Sending the Divine

Chapter 166: Aftersound - next


He Jiu was only a teenager of fourteen or fifteen years old. No matter how loud he shouted, the words he shouted would not have any power at all.

There are still red leaves floating around and the sunlight is as golden.

He Jiu was stunned for a moment, looking at Qu Linfeng in confusion. Qu Linfeng frowned, his legs still a little weak. The other party was just a little bit hostile, and his whole body was almost wet with sweat. A big martial arts sect, is it so powerful to have a thief

"There was someone over there just now, I must have seen it wrong." Qu Linfeng pointed at the bushes tremblingly. This time Ah Si was not stubborn, and he twisted his body and stepped into the air, landing steadily in the direction Qu Linfeng pointed.

"There are some threads hanging on the branches. There was indeed someone here. You and I both noticed it immediately. That person must have used magic and has bad intentions."

Ah Si became serious, and his demeanor suddenly changed, making people feel suffocated.

"I'm telling you, has the Kushan Sect offended anyone recently? It's just stealing something, there's no need to make such a scene. Don't be like the drunkard's real intention is not to steal the flag, but to chop off the head. Your people can at best protect the cubs, but it's a stretch to catch people. It's better for you to send the children down the mountain and make a long-term plan."

The blind servant fumbled with the thread and remained silent for a long time. After a while, the corner of his mouth twitched: "No, continue."

Ah Si narrowed his eyes: "Oh, this is not like you."

"Separation has its own problems. Others don't understand, don't you understand?"

San‌ said this in a flat tone, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry.

The two of them deliberately kept their voices down, so the children present could hear it clearly. Some of them immediately shrank back, crying and shouting to go down the mountain. Qu Linfeng said nothing, and He Jiu, who was shaking like a sieve, also managed to make a sound.

Ah Si glanced at them and asked curiously, "It's ok for the three of them to go crazy, but you two aren't afraid?"

He Jiu seemed to be arguing with this person, and immediately retorted in a shrill voice: "No, no, no, no, I'm not afraid!"

Qu Linfeng: "The Kushan Sect must have sent a master to lead the team. If the thieves want to hold us hostage, it may not be safer to go down the mountain. It is better to stay with you."

"I like to hear that." Ah Si laughed, and a knife appeared in his hand. "Little guy, you are calm enough. Kushan Sect has found a treasure."

Qu Linfeng was speaking from the heart, he was truly afraid, but his fear was rather restrained and no one could tell.

From sunrise to sunset, the group followed the clues. It was a cool, clear day in late autumn, with no disturbance from rain or scorching sun. Even so, the rugged mountain road made everyone exhausted. Except for those with good physical conditions, most of the boys and girls became lame. In panic and exhaustion, the red leaves on the mountain turned from lovely to terrifying.

"That's not red leaves, it's the blood blisters on my feet." He Jiu cried and groaned. He complained more than anyone else, but his skills were still quite agile, which showed that his dream of the martial arts world was not mixed with much water.

Qu Linfeng was used to living in remote villages and was very familiar with the mountain roads. He felt like a fish in water.

On the way, they also encountered a flower demon with a bunch of flowers. Ah Si's short knife flashed coldly and shaved its head into a perfect baldness. The flower demon had a ferocious appearance, and frightened the children so much that they foamed at the mouth and fainted for two incense sticks.

By the time they found the scent of the thief, most of the children were already weak and unable to move. Most of them were tired of crying and no longer thought about joining the famous and upright sects. They just shouted that they wanted to quit the test. Although Taiheng was rigid, at least there were only written tests and moves evaluations. Everyone could comfortably wait in line in the courtyard and drink honey tea. In comparison, Kushan Sect was too barbaric!

What’s strange is that there was an adult crying too.

The moment he confirmed the thief's scent, Ah Si ran away. But before he could move, he was grabbed by the collar by San Ni.

"Those of you, you're trying to trick me!!!" Ah Si whimpered. "What? Because I tied up two of your quilts last time? It's okay to sleep in separate beds sometimes, how could you be so cruel..."

The servants had three expressions on their faces.

"Yan Qing, you have two promising talents here."

With a swish, the flag of "Medicine cures disease" spread out in the wind. A young man sat on a maple branch, looking down at us. He had an unusually bright face and looked to be around thirty years old. He looked at us with a relaxed look, and a deep smile permeated his eyebrows.

Qu Linfeng immediately recognized the man's aura - it was this man who had deliberately released hostility just now. But looking at his calm and composed appearance, he didn't look like a thief who had been caught red-handed.

"I have also selected people over there."

Another figure appeared. That person looked a little younger, and also had a shocked look on his face. He stopped on the same thick branch and kissed the top of the head of the person next to him.

Maybe they were the senior brothers in the sect. This fellow sect relationship was a little too close, Qu Linfeng was mesmerized. Beside him, He Jiu sat on the maple leaves: "Yan Qing? Did you call him Yan Qing just now?"

Qu Linfeng turned his head in confusion.

"The leader of Kushan Sect is Yan Qing! Red-eyed Yan Qing!" He Jiu grabbed Yan Qing's collar and shook him violently, his face flushed. "The one who can call him by his name must be... definitely..."

Seeing that he could no longer hide the truth, Yan Qing took off the blindfold and, at the same time, held Ah Si, who was trying to escape, more tightly.

"That's the first generation of the Shi Sect Leader, and his only disciple." He confirmed Qu Linfeng's guess. "The selection is over. Thank you two seniors for your help. Everyone, take a rest. I will take you down the mountain later."

A pair of ghost eyes appeared, and the sound of gasps was heard one after another. No one dared to make a noise at this moment, and they all stared at the two people in the tree. In contrast, Ah Si's cry was particularly loud: "Third brother, you planned to plot against me from the beginning—"

He Jiu turned his head away in grief. This man could be so close to Sect Leader Yan, so he must not be a simple person. What on earth did he provoke? Who knew there would be such a master who would compete with a child

"Su Si, someone did follow you up here."

Yin Ci was distributing sweet cakes and tea to the children. His movements were as gentle as his tone was cold.

"That person was proficient in concealment magic and tried to sneak into the room to steal things, but we caught him. This time we did not inform Yan Qing in advance, so he was able to get out by cutting the thread."

They left some threads on purpose, Yan Qing was careful and would not make a wrong judgment. Unlike a certain leader who had never touched water, he might not be able to tell the difference between a firecracker core and a shoe string.

"If we hadn't come back by chance, he might have succeeded." Shi Jing stroked the precious flag and snorted. "My most precious things are all there, you know it. I'm just teaching you a lesson, and it counts as an acquaintance for us."

It would be quite impressive to teach him a lesson by using the sect selection. Su Si and He Jiu shrank back together, not daring to say a word.

Yes, Su Si not only knew about the most precious thing of the master of Kushan Sect, but also saw it.

The large and imposing hall was filled with daily necessities. From broken swords and paintings to broken wine jars and old door uniforms, everything was tattered and tattered, just like a tomb that had been robbed. In this way, Shi Jing collected all the things related to the two of them and occupied the most secret place in Kushan Sect. Every time he came back, he would go shopping. Just talking about the painting of Su Zhi, it was obtained from the Chi Gou Sect.

Generally speaking, the "medicine cures all diseases" flag is the most likely thing to come back. It's really scary to think of this thing. What's more scary is that Yin Ci himself has no opinion on it at all, and he is almost indulging people to the sky.

Now that the main players have kept silent, what can we outsiders say

Even if the thief had gone through a lot of trouble to get into the house, he would only get a bag of money. But at this moment, with the senior Yin Ci watching, Su Si was in the wrong, so how could he dare to say anything more

Yan Qing glanced at Su Si, who didn't dare to show any evil spirit, and took a step forward: "There are indeed loopholes in the protection of Kushan Mountain. Ah Si and I are equally responsible. After we get off the mountain, I will accept the punishment myself."

The overly young master and disciple seemed to have no intention of pursuing the matter any further. They disappeared into the depths of the withered mountain. Only a few red leaves drifted in the wind and fell slowly.

Qu Linfeng watched such a thrilling drama that his heart was pounding against his ribs. He even forgot to eat the sweet cake in his hand.

Sect Leader Yan, Sect Leader Su, plus Shi Jingyi and Yin Ci who had long since retired from the martial arts world, these are all people from the old story! Although... Although there is a big gap between them and my imagination. Maybe this is the legendary "hidden power", I thought more firmly.

I thought they were all serious, bearded elders, but now they seemed to be more noisy than the other, acting like adults. Judging from their appearance, they were a generation younger than my adoptive father.

It is enough to meet such a legendary figure once.

At dinner time, seeing Shi Jing and Yin Ci sitting opposite him with their meals in hand, Qu Linfeng said: "..."

People always say that big shots are hard to spot, so why are they running around everywhere when they come to Kushan Sect? Qu Linfeng was neither nervous nor not nervous, and in the end, he was left with only deep strength. The nine people beside him were already stiff, and their chopsticks were knocking on the edge of the bowl, making a rattling sound. Su Si had a bump on his head, and he was more honest than ever before.

"Qu Linfeng, where did you learn your body skills?" Yin Ci asked calmly.

Qu Linfeng answered honestly: "My adoptive father taught me."

"Godfather... Did your godfather have a broken right leg?"


Yin Ci seemed to think of his origin, and showed a strange look. As if he was afraid of startling Qu Linfeng, his tone slowed down a bit: "Did I say anything to you when you came to Kushan Sect this time?"

Qu Linfeng shook his head like a rattle: "He didn't say anything. He just told me some stories about the underworld. The rest of the time... we weren't that close. Senior Yin, do you know my adoptive father? Who is he? He refused to tell me, and only said that I could judge for myself after I understood everything that happened back then."

"Judge for yourself, it seems that person is still not too optimistic." Shi Jing sighed. "But it's good to be able to let you out."

Seeing everyone's different expressions and the heavy atmosphere at the table, Qu Linfeng became more nervous: "I..."

"Well, the disciples accepted by the Kushan Sect will not go back on their word and abandon their parents." Yan Qing touched his head, "Your foster father is right. When you understand everything that happened back then, you can judge for yourself."

Su Si hummed softly: "Be careful not to let a wolf into the house."

"You and I have also been the most dangerous wolves." Yan Qing said in a flat tone.


Many years later, Qu Linfeng became the young elder of Kushan, and he still recalled that moment from time to time. After that day, he successfully stayed in Kushan. He Jiu was so unlucky - the rich boy cried "I don't want the Chigou Sect, I don't want the Chigou Sect", and was dragged to Shafu by Su Si.

When they met again, the former young master had become the famous Red Hook protector "He Jiu", and the two of them maintained a friendship between good and evil.

Qu Linfeng also knew the identity of his adoptive father and the bloody storm many years ago. The boy had grown into a tall and handsome young man, sitting at the table, writing letters word by word. His adoptive father never responded, so he just wrote as he pleased, one letter a year.

I already know the meaning of the hanging wood. The heroes are born for the people, and should not arbitrarily decide the life and death of people. Every mortal has his own way, and his rise and fall are determined by his own destiny.

The lineage of the Great Yun State Master ends here. From now on, the world will no longer see the Diwu God.

Qu Linfeng put down his pen and blew the ink on the paper. It was late autumn again, and when the time came, there was indeed a commotion outside.

"It must be our ancestors who have returned. Let's go and have a look. Who knows what new miraculous skills they have brought with them." Qu Linfeng smiled at the younger generations.

"Brother, your letter..."

"No hurry, just a letter home."

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