Sending the Divine

Chapter 40: clue


When he was vigorously washing his apprentice, Shi Jingzhi felt very strange.

It would be a lie to say that he had no intention of teaching a lesson. Shi Jingzhi had mastered the art of brushing, neither really hurting Yin Ci nor being so gentle as to turn it into a back-rubbing service. The apprentice was like shrimp in a pot, being brushed pink by him.

While scrubbing, Shi Jingzhi was also looking for scars.

In the forbidden area, Shi Jingzhi once touched the flesh paste with his fingertips. The flesh paste was like glue, and instantly stuck to his fingertips. Shi Jingzhi got away in time, but he didn't lose a layer of skin.

Yin Ci fell down, so he should have some wounds. But his apprentice's back was completely smooth, without even an old scar. Shi Jingzhi brushed for a long time, but only some weird thin skin with meat paste stuck on it came out.

According to Yin Ci, it was probably the remains of a ghost leather jacket.

Yin Ci once took off his clothes under the ghost tomb to prove himself, so the ghost leather jacket must cover a large area. His apprentice couldn't have such a ridiculous ability to survive - if he had such a convenient technique, how could Yin Ci's meridians be damaged

The fact that Yin Ci was able to remain unscathed was probably due to the ghost leather jacket.

It is indeed a family heirloom. Not to mention the extremely realistic disguise effect, it can even resist meat paste. It would be a pity to lose it. If it were not rare, Shi Jingzhi would want to make one himself. This thing sounds much more magnificent than the Nuo mask.

He was daydreaming when Yin Ci's words brought him back to reality.

"I am a living person, not an object. Master, there is no need to be blindly attached to me."

Is there any difference? Shi Jingzhi was stunned.

People are nothing more than talking, moving objects. This is true for others, and for him as well. As if sensing his confusion, Yin Ci turned around, grabbed Shi Jingzhi's long hair, and pulled his face closer to him.

In the mist, the other person's eyes were like two cold stars. Shi Jingzhi didn't like being spied on like this, and he felt as if he was being pierced.

So he reached back.

After further investigation, Shi Jingzhi discovered that something was wrong.

Originally, his plan was clear and perfect - he would pick a disciple during the "Zhuazhou" ceremony and pretend to be what the other party expected. As long as the disciple respected and loved him from the bottom of his heart, he would have tasted the bondage of worldly life.

In order to prevent Yin Ci from getting suspicious, Shi Jingzhi didn't want to cater to his preferences from the beginning. He had planned to start from the simplest and work his way up slowly, but now he could see that he didn't see Yin Ci's desire at all.

Although he was only a young man in his twenties, Yin Ci's eyes were like dry wells, without any aggressiveness or expectation. He seemed to dislike nothing and want nothing.

Since the other party had no expectations, Shi Jingzhi could not play the role of the "ideal master" in Yin Ci's mind, so he had to continue to be himself.

But he doesn't even know what he looks like, so how can he get close to the other person

Shi Jingzhi suddenly felt a little panicked.

He happily planted a disciple, ready to harvest the bond of fate. But when he watered the seed, he found that it was dead. Oh my god, he had just finished brushing off the people, what should he do if they rebelled!

"As a teacher..."

Shi Jingzhi wanted to say something soft to restore his image as a gentle master, but without the other party's expectations as a reference, his mind was like rusted and blank.

There is really no such thing as a free lunch. A randomly picked apprentice who has a good appearance, is good at martial arts and good at cooking, must be more difficult to deal with than an ordinary person.

Fortunately, Yan Qing appeared in time and rescued him.

Hearing that this place was related to Yan Budu, Shi Jingzhi didn't bother with anything else. He suppressed Yin Ci's anger and dipped him in the medicinal soup twice, just to finish this treatment and lesson.

Yin Ci was so fooled by him that he lost his temper. He put on his clothes silently and followed him without saying a word.

The sun was about to set, and the courtyard was covered with a layer of orange. Yin Ci's pink face was covered by the sunset light, making it less eye-catching. There was a small stone table in the courtyard, and Su Si was putting plates of food on it.

Among them, ‌‌ were heated leftovers, and ‌‌ were finished products that looked like a mess. Near the table, Mr. Bai walked with his head held high, patrolling around the courtyard. The environment was relatively quiet.

"Are you here?" Su Si put down the last dish and wiped his hands on his clothes. His eyes were still slanting on Yin Ci, with more vigilance than appreciation.

Compared to Su Si's attitude, Yin Ci was more concerned about this weird scene - how could they find Yan Budu and the two boys set up a banquet. Su Si was fine, but Yan Qing was looking at his toes, and his guilty conscience was so strong that it was choking.

The master and his disciple had slept for days, and they were really hungry. But the fox had become picky eaters because of his disciple, so he trembled as he picked up a piece of boiled vegetable leaf, with a bit of despair in his eyes.

He turned his head and looked at Yin Ci pitifully.

The master's eyes were fixed on him, Su Si's scrutiny was intermittent, and Yan Qing was also quietly looking at him. Yin Ci was annoyed by all the glances and stood up.

"You two should think about your speech for a while. If the food is not enough, I will go and get two more dishes."

Shi Jingzhi slowly put down his chopsticks, his face concentrating: "Well, let's wait for Ah Ci to come back before eating."

Somehow, after a little commotion at the table, Yan Qing gradually calmed down. He ate the steamed cake quietly, and went over the events of last night in his mind again. Yin Ci was right, it was indeed difficult to make it clear in one sentence.

Time goes back to the night before.

Outside the forbidden area.

Seeing the master and disciple enter the forbidden area one after another, Yan Qing was a little stunned: "Ah Si, do you know where the goddess lives?"

Su Si rarely smiled. He lowered his head and thought for a while: "I know, you come back with me first, and I will take Master Bai with you."

Su Si's residence was a distance away from the forbidden area. There was no one in the house at the moment, and the crunching sound of Mr. Bai eating could be heard outside the window. Yan Qing walked in front, looking around, and just as he opened the door—


While Yan Qing was looking into the room, Su Si chopped down with his knife. Yan Qing was prepared and caught his wrist, with both hands frozen in mid-air.

Time seemed to stand still.

"... You're done." Su Si smiled, as if he was just going to pat Yan Qing on the shoulder.

Yan Qing didn't fall for his trick: "You want to knock me out, then what?"

"Since you guessed it, why are you asking me?"

The night was dark, Su Si's face was hidden in the shadows, and his smile became fake.

Yan Qing let go of his hand: "Ah Si, what I want to say is that we are not nine years old anymore. You don't have to treat me like a nine-year-old."

Su Si's enthusiastic expression faded a little, he looked at Yan Qing steadily: "If we miss this opportunity, it will be too late to leave. Even if the master and disciple go down to the forbidden area, they may not be able to find any clues, and they may not be able to come out... Let them attract the attention of the goddess, I will capture a villager and interrogate him, and then find a way out."

He paused and said, "Given your personality, you will naturally not agree. I have no choice but to knock you out first."

"Master Shi saved my life." Yan Qing stood still. "If they, the master and disciple, had the same idea as you, they could have sent me to the forbidden area as bait and tried to escape."

Whether by coercion or inducement, they can always find a suitable guide, especially a child like Yindeng who is easy to fool, or a weak woman like Mian Jie who cherishes her family. As for what will happen to the guide after they leave, that is not something the escapees need to worry about.

‌ is indeed the simplest way.

Su Si said lightly: "That's because they are stupid. Whether the villagers know it or not, we were deceived first."

Yan Qing: "Then why didn't you run away?"

Su Si was stunned for a moment and didn't answer.

Yan Qing sighed slightly. No matter how enthusiastic and familiar Su Si acted, the past was already past. They had fled twelve years ago and separated ten years ago. How many more decades did a mortal have in his life

A long time ago, they also stood under the starry sky.

Look, I said I could run away! I don't want to use such a crappy name like Su Si Gou anymore. You've been educated, so help me change it.

Su Si.

Isn't it that not much has been changed

It's not the "Si" in "Si Gou", but the "Si" in "Wan Yi". By the way, I'll change my name too... I'll change it to "Yan Qing". Ah Si, put me down, I'll write it for you.

Su Si wiped the sweat off his face, squatted down, and put the thin child down. Yan Qing picked up a branch and gestured solemnly on the soil.

Su Si didn't know a single big character. When he saw the character "肆", he was completely confused: Why does it have so many strokes? I don't know how many!

Yan Qing ignored him and continued to draw: "I'll change it to 'Yan'. It's pronounced the same as 'Yan', so you won't call it wrong."

Su Si looked left and right, up and down, and only recognized the "San" in "Yan". He rolled his eyes and said something bad: I can change to Su Si, you call me Ah Si, and I will call you San Zi. Doesn't it sound like brothers

After saying this, Su Si seemed to be amused by this statement and burst into laughter.

He laughed enough, his eyes sparkling: "Third son, if we run away today, no one will care about us anymore. Tell me, what do you want to do in the future?"

I don't know... To be honest, I want to live a stable life without being controlled by these eyes.

Su Si: Tsk, you are useless! I want to be a hero - a hero who rides a big horse and holds a long sword. It’s best to be from the Taiheng faction, their clothes are the best looking.

The horses are expensive, and the long swords are also expensive. Yan Qing honestly pointed out that the Taiheng Sect is full of rich children, and they have a lot of money traveling around.

Su Si was about to vent his heroic words when he was choked by a little follower who looked like a chicken. He thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a good idea to make money, so he could only snort and say: I don't care, I want to be a hero.

Yan Qing thought hard: "Then when I find a good job, I will help you save money. Just as a way to repay your kindness over the years."

Su Si enjoyed it very much, but still complained a few words: Why are you always saying "yes, yes, yes"? You're so stingy.

‌There is no reason for others to be nice to me. I must always remember those who are nice to me.

Alas, Sanzi, if you continue like this, you will be cheated sooner or later.

Who would have thought that ten years later, the first person to officially lie to him was Su Si himself.

As a member of Tai Heng, Yan Qing saw Su Si flying to save Yin Deng. He didn't know whether the Kushan Sect's master and apprentice had noticed it, but he kept silent and didn't expose it in public.

Until now, Yan Qing didn't know whether hiding the truth was right or wrong.

Su Si probably also realized the mistake. Now that they were alone, they had something to say, but no one wanted to say it first.

They were once the closest people in the world to "family", and this intimacy was so precious that no one wanted to break it, even if it was fake.

For a moment, Yan Qing suddenly understood Su Si's behavior. If the two had not met again in this dangerous place, they would have covered their wounds and pretended that no time had passed.

Even though they know that old friends' hearts are fickle, there is no lack of pretending among adults. But pretending is also good, they can all pretend that they still have a family.

"Okay. I can take my time. I don't want you to die here. That's it."

Finally, Su Si sighed. He didn't look at Yan Qing, and stood up to grab Bai Ye: "I admit that I am not a good person and can't be a hero. After struggling in the martial arts world for a long time, I at least understand one thing. You said it well at the beginning, horses are expensive, long swords are also expensive... The idea of becoming a hero is especially expensive."

"Sixty-seven taels of silver."


"I have saved up sixty-seven taels of silver." Yan Qing said calmly, "I have been in Taiheng for many years. I have been saving it while waiting for you. When you get out of here, you can use it to buy a horse and a sword."

Su Si's arms were tightened, and Master Bai was strangled so hard that he kept shouting, "Are you crazy?"

"I don't know what happened to you in the past ten years. But based on the time you saved Guidance, I believe you."

Yan Qing's face was serious, so serious that it was hard to refute: "I tell you, you have really become a heartless bastard. You don't even think of other ways to leave. You have been trapped here for so long."

Su Si was stunned for a long time.

He seemed to want to blurt out a few sarcastic remarks, but swallowed them back with difficulty. Gradually, the fake enthusiasm faded, revealing a bit of faint but sincere nostalgia.

Finally, he suddenly laughed, and finally looked like his old self again.

Su Si smacked his lips, his tone much lighter: "You haven't changed at all, you're still so stupid. All right, sixty-seven taels of silver, just consider it as you hired me, I'll go with you."

"Yes. But Ah Si, you have to tell me first... When did you join the Chi Gou Sect, and why are you hiding everywhere?"

Su Si’s smile froze.

After a while, he looked up to the sky and sighed: "You really figured it out, Third Son, can you be a little more stupid?"

"After all, Tai Heng is restraining Chi Gou. Even if he is a servant, I have seen Chi Gou's movements."

"Let me make it clear first, I am not a member of the Red Hook Sect now. They said I had good talent and had no parents, so they forced me to be a crappy killer. I secretly learned Kung Fu and ran away. They hated me so much that they chased me everywhere."

As he spoke, he curved his eyes, hiding all the bloody twists and turns behind a smile.

Yan Qing: “…”

He suddenly felt that the Kushan Sect and the Chigou Sect were very in conflict, and the fact that Su Si ran into them was not a case of family members not visiting each other.

"Take me to the goddess first."

"Okay. Sixty-seven taels, you said."

"Well, you should also explain your identity to Master Shi." Yan Qing said sincerely, and added a word of comfort. "Don't worry, Master Shi has offended Wuxue Po badly, it won't be a big deal for you."

“… Tsk, that old witch is really haunting us.” Su Si was obviously not comforted.

The goddess's house is in the middle of the village. It has a huge courtyard, an elegant appearance and is very eye-catching.

The two talked openly, and Su Si no longer had any reservations. He attacked ruthlessly and knocked down the villager guarding the gate. Unfortunately, their good luck ended here - the goddess had set up large and small magic circles around them, and they could only break the small ones. When they arrived in front of the goddess' bedroom, they finally stared at each other and had difficulty moving forward.

Even Mr. Bai raised his voice and shouted twice, his voice full of warning.

The two men didn't want to make a wasted trip, so they had to rummage around in the outer hall. Unexpectedly, they actually found some things during this rummage.

Yuanxian Village kept records of outsiders, and kept them together with the records of ordinary villagers. Since there were not many outsiders, the records were only a thin booklet, so Yan Qing opened it carefully, thinking that it would be a waste if he didn't read it.

A record from one hundred and seven years ago just popped up right under his nose.

In late autumn, the immortal brought a foreign guest here. The foreign guest was named Yan Budu, who had a strong affinity with immortals and was born with red eyes. He was violent and cruel, and was very difficult to get along with. He deliberately destroyed the demon tree and was hated by the villagers.

Yan Budu stayed here for three days, then left with the Immortal and never returned.

One hundred and seven years ago was the year when Yan Budu disappeared.