Sending the Divine

Chapter 37: Same origin


When the tree roots attack, Yin Ci can actually hide.

But the light could not be turned on, and the little girl still fainted on the withered lotus leaves, and her red dress was particularly eye-catching. The goddess wants to pick someone to kill to scare the monkeys, but it doesn't make much difference who she kills.

‌And he won't die that easily. Even if only a broken bone is left, Yin Ci can still return from the fragments. He had sought death enough times to develop some kind of cold intuition.

The shallow pond is not deep, so it cannot kill him or trap him. It's better to fall in and stimulate the fox.

The tree roots penetrated Yin Ci's chest and pinned him to the bottom of the pool. Those liquids were different from the water in Ghost Tomb Lake. Their tentacles were slimy and did not corrode his body.

But they can also cause pain.

After being soaked in the liquid, as soon as he touched the living flesh, he stuck to them. The process was far more painful than Yin Ci imagined, as if his whole body was being tortured alive.

Not only the pain came over me, but also the invading thoughts.

These thoughts are scattered and scattered, closer to animals than human emotions. Coincidentally, Yin Ci is also familiar with this state - if a person suffers more than he can bear, his thinking will often be broken, leaving only some instincts.

The white-clothed monsters come from fleshy mud, no wonder they don't respond to pain.

However, amidst all the inconsistent wails, there was a trace of clarity. Through the connected living flesh, some pictures flooded into Yin Ci's mind.

Through countless eyes, "he" saw Bai Wei falling.

The goddess did not take the old and weak Baiwei back. She took him to the bottom and threw him from a slightly higher place. It can not only ensure that he will not fall to death, but also make him unable to move. What she did was similar to what Yin Ci guessed - people from Xizhuang threw it to the outside and made clay manuscripts. The people in Yuanxian Village are richer, so they are put into stone lotus pods, waiting to be molded into real statues of gods.

Fortunately, Baiwei kept up his spirits and threw his climbing tools when he fell into the water, catching the dead lotus leaves. His body splashed into the water, but stopped before falling into the mud, barely keeping his body intact.

The goddess went straight to the central stone platform, picked up the jasper scraper, and carefully carved the flesh statue.

An hour later, the goddess left. Bai Wei did not run away immediately. He stumbled up to the stone platform in the middle, where he stood in a daze in front of the statue of the flesh god for a long time and shed tears for a long time.

...Also, after Bai Wei's whereabouts, he touched the meat paste and tasted those emotions, so he can probably guess a thing or two.

Bai Wei did not leave after all.

He picked the clay manuscript closest to the statue and slowly embraced it. The clay manuscript slowly swallowed him up, and the whole thing swelled a little, and the compassion on his face changed shape.

She's still alive, she can't leave. I can't leave her alone...

It wasn't until this thought came that Yin Ci finally came back to his senses.

The current situation is somewhat troublesome. Half of his body was mixed with flesh and mud, and the fabric of his clothes was not corroded, but the ghost skin clothes were already in pieces because they were similar in composition to human skin. There are more parts that are integrated, and the thoughts that come to me are a little clearer. Bai Wei, who was in the mud, undoubtedly noticed him, but was confused and didn't know his specific situation.

These living flesh are connected to each other. Although I have become like this, I can still convey some thoughts... Are you still there? As long as you cut off the fused part, you can escape... I'll help you, you have to get out...

There was a dazzling golden light on the water, and the ashes scattered on the water in great force. Yin Ci opened his eyes wide.


He won't run away.

Sword energy flew everywhere, cutting off his messed up body. As the body is separated from the flesh and mud, those misty thoughts go away together. When the golden fire weakened, Yin Ci grasped the hanging shadow sword and jumped up.

Come and come, go as you go.

Shi Jingzhi's life is much thicker than this layer of window paper.

After emerging from the water, Yin Ci saw Shi Jingzhi in the middle of the stone platform at a glance. His master's back was straight, and ashes were falling from the sky like falling snow. There was still a suffocating sense of oppression all over that man, like a thorn stuck between heaven and earth.

It's just that this thorn is very fragile and is about to be broken.

So Yin Ci naturally fell to the ground, hugged the person into his arms, and swept away the incoming tree roots with a sword. Shi Jingzhi was taller than him, and his feet were weak at this moment, but it couldn't block his vision.

The goddess formed a platform of tree roots in mid-air and was panting.

"It's a pity about my leather clothes."

Yin Ci had just lost a lot of blood and his whole body was cold. Shi Jingzhi leaned back against his soaked chest, feeling a comfortable warmth spread over him. Yin Ci narrowed his eyes in contentment, and his sword aura became a bit sharper.

"Master, since I brought you in, I will definitely send you out. Don't be angry about this, okay?"

Shi Jingzhi was shocked and haggard, and his face was frighteningly pale. He held Yin Ci's wrist tightly, his voice was so mute that Yin Ci could only make out the shape of his mouth.

"... A Ci?"

Yin Ci smiled: "My disciple is unfilial and came late. Master is tired, so why don't I go and kill the goddess to relieve Master's boredom."

He didn't wait for Shi Jingzhi's response and just put the person down gently. Then Yin Ci touched the stone platform and rushed towards the goddess.

The tide rises in the rivers and seas, and the fierce blades are unsheathed. In the past, the sharp edge had been restrained, but now the sword came out with a bit of the power of killing gods and killing animals.

The goddess was horrified. If Shi Jingzhi was still an immature ferocious beast, what attacked this time was a real evil god. She had seen so many celestial beings, but she chose to miss this one.

This person's face is as cold as jade, and his aura is as evil as a ghost. No matter how you look at it, it's not worse than the one below.

She hurriedly summoned tree roots, trying to repeat her old trick and use the roots to defeat the enemy. Unexpectedly, this time the root system did not obey her instructions and actually remained motionless. The surrounding insect eggs also stopped attacking, showing vague hesitation.

Somehow, she was on her own.

The goddess gritted her teeth and said, "Who are you?"

But before she could finish her question, a dark sword tip emerged from her chest. The man didn't take her seriously at all. He didn't know when he ducked behind her and struck out with a sword decisively.

She looked at the wound on her chest in shock. The next moment, deep gashes appeared in the joints of her limbs. The ink-colored sword blade flew like a butterfly, and finally stopped gently on her neck, with the warmth of her own blood still on the blade.

The goddess sat paralyzed on the tree root platform, unable to move at all. This man is definitely a seasoned murderer, and his movements are not redundant. He didn't even say a word, and cut off all her thoughts when he came up, leaving only a tongue for her.

The goddess felt a little regretful - there was no internal energy in this person's moves. If he had left the root guard behind, he wouldn't have been in such a miserable state. Seeing that Shi Jingzhi was exhausted, she put her guard down too early.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world.

Yin Cijing stood in front of her, her sword was as strong as iron, and she didn't show any pity, let alone awe.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you yet. This is interesting, I have something to ask." Yin Ci's voice was gentle, but this gentleness coupled with the murderous intent made it look particularly scary. "You can't answer questions that aren't asked, and you can't remain silent. I know better than anyone in the world how to hurt people the most."

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, there was a faint hint of despair in the extremely cold and oppressive feeling. The goddess was suddenly in a trance - this man was so miserable and depressed, how could he still be alive

As soon as the goddess hesitated, the tip of the sword pierced the acupuncture point on her neck, causing severe pain to surge through her.

Yin Ci: "What is the flesh statue? What is the giant tree root statue?"

The goddess' expression changed for a while, and she actually laughed. She began to talk to herself: "Very good. You have excellent qualifications, and with the following, there is no need to save materials for the statue."

"The answer is not what you asked." Yin Ci sighed, the tip of the sword moved slightly, and a piece of flesh and blood was exposed.

The goddess swallowed a series of screams and looked at him with pity: "Since you are an immortal, you can naturally bear the pain. Boy, if you disrespect ghosts and gods, you will definitely get retribution."

"Retribution? I have suffered retribution a long time ago... Come on, answer again. My little master still needs to rest for a while, we have plenty of time."

The goddess smiled, showing her bloody teeth: "Really?"

This time she didn't attack Yin Ci with the tree root. The tree root rushed out suddenly and hit herself directly. The goddess was knocked back several feet and fell onto the flesh statue behind her.

The goddess is not completely integrated into the statue like Bai Wei. She only lost half of her body, and the waist down turned into flesh, filling in the empty frame of the statue.

The skeleton was completely covered up, and the flesh statue sat dignifiedly, with half a living person on one side. The skin of the goddess is crystal white, and the dark red giant statue is like a bud on a dead branch.

It's just that she's not in the right state.

The goddess's face was distorted, her long hair was messy, and her eyes were dull. Her clothes were burned by the fire and soaked with blood. They clung to her body like rotten skin.

She lowered her arms and said in a hoarse voice: "A mere mortal dares to provoke a true immortal. You can't run away..."

"If you can still talk, that's good."

The sword blade rose and fell, along with half of the statue's head, and an arm of the goddess was instantly chopped off. The head and arms rolled off the tree root platform and hit the bottom of the forbidden area.

I hope his cheap master doesn't see it, so as not to scare him half to death again.

Yin Ci smiled and crossed his sword, preparing to disable the enemy's ability to move again. The next moment, his smile solidified on his face.

The idol is being restored.

Whether it's the goddess's arm or half of her head. Countless blood-red roots protruded from their sections, slowly forming a ball and slowly returning to their original appearance.

No one is more familiar with this scene than Yin Ci. Compared to Yin Ci himself, the statue recovered slowly and clumsily, but the recovery method was undoubtedly the same.

For a moment, some fear seized him.

The bone-sweeping sword rises, and flesh and blood fly everywhere.

The goddess is not afraid of pain, so Yin Ci no longer retains any strength. He was almost frantically slicing the statue, as if he wanted to crush another version of himself. The stumps of limbs crackled and rolled down, seemingly endlessly.

The goddess smiled gently and vehemently.

She stretched out her hands and chewed Yin Ci's words repeatedly: "We have plenty of time."

She merged with the statue a little more, and her root system finally woke up again. They gathered together with the movements of the goddess, ready to go. Yin Ci's sword gradually slowed down until it stopped.

The goddess just thought he was desperate: "It's easier to give up. I'll transform you first, and then go find your teacher..."

A bolt of golden fire shot from the sky and hit the goddess's chest.

At some point, Shi Jingzhi regained his strength and mustered up the courage to climb onto the high platform.

He climbed on the edge of the platform and thrust the flag majestically, as if he wanted to seek explanation from his apprentice. However, seeing the fused statue so close at hand, Shi Jingzhi's face turned green and he slowly disappeared from the edge of the stage.

"Excuse me." He said sincerely, about to crawl back.

Yin Ci sighed, hooked the fox with the tip of his sword, and picked it up: "Master came just in time. I just wanted to go down and look for you."

Shi Jingzhi's eyes swept over the recovering statue. The pieces of meat on the ground stopped at the unfamiliar face of his apprentice. There were several gurgling sounds in his throat, but he could only squeeze out a tragic "no" word.

Yin Ci put his arm around his master's waist again and held his wrist: "Master, take the sword."

The body temperatures overlapped, and Shi Jingzhi calmed down a little, and finally spoke in human language again: "Aci, what on earth is this-"

"There is a mechanism on the flesh god statue. It can regenerate, but not very fast. If it is burned in time with sun fire, its regeneration spell may be broken."

Yin Ci's voice was calm, as if the matter had nothing to do with him from head to toe. Shi Jingzhi's movements were slightly stiff, and he didn't know whether he heard it or not.

Hearing this, a flash of nervousness suddenly flashed across the goddess's face. Yin Ci lowered his gaze, not feeling much joy in his heart.

Seeing that its recovery was stumbling, he bet that the statue was not yet complete and could not be regenerated perfectly. As for what kind of destruction is most effective for "regeneration", he probably knows better than the goddess herself.

Rather than keeping her and forcing her to confess, Yin Ci has found something more valuable - a clear direction.

He has almost unlimited time and doesn't have to worry about finding any clues. In contrast, now he is more concerned about another thing.

Can the unfinished flesh statue really be destroyed

"Master, I will wield the sword, and you will cover the fire."

Yin Ci was very close. The warm breath brushed against Shi Jingzhi's ears and slid into his neck, revealing a hint of bewitching.

"Come on, let's completely destroy this place."