Sending the Divine

Chapter 15: Trapped beast


The giant fish bone in the center of the lake flipped with the ice. It was originally out of the water, but now it seems to be entering the water.

The people stayed in the Ascension Palace for six or seven hours. Most of their physical strength was exhausted, and there were few monsters along the way, so they could not immediately enter a tense state.

Everyone was trapped in a space surrounded by ice and snake bones. They had nowhere to escape and could only watch the world spin.

The coldness grew stronger all around, everyone's joints began to stiffen, and the white steam between their breaths became more and more obvious.

Yin Ci was not nervous. Even if everyone died here, he could still retrieve the beads. But if he was left alone, the road ahead would be very difficult - who knows if there would be any traps that could be activated by multiple people.

If something goes wrong, he would definitely not be able to endure being sealed at the bottom of the ghost tomb for a long time.

We have to find a way to rescue him.

"Master, please put me down. I can step on the snake bones."

Shi Jingzhi squatted down and rubbed the bones twice: "Well, no problem... Ah Ci, don't run around, I will find a way."

At this moment, the Ascension Palace was halfway rotated, and lake water poured in from the gaps in the ice, and the water surface was level with the snake bones. If this thing rotated for a moment longer, everyone would be pressed into the lake alive.

The feeling of the world collapsing was particularly depressing, the air was flowing away bit by bit right before my eyes, and the feeling could almost drive me crazy.

Shi Zhongyu did not panic, she tried to break the waterless ice beside her. Shi Jingzhi ignited the golden fire and bombarded the snake bones beside him. Yan Qing was quite self-aware - he waited honestly with his luggage, moving from time to time to make room, looking like he was leaving everything to fate.

However, it was he who got into trouble first.

Yan Qing stepped on a snake bone, but couldn't stand. He passed through the bone and fell into the water with a splash, sinking to the bottom of the lake in front of everyone. Unlike the previous victims, his body was not corroded.

But the water in the lake was stirred up so much that it became quite muddy, and people could not see where he sank.

"Don't move, it's an illusion." Shi Jingzhi touched the "snake bone" and his fingers easily passed through the illusion.

People were so focused on the maze itself that they wouldn't care if a piece of the snake bone was missing—let alone notice such a delicate illusion.

Everyone stopped their actions immediately. Shi Zhongyu made a series of sword moves, breaking the spell, and the snake bones slowly disappeared, revealing a gap just wide enough for one person to enter and exit. Shi Jingzhi threw a piece of meat jerky down, and it dissolved instantly, just like before.

Seeing that the lake was about to flood, Shi Zhongyu said anxiously: "It must be Yan Qing's bloodline that triggered something. Who saw it clearly just now?"

Yin Ci raised a hand: "The direction of the mud and sand is wrong."

The master understood it immediately, and people looked at the lake below their feet almost at the same time.

The green water wrapped around the white sand, the water flow was slightly turbid, with liquid masses mixed in it - they were soft and transparent, with the same green color as the lake water, and were extremely difficult to spot at first glance, like glass beads in the water.

The liquid mass is in the shape of a cocoon, just big enough for one person.

Shi Jingzhi took a breath and said, "This thing is floating around everywhere... It seems that it will only take the initiative to pick up the descendants of the Yan family."

Looking at the situation, they had to jump out of the loophole in the snake bone and jump into the liquid mass without deviation. If they deviated or missed, they would lose their limbs at best, and if they were unlucky, they would lose their lives.

Taiheng sent a small number of people, all of whom were Shi Zhongyu's confidants. They nodded to Shi Zhongyu and jumped in one after another. The liquid mass wrapped around them and quickly sank to the bottom of the lake.

But the liquid mass moved very fast, and when he thought about the chance of making a mistake again, he could no longer do what he could do before. When it was Jin Lan's turn, he turned pale, rubbed his feet on the ice, and dared not move forward.

Shi Zhongyu saw the right moment and pushed him down. Jin Lan took a breath and successfully shrank his body, leaving only a corner of his clothes exposed.

The cloth was immediately swallowed by the lake water.

Next came the people from Prince Rong’s Mansion.

The people in the sedan did not get out. The sedan folded into a barrel shape, sealing the people inside tightly. The masters of Prince Rong's Mansion directly threw the sedan into the gap, ignoring the liquid mass, and the sedan did not break.

Shi Zhongyu watched Rong Wangfu leave with cold eyes, and then jumped into the lake. For a moment, only Shi Jingzhi and Yin Ci were left on the snake bone, and the ice was about to be completely captured.

"Aci, come here, I'll help you choose the right time." Shi Jingzhi took a deep breath.

Yin Ci shook his head: "No."

"Don't be afraid."

"These holes are more like traps. If Master guessed correctly, the liquid mass came here because it was attracted by the beads." Yin Ci said quickly. "I can jump by myself, but if the beads are not here, the liquid mass might disappear."

There are two choices. Either Shi Jingzhi takes back the beads and lets him go first. Or Shi Jingzhi goes first and he jumps down.

Although there was only one bead, it was still valuable. Yin Ci was just about to take it off and return it.

Shi Jingzhi: "Are you sure you can jump?"

Yin Ci froze: "What?"

"Let me ask you, are you sure you won't make a mistake in jumping?" Shi Jingzhi stood on tiptoe, fearing that the soles of his shoes would be corroded.

"Sure, but..."

Shi Jingzhi interrupted with a smile, "Then I will go first. Don't worry, since you brought the Buddhist beads, I will definitely come to find you."

After saying this, he simply jumped into the water and sank quickly.

… This person’s logic is really strange. A half-baked and ordinary apprentice, and a Buddhist bead that may be a clue to save his life, can’t he tell which is more important

Yin Ci was silent for a while, but finally jumped into the lake.

The next moment, the ice surface turned over completely, and the lake water poured in. The snake bones that were originally under the lake surface flipped onto the ice surface, forming a new maze.

The sinking process did not take long. However, the liquid mass was made of unknown material, and the ghost leather jacket was wrinkled and could not be used for a while.

There was a sound of rocks rubbing against each other overhead. Yin Ci adjusted his posture and landed silently, then took off his sect uniform and ghost leather jacket. He cleared his aura, disappeared into the darkness, and looked at the room in front of him.

The room was neither too big nor too small, and it didn't look like a tomb. In the center of the room was a column-like device, connected to the ceiling, and at the bottom of the column was a bottomless pit. At the other end of the room lay four Lingjiao followers and a monk from Jianchen Temple.

Yin Ci licked his knuckles with the tip of his tongue - sure enough, there was anesthetic in the liquid mass, and his tongue felt numb instantly.

Looking around, Yin Ci roughly guessed what Yan Budu was planning. He jumped up lightly and hid behind a ghost-faced statue, intending to wait and see what would happen.

Soon, the fainted man gradually woke up. As if the time was right, a fire started in the room. The stone pillar was illuminated by the fire, and a line of words slowly appeared.

The Lingjiao members stepped forward first.

"Elder Lu, it says, 'A thousand gold pieces are scattered, and five steps lead to heaven'... What does this mean?"

Lu Fengxi, one of the elders of Lingjiao, has a sickly donkey face. He is a sinister and mean person, and Yin Ci has heard of him. However, his martial arts skills are remarkable, and he can currently beat two and a half people.

Elder Lu took the lantern and carefully examined the pillar: "It is recorded in the sect that this object is called 'Parting Suffering'. There is a rare treasure on the top of the stone pillar. You need to throw a heavy object into the sacrifice cave, and the stone pillar will fall down."

He took back the lantern and chuckled twice: "Heavy objects, at least the weight of five men."

Everyone was horrified.

Monk from Jianchen Temple: "Can we break up the stone sculpture and use stones to block it?"

Lu Fengxi sneered: "Don't mention the stone carvings, the walls are made of Muyan stone, which is invulnerable. The way we came was also blocked by stone slabs, and we can't go back the same way."

The monk stopped talking, leaning against the wall, and silently chanting. Lu Fengxi paced around the room, his face growing colder: "I didn't find any other exit."

"Holy, Holy Master, is he planning to trap us to death here?"

Everyone came here by liquid mass, so they couldn't bring much luggage. But there were only five people in the room, and if everyone didn't bring anything, no one would be able to lower the stone pillar alive.

Did Yan Budu miscalculate

Lu Fengxi clicked his tongue and said, "The stone pillar has been lowered, and there might be an exit at the top. It seems that this 'bitterness of separation' must be moved."

After a pause, he took out the pestle again: "The Holy Master will not make mistakes, there must be someone hiding in the house... Who are you, you dare to play tricks in front of me?"

Yin Ci chuckled and jumped down barefoot.

He took off his ghost leather coat and didn't wear shoes anymore. He was only wearing a white undershirt, looking like a ghost. But his long black hair was scattered, revealing his face, and he became a sexy ghost. The tomb was so gloomy, but it had a hazy atmosphere of thin clouds, dew on the moon, and warm jade producing smoke.

The five people on the opposite side fell silent—this person must have hidden his identity. Otherwise, no one would forget him just by looking at this face.

Seeing that the man was unarmed, Lu Fengxi relaxed a little: "Who is it?"

Yin Ci smiled and said, "Dead man."

Unfortunately, this man was not like his cheap master. Elder Lu didn't even tremble, but rushed forward with his pestle in hand: "It would be better if you died. I'll use you to make up the number first!"

The other Lingjiao disciples were still in a daze: "Wait a minute, Elder, this person looks like a deity..."

Lu Feng was so happy that he said, "What a god! Look at his eyes, he looks like a ghost!"

"What a shame." Yin Ci dodged the attack easily. "If you had less murderous intent, I might really be willing to use my magic to rescue you."

"You don't even dare to tell your name, what kind of immortal are you?" Lu Fengxi asked sternly.

Yin Ci just smiled and said nothing, turned around and walked to the monk of Jianchen Temple. Before the monk could react, he was hit on the forehead with a palm and pressed on several acupuncture points.

The monk immediately collapsed and lost consciousness.

Three Lingjiao disciples immediately surrounded him, lifted up the monk, and tried to throw him into the sacrificial cave. Yin Ci raised his lips, and the palm wind swept over, and the three of them hit the stone wall, spurting out a lot of blood.

Lu Fengxi laughed strangely: "Good job, let's throw it together later!"

Elder Lu laughed, but he knew he was no match for his opponent, so he gradually turned from offensive to defensive, running around the room. Yin Ci shook off the burden, and naturally chased after him with murderous intent.

It’s a pity that Lu Fengxi escaped so shamelessly, and the scene was like a cat and mouse game.

Strange, this Lu Fengxi's martial arts is extremely mediocre, it seems that it is different from the rumors. Yin Ci frowned and acted more cautiously.

Lu Fengxi had killed Cui Wen, the master of the Snow Spear, and top masters like Feng Yishan, the old man who broke the mountain, must have hidden some killer moves. Now he was beaten by Yin Ci and was in a miserable state, but he had no intention of fighting back.

His weapon was coated with poison, but the poison was not serious, and the material of the weapon was a little rare. However, the firelight was dim, and the pestle was stained with blood, so Yin Ci couldn't see clearly for a moment.

Lu Fengxi ran out of breath, and seemed to have reached the end of his rope. Yin Ci was even more careful, only using palm wind to hurt people, and always keeping a distance.

He couldn't die, but he didn't want to be thrown into the sacrificial cave after being hit. Once the weight was enough, the sacrificial cave might be sealed by the curtain of fire stone, pressing him deep into the tomb.

Just thinking about it made Yin Ci feel a chill in his internal organs.

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to approach, Lu Fengxi grinned, revealing his black and yellow rotten teeth. He split the blood-soaked pestle into two pieces and hit him suddenly: "Fall!"

Yin Ci could withstand the poison, but he couldn't prevent the curse from entering his brain. Using blood to sacrifice an instrument was originally an evil spell. Hearing this malicious voice, he stopped.

Elder Lu continued to knock vigorously, with a smug look on his face: "Even if you are a Golden Immortal, if you have ears, you will fall to my terrifying sound. Boy, it's useless to keep your distance. If you don't die quickly, you will only suffer more."

As he said this, Lu Fengxi's face turned blue and black, and blood came out of all his orifices. It was obvious that this move would hurt the enemy by a thousand but hurt himself by eight hundred.

"I've never left anyone alive with this trick. Pour it out—"