Sending the Divine

Chapter 126: Gather together


Xu Jingming had just climbed out of the cellar entrance, but when he saw the scene outside, he fell back down.

The cellar door was shattered, but the cellar was still stuffy. Kerosene flowed into the cellar with flames. Where there was no flame, green filaments spread everywhere, and the scene was like hell.

Due to the suffocation and the effect of the drugs, Xu Jingming felt dizzy and his head hurt like needles.

He should have been sitting on the extremely safe magic instrument sedan chair, and was firmly protected by the high officials of the Rong Palace. In this way, he followed Qu Duanyun through the wind and sand, and returned safely to the beautiful Yidu. Now, with the help of the firelight, the crowd under him was all Chigou followers. Taiheng had clearly left the Chigou territory yesterday, so why did he come back again

Combined with the terrible situation outside, no matter how slow Xu Jingming was, he didn't know that someone wanted to kill him. He just drank a few glasses of wine, and was caught here in a daze, and almost buried with a group of unruly people.

Qu Duanyun should have come to save him.

But no matter what tricks the criminals used, they kidnapped Qu Duanyun right under his nose. Xu Jingming touched the back of his head, which was still stinging, and his face was a little gloomy.

Yes, he drank last night because he was happy—Tai Heng got the Vision Meat, which was the same as him getting the Vision Meat. He only needed to get the immortal object and present it to his brother, and this farce would end there.

However, the emperor was very indifferent to the immortal way. If he died at the hands of Chi Gou at this critical moment, his brother would not take the initiative to attack the Vision Meat. In this way, not only would Chi Gou withdraw from the Vision Meat dispute, but Vision Meat would also naturally become Tai Heng's thing.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking back on the whole journey, Qu Duanyun's attitude towards him was neither humble nor arrogant, without any intention of getting close or harmonious, just like dealing with official business. It is said that the Qu family is very upright, but can he really trust Qu Duanyun

Xu Jingming's charred face twitched. He took a deep breath again and started digging the cellar entrance again.

As a great prince of Dayun, even if he died, he should not die in a bed of silk and gold. Even if he was thrown into the ground like rotten cabbage and burned into a pile with a group of dirty and smelly men, Xu Jingming would not be able to rest in peace.

His Royal Highness Prince Rong was extreme and arrogant, but his courage was not inferior to others. Xu Jingming jumped to the entrance of the cellar again, holding the folding fan tightly. As a result, when he came out, he saw Wu Huai's throat being slit by Su Si.

The Red Scorpion's Foot and Hua Jingchun were all tightly entangled by fine threads, and there were also many of them hanging on Yan Qing and Su Si, but they could not affect Su Si's movements - Su Si was extremely ruthless, and cut half of Wu Huai's neck with a knife, leaving him no chance of survival.

However, not much blood gushed out.

Countless green filaments instantly sealed the wound, Wu Huai spat out several mouthfuls of blood, raised his bloodshot eyes. He spoke again, his voice carrying a harsh scraping sound.

“…Young Master? You?” He hissed, and the “beauty” who was about to kill Hua Jingchun flashed back in front of Wu Huai and took a defensive posture.

Su Si didn't panic after failing to hit him. He stared at Wu Huai's neck - the cut throat wound was just blocked and didn't heal quickly. Wu Huai's death was a matter of time, he was just holding on by the thin thread.


Su Si licked the bloody corner of his mouth and smiled even brighter: "It's me, Grandpa. It's a pity that I asked someone to break the Bone Sweeping Sword and re-grind it. There is a red hook mark engraved on the handle. Hua Protector should recognize it."

Hua Jingchun: “…”

She didn't know whether she should be grateful to this man or kill him and Wu Huai together.

"But compared to these messy external objects, it's faster to just hit them directly."

Su Si raised his hand and threw the meat knife, which landed squarely in Xu Jingming's hand.

"Your Highness Prince Rong, I heard that you dared to follow me into the ghost tomb, so you must have some martial arts skills. Here, use it to protect yourself - if you die here, we will be in trouble again."

After that, he didn't wait for Xu Jingming's response and rushed towards Wu Huai with his bare hands. Yan Qing seemed to have a telepathic connection with him. The wind of his sword waved away the flames, and his upright intention broke through the bundles of fine threads, releasing the bound Hua Jingchun and Chi Xiezu.

"I was teaching the Red Dragon Hand, did that kid really...?"

Hua Jingchun recognized Su Si's moves and looked confused. It's not that she didn't pay attention to Su Si. The boy had been eating and drinking these days and never took the Chi Gou Rebellion seriously. When Wu Huai, the "young leader", appeared, she just thought that the young leader had died long ago.

‌That set of red dragon hands cannot be faked.

Hua Jingchun shook his head and immediately ordered: "Protect that little... that young hero!"

The Red Scorpion was a killing spree, so he ignored the wounds on his body and started to deal with the strange "Jade Woman". Su Si seemed to have guessed this a long time ago, and he concentrated all his energy and stuck to Wu Huai.

A neat knife wound can be easily blocked by thin threads, but what if a large piece of flesh is torn off? He didn't want to turn his back on Wu Huai and run away. No matter why Wu Huai was delaying, he would kill him as soon as possible.

Wu Huai was not a pushover, he swung his long sword and created countless sword flowers, each of which was filled with murderous aura. However, the wound left by Yin Ci had not healed yet, so Wu Huai's movements were a little slow. Facing the extremely vicious Su Si, the scene was like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives - if he was not careful, Su Si would tear off a piece of his flesh, throw it into the fire with skin and blood, and not give the thin thread any chance to "sew" it up.

The air was filled with the deadly smell of barbecue.

Yan Qing's situation was not going smoothly - even though he and many assassins were fighting against the "Jade Woman", he still couldn't gain the upper hand. No matter how he chopped, more filaments would entangle him, causing the emerald green figure to return to its original state.

Therefore, Yan Qing could only use his strengths to knock it away again and again, giving Su Si a chance to fight Wu Huai one-on-one. Compared to the childlike appearance when Wu Huai just vomited it out, this thing has even become much bigger, and its size is comparable to that of a thin teenager.

"Ah Si, this filament cage is shrinking!" Yan Qing suddenly reacted.

The jade figure formed by the filaments kept pulling away the filaments on the "isolation cover". The cover was still four or five people high just now, but now it was only about two people high. If it continued to shrink, they would have to return to the cellar and wait to be suffocated to death.

By then, the flexible filaments blocked the entrance to the cellar, and Yan Qing was unable to break it open quickly. Wu Huai had no intention of letting anyone go back this time.

Su Si just paused slightly and did not respond.

Xu Jingming's reaction was even greater - he held the meat knife tightly, trying to cut a hole in the cover and escape as soon as possible. However, as soon as the blade touched the thin thread that isolated everything, the beauty rushed over like a mad dog. If Yan Qing hadn't acted quickly, Xu Jingming would have been stabbed through the heart.

The jade figure was stopped in front of Xu Jingming by many swords, and the sharp "arms" at the end stretched forward, with the tip only an inch away from Xu Jingming's head. A closer look revealed that the jade figure's blurred facial features were all formed by the fusion of fine roots, presenting a jade-like texture. However, its "skin" still had dense lines of root adhesion, which made people dizzy. Xu Jingming didn't look closely for too long and almost vomited all over the floor.

However, after this struggle, Prince Rong did not dare to move the hood again. With a sad face, he quickly cut off the thin threads on his body, as if he was a bean to remove the tendons for himself. The jade woman seemed to have no thoughts and pain. Seeing that Xu Jingming was no longer seeking death, it turned around with "wounds" all over its body and went to make trouble for Su Si.

Fortunately, Su Si was not a mortal.

He let the filaments leave wounds on his body, ignoring the killers falling one by one around him, biting Wu Huai fiercely without letting go, without any distraction. Wu Huai was covered with wounds, and the missing flesh was filled with filaments, which looked particularly terrifying.

"I have read The Red Dragon Hand." Wu Huai dodged and said hoarsely, "You can hurt me, but you can't kill me."

The silk shield above everyone's head shrank very quickly, and now it was only half a person's height. Su Si's kung fu was known for its speed, and Yan Qing's stone sword needed a lot of space to open and close, so the two were increasingly restricted. The situation was apparently a stalemate, but Wu Huai actually had the upper hand.

Su Si's attack gradually slowed down, and before long, he was forced into the corner of the shield by Wu Huai.

"What a pity." Wu Huai raised his sword and sighed, "You are very talented. If you follow the Immortal Guidance Association, you will definitely achieve great success."

Su Si was like a butterfly with its wings stuck. He had lost too much blood, and the filaments around him kept coming out. Wu Huai, who looked like a living dead, had not fallen down yet. Yan Qing was using up all his strength to stop the jade girl, and no one could help him.

His lips trembled for a while, and he whispered something. Wu Huai didn't hear clearly, so he took a step forward and asked, "What did you say?"

Su Si's face was filled with pain and pleading, and he repeated it in a low voice. Wu Huai still didn't hear it clearly, and seeing that the man looked like he was dying, he took another half step forward. This time he heard Su Si's words clearly -

Su Si: "Bullshit."

Then he actually stepped back and bumped into the silk cover. Sure enough, the jade figure rushed over the next moment. Wu Huai was facing away from the jade figure and subconsciously turned sideways. At the same moment, Yan Qing followed with the Mercy Sword. Four people gathered at the edge of the cover, and Wu Huai had difficulty adjusting his movements for a while.

That's terrible.

The "bang" sound of the stone sword blocking the jade woman's movements rang out together with the light sound of the footsteps.

Before Wu Huai had time to dodge, someone took the opportunity to climb onto his back. Su Si used up all his remaining strength and, with the help of the elasticity of the fine wire net, stuck to Wu Huai's back. He wrapped his arms around Wu Huai's neck and his legs around his waist from behind, like an evil ghost coming to claim his life.

"Be careful!" Hua Hufa shouted anxiously, "This guy can't be strangled to death!"

It was difficult to exert force at this angle, and Su Si was limited in what he could do. The most lethal method was strangulation, but there was already a gap on Wu Huai's neck, so as long as the thin threads made way, Wu Huai could still breathe.

Su Si smiled at her, and that smile made people's backs chill.

The following scene made the killers of the Red Scorpion feel ashamed - Su Si did not twist Wu Huai's neck. His hands, with veins bulging, directly grabbed Wu Huai's head and pulled it back along the cut throat.

He used his elbow as a fulcrum and exerted great force. The thin thread finally couldn't hold on, and the wound on Wu Huai's throat split open again.

Su Si heard the sound of flesh being torn apart, but he did not stop. He stared at Yan Qing who was not far away, and inserted his big finger lightly into the side of Wu Huai's head.

There was a sticky sound of flesh being pulled off.

Su Si did not hesitate at all, and he used the initial wound to tear Wu Huai's head off alive. There was a section of spine under the head and neck, and the emerald green filaments were probing around on it at a loss.

Su Si landed lightly with the head in his hand, with a faint smile on his face. As Wu Huai stopped breathing, the jade figure scattered into messy threads and quickly drilled into the ground. The surrounding thread cover was instantly broken, and without the magic to block it, the firelight instantly illuminated the sky red.

Watching the scene of people being decapitated, Xu Jingming carefully placed the meat-cutting knife in front of him, and then swung his fan to cover his livid face. Su Si ignored him, and continued to look at Yan Qing.

Yan Qing tiredly supported himself on the ground with his sword. He met Su Si's gaze firmly and smiled at him reassuringly: "Ah Si, you have suffered."

Su Si breathed a sigh of satisfaction and continued to roast the head over the fire for a while, fearing that Wu Huai would come back to life again.

Hua Jingchun dragged his broken leg to half-kneel on the ground, catching his breath for a while, and then spoke loudly: "Greetings, Young Master!"

"Greetings, Young Leader!" Half of the Red Scorpion's men died, and the rest followed suit, bowing their heads along with Hua Jingchun.

"Oh, I just wanted to annoy him and cheer you up." Su Si turned around immediately, "Let's talk about this later."

After saying that, he blinked at Yan Qing, and finally he ran out of strength and fainted on the ground, grabbing the person's head.

When Su Si woke up again, he saw the enlarged face of Sect Leader Shi at first sight.

He was so scared that he jumped on the bed, then realized that he was covered in bandages, and immediately groaned. Master Bai rushed over from the foot of the bed, stepped on the fresh wound with a pair of goose paws, and Su Si screamed even louder.

Shi Jingzhi looked disgusted and exhaled from his nose: "Are you awake?"

It was completely dark outside the window, and the air was still slightly burnt. Su Si breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he hadn't been unconscious for long, and looked around -

Yan Qing was not seriously injured and was sitting on a chair drinking medicine. Xu Jingming had a rag stuffed in his mouth and was tied tightly to another chair. Wu Huai's head was placed on the tea table, and the Flower Guardian ignored his wounds and stood stubbornly with a cane.

The only thing left was the sinful master and disciple. Shi Jingzhi had a face that said "you disturbed me". Yin Ci's face was pale, his eyes were still a little distracted, and he looked as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

… Everything seems fine, Young Master Su thought heartlessly.

He ignored Xu Jingming's angry whimpers and said, "Master, I have done a great job in killing Wu Huai, so I deserve a good night's sleep, right?"

"Well, you have done a good job." Shi Jingzhi snorted, still looking a little unhappy. "You stole Chi Gou's wine and reported your identity without permission, so your merits and demerits are offset. As a reward, I won't punish you."

Su Si had no idea that the headmaster had discovered a shocking secret. His eyes jumped back and forth between the disheveled master and disciple, and gradually he became more and more angry. Damn the offset of merits and demerits! This iron fox was not only stingy, but also used public power to take revenge!

Su Si stood up with a sad face and let out a series of gasps in pain.

"I called you all here because I have something to discuss." Shi Jingzhi turned his head and showed off his rare aura as a leader. "I heard that Taiheng found the Vision Meat. They don't have the 'key', so it's probably not that easy to get it... Okay, Xu Jingming, don't try to cover your ears. I won't kill you to silence you."

Xu Jingming stopped struggling this time.

Yin Ci smiled helplessly. Not sure if it was an illusion, Su Si always felt that there was some subtle change in this person's aura.

Yin Ci turned to the guardian Hua and said calmly, "Ku Shan is a small sect and cannot compete with the more powerful Tai Heng. While the Shirou Rebellion has not yet subsided, we want to promote a martial arts conference."

Su Si, Yan Qing: “…” Can’t win? Who are you trying to fool

Poor Hua Hufa was kept in the dark: "What has the righteous way of doing things got to do with the Divine Religion?"

Yin Ci stared at her for a while, then his eyes fixed on Wu Huai's head and he said, "Does Chi Gou want revenge?"