Sending the Divine

Chapter 116: aware


The purpose of Hua Jingchun is simple. ‌‌ Want Wu Huai to disappear—kill him or be captured by the inexplicable masked master and apprentice. If you can get the fake sword and verify it on the spot, the person named Wu will never be able to get close to the Chigou Cult.

He is missing a leg and cannot be an assassin, and he has only a limited number of available people around him. ‌Now that a mysterious person has joined this group, ‌the meanness between his eyebrows has faded a bit.

The sand bandit Ma Shili did his duty, acting as a shield and dominating the surrounding area. There were almost no caravans coming and going, and Shi Zhongyu was keeping an eye on the village, so the chaos was not too big. That dilapidated courtyard became the temporary stronghold of the Chigou Sect. In just two or three days, the assassination plan was progressing smoothly.

There is no need for news from Yueshui Pavilion this time. The tight security will know what Qu Duanyun and Xu Jing are going to do. Shafu officials have been with Chigou for a long time and have long lost their curiosity about people in the world. However, His Highness the King is coming here, and if you want to keep the official hat on your head, you still have to do it.

That night.

Shen Zhu stuffed his clothes under the quilt and left the yard alone. Although the martial arts of Yueshui Pavilion people are mediocre, they travel all over the country all year round, and their foundation in light kung fu is not bad. Shen Zhu took the fat sparrow with him, went straight to Shafu, and carefully climbed over the wall into the city.

‌Step into the branch of Yueshui Pavilion here, straighten your clothes, and enter the room dedicated to "Tianbu".

"Isn't this a bit red in the sky?"

There were three or four people sitting in the room, all members of the Tianbu. They are all of different ages, and they all have rough skin that has been exposed to wind and rain. Shen Zhu smiled sweetly at the others and found a stool to sit on.

When he opened his mouth, it was obvious that he was not used to Shen Zhu's style: "The monthly salary of Yueshui Pavilion is not for white hair. What decent results have you produced in the years since you joined the Tianbu? I wonder who allowed you to be promoted. , I’m afraid I got a lot of benefits.”

He said the word "benefits" in an ups and downs manner, with a strange air of yin and yang.

"My little girl has read the investigation of Brother Chen's 'Mystery of the Disappearance of Wushu Mine', and the writing is really insightful. It's a pity that some details in it are unclear." Shen Zhu sat upright and said with a smile.

That "Brother Chen" didn't expect that Shen Zhu was so calm. When someone pointed out flaws in the investigation, he was suddenly in no mood to be sarcastic: "What kind of flaws? I was allowed to investigate more than half of them." !”

"Sunjiazhuang, Wang'ankou, and Shenhe Village. All three villages and towns have produced refined Wushu ore, but you wrote 'no more production in the future' without explaining the reason."

The man surnamed Chen's face darkened when he was told softly about his sore spot. He huffed for a long time and then said angrily: "I can get to the bottom of this trivial matter in three months!"

Shen Zhu crossed his fingers and smiled sweeter.

"Who is that girl?" the youngest one whispered, "I never said that Yueshui Pavilion doesn't accept women. How did you get in?"

"'The Yueshui Pavilion does not accept women' is a verbal rule, not written in the rules. Today, few women are literate, how can they enter the Yueshui Pavilion? But this woman answered the question on the sky stone, and the sky If you don’t accept it, you have to accept it.”

"Hey, isn't that awesome?"

"Awesome, I haven't discovered much since I came in. The puzzles I hand in every time are neither good nor bad, but I can't make any mistakes. Isn't this just a way of messing around? Just messing around. The attitude is still very high. Did you know that on the first day I entered the Tianbu, I took on the longest-standing puzzle of "Looking for Immortals".

"‌ said it, ‌ said it. It is said that if you can crack it, you can be a person in Tianbu? That puzzle has been empty for hundreds of years. When I came in, a senior told me that it was not a problem, but more like a symbol of Tianbu. The arrangement of ambition...maybe I don’t know.”

The eldest snorted coldly: "Who knows, this girl is here. Look at Brother Chen, he is being fooled by a few words. This is a tricky question to investigate the 'mystery of the disappearance of the Wushu Mine' ,‌It’s what they made a bet on—"

Shen Zhu slapped the book on the table, which was neither light nor heavy, and said, "The little lady has something urgent to do. I won't have a drink with you after Ziyi has given the order."

"Tsk, I won't even drink with you." The older member snorted again.

Shen Zhu flipped through the book and turned a deaf ear.

Everyone has gathered, and orders are delivered very quickly. After remembering Yueshui Pavilion's instructions, Shen Zhu climbed over the tiles of the house as usual and quietly left the city. ‌But this time, ‌ did not go back to the village, but went to an open area outside the city.

The place is overgrown with weeds and is almost a wild graveyard. The surrounding atmosphere was so gloomy that the little sparrow on Shen Zhu's shoulder shrank its neck and turned into a perfect ball of fur. Shen Zhu straightened her hair and turned around: "Sister, come out. I'm tired for you after waiting outside for so long."

The strong wind swept away, and Shi Zhongyu fell from the tree. He was still wearing the rough clothes, and his long hair was tied into a convenient bun. Shi Zhongyu frowned and looked at Shen Zhu, his expression slightly stiff.

"As a woman from Jianghu, sister, you don't have to be careful at this point." Shen Zhu's tone was not accusatory, but also somewhat teasing.

"I don't care where heroes come from. I know Shi and Yin well." Shi Zhongyu bowed politely, "However, these few days I have been here, the girl is not like a loyal servant of Shizhang. If you and Shizhang... ‌‌It’s cooperation… ”

"There is no direct interest. I might leak Chi Gou's story. Is this what you think?"

"Yes," Shi Zhongyu admitted openly, "I am really worried when I see the girl sneaking out in the middle of the night."

Shen Zhu took two steps forward and patted Shi Zhongyu on the shoulder: "I have a deep hatred for the Yinxian Guild and will not fulfill their wishes. Sister, don't worry, with the strength of those two from the Kushan Sect, even if I, the King of Heaven, do something bad, they can't forcefully rob me. ‌Wu Huai.”

Shi Zhongyu shrank his shoulders: "Girl, you don't look like a person with deep hatred - you have been adopted by a family in Qizhou since you were six or seven years old, and that family is still doing well now."

That person has nothing to do with the Yinxian Society. And what kind of deep-seated hatred can a six- or seven-year-old child maintain? It's not like Shi Zhongyu has never seen people immersed in hatred. Those people all have a sad look, but there is no trace of gloom between Shen Zhu's brows.

"Thank you for checking it out, sister." Shen Zhu said with a smile, "The Immortal Enlightenment Club is probably similar to what my sister wanted to do. She spared my life back then."

"Since the girl cares so much, why not practice martial arts and kill your enemies with your own hands?"

Shen Zhu raised his eyebrows, still smiling, but the aura around him gradually became more threatening: "Sister is right, I am a weak woman, I can't kill them all. Why don't we try another way? , it’s better to uproot it.”

This sentence was said sincerely and seriously, and Shi Zhongyu subconsciously took a step back.

Shen Zhu was not teasing Yu ‌, he really thought so. The former folk girl actually became murderous towards the century-old power under the Imperial Preceptor. ‌The sentence "Idiots are talking" almost blurted out, but Shi Zhongyu couldn't say a word because the other party looked so matter-of-fact.

"Shi Zhang and I each get what we need. We're just using people. Isn't sister using us? You specially pulled the dry mountain sect into the courtyard where the flowers are blooming in spring, and there is no place for them. Are you thinking of helping Chi Gou?" Shen Zhu approached Shi Zhongyu again, leaning forward, and the sparrow almost rolled off his shoulder.

Shi Zhongyu stared at that delicately made-up face, speechless for a long time.

"...I was reckless tonight." He finally lowered his head and said seriously. "I'm offended girl."

In the village courtyard, the atmosphere is much calmer.

Action was imminent, Hua Jingchun vacated the woodshed for the two of them, and added some straw for cattle feeding. Although it was rough, the master and apprentice finally got a clean single room.

"How about we open the door?" When Shi Jingzhi faced the enemy, he still remembered Chen Qianfan's record - the reason why Yin Ci broke up with the villagers who took him in was because he was forcibly locked up in the woodshed.

He didn't want this person to suffer at all now, and his mood was sour and numb, which was very unfamiliar.

Yin Ci glanced at Shi Jingzhi, as if he was looking into his heart: "It doesn't matter, this is not about locking him in, I am coming in on my own."

Shizhang breathed a sigh of relief. He once again used his talent for making holes with straw and piled up a relatively clean straw bed in the woodshed. There was no annoying smell of urine, sweat, and the smell of the person in his arms and the fragrance of straw. He fell asleep almost instantly.

Shi Jingzhi hadn't slept so relaxedly for a long time. In the middle of the night, without paying attention, he rolled down the edge of the bed.

The cloth cracked and cracked.

Shi Jingzhi rolled too calmly, not only his clothes were torn, but he was also woken up by a pile of tree branches by the wall. He shook his head in pain, ignored the torn clothes, and crawled back to the straw bed with a grunt.

After getting into bed and hugging her tightly, Shi Zhang realized that something was wrong. In the past, there would be a slight feeling of a hard object smacking against her heart, but now it was empty, as if her heart was missing a piece. ‌Similar.

... The safety kit that A Ci gave him is gone!

‌‌With a basin of ice water in his pocket, Shi Jingzhi woke up completely. He found Yin Ci who was sleeping peacefully, and got off the bed lightly. He didn't even light the fire, so he started looking for her by the moonlight.

The safety kit fell near the bed.

Just now, Shi Jingzhi rolled into the pile of tree branches, and its tether was hung on the branches and was hooked in the original place. The moonlight shines down from the window, giving the brocade bag a faint halo, and the peach blossoms embroidered on it appear more vivid. Shi Jingzhi felt terribly distressed and hurriedly held the brocade bag in his hands and checked it back and forth, for fear that it might be stained with dirt or loose threads.

As a result, this rubbing actually made him touch something. There was some wet mud in the corner of the woodshed, and the corner of the kit was a little damp, emitting a faint earthy smell. Shi Zhang's face suddenly fell down, and his heart was filled with sadness.

He immediately decided to go out and clean it up.

I'll hire someone to sew an inner pocket on my underwear some other time. If the battle gets fierce one day and the kit falls into a deep ditch on a cliff, I won't even have time to cry. Shi Jingzhi wiped the corners of the kit carefully with water while thinking wildly. Thinking that he was in a trance, he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood and spurted it out again.

As a warning from the book, Shi Zhang turned his head quickly enough and vomited all the blood on his chest.

However, at this moment, the kit in his hand suddenly became a little warmer.

The change in warmth was extremely subtle. I respect it when I am keen, but I only vaguely noticed it when I was hit by cold water. He had always worn it close to his body before, and had never noticed anything strange.

Shi Jingzhi frowned. He closed his eyes, put the kit under his nose and smelled it carefully. The faint fishy smell was mixed with the smell of medicinal herbs, and he finally sniffed out an unbroken spider silk.

… It tastes very much like Chen Qianfan’s cooking ingredients.

Yin Ci said that this was a peace charm written by Chen Qianfan. However, the peace talisman can be made with medicinal paper and cinnabar alone, and there is no possibility of the fishy smell of the monster's corpse.

Shi Jingzhi splashed cold water on his face, took a long breath, and decisively opened the small bag of tips.