Sending the Divine

Chapter 20: Human coffin


The smell of incense became stronger and stronger. Shi Jingzhi opened his eyes slightly and looked towards the bedroom not far away.

The surrounding scenery is still pleasant, the lights are warm, and there is no darkness at all in the mausoleum. Shi Jingzhi listened carefully and heard shallow breathing in the direction of the bedroom.

It's like someone is sleeping there.

Shi Jingzhi no longer dared to ring the bell, and he held his apprentice's hand tightly. Yin Ci's hands were warm and the palms were dry. Perhaps because newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, Yin Ci didn't tremble at all.

The hand had a firm and steady grip, not the slightest bit stiff or uncomfortable. Shi Jingzhi adjusted his breathing for a while, then took steps towards the bedroom.

The bedrooms are extremely spacious and luxuriously decorated. The firelight is adjusted just right, and the streamer dances on the delicate decorations.

A transparent wall was built opposite the bed.

This wall is made of resin bricks the size of a human head, and each transparent brick is wrapped with a face. The skins looked like they were peeled off from a living person's face. They had been carefully processed and their shape was perfectly preserved, like a finely crafted mask.

All those faces had regular features, eyes closed and expressionless, facing the big bed.

Monk Juehui made a sad face and became a little bit more sad. Shi Zhongyu trembled, whether he was shocked or angry.

Shen Zhu clicked his tongue: "There are many celebrities inside, all of them are gentlemen who were killed by Yan Budu."

There is a large bed opposite the wall. There was a man lying on his side on the bed. He was wearing a simple red robe, with his back to the door. Her long black hair flowed on the bed, revealing a little bit of the pale nape of her neck.

As if aware of the sound at the door, the man stood up slowly, his red robe slightly slipping off his shoulders, revealing a large piece of strong chest. He straightened his hair and lazily turned his head, and only then did everyone see his face clearly.

Yin Ci had seen Yan Budu alive before, and the thing in front of him did have the same face as him.

Yan Budu had numerous lovers of both sexes in those days, not just out of sheer robbing and coercion, but he himself was absolutely stunning - this person's facial features were alluring, but completely different from Shi Jingzhi's, with a certain kind of poisonous beauty.

A pair of scarlet eyes glanced over, and no one dared to say anything. Yan Qing looked around and slowly hid behind the master and apprentice.

Yin Ci's heart gradually sank. Although the thing in front of me was lifelike, it was obviously not a living thing. Its movements were slightly stiff, showing no trace of hostility or murderous intent.

That's not Yan Budu.

The thing didn't rush to attack, but picked up the ruby cigarette rod on the side. It was leaning against the bedside, puffing out mist leisurely. The red eyes were half-open and half-closed in the smoke, without focus.

A delicate pendant hangs under the ruby cigarette rod, and three Buddhist beads are decorated under the pendant.

Yin Ci quickly calculated in his mind.

There are fourteen beads in total. There are three hidden in Paper Man Street, and the number of Buddhist beads on the second floor is unknown. Considering that the teleportation liquid mass depends on the positioning of Buddhist beads, there are probably four hidden in the Ascension Hall. There are four "Suffering of Parting" stone pillars, and four more are placed at the exit... These are most likely the last three beads.

Since they dare to be put together, the danger of that thing is self-evident.

This is more of a warning than bait.

Shi Jingzhi gritted his teeth and flicked his silver bell: "That thing is not an illusion... Granny, what the hell is that thing?"

"I have never seen anything like this before. This is not a cheap thing like a puppet corpse."

Wu Xuepo had a gloomy face, and every wrinkle was stiff.

"This is the third floor center, where coffins are supposed to be placed. Didn't that bastard Yan Budu even make a coffin?"

Her voice was very low, but the thing still heard her. It tilted its head and smiled at Wu Xue Po - there were no teeth or tongue in its mouth, and there was only darkness between its lips.

Wuxuepo immediately took a step back: "Taiheng's girl!"

Shi Zhongyu instantly understood what she meant: "Senior, the blood and bone beads are white, this is not evil."

"Ha, how could the holy leader Xi Jing keep such a thing beside his bed?" A sneer sounded from the crowd.

There is only one person left in the Ling Sect. The man was burly, carrying a nine-ring knife covered in blood, and his eyes were sharper than the blade.

Shi Jingzhi's tone was sincere: "But he put a lot of human faces at the foot of the bed. I still think monsters are cleaner."

Yin Cishi sang and his disciples followed him: "Indeed."

The man suddenly frowned and his veins popped out.

Wu Xuepo snorted and did not give up any opportunity to cause trouble for her opponent: "Zheng Fengdao, you are a dignified elder, do you want to have trouble with the juniors? I didn't say anything wrong."

After saying that, she glanced at Shi Jingzhi again: "Interesting, I can't tell whether you are brave or not."

Shi Jingzhi pointed to the thing on the bed: "That thing is a mechanism, not a ghost. Since it is a mechanism, there must be conditions for it to be activated. Besides, it has not been activated yet, so there is nothing scary about it."

"In your opinion, what are the activation conditions?" Wuxuepo looked at "Yan Budu" who was leisurely puffing smoke by the bedside.

"The distance from it." Shi Jingzhi scratched his head, "There are dream traps everywhere on the third floor. When people finally reach the end, they will find such dangerous mechanisms... If my intuition is correct, this is connected to the exit of the ghost tomb. "


Shi Jingzhi responded fluently: "If you move forward, you have to face unknown attacks, but if you retreat, you can only wait for death here. This kind of design is the most despairing."

Jin Lan couldn't help but interject: "It's the worst thing if you don't say anything."

Wu Xuepo laughed and said: "A fool is a fool. Yan Budu is determined to become an immortal and will never rule out the way of resurrection from the dead. He will definitely leave a shortcut to the exit."

Everyone chatted back and forth for a while, and the tense atmosphere finally relaxed a little.

But just as Shi Jingzhi deduced, no one stepped forward and there was no way to retreat.

The thing that looked like Yan Budu took the pipe from under the pipe and put some more in the pipe. New incense was lit, and the fragrance became a little stronger. The fire is ambiguous, the smoke is lingering, and the beauty is on the couch. Coupled with the wall of faces opposite the bed, the originally glamorous scene sent chills down the spine.

With the interference of "dream bubbles", even if the exit is in front of everyone, no one can see it.

At this point, everyone's belongings have been exhausted. It's hard for a good woman to make a meal without rice, and her surroundings feel like they are at the end of their rope.

Thanks to Yan Qingtuo's bloodline, he skipped the "pain of separation" and was thrown directly into Xiaoyao Palace. The luggage of the Kushan Sect was still there.

However, the big and small bags contained only food and sundries, plus two quilts. The only thing that can be regarded as a "treasure" is the Hanging Shadow Sword obtained from Paperman Street - a collectible that can be sold for some money.

Wu Xue Po swept her eyes around the room and tsked a few times: "The space here is blocked. If we can make a mora tent and close our breath for a while, we can resist the spell for a while... Even if the time is limited, at least we can Let me see the original appearance of that thing."

Monk Juehui: "Molu Tent?"

"Soak the fine satin in the potion and set up the tent on the spot. The yin fire burns the outside and the yang fire roasts the inside to drive away the incense. Leave a cup of tea inside and rest for a while after going out, so that the illusion of incense can be temporarily released. "

As Wu Xue Po spoke, she tapped the ground gently with her crutch.

Jin Lan muttered in a low voice: "Why didn't you say just now..."

Wu Xue Po glanced at him sideways and continued slowly: "This is a way to grab time under the poisonous smoke, and the time effect is very short. Even if it can be erected, the Moro tent is a one-time use - after leaving the tent, it will be stained again. If you take the incense, you can’t go back.”

After saying that, she raised her chin towards Zheng Fengdao: "If Elder Zheng hadn't refused to die in the sacrificial cave, I wouldn't have left the things to visit the tomb. What a sin, what a sin."

Zheng Fengdao sneered, and the iron ring on the nine-ring knife rattled: "You old monster..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was pushed aside by Shi Jingzhi. The headmaster was holding a mandarin duck quilt in his hand, with a serious look on his face: "Mother-in-law, do you think this can be used?"

Wu Xuepo and Zheng Fengdao: "..."

Wuxue Po looked at Shi Jingzhi suspiciously for a while, then twirled the quilt with her fingers: "It works, but we still need ingredients to make the potion—"

Shi Jingzhi took out the medicine box from his luggage and presented it with both hands: "Please."

Wu Xuepo: "...Boy, you must have left enough water."

Shi Jingzhi: "Yes, yes, there are ten bamboo tubes in the bag of herbal tea prepared by my apprentice. Mother-in-law, can I use the herbal tea?"

"Girl Shi from the Taiheng Sect knows how to use Yin Fire. This Yang Fire—"

Shi Jingzhi rubbed his two fingers together, and a cluster of golden flames ignited on his fingertips: "How much do you want?"

Wu Xue Po fell into silence.

What's going on with the Kushan Sect? How come they have all kinds of shit.

After being tortured by large and small bags all the way, Yan Qing's eyes gradually became empty: "How dare you carry ten bamboo tubes of herbal tea in this damn place? Even the Taiheng Sect doesn't carry so much water..."

Shi Jingzhi took out a bottle and shook it at Yan Qing: "You will know after you drink it. A Ci is very good at his craftsmanship."

Wu Xue Po coughed twice, interrupting Master Shi's sales promotion. Several Chigou cult members cut open the quilt and painted the magic circle with blood on the satin surface, while Wuxue Po took the medicine box and mixed the medicine on the spot.

The Moro tent was quickly set up. As a great contributor to the supply of raw materials, Shi Jingzhi only made one request - to let his apprentice enter the tent.

After all, there are only two quilts available, and the Moro tent has limited space, so only eight people can fit in.

Each of the four major gangs sent representatives, including Xu Jingming from Rong Wangfu, a male disciple from Yueshui Pavilion, and the Dry Mountain Sect alone occupied two places.

Shi Jingzhi squatted in the tent and told Yin Ci: "You will stay in the tent later. The air here is clean. Master, go out first. If the situation goes bad, I will call you immediately - you can hold back then." Hold on to your anger and go find a clean place outside the house to stay while the spell doesn't work."

Not far away, Xu Jingming and Monk Juehui were huddled together, their heads turning to the sky. The other big shots knew Xu Jingming's identity to some extent, but due to the embarrassing situation, they could only pretend not to know him.

After a cup of tea, everyone climbed out one by one, leaving Yin Ci alone in the tent.

Without the cover of "dream bubble", the scene in the room changed instantly.

There was no light at all in the room, and the air was frighteningly cold. The ground was covered with dust, the metal ornaments were thickly rusted, and the walls facing the people were covered with a thin layer of dust. The edges of the gauze curtain were rotten and uneven, and the quilt on the bed was torn and stained with mildew.

However, the person on the bed was still there.

The thing still had long hair, and its slender fingers were playing with the ruby cigarette rod. Against the backdrop of the rotten and faded red robe, those bloody eyes stood out.

Wu Xue Po held her breath and said concisely: "Something is not going well."

"...That's the 'human coffin'."