Sending the Divine

Chapter 114: undercurrent


The person opposite was a Jianghu person, Shi Jing instinctively rolled up the flag. Fearing that he would be recognized, he hummed and turned to flee. But before Sect Leader Shi took a step, he heard Yin Ci say, "Red Hook Guardian Hua Jingchun?"

Hua Jingchun raised his eyebrows and said, "That's right, this doctor knows a lot."

Shi Jingzhi stopped on the spot and staggered. He didn't need Yin Ci to explain, because he knew Chi Gou... How could the guardian of Chi Gou fall to this point

There are six Dharma protectors in Chihgou, and eight elders under them, each of whom performs his duties on weekdays. The position of Dharma protector is considered the top position in the sect, but in a giant like Chihgou, those who can become Dharma protectors are more or less important figures. Shi Jingzhi has no impression of the woman with a broken leg in front of him. Since this person rarely shows up, she is probably an "internal Dharma protector" who is in charge of tools and creations.

Unfortunately, they were wearing Nuo masks and ordinary clothes, and they looked like important people. Hua Jingchun had little interest in them and focused on treating her injured leg. Shi Jingzhi applied hemostatic and anti-inflammatory medicine, and she could barely save the remaining half of her leg.

Yin Ci did not let her go, and lied to her: "Senior, I have relatives in Chi Gou, and I haven't heard from them for a while. They say something happened in the Chi Gou sect, didn't the young leader return?"

Since he had saved her life, Hua Jingchun couldn't ignore it: "A relative? What do you do?"

Yin Ci bowed with both hands: "I am here to look after the tea in Xunxianju."

Xunxianju is the small courtyard of Chigou Sect for receiving foreign merchants. Seeing that this person knew Chigou very well, Hua Jingchun's expression relaxed. She looked at Yin Ci for a while and sighed faintly: "What do you mean by returning? It's better for this young leader to have nothing."

Yin Ci continued to guide: "I understand - Hua Dharma Protector, I heard it from others. If the position of the leader is vacant, the three protectors of the religion and the six Dharma protectors will nominate the leader. The young leader found outside must have a token in his hand, and must be guaranteed by someone above the level of Dharma protector."

"That's true." Hua Jingchun dipped a small knife into the liquor and slowly cut away at the rotten flesh on the wound, making a hissing sound.

"That's it. The young leader is holding the Bone Sweeping Sword. It must have been picked by Wuxue Po herself. Wuxue Po is very good at judging people. How can she say 'it's better to be without'?"

Hua Jingchun paused with his knife, a sinister look flashing across his face: "That relative of yours won't die, so don't ask what you should ask."

After she finished speaking, she winked at the people around her. They stood up, and the leader smiled at the master and apprentice and said, "You will be rewarded for saving Sister Hua. Please follow us, there are so many people here, and the wind is blocked."

Although there were only mud walls and straw fields here, it was clear that they were sending the guests away.

In a hurry, he ate the hot tofu. The master and the apprentice did not force him to stay, and turned around. They had just walked a few steps out when Hua Jingchun started talking in a low voice with the people around him. One of them had amazing internal strength, and the other had sharp ears and eyes for three hundred years. Everyone's voices were very low and thin, but the two of them still heard the general idea.

"... That young leader will never be able to ascend the throne..."

"All the brothers in the church come from poor families... He is not just hunting down the common people, he is hurting our fellow countrymen..."

"... You kicked Sister Hua out before you even had time to get comfortable... Sister Hua is in charge of antiques, maybe that Bone Sweeping Sword is fake..."

Shi Jingzhi gave Yin Ci a look - the Chigou Sect had maintained good order for a long time, and its members were not as numb as the Ling Sect, so they would definitely not sit there and allow themselves to be slaughtered.

"Hearing this, the new young leader has no problem. If he is from the Immortal Guild, that would be even better." Shi Jingzhi rubbed his paws happily. "Anyway, he is not a good bird. Find a chance to catch him and let Su Si judge him."

"Yeah." Yin Ci stopped and pretended to pick the grass leaves out of Shi Jingzhi's hair.

On Hua Jingchun's side, the conversation was still going on: "... But isn't he the great-grandson of Su Zhi? If we really want to take action, it will be justified... Then the protectors will be very happy..."

Shi Jingzhi's smile froze on his face, and Yin Ci's hand froze in mid-air. Shi Jingzhi turned his head very slowly, and a lot of fear gushed out of Nuo's face.

"Aci, ah... I, this..." Shi Jingzhi held the flag, and the whole person was a little dazed. "That young leader..."

He is the great-grandson of Sun Huaijin. Sun Huaijin and "Su Zhi" are from the same era, and the years do match. Yin Ci is immortal, so if, if he has a family, it seems strange. Shi Jingzhi's brain is all muddled, and there is a slight sourness in the mud.

His nose seemed to be blocked. He could not smell the bloody stench in the yard, but could only smell the scent of Yin Ci.

Yin Ci finally took the blade of grass and looked at Shi Jingzhi with a serious face. When he was almost done with the tumbler, Yin Motou shook his head and patted Shi Jingzhi's face in a funny way: "I have never been married and I don't have any children. Don't worry, you are someone's great-grandfather."

The headmaster Shi finally recovered from the dizziness of the confusion of generations: "Is that young leader a fake?"

"'Su Zhi' is well-known. I don't know how many descendants I have met over the years." Yin Ci sneered, "But to be recognized by Chi Gou, this person's martial arts skills are not simple. That's great. My good grandson will take the throne soon, and my great-grandfather and parents will come to visit. Isn't it wonderful?"

Shi Jingzhi: “…”

I suddenly understood Sun Huaijin's initial confusion. I don't know why, but for the first time, I felt that I had aged a lot. Shi Jingzhi stood there for a while, looking sad, and stroked his beard: "My husband is right, let's do this."

Yin Ci's fierce look instantly disappeared, and he turned his head away in a rare pause. Shi Jingzhi looked left and right, and saw a little pink on the other person's earlobe.

The headquarters of the Chihgou Sect.

The new young leader was leaning against the window, looking at the desert outside. The winter snow had melted away, leaving only a barren land outside the window. He picked up a piece of candy from the small table and put it into his mouth. The hand that took the candy was covered with a thick layer of calluses, and he looked like a martial artist.

"Tired of it." He frowned at the person below.

The servant dared not say a word, and quickly took away the candies and added a pot of tea.

This young leader looked quite young, with a clean face. His facial features were not stunning, but they were comparable to Su Si. However, compared to Su Si, who was full of the excitement of the world, this person seemed a little less worldly, with a bit of the stubbornness of the past.

He was wearing a long sword with a bone hilt, and the pale hilt was engraved with the Red Hook Cult's pattern. He kept one hand on the sword, as if he was afraid it would grow legs and run away.

"Young Master." The room was still the same room, and the subordinates were still the same close subordinates. Except for the change of the person under the window, everything seemed the same. However, compared to when he faced the Black Blood Woman, the tone of this subordinate was a little bitter.

"Well, how is Hua Jingchun?"

"He has been thrown off the Three Provinces Cliff according to the rules. There is no trace of him at present. He may be dead." The subordinate said cautiously, "Young Master, the coronation ceremony has not yet been held. As for the external looting..."

The man raised his eyebrows and drew his sword instantly, with the sharp tip of the sword pointing at the subordinate's throat.

The subordinate did not dare to raise his head, and continued: "The external plunder is really excessive, it is not my fault. If Wuxue Po is still alive, she will be furious."

The young leader seemed to be very serious: "I have said this countless times. The Black Blood Woman is old, conservative and timid, but her vision is admirable. As the saying goes, the first demon sect is the nest of the bear. How many villages dare not offend it?"

"My Chi Gou Divine Cult only preys on the living for food and only robs the dead for their wealth. This is the strict rule set by our Cult Master, Wu Huai, please..."

Wu Huai slowly extended the tip of his sword: "Who is allowed to address me by my name? The old man is just a skeleton, and you are still abiding by his rules - I also shed the blood of the old man, and living blood is more interesting than a dead body? If you say one more word, I will lose your tongue."

The subordinate was stabbed in the shoulder, and his voice was stained with blood: "I am from the Chigou Divine Cult..."

Before he could finish, the sword tip poked his teeth. Most of the tongue fell to the ground, and the subordinate spat out a large pool of blood mixed with saliva in shock and anger. Wu Huai's swordsmanship was as sinister as the Sweeping Bone Sword, but it was also full of evil spirits and strange and unpredictable.

"Wipe the floor clean." Wu Huai put away his sword and gestured to the servants.

The subordinate fell to the ground, choking on his own blood and coughing repeatedly. Wu Huai walked up and put one foot on his head: "You can just respect the Bone Sweeping Sword. I am the great-grandson of the old master, and you have to respect this bloodline."

The servant trembled as he approached to wipe the blood, while the subordinate looked sadly towards the window. The window was inlaid with fine colored glass, so transparent that it seemed as if nothing was there. For several months, the skinny old man often sat there drinking tea and watching the scenery, but now there was not even a shadow left.

Even if Wuxue Po was still alive, she would not bring back a descendant of the Su family and worship him as a treasure. That was a bad habit of the Ling Cult, and Chi Gou would not be so spineless. But no matter how much he wanted to refute, he could only make a vague sound. He could not move, nor could he shout. The subordinate had to give up struggling and collapsed to the ground.

‌How is Zhihua Jingchun

A few days ago, Hua Jingchun contradicted Wu Huai for some reason and was ordered to be thrown off the Sansheng Cliff. Hua Hufa was very popular in the sect and was always valued by Wuxue Po, so he might have second thoughts. So his subordinates were cautious and put a small rope hook in Hua Hufa before throwing him off the cliff. With Hua Jingchun's ability, he would definitely die at the bottom of the cliff.

Since Wu Huai converted to Islam, he has been arrogant and domineering on the surface, but his actions are vicious and cruel, which is totally inconsistent with his elegant appearance. Unfortunately, he is both a token and a guarantor. In the past, he maintained the rules of Chi Gou, but now he has become the biggest stumbling block. His subordinates don't care what the protectors and protectors think. Based on his experience with Wuxue Po over the years, Wu Huai is definitely suitable to lead Chi Gou. After the enthronement ceremony in a few days, it will be too late for everything.

Before that, this person must be... must be eliminated.

The subordinate's eyes went dark and his mind gradually blurred. He just tried to get up, but felt a chill at his temple - Wu Huai stepped on his head and pierced his head with a sword.

"He dares to be distracted at a time like this. Chi Gou really dares to use anyone." Wu Huai drew his sword and said lightly. "He is just a personal servant. I will choose one myself tomorrow."

He wiped the blood off the sword.

"Master Qu will be here soon. I am disappointed to think that I have an old, slow-witted servant by my side."