Sending the Divine

Chapter 18: out of control


Yin Ci was very curious.

He knew that Shi Jingzhi was smart and should not be underestimated. He also knew that talking too much would lead to more mistakes, and he should immediately throw the chimney and leave the scene. Shi Jingzhi alone at this moment could not stop him at all.

But he was too curious - what did Shi Jingzhi do to him? And how did he view his disciple "Yin Ci"

So he laughed very carefreely: "Eighty percent of the time, he was killed by me."

How would Shi Jingzhi react? Surprise, regret, fear, or -

A strong murderous intent suddenly burst out.

The half of the flagpole immediately stabbed towards Yin Ci's throat. Yin Ci pinched it with two fingers and stopped it steadily: "Boy, you are not my opponent yet."

Shi Jingzhi moved cautiously, the eternal lamp in the tomb illuminating his face. He was not wearing a Nuo mask, and his face was dimly lit by the Yin fire, making him look particularly evil.

"I know." He said in a hoarse voice, his tone completely different from usual.

Yin Ci was slightly surprised.

He had never seen Shi Jingzhi so angry. In Yin Ci's impression, his cheap master was usually not serious and only knew how to laugh. This was the first time that Shi Jingzhi showed anger in front of him.

Still filled with murderous anger.

Shi Jingzhi said he knew, but he didn't show any sign of backing down. He refused to let go of the flagpole, his eyes like a wolf that was ready to eat its prey.

Just for a disciple you've been with for less than a month

Yin Ci's interest grew. He decisively pulled the flagpole back, but Shi Jingzhi held on tightly and rushed towards him. Yin Ci leaned sideways, hooked Shi Jingzhi's waist, and tapped his shoulder with his left hand, pinning Shi Jingzhi firmly to the stone pillar.

He leaned forward, almost touching the tip of his nose with Shi Jingzhi's: "Since you know this, why do you dare to provoke me?"

Shi Jingzhi struggled a few times, his voice tinged with blood: "I just can't kill you, not hurt you."

"You two have a deep relationship as master and disciple."

Shi Jingzhi whispered: "It doesn't matter how deep it is, it's 'my thing'."

Yin Ci: “…”

What the hell, why hasn't he heard of this

Just as he was distracted, a layer of golden fire appeared around Shi Jingzhi, and his amber eyes were almost reflected in gold. The golden fire burned people, and Shi Jingzhi struggled violently. Just pressing his shoulders might not be enough.

I have to press it in another place to make him behave more.

Yin Ci moved his left hand up to hold Shi Jing's jaw, forcing him to expose his throat. Just as his right hand was about to grab his neck, Shi Jingzhi suddenly turned his head and bit the thumb of Yin Ci's left hand.

Shi Jingzhi's bite was so powerful that his teeth instantly broke through the skin and penetrated the bone. Blood stained his lips and flowed down his chin, making it a bright red under the illumination of the yang fire.

Yin Ci could feel the other person's burning tongue. Shi Jingzhi's entire body seemed to be burning, like a moth in flames.

Yin Ci snorted coldly, pressed down on Shi Jingzhi’s neck with his right hand, and let him bite.

It's better to leave a wound. When the wound disappears without a trace later, the suspicion of "Yamado Yinci" will be even smaller.

"Forget it, I only killed a few Lingjiao followers. Judging from your actions, you don't seem like a Lingjiao member." Yin Ci saw that this man was getting more and more out of control and didn't want to go too far.

Shi Jingzhi's condition was obviously not right.

Before, he was cautious and cherished his life, and even if he said a few stupid things occasionally, Yin Ci knew it clearly in his heart - they were just acquaintances who had some good feelings for each other, and they were still on guard against each other, let alone be sincere to each other.

During these days, Shi Jingzhi did not show any extraordinary interest in "Yamato Yinci".

Just based on such a relationship, would Shi Jingzhi throw away his fear of death and fight to such a degree? Moreover, his current state of mind was more like being possessed than being grief-stricken.

…Did this loss of control stem from “the apprentice being killed” or “the property being taken away”

This person was too abnormal, and Yin Ci felt a faint chill on his back.

On the other side, after Yin Ci's denial, Shi Jingzhi finally gave in. He licked the blood on his lips, looking suspicious: "You smell like him."

Yin Ci narrowed his eyes: "Smell? There's a smell of blood everywhere here, where does the smell come from?"

Shi Jingzhi said coldly, "I applied an ointment with a special smell to him, so there is no mistake. Senior definitely touched him."

He knew that the strange-smelling burn ointment had some meaning. After applying the ointment on the ghost leather jacket, his hands were inevitably stained with the smell.

Yin Ci sneered, grabbed Shi Jingzhi's front, lifted him up along the pillar, and hid his healing thumb: "There is no need for me to lie to you. You are so young, and you can only accept disciples for a few years. Why are you so excited? Are you having an affair with your disciple?"

Shi Jingzhi clenched his wrist tightly, "Aci saved my life, can understand my emotions, and can cook delicious meals..."

At this point, he actually smiled, and the madness in his eyes dissipated a little. : "He is 'my' apprentice. As a master, I cannot let him down."

Hearing this, the smile on Yin Ci's face gradually disappeared.

At this moment, another "pain of separation" was activated, and a dull friction sound echoed in the hall.

It’s just right, it’s about time.

Yin Ci looked at Shi Jingzhi coldly: "I like you, so I'll forgive you this time."

He let go of his cheap master and slammed his palm towards the place where Shi Jingzhi had been. The broken stones flew everywhere, and a large piece of the stone pillar was missing. The whole pillar broke with a crack and slowly fell down.

At the same time, Yin Ci threw the smoke tube down, and gray smoke instantly filled the space.

While the smoke was still there, Yin Ci quickly returned to the room. He put on his newly dried ghost leather jacket, lay down next to the monk, and pretended to be unconscious.

Shi Jingzhi came over quickly.

"Ah Ci, Ah Ci." He slapped Yin Ci's face hard and shook him hard. "Wake up!"

“… Master, even if I was awake, I would have been beaten unconscious by you.” Yin Ci was so angry that he had to open his eyes.

Shi Jingzhi's previous angry expression had long since disappeared, and that crazy look seemed like an illusion. He took Yin Ci's pulse and breathed a sigh of relief sincerely: "Are you injured?"

Yin Ci bared his teeth: "My face hurts."

Shi Jingzhi: "It's good that everything is fine. It's good that everything is fine. What happened here?"

"I woke up early, and when I saw the Ling Cult's people, I found a place to hide first." Yin Ci rubbed his face while dragging out the prepared story. "I was discovered by the Ling Cult's elders on the way, but it was another person who jumped out. A man in white, without any weapons."

"He fought with the Ling Cult's people. The master was knocked unconscious by him, and I was dragged out and knocked unconscious... That's all I remember."

The monk next to him also woke up and put his hands together, saying, "Young donor, you are right. I also saw the man in white. Unfortunately, I was not as skilled as him and was knocked unconscious by him."

After the monk finished speaking, he looked up into the void and muttered something in a low voice, "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form."

"It could be some expert who sneaked in anonymously." Shi Jingzhi looked innocent and calm. "This has nothing to do with us. Let's go out."

This was the Shi Jingzhi he was familiar with.

Yin Ci didn't sit up immediately: "Master, how did you get out?"

"Me? I got along with the people from Prince Rong's Mansion. They happened to be experts in these things, and they looked down on our small sect, so I just took advantage of them."

"Your mask..."

"Huh? Oh, I came in too hurry and forgot to put it on." Shi Jingzhi scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled brightly.

The monk turned his back quietly: "Form is emptiness—"

Shi Jingzhi quickly put on his mask: "Aci, come, I'll carry you up."

Yin Ci obediently stretched out a hand and let Shi Jingzhi pull him up. He looked directly into Shi Jingzhi's eyes and said, "Master is really here to pick me up."

"Isn't it?" Shi Jingzhi said in a lighthearted tone. "I am your master."

Yin Ci took two steps forward, almost touching Shi Jingzhi's ear, and asked directly: "Just now I wanted to ask, why did Master let me wear Buddhist beads?"

Shi Jingzhi held Yin Ci's shoulders with both hands, his voice still smiling: "If I took the beads away, wouldn't you be worried? Worried that I would abandon you or something like that? As a good master, how can you let your apprentice be afraid?"

Yin Ci said nothing, just stared at the other person.

Just now, he was the "strange man in white", so Shi Jingzhi didn't need to act in front of him. Shi Jingzhi's words were sincere, but this sincerity was somewhat inexplicable and could not be inferred by common sense, which made people a little creepy.

Shi Jingzhi was completely unaware of Yin Ci's thoughts, and he held his apprentice's hand.

"Aci, bear with me. We have reached the door of the third floor... Should you trust me now?"

"I will never let you down."

Yin Ci wanted to pull his hand away reflexively, but he held back. Finally, his hand trembled in Shi Jingzhi's palm.

He was willing to follow Shi Jingzhi at first for 70% utilization and 30% interest. Later, perhaps "utilization" and "interest" could be 50-50, but it still did not go beyond the scope of "having fun".

Now, a darker reason emerged among these reasons - he wanted to see whether this man would fulfill his promise before he died.

People change. Shi Jingzhi is still too young. He doesn't know that some promises should never be made lightly.

I won’t let you down. I won’t let you down.

If we count the recent past, Sun Huaijin had also said this. But Yin Ci saw every time he did something behind his back, but he was too lazy to point it out.

As for the first person to say this...

Yin Ci stopped reminiscing, he put on the most harmless smile, mixed with just the right amount of gratitude.

"I believe in Master."

I will definitely not believe you.

Shi Jingzhi completely recovered his spirit, he carried Yin Ci and the monk to the ground, and faced the people from Taiheng Sect and Jianchen Temple.

Shi Zhongyu was talking to Monk Juehui. Seeing that the master and apprentice of Kushan Sect were safe, she stopped talking and smiled, "You two are really lucky."

Yan Qing's divination was quite accurate. The Taiheng Sect was indeed blessed with good fortune, and not many people were killed this time. Shi Jingzhi couldn't hold back his questions: "Miss Shi, how did you get rid of the 'pain of separation'?"

"It's all thanks to the masters of Jianchen Temple. They have been practicing hard for many years and have bound their limbs with sand hoops. The sand hoops are very heavy and are more than enough to deal with the stone pillars."

Yin Ci: “…” He had completely forgotten about it. If he had remembered, maybe he could have cut off fewer legs.

Shi Jingzhi did not understand his disciple's pain, he continued happily: "Then only the people from Ling Sect, Chi Gou Sect and Yueshui Pavilion are left."

Before he finished speaking, the fourth "Pain of Separation" slowly descended, and a strong smell of blood filled his nose.

Wuxue Po was the first to jump out, and her eyes moved around the Taiheng Sect and Jianchen Temple, obviously counting the number of people. At the end, there was some regret in her eyes.


She shook the blood off her hands.

"This haunted tomb has finally been uncovered."