Sending the Divine

Chapter 35: idol


At present, the master is not possessed by the devil, and the apprentice is not crazy either. Shi Jingzhi held back his anger, and even if he walked into a dark and forbidden area, he wouldn't even grab Yin Ci's hand.

While Yin Ci was on guard, he heard the trembling trembling in this man's footsteps, and felt that his guard was a bit fussy.

‌Now he doesn't want to ask about the background of Master Cheap. He wants to know what Master Cheap is.

The two of them were in a tense atmosphere, one step away from each other, and neither of them said a word.

There is no light in the forbidden area at night, and the lighting is worse than that of a ghost tomb. The stone steps underfoot were covered with moss and extremely slippery. Yin Ci got a lantern from the villagers and walked cautiously. It's hard to imagine how a child could lead a lamp and walk in a place like this with his eyes closed.

To show off his performance, Yin Ci stopped one step at a time and took photos of the stone chambers on the cave wall one by one.

The small room was almost completely empty, with a few scraps of clothing or gold and silver jewelry left behind. Not to mention the corpse, they didn't even see any bones.

There were too many people at the funeral last time, so the two of them failed to observe carefully. ‌Looking at it now, there are even insects and rats in Paper Street, but not even a few in the forbidden area.

I don't know if it's connected to the outside world, or if the spell doesn't take effect here. The entire pit is cold and silent, as if new thin ice has formed on the surface of the water, and the air has condensed together.

There was no trace of the pilot light anywhere.

The two of them walked in circles until they reached the end of the stone steps. It was especially cold at the end of the stone steps, with a thin layer of ice forming on the surface of the stone, making it increasingly difficult to walk.

Yin Ci looked specifically at Aunt Liu's stone chamber. As expected, the stone chamber was empty, with only a few clothes hastily mixed together, giving off a sense of sadness and coolness.

"The pilot lamp and the white reed are not up there." Shi Jingzhi cleared his throat, "The situation down there is strange, please follow me back first... Huh?!"

‌The last few stone slabs suddenly sank down and disappeared into thin air. There was a feeling of coldness behind the two of them, and there was nothing under their feet, and they fell straight down.

Yin Ci leaned closer to the rock wall. He grabbed Shi Jingzhi's wrist and grabbed the edge of the stone chamber with his other hand.

It didn't matter to him, but if Shi Jingzhi fell down, he would just turn into a piece of fox meat. Yin Ci wanted to die, but he didn't want to take another companion on the road to hell.

Besides, he may not be able to die.

Yin Ci held onto the stone platform firmly, and just as he was about to recover, a strange feeling suddenly appeared on the back of his hand.

Something was rubbing on his hand.

Yin Ci suddenly raised his head and narrowed his eyes. The lantern fell not far above, and there was still a little bit of firelight, allowing him to barely make out an outline -

A hand reached out from the stone chamber.

… They had just investigated and found that all the stone chambers were empty.

But that hand does exist. It was extremely skinny, resembling a mummy, and had a rather strange shape. Its fingers were more than twice as long as those of an ordinary person.

It feels cold and dry to the touch, without any warmth.

The long hand stretched out from the depths of the stone chamber, with legs as thin as those of a spider. It was folded down at an angle that was not in line with the human structure, and he pinched his fingers almost gently.

Yin Ci didn't make a sound, he slid down quietly. He was afraid that when Shi Jingzhi saw this thing, he would be frightened and one Buddha would be born and two Buddhas would ascend to heaven, making his rescue even more troublesome.

At that time, Jingzhi thought that Yin Ci could not bear the weight. He adjusted his movements according to the situation and thrust the flag forward. The clear silver bamboo pole hit the sun fire and inserted into the stone wall like tofu.

The two fell for a while, hanging in the air without any embarrassment. ‌Hung on the wall‌‌The monster in white came up for a close encounter. The closer you get, the smell of flesh and blood becomes more obvious. The monster in white was motionless, but it had the body temperature of a living person, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Shi Jingzhi's expression changed suddenly, and he looked like he wanted to let go and fall to his death.

Yin Ci simply grabbed the chain and hung with the monster in white.

"Master, what should I do?"

The situation was urgent, and Shi Jingzhi did not get angry with his apprentice. He calmed down for a while, then Yang Fire exploded all over his body, illuminating the top of the forbidden area clearly.

His original intention seemed to be to illuminate the surroundings, see how far they had slipped, and then calculate the distance and crawl back. As a result, the photo was not taken, and Shi Jingzhi saw the situation above too clearly.

Countless slender hands stretched out from various stone chambers and overlapped to form a net above the two people, clearly not intending to let them go up.

This was great. Shi Jingzhi was not mentally prepared at all. He shivered and slid down the bamboo pole, almost falling down. Yin Ci grabbed him and said seriously: "I can't go up for the time being, so I might as well go down and have a look."

Shi Jingzhi swallowed hard: "Aci, are you serious?"

The forbidden area is so close, Yin Ci is too lazy to act and do Tai Chi, and goes straight to the point: "The goddess is already wary of us. Even if we can escape now, it will be difficult for us to get other information. Master, you are here... "

Shi Jingzhi couldn't tell for a moment whether it was the hand net above that was scary, or whether it was the disciple saying "I'm here" to this scene that was more scary.

But what Yin Ci said was indeed reasonable. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs. Shi Jingzhi didn't want to spend the rest of his life in Yuanxian Village. He looked up at the eye-hand net again and took a deep breath: "Lend me the Diao Ying Sword."

The two awkwardly changed positions in the air. Shi Jingzhi held the Medicine to Eliminate Disease Flag in one hand and the Shadow Sword in the other. He inserted them alternately into the rock wall and descended steadily. Yin Ci hugged his master's neck tightly and alerted the surroundings from the corner of his eye.

The further down you go, the greater the number of white-clothed monsters. They hang quietly at the end of the iron chain, varying in size from a few to hundreds. As the two of them went deeper, the smell of meat became stronger and stronger, making people feel nauseous.

I don't know if the fox's nose can bear it.

After climbing down for who knows how long, the two finally saw a glimmer of light.

This bottomless and forbidden land has finally come to an end. Looking from a distance, there are countless weird-shaped things growing at the bottom of the pit, which look like huge withered lotus leaves. Green liquid gushes out from an unknown place and flows down along its veins, accumulating a thin layer of water at the bottom of the forbidden area, reflecting the soft and sparkling green light.

The bottom of the water was covered with dark mud, which seemed to be mixed with something, but it was too far away for the two of them to see clearly.

In the middle of the shallow pond surrounded by many "withered lotus leaves", a stone protrudes into a deformed "lotus pod".

Its concavities and convexities are opposite to those of ordinary lotus pods, and the entire body is like an empty bowl filled with radiant green liquid. There are many cylindrical stone platforms standing in the bowl. Their tops are higher than the liquid level and vary in size. Looking from top to bottom, you can barely see the dark "lotus seeds".

From time to time, liquid overflows from the edge of the echeveria. They flowed intermittently, falling into the water below like a waterfall, making a gurgling sound.

This is the only lively scene at the bottom of the pit. Everything else is withered and stagnant, giving a strange sense of silence.

Having seen the human-eating lake on the second floor of the Ghost Tomb, Shi Jingzhi didn't want to get involved in any unknown liquid. He used the flagpole to stand up from the wall and rushed towards the stone platform outside the "Lotus Patch". Compared to the first time they met, Shi Jingzhi's movements were more coordinated. He even took the time to change his posture and hold Yin Ci in his arms.

It's just that the landing wasn't ideal.

Three feet of ice did not freeze in a day. Even though Sect Master Shi had practiced hard for several days, his proficiency was still a little low. If it weren't for his apprentice acting as a cushion underneath, Shi Jingzhi would have almost braked with his face.

The two of them stopped on the edge of a stone platform with a radius of less than one foot, and almost rolled down.

Yin's flesh pad was tied up in Shi Jingzhi's arms, unable to move, and was crushed into a solid mass. His eyes rarely flashed with stars, and he didn't want to say anything for a moment.

Shi Jingzhi almost rolled his apprentice into a bun, but just then his anger dissipated and he got up embarrassedly: "Aci, my master just... ugh!"

Before he could finish his sentence, his expression changed, he turned around and vomited.

Yin Ci turned over and saw Shi Jingzhi vomiting. The reason -

It's people.

There were many people lying under the emerald clear liquid. There were dozens of people in the lotus stone bowl, and hundreds of people in the surrounding shallow ponds.

No, the word "lying" may not be accurate. Those people no longer look human. They were naked, as if they were molded from the softest colored wax and slowly baked, turning their bodies into a sticky paste. One by one, the fleshy bodies were buried under the water, with dark red muscles turned to the outside and mixed with the internal organs, like some kind of weird red mud.

But they are still alive.

Many of the eyeballs have not yet completely melted, and are slowly rotating in the cracks between the bones. The twisted heart floated above the flesh, beating with difficulty. Between the deformed skin, blood was still flowing very slowly.

Yin Ci didn't know if these people were still conscious, he hoped they weren't.

This is not a dead end for him.

Shi Jingzhi vomited on the spot for a long time, and finally recovered. Under the green light, his face looked almost like a dead person.

"I smell Aunt Liu." Shi Jingzhi trembled a little, "I found out that she had taken medicine, and I remember the smell of the medicine."

At this moment, Yin Ci didn't bother him. Shi Jingzhi was only twenty-seven years old, and he was not a lunatic with twisted thinking. It's only natural that I can't bear it when I suddenly see such a scene.

As knowledgeable as Yin Ci, he was also horrified for a moment.

The ghost tomb is strange and strange, but all kinds of weirdness have not transcended the scope of "good and evil human desires". The thing in front of you is different. No matter what it is, it must not have been made by humans.

Yin Ci silently approached and let Shi Jingzhi bury his head into his shoulder. Shi Jingzhi seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. He hugged his apprentice tightly and took a deep breath for a while before he finally regained his breath.

Knowing that the red mud in the shallow pond is full of water, the fishy smell in the air is particularly disgusting.

"Shhh." Yin Ci patted his back, "I have a strong destiny and specialize in defeating evil spirits. Master, do you still remember?"

"Remember." Shi Jingzhi wiped the corners of his mouth and smiled weakly. "Now I know what's going on with Xiangsi Dou. Bai Wei... he might be here."

It is neither life nor death, so the acacia bean has not turned into ashes, nor has it remained in its original state.

As if he heard the conversation between the two people, a small choking sound suddenly came from the chaotic shadows. Shi Jingzhi suddenly froze, and he raised his voice uncertainly: "Light up?"

The choked sobs suddenly turned into howls of grievance. Now the two of them heard very clearly that it was indeed the voice of a girl. The sound came from the central stone platform, not too far away from them.

The master and apprentice were standing on the small stone platform at the edge. Shi Jingzhi stood up unsteadily and began to move towards the center of the stone lotus.

The fluorescence is weak, and at a short distance, the shadow can swallow up the appearance of things. From this point of view, there are some figures standing on other stone platforms. Those things were motionless and about nine feet tall, definitely not the size of a little girl.

If they want to go to the central stone platform, they have no choice but to avoid them.

The master and apprentice seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, and no one acted rashly. Shi Jingzhi did not dare to light the golden fire for fear of alarming them. The two of them held their breath and concentrated, avoiding the weird silhouettes one after another. Using only the weak fluorescence, they tiptoed to the center of the stone platform.

When he arrived at the central stone platform and made sure everything was quiet, Shi Jingzhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Located in the middle of the pit, the fluorescence was slightly brighter, and they finally saw the entire central stone platform clearly.

A tall unfinished statue of a god stood on the stone platform, and the lamp was sobbing at the foot of the statue. She curled up into a small dark red ball, not daring to move, as if she were an offering falling to the ground.

Not to mention his young age, Shi Jingzhi did not dare to move after seeing the statue clearly.

The statue was about one foot and three feet tall, quite huge, and a common size in the Yun Dynasty. They even recognized the appearance of the statue, which was also very common—the statue was none other than the state religion god of Dayun, the Emperor of the Imperial Palace.

But it is no ordinary clay statue.

Its frame is not iron or wood, but genuine human bones.

It uses the bones of an unknown number of people, and its structure is exquisite and symmetrical. The arm bones are in rows and the leg bones are in bundles. The pelvic bones fit neatly together and the ribs cross each other. Skulls of different sizes are strung together and stacked in an orderly manner. Even human teeth have become shaping props, densely embedded together.

The bone surface is covered with a fleshy membrane, and the blood vessels and muscles are inseparable, tightly binding the statue's skeleton together. The thick ‌living flesh paste is covered on it, and is flattened and compacted layer by layer to shape the divine body and divine clothing. In order to ensure that the living meat does not deform, the meat paste is also mixed with tiny light green filaments, which are exactly the same as those gushing out of Aunt Liu's eyes.

In the belly of the carefully constructed skeleton, a large mass of hearts are mixed together, beating softly and slowly. A few deformed eyes may be exposed in the middle of the meat, all of which are distracted and falling into sleep.

… A living ‌‌ statue of a flesh god.

At present, it only represents half of the body, half of it is lifelike, and the other half is skeletal. The various details on the image have not been described in depth, and it is obviously a half-finished product. There was no time to sculpt the facial features on its head, and only its general structure was separated. The flesh was loosely stretched, and the slender blood vessels were clearly visible.

The statue lowered its head slightly, its movements carrying a chilling sense of compassion that was exactly the same as that of the goddess.

The pilot lamp fell at the feet of this behemoth. Her left arm touched something unknown and had deformed, with a faint texture of meat.

Shi Jing took two steps forward and tried to hug her. He saw a flash of green light, and he didn't know what kind of magic he had activated, and the entire forbidden area suddenly became bright. Strong light came from all directions, making people's eyes sting.

All shadows disappear, and the entire forbidden area appears before your eyes.

Yin Ci didn't have time to observe the details. The darkness was so thick before that they could only see the fluorescent light. Now that all things have appeared, everyone is on the verge of collapse, and their nerves have become the last straw.

After the flesh statue, a truly huge statue was revealed.

The statue was embedded in the cave wall, with only the huge head and part of the upper body exposed. If not for most of the head being embedded in the wall, the statue could have blocked the entire cave.

It must not have been made by humans - this image is made of countless tree roots, and there is no trace of deliberate intervention.

The statue bent its upper body slightly, as if observing everyone, and the strong light illuminated its facial features formed by tree roots.

The Emperor of the Emperor's House looks like a man or a woman, plump and beautiful. It's just that unlike the statues of gods enshrined in temples, this statue has no mercy in its brows and eyes, only boundless indifference. The slender arms that were hanging from the edge of the statue were curled and twisted like dying ghost spiders.

Shi Jingzhi held the flagpole on the ground, dumbfounded. His whole body was shaky, but he finally managed to stand without falling to the ground.

His face turned pale, and he murmured: "It's too early to come down, and it's time for Yan Qing to do the fortune-telling first. No matter what happens, we have to take the goose with us."

Yin Ci remained silent.

He stood directly in front of the statue of the flesh god. Viewed from this angle, the contrast between the two images creates a strange and extremely beautiful feeling.

There are scattered bones and flesh in front, and a sky full of vegetation behind. The sight of all sentient beings in this world is nothing more than this.

For some reason, Yin Ci felt a subtle feeling of déjà vu in his heart. This is obviously not the place where he will be buried, but it feels like a destination.

How ridiculous.