortal Yin Gui." Shi Jingzhi put his chin on Yin Ci's shoulder, his tone was calm and matter-of-fact.

Yin Ci's explanation made him confused. He originally thought that Shi Jingzhi would get to the bottom of it. Unexpectedly, the master leaned on him for a while, then plunged into the book and turned the pages.

Sun Huaijin's hands and eyes can reach the sky. During the various checkpoints along the way, they were never discovered by the officials, let alone the people in the world. Except for the small compartment and the slight change in resting, Yin Ci has never felt so comfortable.

There was still half a day's journey from Shafu, and Shi Jingzhi finished reading the last book. He returned to his apprentice and said with great interest: "Aci, Shafu is ‌'s territory for the time being. It really doesn't work, ‌—"

Before he finished speaking, the world suddenly started to spin. Ancient books were flying everywhere, and the medicine nest that Master Shi had worked so hard to build was destroyed, and even the medicine-to-disease-cure flag was almost broken.

"There is no smell of coming, it's a stumbling block in the carriage." Yin Ci protected the back of Shi Jing's neck and spoke coldly. "The methods of bandits."

Shi Jingzhi consciously placed the flag in front of the two of them, and then put it away after hearing the words: "...Have all the bandits robbed you here?"

Sun Huaijin is as slippery as a loach. If he can make the Sun family's business so big, he must have both good and bad points. Now his commercial vehicles can be robbed, and the area around Shafu is really in chaos.

"Elder Bao of the Ling Sect was killed a few days ago. His Shafu branch has no leader. It is normal for it to be chaotic." Yin Ci whispered, "There are many sand bandits who borrowed Dongfeng in his branch. Respect the Yan family bloodline.”

As soon as Bao Zu died, the bandits went to Zongwu Mountain to express their loyalty to Yan Zheng. They fell down the trees and the hozens scattered on the spot. Originally, Baozu's group was suppressed by the Chigou Sect, but now the Chigou Sect has no time to take care of itself. This group of gangsters are able to rob and make trouble freely.

The Sun family's horseman had been trained, and instead of being annoyed, he smiled and gave the money. Unexpectedly, this group of sand bandits didn't buy it, and before the drivers could react, their heads fell to the ground.

"There's someone in the medicine!" Several people shouted at the top of their lungs.

Yan Qing had already raised the cloth-wrapped mercy sword and stood in front of Shen Zhu. Su Si also pulled out the carving knife and glanced around with a pair of passionate eyes. Thanks to the collapse of the grass nest in the master's house, the masters and disciples of the Dry Mountain Sect were covered with medicine and could only watch the show.

These two servants passed through Zongwu Mountain. If they couldn't deal with the bandits, they could be driven out on the spot.

"Hey, I only saw two people eloping in pairs before. This is the first time to meet three of them. They are quite interesting, aren't they?" The leader of the bandits showed a shy belly and showed yellow teeth. "You can borrow Mr. Sun's car, you must be rich."

Su Si had no stage fright: "There is a servant among the three of us. Guess which two are eloping?"

The sand bandit was stunned for a moment, then Su Si chuckled and started to wipe his throat. As a result, before he could take a step, a long stick was drawn unexpectedly, hitting Su Si's wrist. Su Si clicked his tongue and turned the carving knife in his hand. He was about to take action again—

"I'll take care of these people." A cold female voice said, "You guys go collect the medicine first."

"Yes, that's what the little lady said." The leader walked away with a playful smile.

They all recognize this voice. Su Si's sword light froze in mid-air, and the expressions of everyone in the Kushan Sect froze.

Shi Jingzhi opened the medicine bag in horror and looked carefully. The speaker was dressed in tattered bandit clothes, with a cheap iron sword hanging on his waist, and his long hair was tied high into a ponytail. There was a lot of dust on that face, but the appearance was still distinct—

That was clearly Shi Zhongyu.