Sending the Divine

Chapter 14: Ghost eyes


Yan Qing pointed his sword to the ground and stood upright. His facial features are handsome and majestic, but unfortunately, with a pair of blood pupils, he looks like a bad guy. Jin Lan froze on the spot, looking in disbelief.

Yan Budu was most famous for his pair of dark red "ghost eyes". Even if they are descendants of the Yan family, not everyone has it. It is ironclad evidence of the Yan family's bloodline.

Yan Qing turned his red eyes and looked at Jin Lan: "Ten years ago, you were the one who brought me into the Taiheng Sect. The kindness I received when I entered the Taiheng Sect was repaid today."

Jin Lan opened his mouth, but his face was still a little dull: "You were only eleven that year, how could you... Did you sneak into Taiheng specifically to take revenge?"

Shi Jingzhi was afraid that Yin Ci would miss the big show, so he explained in a low voice: "Yan Budu was promiscuous and had many heirs. During the two years when Wulin Zhengdao encircled and suppressed the Ling sect, they almost killed all the descendants of the Yan family, and the leader was the Taiheng sect. We are catching up. It’s a revenge scene. I’ve been working hard for ten years, tsk tsk…”

Yan Qing looked helpless: "Do you think I am a vengeful person?"

Shi Zhongyu did not put down his sword: "Since you don't intend to take revenge, why have you been lurking in our sect for ten years and secretly learning martial arts?"

"With these 'ghost eyes', I can only pretend to be blind. It's hard for a blind person to find a job. Taiheng is from a well-established family, and the monthly salary for servants is quite high, including food and accommodation."

Shi Jingzhi and Yin Ci: "..." This young man is too sincere and has no trace of Yama's legacy.

The sword in Shi Zhongyu's hand slipped: "Learning martial arts secretly—"

"It's my fault to steal lessons, but I'm just afraid of this kind of situation." Yan Qing actually felt embarrassed, "Senior Shi understands the righteousness well and gave me a chance to explain. If I want to meet any senior who hates evil, I have to have a little bit of trouble. The confidence to escape.”

The scene fell into an eerie silence.

"Jianchen Temple is not bad, why don't you become a monk?" Jin Lan murmured. "Specially pick Taiheng, I don't believe you don't have other ideas..."

"I'm really curious. As the saying goes, no harm comes to the wife and children. The Taiheng sect advocates moderation, and logically would not do such overreaching things. In the past ten years, I have tried to find the inside story, but I couldn't find it... "

Jin Lan held her breath.

Yan Qing: "So I gave up. It's more important to save money."

Everyone from Taiheng Sect: "..."

Not far away, the red line seemed to have life, re-binding the scattered bones. Just when Yin Cicheng wanted to warn him, Shi Jingzhi rushed over.

He covered the soles of his shoes with golden fire and trampled the bones firmly under his feet, still staring at the Taiheng Sect.

Yin Ci: "... Master, do you really want to watch the fun?"

This is the Corpse Explosion Cursed Bone, which is extremely fast. If it touches flesh and blood, it will explode the entire human body. Unfortunately, before it had time to perform, it was forcibly crushed to the ground by Shi Jingzhi.

Yin Ci reasonably suspected that Shi was afraid that the farce would be interrupted by the curse bone.

Shi Jingzhi concentrated: "Shh!"

Shi Zhongyu glanced here silently and said quietly: "The Taiheng Sect's killing order has not been cancelled. According to the sect rules, the Yan family will be killed on sight. Anyone who secretly learns martial arts will have an arm cut off."

Yan Qing pursed her lips.

Shi Zhongyu nodded slightly at him and deliberately raised his voice: "Now in the tomb, we should not talk about our positions and work together. You have helped us obtain a lot of treasures in the past few days, and the merits and demerits are balanced... I am here to represent the sect. Yan Qing expelled Taiheng."

After that, she walked up to Shen Zhu and said, "Miss Shen, although Yan Qing is a descendant of the Yan family, I can guarantee that he has nothing to do with the ghost tomb. Please don't report it to Yueshui Pavilion."

If the news is released, not counting those who seek the secrets of the ghost tomb, Yan Budu's remaining enemies alone will be enough to kill Yan Qing seven or eight times.

Shen Zhu smiled and said: "They say Qingnvjian is stubborn and rigid, but everyone is really mistaken. That is the blood of the devil. Isn't it too lenient to just 'drive out Taiheng'?"

Shi Zhongyu said in a sincere tone: "My sect hunted down the heirs of the Yan family a hundred years ago, which is not something worth boasting about. Yan Qing joined Taiheng at the age of eleven. He grew up in the sect and has never had any trouble. This time. The servants of the ghost tomb were randomly selected, and at first he was reluctant to come... "

At this point, Shi Zhongyu hesitated slightly. Shen Zhu nodded his lips: "You continue, I still want to hear."

Shi Zhongyu: "Well, Yan Qing only learned the entry-level moves of lower-level disciples, and his level is very poor. He helped me a lot this time, so forcing him to die like this is really not a decent thing to do."

Yan Qing: "..."

Shi Jingzhi: "Okay, I know who he learned his sincerity from."

Yin Ci rested his chin on his master's shoulder and nodded lazily, feeling sleepy again.

Shen Zhu rolled his eyes, tore off a page from the record, and gathered it together casually: "Brother Yan Qing is not a high-status person, and the news is not worth a lot of money. If I have any difficulties in the future, please remember this day, Senior Shi."

She pointed to the sedan in the distance: "People from Prince Rong's Mansion...?"

"Don't worry, they won't be interested." Shi Zhongyu said calmly.

Shi Zhongyu walked towards Shi Jingzhi, who was trying hard to step on the bones, and motioned for him to get out of the way. Just as those bones were about to struggle to put themselves together, Shi Zhongyu slashed through the gate of life with several swords and stopped moving.

Taking advantage of the distance between everyone, Shi Zhongyu whispered: "Yan Qing has quick hands and feet and a keen hearing. He will definitely be able to help Master Shi."

Shi Jingzhi understood and was happy to sell his favor again: "Don't worry, Miss Shi."

There are no Buddhist beads here, and everyone is on the road again. Yan Qing followed the team at a loss. Jin Lan hesitated for a long time, and finally stamped his feet and handed over his luggage to Yan Qing.

"There is some food and water in it, just use it as a thank you gift. There is no need to return the sword to me, just hold it for self-defense." He said stiffly, "Yan Qing, you... you can take care of yourself."

Yan Qing took the luggage and remained silent.

Shi Jingzhi took advantage of the opportunity and ran over with Yin Ci on his back. His voice was extremely gentle: "Brother Yan, do you want to come to the Kushan Sect?"

Yan Qing turned his head, a little surprised: "Master Shi, you don't mind my identity?"

"I don't mind, I don't mind. The Kushan sect is short of manpower." Shi Jingzhi's smile became even warmer, "We are just master and apprentice, and we haven't hired any servants yet. I'll give you five hundred dollars a month, including food and accommodation. Are you willing?" willing?"

A hint of pain appeared on Yan Qing's face: "..."

It seems that the monthly payment has dropped a lot, Yin Ci thought to himself. But this guy was very aware of current affairs and didn't say it honestly.

"Okay." After a while, Yan Qing said sadly. "Five, five hundred dollars is enough. Thank you very much, Master Shi, for taking it in."

Shi Jingzhi: "No need to be upset, my food is definitely better than the Taiheng sect's. Oh yes, you change your clothes and put on the mask... The mask is in Aci's bag, you can help him carry the bag."

When they were alone, Yin Ci carried the luggage, and Shi Jingzhi carried Yin Ci again. The load was really heavy. Yan Qing joined, and Yin Ci originally thought he would let Yan Qing carry him, but in the end Shi Jingzhi just handed out the bag.

Yan Qing followed the instructions and put on his sect uniform, then took out another rough Nuo mask and put it on his face - the Nuo mask had only two small holes for the eyes, perfectly covering the red pupils.

The Kushan sect has an extra masked man, and it looks even stranger.

As the only member dressed normally, Yin Ci coughed twice: "Since we are a family, we might as well talk openly. Brother Yan, why didn't you want to go to the grave in the first place?"

Yin Ci figured out what happened to the Faceless Monk - Yan Budu received special treatment, and his descendants could detect clues without the need for high-powered martial arts. But on the other hand, if this bloodline brings about something bad...

Yan Qing: "The divination result is not good."

Yin Ci was speechless for a moment. This man was not only realistic, but too realistic.

Yan Qing took the initiative to explain: "I have learned some divination skills and occasionally test good and bad luck. I made a divination before setting off, and the divination was really weird."

Shi Jingzhi was shocked: "I have also read many divination books. Come and talk about the divination phenomena."

Yan Qing: "I use apricot kernels for divination, half cinnabar and half ink. Good or bad luck depends on the number of red and black. The apricot kernels stood up all the way before."

Shi Jingzhi didn't expect the allusion, so he had to reveal his true feelings: "... It's really scary."

Yan Qing lowered his head: "The fortune of the Taiheng Sect is auspicious, and the exception is mine. So I faked an unexpected exit, and ended up bumping into the two of you... This may be God's will."

Seeing that Shi Jingzhi was about to become suspicious again, Yin Ci calmly answered: "Brother Yan, don't worry. The boss is a medicine seller, I can cook some food, and you can act like a blind man. If we really can't survive, we will Go to the street and set up a stall collectively.”

Master Shi suddenly seemed to have his tail stepped on: "Nonsense, I can afford to support you two!"

Yin Ci chuckled and hugged Shi Jingzhi's neck tightly. His cheap master was warm and had a faint medicinal fragrance. Maybe the medicine has been ingested for many years, and the taste has become ingrained in it.

Although this person is in a weird situation and has something to hide, he is sincere in his emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy.

Yin Ci doesn't hate this kind of person.

If Buddhist beads have nothing to do with seeing the flesh, everything is like drawing water from a bamboo basket. He might be able to find a way to let this person live a few more years and add some spice to his boring life.

After all, it is better to watch fallen flowers turn into mud than to watch filth grow maggots.

Everyone walked in the snake bone maze for a few more hours and stopped to rest.

Yan Qing recategorized his luggage, then sat down properly, savoring the ham and rice cakes, and the pain of the pay cut disappeared a little from his face.

The surroundings were as bright as day, the scenery was magnificent, and there were an unusually few monsters. Shi Jingzhi used his inner strength to heat up another pot of tea, sat down with Yin Ci on his back, and the atmosphere around him relaxed.

Yin Ci vaguely felt something was wrong.

The blood rope has a time limit, and you can only keep up with it by killing people and taking blood. Just that, this level is too simple and not as realistic as Paper Man Street. Yin Ci took the meat jerky fed by his master and said vaguely: "Master?"


"Is this level too easy? I don't see many monsters. If you want to give up the beads, just give up. Is Yan Budu so easy to talk to?"

Shi Jingzhi: "Oh, I can't figure it out either. According to his design, everything should lead to a fight to the death. The Dengxian Palace is a bit sloppy. If I were Yan Budu... at least I would wait for this layer of beads to be collected. The point is Attacking people who don’t have Buddhist beads—that kind of person either lacks ability or greed, and is not easy to incite.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the ice surface rumbled and began to tilt slowly.

Yin Ci: "..." Come on, those with the surname Shi are the descendants of Yan Budu.

The next moment, everyone stood up—

Not only is the ice surface tilting, but the entire Ascension Hall is spinning. Before long, this layer will flip up and down.

The survivors were sealed under the ice, doomed to fall into the flesh-eating lake.