Sending the Divine

Chapter 123: Sweep the bones


In front of half a stick of incense, Luoshen Tower. Shi Jingzhi was in a pretty good mood.

Hua Jingchun is not a person who keeps his promise and gets fat. As soon as Chigoujiao was settled, she sent someone to get the clay statue. Regarding "Su Zhi"'s resurrection from the dead, she wisely did not ask. It is only said that Wu Huai is on the run, and the chaos in Chigou has not been settled. The Kushan faction should be more careful.

She changed back into the attire of a protector, and the wound on her broken leg smelled of blood. Wu Huai was removed from the position of Chigou leader, and Hua Jingchun did not show any happiness.

"Don't you want to see Suzhi more?" Shi Jingzhi drank tea leisurely while waiting for the statue to come to his door.

"It is an unexpected joy that Master Su helps us eliminate Wu Huai. He is real, and Chi Gou is in such chaos. We have no shame in disturbing the soul of Master Su. If he is fake, the leader must have a clever plan...  ‌There is an ancestral saying that if you want to survive in this business of robbing tombs and stealing things for a long time, you must not be too curious.”

Hua Jingchun took a sip of tea, her face was complicated, and the initial anger was gone.

"Although meat is what Wu Xue Po pursues, today Taiheng is far ahead. The trend of our divine religion is over, and we can't warm and nourish our roots."

At this moment, the servant who took the clay statue entered the door.

The clay statue is about one arm high and looks like the emperor of the imperial palace. Different from the meat statue of Yuanxian Village, this clay statue is twisted and extremely rough. At first glance, it looks like it was made by a novice. The paint on the clay statue is mottled and faded, and it is completely gray and devoid of any sense of beauty.

‌ was placed in dark red brocade and held on a wooden pallet, which was incompatible with the noble and delicate surroundings. With such an appearance, it should be in some village market now.

... It's too ordinary. Maybe the Yinxian Guild is looking for something other than ‌.

When I think about it, I put down my tea bowl and look closer. The clay statue has an ordinary taste, without any fishy smell. The surface is uneven, but there are no mysterious patterns or anything special embedded in it. At that time, the leader was left and right, and he just had to put up a pair of tricks.

"Put it on the table first." After all the begging, the headmaster didn't find anything suspicious at all, so he decided to stay and investigate carefully.

Master Shi didn't wear a Nuo face, and his face was really distracting. The clay statue was not a valuable object. The servant who was holding the clay statue only looked at Shi Jingzhi's face. He tilted his hand and the clay statue shook precariously twice.


The slightest friction can be heard from inside the stone statue. Shi Jingzhi immediately opened his eyes wide and subconsciously touched the stone statue. There was something wrong in the servant's heart. When he saw this beautiful guest reaching out, he subconsciously took a step back.

Don't retreat. Well, he moved suddenly, and the statue was completely tilted, and it hit the ground headfirst.

With a crisp "click" sound, the clay statue was not blurred, and fell into eight pieces with a snap. More than a dozen small stone balls rolled down. Colorful stone balls were rolling around on the floor, and a crumpled booklet was revealed among the fragments.

Everyone in the room was frozen in place.

Shi Jingzhi had only heard of the idea of hiding Buddha statues, and clay statues usually contained good things. However, the stone balls all over the floor contained no precious gems and looked more like children's playthings. He thought for a moment, but just as he was about to bend down to pick up the booklet, Yin Ci walked in.

Just as everything was in a mess, Master Shi felt that most of his wisdom and martial spirit had been exhausted, and he hurriedly made up for it: "Aci, you are such a clay statue..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly discovered something unusual.

When Yin Ci walks in the door on weekdays, his eyes will definitely fall on him first. Wrapped in that gaze, Shi Jingzhi felt extremely comfortable from his hair to the tips of his toes. However, this time, Yin Ci picked up the stone ball on the ground and kicked it straight, his eyes full of frightening nothingness.

‌‌ It was the time when they had just formed a master-disciple relationship.

Yin Ci clenched the stone ball tightly and murmured a name. The sound was low and vague, and Shi Jingzhi couldn't hear it clearly, but he could still feel that something was wrong.

The headmaster shoved the book into his arms and rushed straight to Yin Ci: "Ah Ci?"

Yin Ci didn't seem to hear him, and didn't answer or sneer at him. He just stretched out one hand and slowly grasped Shi Jingzhi's wrist - with great force, his hand was frighteningly cold, and the suffocating depressive air slowly rose.

There is obviously something wrong with this person.

Shi Jingzhi frowned. Yin Ci's reaction didn't look like a spell or poisoning, he was clearly possessed.

Fortunately, Yin Ci lost his soul and returned to his lost soul, and he still didn't take precautions against Shi Jingzhi. Shi Jingzhi gritted his teeth and quickly clicked on Yin Ci's sleeping points. He didn't even have a clay statue, so he directly picked up the sleeping Yin Ci and said, "Hua Protector, I would like to lend you a guest room."

Luoshen Tower is a place for entertaining guests, and there is no shortage of guest rooms. Hua Jingchun prepared a particularly quiet room for them: "Does Master Shi need some medicine...?"

Shi Jingzhi didn't even raise his head, and his voice was extremely tight: "I'll take care of him and tell everyone to step back."

When there was no one in the room, Jingzhi took off Yin Ci's Nuo mask. Then he picked out the stone ball from Yin Ci's palm - the stone ball scratched the flesh of Yin Ci's palm and was stained with blood.

Shi Jingzhi did not call the rest of the Kushan sect, but opened Hua Jingchun and wiped the blood on Yin Ci's hands himself.

"You didn't look like that when you went crazy. If you want to prevent disaster for me, you should do it yourself first."

He twisted a warm cloth and gently wiped Yin Ci's cheek. Yin Ci did not unconsciously fall into unconsciousness. Shi Jingzhi could wake him up at any time - but because of Yin Ci's abnormal appearance, Master Shi really did not dare to act rashly.

Ordinary people lose control of their minds, but he can firmly control them. Yin Ci is too strong. If he goes crazy here, the Chigou Sect may be reduced to ashes before being destroyed by Wu Huai.

Not to mention that there are many outsiders present here, and it is impossible to capture them without mercy. If a melee really breaks out, Yin Ci's "immortal" physique may become known to the whole world the next day.

The headmaster was worried and anxious and wanted to chew the cloth on his hand.

When Yin Ci's breathing finally stabilized, he looked at the stone ball for a while. Unfortunately, he didn't find any mystery from above - the stone balls were put into the chess jar by Hua Jingchun without falling to the ground. They were so colorful. They had been anointed with balsam and had obviously been carefully preserved. Other than that, they are just ordinary stones.

… All that’s left is the booklet.

Shi Jingzhi lit the medicinal incense of peace of mind in the four corners of the house. Then he pushed Yin Ci into the bed and half-lyed on the bed himself. Yin Ci's state was the same as that of a deep sleeper, with shallow and long breathing. His brows were slightly frowned, and there was no expression on his face, and there was a strange pain on his face.

Shi Jingzhi couldn't help but take Yin Ci's right hand and kissed his palm.

Cold and cold.

Master Shi sighed and placed Yin Ci's cold right hand on his waist and abdomen to warm it with his body. He closed his eyes, held his breath and concentrated for a while, then turned to the first page of the book.

The first emotion that hit me was disappointment.

Shi Jingzhi originally thought that there should be neat handwriting inside, recording secrets of one kind or another. But this booklet seems to have been written by a child who has just learned to write. The handwriting is so clumsy that it is difficult to read and read. Many of the ink characters were spread by water stains, as if someone was dripping water continuously.

Shi Jingzhi turned back a dozen more pages and found a mess of calligraphy practice pages. The small, crooked ink characters are put together one by one, and they don't even form a sentence.

Sun Huaijin's hoarse voice echoed in his mind.

During the years when Taizu was ill, Sun Wan seemed to have changed. He was a dignified man of nine feet, curled up in tears all day long, learned to read, learned to dance, and painted ink.

Could this be Sun Wan's calligraphy practice book? Shi Jingzhi rubbed his eyebrows.

There are many legends similar to "Sun Wan learned calligraphy", and all authors, without exception, portrayed him as a loyal person whom the emperor prayed for. But if this is just an ordinary calligraphy book, why would Mrs. Sun hide it in the statue

Shi Jingzhi patiently turned back page after page, moving slowly and gently, for fear of damaging the ancient pages.

Sun Wan was obviously a smart man, and his handwriting became clearer and clearer. The words gradually formed short sentences and became organized. The only thing that remains unchanged is the soaking marks that may be water stains or tear stains.

Turning to a page in the second half of the book, his hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, and his expression froze—

Xu Yue, He Chengan, you are a beast.

I, Sun Wu, am a beast.

There are only two sentences on this page. They are densely repeated and crowded on the page, like some kind of vicious curse.

Xu Yue, the name of Emperor Kaiying. He Cheng'an is a Buddhist monk who is known as a "sage".

According to rumors, Sun Wan had such a good relationship with these two that they were brothers with the same surname, and there were even rumors of sworn sworn friendships. The loyal Marquis Lie'an left this handwriting, which sent a chill down his neck. He adjusted his breathing and turned to the next page.

This time, Shi Jingzhi was completely frozen on the bed.

Beside him, Yin Ci had a long dream.

He was alone, standing somewhere in the thick darkness. With no sky above his head and no ground under his feet, his absurd or bizarre fantasies floated around him like dirty catkins.

People were coming from all directions, as if there were countless mouths talking to him, making his head explode. Yin Ci couldn't help but kneel down with his head in his hands, watching as his body was broken into pieces like a clay statue. With the clicking sound of the stone ball rolling, many delusions collapsed like bubbles, leaving only the darkest one in front of him - the one he tried his best to ignore and put behind him.

The memories scattered in the delusion gradually returned to their places, stabbing his brain like a knife.

More than three hundred years ago, there was a raging war and war. Everyone knows that the world is in chaos, and only Yunxi has a glimmer of hope.

The surname of the ruler of Yunxi was Quercus, and he was originally a prince of one side. Xu Yue was a promising young man and had two generals, Sun Wan and He Chengan, under his command. Sun and He, one armed and the other guarded, guarded the beautiful mountains and rivers. As long as you can escape to Yunqing, you won't have to worry about having nothing to eat.

Yin Ci was originally an orphan who survived the war. A face that attracts many dirty people. In order to protect himself, he taught himself boxing and kicking skills, and even protected many abandoned children in the same situation as himself. After hearing this rumor, he led his people to flee to Yunxi without hesitation.

With his guidance and command all the way, more than a hundred abandoned children successfully entered Yunxi without any casualties. This incident caused an uproar for a while. Xu Yue found it interesting and met the young man who commanded the god in person.

Xu Li was only around 20 at the time. His face was not handsome, but his attitude was very kind. He Chengan was wearing a plain-colored gown with an air of immortality. He smoothed his long beard and spoke with a smile.

This man has an extraordinary appearance. If given time, he will become a promising man.

Xu Li seemed to have great trust in He Chengan. Based on He Chengan's words, Yin Ci was raised as half a guest and even got the chance to study. The children he brought also had food to eat. The clever ones were picked by craftsmen to become apprentices, while the naive ones were taken away and made servants.

… Back then Yin Ci really thought he was lucky.

The first person he really got to know was Sun Wan. Yin Ci was quite capable of dispatching troops and generals, and Sun Wan was the one who led the troops. After getting along for a long time, Yin Ci often visited Sun Yat-sen as a guest. The two of them might discuss the art of leading troops, or play sandbox games late at night.

Mrs. Sun was already pregnant at that time, and she would always look at Sun Wan with tender eyes.

Yin Ci had heard Sun Wang show off countless times that every piece of General Sun's personal clothing was carefully sewn by her. Sun Wan didn't have the slightest air of a general, and he had to personally take care of his wife's daily life. General Sun even boiled the sugar water and dried it by himself, for fear that his servants would be tampered with and burn his beloved wife.

I am a rough man, I definitely accumulated virtue in my previous life, and in this life I married the best woman in the world. Sun Wan always likes to say this.

The two are deeply in love as a couple, even when the sandbox game is at its most intense. When Mrs. Sun sneezed, Sun Wan flew over as if his butt was on fire. Yin Ci has no father or mother, so he is happy to see the two of them treat each other respectfully and happily. He was never upset about being interrupted, and would always wait for Sun Wan to come back with a smile.

When Cuicui gives birth, I will let the children recognize you as their adoptive father and climb onto your high branch as soon as possible... You are obviously many years younger than me, how come your head is so long? Alas, I lost again.

Xu Yue, as a close friend of Sun Wanda's childhood acquaintance, would also infiltrate Sun Wan from time to time. He Chengan always followed Xu Li's ass, borrowing money from him.

The four of them got along extremely harmoniously, from chatting to talking about the world.

It's a pity that Sun's eldest son failed to recognize Yin Ci as his adoptive father. Before his death, Yin Ci followed Sun Wan to the battlefield and took the first step to calm down the troubled times. Year after year, he grew from a boy to a young man on the battlefield, his achievements surpassed that of Sun Wan, and he became the number one general under Xu Li.

Fortunately, Sun Wan had always been informal. Instead of being jealous or resentful, he ignored the difference in seniority and tried his best to be his lieutenant. Xu Li was not dissatisfied because his friend was suppressed. He treated Yin Ci sincerely and admired He Chengan as a "bo Le".

The territory of Yunxi expanded step by step, and the relationship between the four people became closer and closer - Xu Yue won the hearts of the people, Sun Wan and Yin Cizhu were well matched, and He Cheng'an had no plans left. The four of them cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding, treat each other with sincerity, and share the same friendship.

Yin Ci was born without his parents, and was left homeless in the flames of war. In the past, he had the kindness of knowing and meeting others, and in the future, he had the friendship of others. He had no selfish intentions at all, and he went through fire and water along the way. At that time, he was a master of military skills and was quite prestigious among the soldiers. When he became the general, he was only twenty years old.

Everyone worked together for seven or eight years to calm the troubled times. Sun Wan took the lead and took He Chengan's immortal wine as the sworn wine, and the four of them became sworn brothers with different surnames.

That was truly his happiest moment.

As for the only shortcoming - He Chengan said that the fairy wine was beneficial to people, but after drinking it, he felt a faint loss of internal energy. Yin Ci asked Sun Wan specifically, but Sun Wan, who had drank from the same bottle of immortal wine, looked confused. Yin Ci didn't doubt that he was there, so he just went to He Chengan to check on his body and grab some medicine.

Anyway, the war is over, and the temporary weakness will not matter.

… How naive he was back then.

Although there was boundless darkness in front of him, Yin Ci closed his eyes. The next memory is like a web growing in the brain. A slight tug will bring overwhelming pain and fear.

Not long after the troubled times ended and the four of them became sworn brothers. There was a severe drought in the world, and the strong Xu Querke suddenly fell ill, and it was difficult to get water and rice. Yin Ci immediately forgot about his little "internal disease" and was at a loss as to why he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

As soon as the capital was moved to Yidu, there was a severe drought. Brother Xu is seriously ill, which is really evil. Brother He asked us to prepare for the sacrifice... to prepare for the evil-dispelling ceremony. Did he tell you

Sun Wan's tone was slightly stiff. When he said this, he did not say anything to Yin.

It is necessary to eat fast and worship God. I heard that it takes a month just to prepare. Brother He...

I'm going to find a dentist right now. Among the four, Yin Ci resists the emergence of troubled times more than anyone else. Brother Xu can't fall. Let alone eating fast and worshiping God, I can exchange my life for my life.

Sun Wan said nothing, his eyes were extremely complicated. Now that I think about it, those eyes are filled with sadness.

good. He said word by word, I will send you there.

at the same time.

Next to Yin Ci, Shi Jing read the words on the page word by word, and his internal organs were frozen with ice. His fingers brushed against the rough paper, but his touch seemed to be lost, and he couldn't feel anything.

When Shi Jingzhi was thinking about how involved the "Inviting Immortals Association" was in this matter, every ugly word turned into an awl and drilled straight into his brain.

The two heroes of Kaiba were originally the three heroes of Kaiba.

Not long after the four of them became sworn sworn friends, He Chengan had secretly sought out Xu Yue and Sun Wan.

He said, "Young children are very lucky and may take away my great luck." The situation was excellent. Xu and Sun were affectionate and righteous, and immediately refused to hand over Yin Ci to He Chengan.

He Chengan didn't force it, just shook his head and left.

Soon after, Dayun moved the capital. In the same year, there was a severe drought and disasters occurred all over the country. Xu Yue was standing there when he suddenly got a strange illness and lingered on his bed. Unlike Sun Wan, who has a family of children, Xu Yue has only one young son. Now that this great country is about to die before our eyes, He Chengan pays his respects for the first time.

It’s not that I don’t miss my old feelings. Your Majesty, you need to put the common people in the world first.

Sun Wan was immediately furious. He was about to get angry, but Xu Yue stopped him.

That man is young and promising, with an extraordinary face, more regal than you. One person cannot tolerate two kings, and his fortune is extremely prosperous and then declines. This is the wrath of heaven. When luck is strong, only by sacrificing your life to heaven can you seek peace.

He Chengan's attitude was unprecedentedly solemn.

Your Majesty, I don’t know how to fight, and the general will not accept it. General Sun is illiterate and his ministers do not recognize him. That person ‌Wu Shuang‌, if he is Your Majesty...

Xu Li's face was full of illness. When he heard this, his expression was strangely sad. Sun Wang was really furious, but because the emperor was around, he couldn't get angry, so he had to hold it in.

He Chengan looked directly at Xu Li and pointed: Even if your Majesty does not consider the common people, you must also consider your own flesh and blood.

It's all bullshit! Sun Wan finally couldn't help it and scolded him angrily. Brother He, how many years have we known each other? Why did you come up with such a bad idea? Even if I rebel, General Yin will never rebel!

He Chengan didn't answer, and Sun Wan became even more angry.

When there are many disasters, we share the joys and sorrows together. Because of this bullshit reason, humans must be sacrificed to God, even if God doesn’t want this kind of thing!

Has your judgment ever been wrong? General Sun, this is also for Dayun's sake. He Chengan smiled slightly, and that smile was a bit scary. Even though Sun Wang had been on the battlefield for many years, he was a little startled by that smile.

So Sun Wan turned his eyes to Xu Yue, expecting his best friend to respond. But Xu Li didn't answer as usual. He coughed and was silent for a long time.

After a long while, Xu Li finally said: Sun Zixu, I remember that your third girl just gave birth... How is Cuicui's health? It's freezing outside. Ask your wife and children to come and stay in the palace until spring.

Fine charcoal was burned in the palace, but Sun Huan was also exposed to the severe cold. Although he was careless, he understood the murderous intention behind these words.

He Cheng'an spoke at the right time, with a calm tone: "I'm going to prepare for the heaven-sacrifice ceremony." General Sun does not need to be so angry. In order to ensure that the ceremony is flawless, he will sacrifice his life. The successor student has already been chosen.

Xu Yue's eyes were slightly red: ‌Master is righteous.

This is crazy, Brother Xu, at least think of another way! Who knows, there are no disasters in the world, this is just a congratulation... No, it's just a teacher's words!

‌I hope that your Majesty will set up a law field in the northwest and Yidu. General Yin offered sacrifices to the northwest to quell disasters. ‌The dead offer sacrifices to Yidu and bless me. He Chengan ignored Sun Wan.

Xu Li ignored General Sun's pleading. He just looked at his hands that were thin due to illness: That's right.

The next handwriting was particularly blurry.

Sun Wan was sent to inform Yin Ci about the sacrifice to heaven. He struggled for a long time, but still could not tell the truth. He watched helplessly as Yin Ci was taken away by He Chengan. For the next month, he and everyone else were left in the palace as "guests."

Sun Huanren is in the palace, and the news has not been broken. Within a month, Xu Yue acted vigorously and resolutely, and all his achievements were attributed to Sun Wan. All kinds of books were revised, and the stories of the storytellers were investigated openly and secretly.

Sun Wan had been on the battlefield for many years, but he never thought that when He Qing and Haiyan were there, he would taste such bitterness and despair.

He began to practice calligraphy, trying to write down the truth and find a way to pass it on to future generations. He doesn't want to drag his beloved wife Cuicui into the quagmire, and he can't help but watch her worry about him.

Ironically, under Yin Ci's sacrifice, the northwest was banned. The natural disaster ended immediately, and Xu Li's health gradually improved. When the Yidu Heaven Festival was held, He Chengan made a special trip to visit Sun Wan. Sun Wan closed the door and disappeared, and after offering sacrifices to heaven, Master Ying also disappeared. It seemed that he had really "sacrificed himself to heaven."

After this blow, Sun Wan wanted nothing more than to be disarmed and return home. He had even written the notes and was just waiting to hand them over.

Mrs. Sun felt extremely heartbroken when she saw that her husband had lost all hope and was no longer human. She didn't go into details and just said that she congratulated Cheng'an for giving him tonic before offering sacrifices to heaven. She would stew it tomorrow and settle all the affairs with Yidu.

Sun Wan agreed and cried bitterly while holding his wife.

However, the booklet ended abruptly on this page, and everything after that was empty.

…what happened

Sun Wang did not resign. According to the black-letter history, Xu Yue died in middle age, and Sun Wan became the regent, fighting for the young prince and pacifying the frontiers.

Yin Ci was sacrificed to heaven, known as "exchanging life for life". Sun Wan's judgment was correct. Did He Chengan lie? This man is immortal, so why "exchange his life"? When Yin Ci was sacrificed under the Northwest Great Restriction... was it what he had guessed

Shi Jingzhi held Yin Ci's right hand tightly and pressed it to his lips, trembling for the first time.

In the darkness, Yin Ci finally put together a series of unclear fragments. He finally understood the purpose of "preparing for a month" before "worshiping God".

After he entered the ‌ master's house, he only remembered hearing a harsh sound. After that, he remained groggy, and could only remember the continuous flow of ambrosia in his mouth, and the constant pain in his neck day and night. He seemed to be decapitated again and again, almost suffocating from the alcohol. Whenever he wanted to wake up, another demonic sound filled his ears, making him unable to move.

Save more, up to three thousand, it will be useful.

… That’s He Chengan’s voice. There was no usual smile in his tone, and he was extremely indifferent.

Sir, this man is extremely talented, and his musical skills can no longer suppress him.

So I will teach you to save more materials. After saving it, I will have a place to place this person.

Finally, the choking wine stopped and the bone-piercing pain stopped. At that time, Yin Ci only thought it was a vague nightmare. Putting aside the fact that he was always groggy, how could anyone have so many heads to behead? This dream was really funny. When he woke up, he would tell Sun and He about it.

So he groaned a few times and struggled to open his eyes, but only saw darkness.

His head hurt, and his mind was rusty. Yin Ci tried to sit up, but found that he couldn't stand up at all. As soon as he raised his head, he hit the hard and cold stone slab.

Under his hands were cold stones, mixed with strange, cold drops of soft fluid, like remnants of mercury. Yin Ci felt a chill in his heart and touched upwards, and suddenly he touched another stone slab. He used his body to figure out the shape of this "stone box", and his mind was suddenly filled with space.

... For some reason, he was lying in a sarcophagus.

Now he couldn't care less about nightmares, and immediately banged on the coffin lid. Unfortunately, he didn't get any response except silence. Yin Ci tried to use the few internal energy he had, but in the end, not even half of his internal energy was left. He couldn't even cut off a piece of gravel.

Is this the "evil-dispelling ritual" that Sun Wan calls

On the first day, he thought that this might be a joke from his friends.

After surviving this day, they will open the lid and take a look at the panic of Dayun's first general.

The next day, he thought, this might be some kind of sacrifice in exchange for life.

If he could get Xu Yue to be safe and the country to be stable, it would be worth his while to die... He Chengan was already old, and Sun Wan was still a child, so he was willing to die for them. He only complained a little bit. We have known each other for nearly ten years. Are those guys afraid that he will run away? It turns out that he can leave freely and say goodbye properly.

On the third day, he thought, why is he alive

It was clear that he was almost suffocating because he couldn't get enough rice and water. He should have died long ago. Is this reality? ‌Is it another dream that I can’t wake up from? He yelled until his mouth tasted like blood. He pinched himself so hard that he even tore off a piece of flesh.

The pain has never been so real and clear.

On the fourth day, he finally began to be afraid.

Yin Ci combed through his not-too-long life over and over again, trying to find the weirdness in it. When he couldn't find it, he tried to find his fault again - there must be a reason for such a strange and desperate situation.

Regardless of the reason why he is buried here, it is the reason why he is alive.

… But he couldn’t think about it.

After the first year passed, Yin Ci could hardly think coherently, and only the thought of "must escape" remained in his mind. Yin Ci was covered in silk, and there was no metal, wood or stone on his body. He groped around but couldn't find the right tool.

Human bones are hard, he thought almost desperately, what are human bones like

This was the first time he had broken off his left arm. Blood overflowed, skin and flesh connected. He spent a lot of effort biting the flesh and blood, and was able to peel off the bones, and then used the bones to grind the stone.

Maybe he has gone crazy, Yin Ci thought to himself. After all, even the instant growth of his new left arm could not frighten him any more.

The sarcophagus was pried open by someone unknown, leaving a small gap. The mercury gradually disappeared, and various insects came and went, helping him eat the carrion and bone fragments so that the sarcophagus would not be filled with bone debris. Yin Ci never stopped, using his arm bones to grind the same spot on the stone wall day after day.

Gotta run away, he thought numbly.

Yin Ci tore off his left arm again and again, becoming more and more skillful in his movements. After an unknown amount of time, he was able to peel off the skin and flesh with just the force of his fingers, leaving only the bones for easy use.

You must escape and find a reason, an answer, or an end.

Apart from this thought, the rest of my memory was almost like mush. The severe pain was accompanied by the friction of the human bone grindstone and never stopped. The darkness gave birth to countless hallucinations, and Yin Ci gradually developed countless delusions to escape from reality.

Until the first ‌ "pop" ‌ sounded.

He actually made a hole in the thick sarcophagus. There is no end to the road. What is behind the hole is not solid soil, but an underground cave.

Yin Ci seemed unaware and continued to pry and polish the sarcophagus along the crack.

With the cavity as a place to discard the stumps, his efficiency was a bit faster - as long as there was one damage to the sarcophagus, the subsequent destruction would be smooth sailing. As the days and months passed, the huge cavity was almost filled with bones, and Yin Ci finally opened up the hole for passage.

It's a pity that he is half crazy and can't taste the joy, so he just keeps digging forward. After an unknown amount of time, his hands with almost only bones touched the hot yellow sand.

The sun shone down almost blindingly.

He nestled in the yellow sand like an animal, and a snake snaked towards him, which he bit into pieces and stuffed into his throat. Yin Ci wandered like a zombie in the vast sea of sand... After that, he encountered sand bandits and met the village that took him in.

‌‌Recorded by Chen Qianfan.

According to the time recorded by Chen Qianfan, he stayed in that underground sarcophagus for at least eighty years.

Beheading is real, and so is endless darkness. Although he has always regarded them as part of his "delusion", the fear and madness are always hidden in the depths of his mind, pushing him to the edge of the cliff from time to time.

Some things seem to be better not to be thought of. Just a stone ball rolled down, and he was forced to stand on the edge of the cliff again.

Yin Qing, I will definitely not let you down.

Good brother, even if I die, I will never let you down.

‌Dead will definitely live up to General Yin's expectations.

What a joke.

He was ready to die for the world and his loved ones. But he had never prepared to "live" like that.

In the boundless darkness, Yin Ci clenched his fists. Everything should be extremely cold and hard, but for some reason, his right hand was very warm, as if it was next to a warm stove. All the pain is still the same and absurd. However, facing the overwhelming darkness, he lost the urge to become obsessed -

Yin Ci clenched his right hand and slowly placed it on his heart. In the darkness, a cluster of golden fire danced happily on his right hand.

‌Don't wake me up, you brat.