Sending the Divine

Chapter 113: injured


Shi Zhongyu came from a wealthy family, and his clothes were always elegant and elegant, and he was quite righteous. Even Su Si was stunned for a moment when Female Hero Shi was fished out of the mud.

Fortunately, Su Si is already used to acting. He suddenly turned to murderous intent, and his movements when holding the knife became weak. The original murderous intent instantly turned into something strong on the outside but strong on the inside. After a few blows from Shi Zhongyu, he surrendered. Shi Jingzhi silently put on his Nuo noodles, picked up the medicine box, waved the flag, and walked out of the medicine pile while holding on to his waist.

Yin Ci saw that this man was addicted to drama, so he had no choice but to put on Nuo noodles in cooperation.

The Sun family is a big drug dealer, so the doctor's foundation is not bad. As expected, the bandits did not touch the master and the apprentice. They took the horse and the man on the spot and returned home with a full load. This group of sand bandits did not return to any village, but went straight to the villages near Shafu. There are torches burning everywhere in the village, and stone stoves and cauldrons are placed in the open space. The wine jars beside the pot were being rummaged around, and the leftover mutton bones were scattered all over the floor, making it look like a bandit's den.

The leader asked someone to take the horse away, and five people from the Kushan sect were pushed to kneel in front of the stove.

"Come on, let's sign up one by one. I can keep the doctor, but if the remaining ones are not worth anything, I will kill you today for fun."

Shi Zhongyu took a step forward and stood among the five people: "Cut it down for fun? Ma Shili, first you and I made an agreement, only money will be used but no people. The driver just let him go, why did you do it?"

Ma Shili showed his yellow teeth and smiled seductively: "Little lady, Mr. Wu didn't kill anyone today. The Sun family is no better than other families. If we don't kill him, we won't be able to bear the responsibility if Mr. Sun finds out about us."

Shi Zhongyu looked ugly. She put one hand behind her back and secretly made a gesture to Shi Jingzhi, telling them to be calm.

Shi Jingzhi and Yin Ci looked at each other - it turns out that this Taiheng heroine has other agendas here. She wants to buy them time to make up lies.

Just listen to Shi Zhongyu continue: "I have only been here for two days, and you have already broken your promise. Taiheng is coming, you..."

The smile on Ma Shili's face quickly disappeared: "Okay, don't nag. Little lady, I'm obedient because of your face. It's not like you don't know what's going on in this village, so leave it alone. How about pretending to be a saint? There are evil people everywhere, but he just ignores me? "

Shi Zhongyu swallowed a breath and his expression became even more ugly.

However, after she spent half a stick of incense, the headmaster had already made up the lie. I saw this fox hunched over his shoulders and bowed in a decent manner, and said bitterly to Shen Zhu: "Miss, miss! Why are you so miserable? I will wait until we get married in Shafu, and the master will not pursue it..."

Seeing this emotional performance, Shen Zhu took out a handkerchief and "wiped away tears" to cover his rolled-out eyes.

Shi Jingzhi sniffed and turned to the bandit leader Ma Shili: "Sir, my lady is the great-grandson of Mr. Sun. She is a miserable person who drank medicine since she was a child. No, she eloped with someone and she still wants me to do this A doctor is following."

Ma Shili only felt that he had a keen eye for recognizing people, and he was very proud: "Tsk, I just said it was a couple who eloped. That girl is pretty, but it's a pity that she can't be touched. Come on, find someone to wait on you, and find an opportunity to knock the grandson. It’s a stroke of luck!”

Sun Huaijin has countless descendants, and even Yin Ci had to be carefully investigated to find out. This bandit definitely couldn't tell the authenticity.

"Who is this bitch's mistress? Kill her first!"

"You can't do it!" Shi Jingzhi stood in the way of Su Si and said, "Young lady loves this young master so much that you want to kill him. My body and bones will definitely not be able to bear the grief-"

Su Si was so shocked by this nonsense that he didn't react for a long time. He was speechless for a while before remembering to cooperate: "Yes, yes. My family is a decent local family in Shafu. If you kill me, the government will definitely investigate to the end."

He has lived in Chigoujiao for a long time, and his Shafu accent is natural.

Ma Shili grunted twice and looked at Yan Qing with squinted eyes - Yan Qing was blindfolded and carrying a sword, dressed as a simple man in the world. Since she is not a concubine, she is a useless person. The bandit rubbed his stubble, a hint of murderous intent showing through.

Su Si pulled Yan Qing away: "This is my good brother who grew up wearing a pair of trousers. On this trip, I escaped with... and Miss Sun, thanks to my brother who escorted me all the way. If you want to die because of me, I will also I have no shame in living in this world!”

As he spoke, he held back a few tears, looking a little more pitiful than Shen Zhu.

Yan Qing: "..."

This was the first time Ma Shili encountered this exciting scene of killing one person after another. His head suddenly became as big as a bucket, and he raised his fingers - kill the doctor, and the young lady will die. Kill the concubine and his brother. After the concubine is dead, the lady must die. It is said that beauties have a bad life, but the beauty in front of me is not only as thin as paper, but also a walking dead.

Not being able to kill anyone, Ma Shili felt deeply bored. He turned to Shi Jingzhi again: "The mask has been taken off, and you look weird and have bad luck."

"My face has been burned by fire. It's very ugly. It's even more unlucky for me to see it." Shi Jingzhi smiled and hid Yin Ci behind his back. "My apprentice is the same. We burned it together."

Ma Shili: "..."

Ma Shili: "Okay, okay, if there are too many doctors, all of them will get out. Little lady, take this bunch of things that drag the family down, don't worry."

Leader Shi talked nonsense and managed to stabilize the bandits. It's a pity that Shi Zhongyu has just arrived and is obviously not trusted by the bandits. She was escorted together with the Kushan faction and sent to the largest courtyard in the village.

It is said to be the largest courtyard, and the walls are made of straw and mud. There were many people walking around the hospital, all with disheveled hair and dirty faces. Their urine and sweat were mixed together, and some of them couldn't stop retching. An adobe brick kang was set up in the room, and some straw and rags were put on it. This became a Datongpu.

Under the Nuo face, Master Shi held his breath, and his face gradually turned green.

"Miss Shi." He said anxiously after the bandits left. "Why did you leave us behind?"

Although Shi Zhongyu couldn't see Shi Jingzhi's expression, his emotion of "wanting to escape overnight" was already evident. She wiped the dust off her face and sighed heavily: "You have a lot of treasures. It's serious to look for them quickly. Why are you here?"

Shi Jingzhi calmed down for a moment and told the truth: "We do have the 'key' to Shirou set up by Yan Budu. When Master Qu finds out about Shirou, it won't be too late for us to negotiate with him."

Shi Zhongyu looked at him with a complex expression for a while: "They say that the Kushan sect is ungrateful and greedy, but I think Master Shi is an open-minded person. I also said that - Master Shi, did you hear that Chi Gou wants to establish a new leader?"

Su Si on the side remained silent and only moved slightly.

Shi Jingzhi: "I heard a little bit about it."

"It is said that the slain young master was a fake. Someone came out with Suzhui's bone-sweeping sword, and the great elder under Wu Xue Po's seat was a guarantor. Now he has been recognized by Chi Gou. Chi Gou is the best in the world. Once the devil changes its owner, it will be recognized by the world that the process must be followed - Taiheng and Yueshui Pavilion are coming, and the leader must also know it. "

Shi Zhongyu stroked the cheap sword and lowered his gaze.

"The new leader has come to power, and Chigou has completely changed his face. In the past, when a store dug up old treasures, Chigou's purchase price was higher than that of an ordinary shop. Now, not only do they not give money, but they also go from house to house to plunder them. If they don't obey, they will Kill for treasure."

Shafu is next to the ancient battlefield in the northwest, and the locals often travel to the desert to try their luck. Especially in a village like this, if you don't have one or two ancient items in your home, it would be embarrassing to tell anyone about it. At first, Chi Gou only robbed big tombs, killed and did business only for rich families, and got along well with ordinary people. The current style of practice is very similar to the original Qingling sect.

Yan Qing couldn't help but said: "They kill people when they say they want to? Doesn't the government care?"

"The sky is high in Shafu and the emperor is far away. The government has taken full advantage of Chigou. Now they say that all the ancient items were leaked from Chigou, and the government doesn't care."

Shi Jingzhi suddenly realized: "So this village..."

"Well, they are a big village that digs graves in the sand. They have produced many good people from Chi Gou. This time they were targeted by Chi Gou, so they had no choice but to take in the sand bandits. It was the lesser of two evils."

No wonder Shi Zhongyu couldn't move the bandits. For this village, the bandits are loose and ignorant, so they can cope with it for the time being. Instead of being a behemoth like the Chigou Sect, people and money would be lost if they were not careful. Chi Gou was busy searching, and it was not surprising that he skipped these difficult villages for the first time.

But this is just muddling through, and it’s hard to say how long it will last.

"I can tell you all I can about the situation here." Shi Zhongyu clasped his fists and said, "There is Chi Gou, and behind there are Taiheng and Yueshui Pavilion. The security of Shafu has been very tight these days. Before the situation gets worse, it’s best for you to hide here.”

"Very strict?"

"I have an informant in Taiheng. It is Qu Duanyun himself who is coming back this time, and Wang Xu Jingming is accompanying him."

Shi Jingzhi clicked his tongue loudly, and after a while he continued: "Taiheng's horses are also very fast. I thought they had arrived long ago."

Shi Zhongyu shook his head: "They went to the northwest area first, and it will take two or three days to reach Shafu."

"...I understand, thank you Miss Shi."

It was night, and the headmaster still couldn't stand Datongpu. He ran out of the room and sat against the wall in the courtyard, burying his head in Yin Ci's hair, trying to use the scent of his sweetheart to dispel the stench around him. Thanks to the warm spring weather, it didn't feel too cold for the two of us next to each other at night.

"You said we were open, but she didn't say what she was doing here in the end." Shi Jingzhi muttered.

"Perhaps it depends on Taiheng's performance. There was chaos in the past. In the past, Taiheng would probably take action. Now, it's hard to say. Shen Zhu lives with her, maybe he can pull something out."

Yin Ci touched Shi Jingzhi's long hair and yawned.

"Mr. Zhong, right?" A voice interrupted anxiously, "Someone is dying here. Come and take a look!"

The injured person is a woman about ten years old. She lost her right leg, and the section below the knee was rotten and swollen, with smelly pus dripping from it. The woman's anger was like a gossamer, her whole body was burning hot, and she was indeed in danger.

Shi Jingzhi was not as kind as Yan Qing, but he was not evil enough to deliberately stand by and watch. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and checked for his pulse.

The woman has a strong physique and solid martial arts skills. Even though she lost a leg, she did not fall into the state of being "sick of heaven". At that time, the headmaster brought medicine from Sun's house, and the effect was good. After a while, the woman woke up and frowned: "Why..."

"Sister Hua, you're awake." The person beside her said anxiously, "Ma Shili brought a doctor back to help you take a look."

"They robbed several medicine trucks today. Sister, you can be saved."

This woman is in her late teens, with white hair and black hair, and a slightly wrinkled face. She wasn't pretty, and there was a hint of meanness in her eyebrows, but fortunately she didn't have much evil.

"Sister Hua" glanced at the master and apprentice. She struggled to hold herself up and bowed swayingly to Shi Jingzhi: "My Chigouhua Jingchun, thank you for saving my life... Oh, Chigou people, you are laughing."

She said thank you, but there was still a hint of overbearing arrogance in her tone, which made people wonder how to respond.

Shi Jingzhi didn't have time to respond. She seemed to have realized something and smiled to herself: "It doesn't matter. The Red Gou God, the Red Gou God... it died together with Wu Xue Po."