Sending the Divine

Chapter 38: True immortal


Yang fire is not a rare thing in the world.

Yang fire is particularly effective against evil spirits, and the big sects are inevitably involved in the matter of exorcising demons, so they all have magical instruments that can generate yang fire. However, the flames generated by magical instruments are mixed and cannot be compared with the pure flames generated by the essence.

Yin Ci once used a magic weapon to ignite the Yang Fire, and burned himself to ashes. The Yang Fire was extremely destructive, and he thought he could successfully die, but he was reborn in a pile of ashes half a month later.

The Yang Fire is not pure, so it seems that it won't work.

But when it comes to using energy to generate fire, there are few people who can do it. Even if you can find someone, normal people have limited energy and internal and external cultivation. Even someone as strong as Shi Zhongyu can only use fire to cover the sword at a critical moment. Only an internal force monster like Shi Jingzhi can turn himself into a charcoal ball with fire all over his body.

If it was Shi Jingzhi, would it be possible to leave not even ashes left

The identity of his cheap master is a mystery, his talent is rare in a century, and he happens to be in pursuit of flesh with him. Maybe this is the answer given to him by fate, and this is the person who is destined to send him on his last journey.

Yin Ci put a little more strength in his hands, holding Shi Jingzhi tightly, and the smile on his face became more intense.

Shi Jingzhi was extremely capable, but he was too young. At this moment, Shi Hu was exhausted and terrified, so he could take advantage of the situation, give his young master some hints, and play him in the palm of his hand.

When people are vulnerable, they are most likely to be dominated. As a former leader, Yin Ci is very familiar with this method.

"Master." Yin Ci's voice was very soft, but it contained an irresistible inducement.

Shi Jingzhi's panic finally dissipated. He did not relax his limbs, but just stared at the woman's wounds healing, forgetting even to shiver.

"Master?" Yin Ci softened his voice and applied a lot more strength to his hands.

Shi Jingzhi still did not move.

Finally, the woman recovered from the burning pain. The flesh statue sat upright, and the surrounding tree roots squirmed violently, shooting out from all directions. Just as Yin Ci was about to use his sword to defend himself, another force suddenly exploded.

Shi Jingzhi turned the tables, and he turned his body to the side, twisting Yin Ci's wrist. Then the sword energy formed a circle, smashing the approaching tree roots into pieces. The golden fire danced on the sword, not as strong as before, but also exuding a desperate determination.

"Stupid." Shi Jingzhi continued to stare at the statue, muttering to himself.

Yin Ci was pulled unexpectedly by him and fell into Shi Jingzhi's arms.

So that's why, he shouldn't have said it so early. Hearing the word "life", the monster instantly turned into prey, Shi Jingzhi completely forgot what fear was, and only focus and persistence remained on his face.

Yin Ci didn't like this controlled posture. He wanted to break free, but found that Shi Jingzhi was holding him firmly on the chest and he couldn't move at all.

"Aci, if you want golden fire, I will give you golden fire. But you have to do it according to my will." The aura of the ruler appeared faintly again.

"It's just one last step, Master. If you delay, something unexpected will happen."

"I have something else to ask her."

Yin Ci sneered in his heart. The girl was not afraid of pain, and this fox might not be able to force her to speak. However, since the master had made up his mind, he could wait a little longer.

There's nothing I can do about it. It's my fault for not being able to make a fire.

Shi Jingzhi held Yin Ci tightly with one hand and quickly drew his sword with the other. As expected, after the burning of the golden fire, the recovery of the flesh-like wound almost stopped. In a hurry, the woman summoned more tree roots, but they were all blocked by Shi Jingzhi's golden fire.

The air was filled with the smell of burning wet wood.

Yin Ci still couldn't break free from his master's embrace, so he didn't force it. Anyway, he didn't want to get hurt in front of Shi Jingzhi, so this was a solution.

The cold jade-like fingertips stroked Shi Jingzhi's forearm, occasionally pointing out a more appropriate direction for his master to draw the sword. The black hair of the two people was scattered and mixed together, entangled with a bit of tenderness.

Yin Ci was only wearing a white gown, which was soaked by the water in the pond, and even soaked the front of Shi Jingzhi's gown. The wet fabric was warmed by the body temperature of both parties, giving people the illusion of skin touching skin.

Shi Jingzhi's heartbeat was quite strong, and after overcoming his fear, his sword became more and more stable.

A flash of light passed by, and it was like skin and bones being torn apart. The delicate folds of clothes were deformed, and the plump limbs were twisted into a ball.

Shi Jingzhi was very patient. He peeled it off layer by layer, like peeling a flower bud. He was cutting the flesh with his hands, his eyes glued to the new wounds, as if observing their healing speed. When he had seen enough, he changed from cutting to stabbing, and began to test the woman's reaction.

This playful behavior completely angered the girl, and she used the root as a spear and shot it at Shi Jingzhi. Shi Jingzhi did not dodge, and the root spear scratched the side of his face, leaving a very thin blood mark.

"You missed."

The woman said in a sharp voice: "Shut up."

"Can immortals miss their target? Ever since you came down, I've noticed that your hands have been shaking, just like a real old man. The immortals are said to be immortal, but it turns out that they only preserve their appearance?"

"shut up!"

"The people of Xizhuang have lived nearby for many years, but you only dragged them here to make clay models, and they are crooked... You probably didn't need clay models when you made the statues before."

"You are old and your hands are shaking. You can't make the statue successfully, but you are reluctant to give up this position. So you used a little trick to destroy Xizhuang by taking advantage of Baiwei Alu's incident and get a lot of mortals to practice with."

The woman was obviously hurt, her chest rose and fell violently, and her body swayed slightly: "You bastard, you—"

"You are not a deity." Seeing the other party's reaction, Shi Jingzhi waved his sword and made a conclusion. "In this situation, you should be just a mortal who often drinks immortal wine. Even if your face is not old, your inner self is only slower than that of ordinary people. Are you doing these things to attract the immortal wine of the Immortal Association?"

The woman's breath was caught in her throat, and for the first time she looked completely furious.

Unfortunately, anger did not help her, but instead messed up her attack. In the burning tree roots, the flesh seemed to be chopped more and more by Shi Jingzhi, and gradually became unrecognizable.

As the image shattered, the attack of the tree roots also weakened.

Seeing that the situation was hopeless, the woman immediately abandoned the statue and fled. However, anger disturbed her mind, and she missed the best opportunity. At this point, the woman had no time to shape her lower body, and the flesh was gradually pulled out and piled up into a ball of soft mud like a slug. She barely clung to the roots of the tree and was about to climb up -

The Shadow Sword mercilessly pierced her lower back and nailed her to the tree roots.

Shi Jingzhi finally let go of Yin Ci. He smoothed his apprentice's long hair, his eyes dim. Just as Yin Ci was about to say something, he turned around again and staggered towards the prostitute.

The woman didn't have the energy to be angry anymore. She gave a bitter smile like ash: "Haven't you asked enough? My body is damaged, and I'm determined to die. No matter what you want to ask... don't dream about it."

Shi Jingzhi pretended not to hear. He leaned on the flagpole and walked closer, leaning forward, and whispered something to the goddess. The goddess looked indifferent at first, but her expression gradually changed after hearing the rest.

The anger disappeared, and there was only fear in her eyes.

"What do you want to know?" After a long while, the girl spoke tremblingly.

Shi Jingzhi: "What does this flesh look like, and why can it regenerate?"

"I don't know what it is, I'm just following orders. It needs to be made from materials from immortals, and then it will be polished slowly. When it's finished, someone will come to take it. As for its birth... This is the statue of Emperor Wudi, so it is naturally protected by Emperor Wudi and enjoys boundless magic power."

Shi Jingzhi sighed in disappointment, and the girl shuddered.

"Although I have been sculpting statues here for decades, this is all I know. I just connected my body to you just now because I wanted to borrow your magic power."

Seeing that the girl didn't seem to be lying, Yin Ci felt a little complicated.

What did Shi Jingzhi say to her

"Where is the giant statue at the tree root?" Shi Jingzhi asked again.

"This is the trace, it has been there since the beginning."

"You really live in a muddle... One last question, do you really have a panacea for all diseases?"

A glimmer of hope flashed across the woman's eyes: "Yes, yes! No matter what disease you have, I can guarantee that you will die of old age. As long as you let me out, I swear to get it for you. I promise that you will not be injured for three days, as long as you don't leave here..."

"Not leaving here?"

"The elixir can only work here." The woman gritted her teeth.

Shi Jingzhi shook his head gently: "I see. Unfortunately, this is not what I'm looking for."

He stepped back, calm and at peace with what had happened.

Then he took out his own flag, which was burning with the last golden flame, and the flame was about to die out, but it was still burning.

"No!" The woman's face turned pale. "You promised me, you promised me! You can't-"

Shi Jingzhi smiled and burned her body to ashes, leaving only a head that cried silently. While the head was still alive, he threw it into the lake.

The entire forbidden area was silent for a moment.

The next moment, all the white-clothed monsters on the cave wall began to tremble. They broke free from their chains like crazy and threw themselves into the lake. Yin Ci looked down and saw the monsters tearing off their wrappings and turning into meat paste. The people of Yuanxian Village and Xizhuang merged into one and wrapped the head tightly.

Shi Jingzhi did not look back. He just put down the flag and stared at the flesh-and-blood statue which was only partially left.

It was burned to pieces, but still alive, lying there unconscious.

"Aci, I know what you want to ask." Shi Jingzhi stared at the flesh statue, "I just solved her desire and did the opposite."

"She was not afraid of the pain of death, and was willing to live here. She didn't want longevity, money or power. When I attacked her, she didn't put on a defensive face. She didn't want eternal youth. In the end, she abandoned the statue and ran away. She didn't want a pious status... But people live in this world for a purpose."

Shi Jingzhi turned around slowly.

"She was willing to do such a mad thing because she was afraid of getting completely old - afraid of being alive but powerless. She couldn't see, couldn't taste, was constantly imprisoned by illness, and couldn't even move."

"So I told her that we would not kill her. I would melt her into meat paste and imprison her at the bottom of the pool. As an immortal, her consciousness must last longer than that of an ordinary person... In this world, the only thing more painful than not being able to die is not being able to live."

Yin Ci felt a chill in his heart.

All the things that happened before were indeed his illusions. Shi Jingzhi had no reaction to his true appearance, and he was not the dumb boy he raised. And looking at Shi Jingzhi's methods, his cruelty was not inferior to his own. This person was not easy to control. Although he had broken the window paper first, he could not be careless in the future.

Yin Ci changed the subject at the right time: "What's the matter with the vision of the white-clothed monster?"

"Before I came up, I also tried to touch the meat paste. As a master, I have to know what happened to you, right?" Shi Jingzhi's expression was normal. "Then, I came into contact with Bai Wei."

At that time, Fox stroked the flagpole in his hand with a complicated tone.

"I told him, no, I told everyone who still had consciousness that I would be thrown away by the woman later. As long as they get the body, they can be restored to their original state."

Yin Ci narrowed his eyes: "Did the girl tell you?"

Did this person have murderous intentions before he climbed up

"I made it up. They are hopeless." Shi Jingzhi curled his lips. "The girl has a moment of despair, and they can also have a moment of hope. Isn't this good? Come, Aci, we can destroy this place now."

Yin Ci's pace was completely disrupted, and he looked unhappy: "Master, it's no problem to destroy the forbidden area. But the goddess's body is gone, and it will cause a lot of trouble when we get out."

Burned repeatedly by the Yang Fire, the woman's recovery was getting slower and slower. However, before he finished his research, Shi Jingzhi took the initiative to destroy the body. The flesh was still there, but it was almost falling apart, and it was about to turn back into meat paste, and there was no sign of rebirth.

It's like being abandoned by something.

While Yin Ci was still thinking, Shi Jingzhi was staring at him from the side.

The ghost tomb was too dark and too chaotic just now. This was the first time Shi Jingzhi looked at his apprentice seriously.

The white clothes were tattered and clung to Yin Ci's body, blending into his pale skin. Yin Ci had a cold temperament, but if you only looked at his facial features, he could be described as gentle and flawless. At this moment, his brows were slightly furrowed, his black hair was disheveled, revealing a strange sense of fragility that made people want to destroy him.

But he is frighteningly strong.

I planned to catch the prey with my life in mind, but I never thought I could catch such a perfect prey.

Shi Jingzhi smiled again: "The solution is very simple, just satisfy people's desires. As for your matter... Ah Ci, when we get out, I will ask you something."

Yin Ci suddenly had an epiphany and realized a belated truth—the fox's smile at that time must have meant something bad.

At the entrance to the forbidden area, the morning light is dim.

Sister Mian waited for her daughter. Yindeng shook her deformed arms, burst into tears and rushed out of the tree hole, throwing herself into her mother's arms. Most of the villagers crowded near the entrance, waiting for the rest of the people to come out.

The maid did not show up.

The charming guest came out, holding another person in his arms. The person was dressed in white clothes, his eyes were closed, and his whole body was like a jade sculpture, and he seemed to be unconscious.

Shi Jingzhi said solemnly, "I am the messenger of the Emperor of the Imperial House, and I have come to rescue the spirits here. The woman is actually a demon. She has imprisoned the spirits in a forbidden area, occupied their nests, and used living people to perform evil magic... This place has been controlled by demons for hundreds of years, and the Emperor couldn't bear it, so he sent me here."

He smiled at the villagers.

Behind him, golden flames shot up into the sky, engulfing everything in the forbidden area.

At the bottom of the forbidden land, deep in the fleshy mud, the half-melted head of the woman opened her eyes wide and cursed silently.

Stupid, there are some stupid people in this world...

There are indeed immortals in this world. I have seen immortals before... who can change the color of the heaven and earth and cause great suffering to all living beings...

If you don't respect ghosts, there will be retribution, there will be retribution...

In the raging flames, the water in the pond evaporated and the flesh turned to ash. The stone lotus pods were crushed into powder and the withered lotus leaves turned into flying dust. In the forbidden area, there were no white-clothed monsters or flesh-and-blood statues. Only the giant tree root statue stood safely in its original place, slightly bowed, and the ground beneath it was a mass of ash and smoke.

The golden light of the sun fire illuminated its face.

The facial features tangled together by tree roots are still delicate, showing neither sadness nor joy, neither anger nor resentment.