Sending the Divine

Chapter 127: nibble


‌Shi Jingzhi followed him every step of the way, and Yin Ci's mood was quite stable.

If the truth were to come out when he was desperate and bent on death, he would be in a state of obsession. When he first pulled Shi Jingzhi from "heaven" to "the world", he started out with just a trace of curiosity. Who would have thought that when this man first won the hearts of the people, he would be pulled out of hell with a backhand.

Two to four years have passed, and we will finally meet again in this world.

Yin Ci held a strange calmness in his arms and explained to Hua Jingchun. Shi Jingzhi stretched out his ears and listened, still feeling stuffy in his chest -

Half an hour ago, the guest room of Luoshen Building.

Shi Jingzhi looked down at Yin Ci on the bed. Yin Ci's consciousness returned, his face was still pale, but his eyes were extremely soft. Shi Jing's hand pressed the other person's soft hair, and his heart gradually became distracted. From the Orion to the descendants of the Su family, and then to the mysterious immortal person, he peeled off the layers of this person's masks and saw clearly the true appearance of Yin Ci, which he himself knew nothing about.

This is the best person in the world, and this is his person. Only he knows this person's true name.

One moment he was still worried and worried about gains and losses, but at this moment he seemed to have gained everything. Joy burned through his chest like fire, and Shi Jingzhi's head became dizzy.

There are so many emotions that I can’t express, and I urgently need an outlet to vent.

Shi Jingzhi couldn't help but kiss the corners of Yin Ci's eyes and murmured words that his sweetheart had buried for three hundred years. The ferocious beast of desire no longer bites and roars in his heart, but instead sweeps around with the tip of its furry tail. The soreness and emptiness it brings is crazy.

Yin Ci understood Shi Jingzhi's mood and immediately decided to add fuel to the fire. He held Shi Jingzhi's bent head and returned a firm and deep kiss. Shi Jingzhi, who had never experienced such provocation, immediately started thinking about how to swallow the person.

He even caught a glimpse of fire.

It's an illusion, Shi Jingzhi thought seriously. Perhaps his desire was too indulgent, and the fire in his heart was burning out.

The leader of the time was thinking wildly, and his clothes were quickly destroyed by Yin Ci. He was unwilling to take the back seat, and as soon as his claws pressed onto the opponent's belt, the sharp cry of "Water leaking" mixed with the sound of gongs hit their ears.

Shi Jingzhi: "..."

He deeply suspected that he was a lost eminent monk from Jianchen Temple. Otherwise, no matter how much he broke the precepts, he would be watched all day long. There is a gong in front of the wooden fish and a gong in the back, for fear that the atmosphere will get better.

The headmaster was sitting stiffly on the bed, with joy, anger, sorrow and joy passing through his face in turn. Maybe it was because Shi Jingzhi's dejected look was too obvious, or maybe it was good to be out of the abyss. Accompanied by the firelight, Yin Ci actually covered his eyes and laughed loudly.

After smiling enough, he turned over and held it down like a cooked crab: "You don't have to be so thin-skinned. If it's hot outside, it'll be hot. I'm today -"

"Master!" Yan Qing shouted from outside the door, "Master, open the door quickly! Ah Si is seriously injured!"

As soon as the light of hope flashed through Shi Jingzhi's eyes, Yan cleared his throat and shouted away. He pretended to be a dead fish on the bed for a moment, using almost all the self-control in his life, and then he touched Yin Ci's underwear and put it on.

Yin Cigang was about to put on his inner clothes, but reached out and touched the empty space: "..."

But looking at this man's expression of despair, I also thought that this man's inner clothes were torn by himself. Devil Yin had a guilty conscience and remained silent with a solemn expression.

Shi Jingzhi put on his clothes hastily and muttered "Wuchen Yan" quickly. It's just that the desire this time was too strong, and "Wuchen Yan" couldn't stop it. Subconsciously, he raised his hand and placed his fingers on his teeth.

Yin Ci grabbed the paw and said, "Okay, this is the realm of outsiders after all, so we can't let it go. It only takes three things. Next time, we will arrange a bridal chamber with flowers and candles."

After hearing these words, the madness in Shi Jingzhi's eyes only increased instead of decreasing. Fortunately, Master Shi's control is no longer what it used to be. He didn't bite him after all, and he let out a long sigh of relief: "Zizhu, why do I feel like Xu is getting more and more?"

So much so that he was almost bursting with overflowing hope.

This name made Yin Ci silent for a long time. He finally raised his eyes and said, "Your Highness, whether it is proposing or getting married, one person cannot do it."

Shi Jingzhi did not answer immediately. He picked up the safety kit from the fragments of his inner garment and placed it close to his chest.

Then he turned his back to Yin Ci and walked towards the door. When he spoke again, his back was still turned to Yin Ci, with a subtle tremor in his voice: "Well, I prefer this to 'live a long life without fear' by myself."

"I know."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of flapping wings coming from the window. The sparrow chirped and screamed eagerly outside the window, attacking Yan Qing from both sides as he knocked on the door. The two had no choice but to end the exchange of glances in a hurry and got busy.

It didn't take long for the master and apprentice to figure out the situation.

Seeing Wu Huai reduced to a mere head, Master Shi's crazy desire turned into a sullen feeling. Now listening to Yin Ci's calm voice, he even felt a little sad and disappointed.

Why, is he the only one who can endure a hundred forbearance

But loss is loss, and the current situation must be dealt with. The headmaster squeezed his palms.

After listening to Yin Ci's concise explanation, Hua Jingchun hesitated a little and claimed to think about it carefully. When Su Si and Yan Qing saw Chi Gou's people leaving, their faces became relieved. Only one person in the room became more and more nervous, shaking to the point where the stool legs rattled on the ground.

Shi Jingzhi pulled the rag out of Xu Jingming's mouth and happily watched the man retching.

"‌... You ‌ kill me." Xu Jingming smelled like rags and had long since lost the dignity of a ghost tomb. "We deliberately sold Chigou people to let them instigate various sects to hold martial arts conferences! Just to hinder Qu Duanyun and seize the visual flesh! Knowing that I heard everything, I will definitely not let him go. —Ouch!”

Shi Jingzhi was not polite and gave his half-brother a slap in the face. Xu Jingming was spoiled and she shed a few tears.

"I'm not a member of the Yinxian Guild. Why did I kill him? We made such a big fuss in Chigou, and anyone with long ears can hear it. I just killed him. I don't know how much trouble I caused out of thin air. ”

"‌How do you know I'm not a member of the Immortal Yin Guild?"

Shi Jingzhi looked at him almost pityingly for a while: "The Immortal Enlightenment Association doesn't like the emperor's ears and eyes, and it doesn't accept fools. It just happens to be both."

Xu Jingming was furious for a moment, but he thought that this situation might be the trigger for Qu Duanyun, and he couldn't muster the energy to scold him - even if this brother was a disaster to the country, he couldn't just throw shit at him. buckle.

However, Shi Jingzhi seemed to have seen through this man's thoughts: "It's better to see him suffer after he was tricked like this by Qu Duanyun. That person wants him to die in Chigou, so I will tell the world that you are here, and let him and the officers and soldiers Let's take ‌ back to Yidu together... Then you ‌‌ will stay by the emperor's side, and the Imperial Master will not risk touching you. "

"Qu Duanyun is indeed a member of the Immortal Yin Guild. I didn't say that he had anything to do with this matter. How do you know that?"

"I've never thought about why that person knocked him out and threw him into the cellar to burn him together?"

Shi Jingzhi leaned down expressionlessly.

"Anyway, if we want to blame Chi Gou, we might as well kill him right from the start. Throw the body here and there won't be any complications. If that person doesn't kill him with his own hands, he either has a friendship or it's not customary to kill him." … I can only think of Qu Duanyun.”

Shi Jingzhi paid special attention to it, and Qu Duanyun said that this person was very interesting. He is not kind, but he is not hypocritical either. This person gave the maid chicken soup with his front foot, and he could give the maid to Xu Jingming with his back foot. That style of behavior is more like its own logic of good and evil than pretentiousness.

As King Rong, Xu Jingming has a distinguished status. Although he did not value the lives of civilians, Xu Jingming could not commit a crime that would lead to death, whether according to Dayun's laws or Taiheng's rules.

But at this point, he wasn't sure yet. He has had very little contact with Qu Duanyun, and now he can only watch Xu Jingming's reaction -

Sure enough, Xu Jingming's eyes drifted away and she also shrank.

Xu Jingming had seen Wu Huai's technique, listened to the conversation between Yin Ci and Hua Jingchun, and knew that this matter was closely related to the lineage of the national master. Qu Duanyun's appearance at this time is definitely not a coincidence.

... What's even more hateful is that Shi Jingzhi hit the point. Why not kill him in advance? If the mastermind was Shi Jingzhi, I'm afraid he would have been cut into pieces long ago.

He could only think of Qu Duanyun as someone who could do such a thing. Qu Duanyun was born in the Qu family and grew up in Taiheng.

Xu Jingming's eyes were a little red, and he gritted his teeth for a while: "What a hypocrite, he doesn't even want to get his hands dirty."

Shi Jingzhi did not answer this question. He just waved his hand and asked Yan Qing to take Xu Jingming back to his room and act as a guard.

Seeing Yan Qing obediently and leaving, Su Si was immediately unhappy as his bed partner became Mr. Bai. He struggled to stand up and said angrily: "You have arranged the news, and Chi Gou's alliance is also in hand. Why did you let that guy go back? Kill him and throw him near Yidu. The emperor's son can't blame Chi Gou. Gou, I might even punish Qu Duanyun.”

"I still have something to ask Qu Duanyun. He'll have to wait and see. As for Xu Jingming, I have my own uses." Shi Jingzhi said absentmindedly.

After the outsiders disappeared, he peeked at Yin Ci from time to time, and the sour feeling of loss filled the air again.

Yin Ci looked at Shi Jingzhi for a while, then suddenly he turned his back to Su Si and grabbed Master Shi's hand. The latter was confused, but he still let him hold on to it——

Yin Ci brought his hand to his lips and took a bite of Shi Jingzhi's index finger. Not long ago, Shi Jingzhi almost bit the same spot in order to suppress his desire.

Unlike Shi Jingzhi, who didn't know what to say, Yin Ci's force was neither light nor heavy, and the tip of his warm tongue slightly brushed his knuckles. Master Shi took a deep breath and understood in an instant. His eyes were bright, and the disappointment just now disappeared.

He is not the only one who can turn his endurance into steel.

Shi Jingzhi felt so good that he lowered his head and whispered to Yin Ci: "Let's go, Zi Zhu. It's almost dawn, let's go have a drink."

One day later, the National Preceptor's Mansion.

Jiang Youyue stared at Ziyi. There was no wrinkle between his brows, and he felt very happy.

"If you can't steal Tai Heng, then you choose the Chi Gou knife. Not only did you not fall into despair, but you also know how to use the martial arts competition to buy time, which is good." He sighed while stroking his beard. "This generation of young people really have a lot to do."

Many national teachers came forward one after another, and finally the dawn came. There is only a slight flaw in the ointment. Qu Duanyun has become increasingly unrealistic in recent times and must be properly dealt with. King Rong Xu Jingming has not been removed, so we have to find out the situation clearly to prevent him from doing bad things at the critical moment.

When this storm passes, the century-old plan will eventually succeed.