Sending the Divine

Chapter 48: Greedy butterfly


The next day, Su Si was finally able to stand up with his snake tail. After adapting to the snake's tail gliding, ‌'s speed is actually faster than others.

However, his footwork and light skills were not perfect. Su Si hugged the carving knife tightly and sighed all morning. If Yan Qing was so stubborn, Su Si would just want to discuss it with him and retreat outside the formation to wait for others.

"Third Son, please come up with a hexagram." After finishing the breakfast of Fade Bird, Su Si had a final struggle.


"Calculate whether today will be bad or good. After all, the mountain guarding monster is like an ordinary monster. If you find out if it is good, you will feel at ease when you walk around."

On the contrary, if a bad omen is detected, there will be reason to drag Yan Qing back.

"I'm not so specific in my calculations, and it's a blessing and a curse, and you can't avoid it." Yan Qing shook his head, "Everyone's inner demons have no vision, there is no need..."

Shi Jingzhi came closer with great interest: "It's better to calculate it. Wasn't it accurate about the ghost tomb last time? ... Or do you think that this will shorten your life?"

"It's too bad to lose your longevity."

Now that the leader had spoken, Yan Qing took out a small bag of apricot kernels from his chest. Six apricot kernels were wrapped in green cloth, similar in size and regular in shape, half cinnabar and half black ink, glowing with luster.

Then Yan Qing pricked his finger and drew a circle on the stone slab with blood. ‌Skip the ordinary people's head-bobbing routine and simply throw apricot kernels into the circle.

The apricot kernel rolled on the stone slab, and soon became stationary. The six apricot kernels stood up together again, red and black, with the black sides facing Shi Jingzhi together.

Shi Jingzhi: "... Yan Qing, is this apricot kernel broken?"

Yan Qing knocked on the stone slab, but Xinghe seemed to have a brain, trying hard to maintain balance with the tip, and managed not to fall over.

"‌It's the same thing I did before I went to the ghost tomb."

Six apricot kernels stood quietly, lined with the huge human headlamp in the distance, and the wind seemed to have a bit more of the decaying smell in the tomb. The cold wind, blocked by the headlight, leaked a little through the eye holes of the head, blowing the cotton wrapping the apricot kernels.

But the apricot kernel remained motionless, unable to even rotate.

Shi Jingzhi: "..."

‌I had chills all over my body, and it took me a long time to shake off the goosebumps that stood up. If you have the Tao, you will not be able to live if you commit your own sins. It doesn't matter if you just stand up. Who knows that the way of heaven is so great that even the apricot kernels will be looked down upon.

After seeing the six black faces of Xinghe, Shi Jingzhi lost interest. The journey should continue, and the hexagrams are similar. The ghost tomb is at least safe. ‌ He handed the hemostatic ointment to Yan Qing, and then ran to torment his apprentice and escape from reality.

Seeing no definite omen of danger, Su Si gave up trying to persuade Yan Qing to go down the mountain, and picked up Mr. Bai listlessly, preparing to continue up the mountain with the group.

It's a sunny day again today, the sky is as blue as blue.

Jianchen Temple has taken great care of Hui Lianshan. The snow on the roadside is not stained by dust, and the headless stone statue is becoming more and more hidden. Ice springs gurgling on the talc, and withered vines scattered elegantly. Just looking at the surrounding area, the scenery is even more Zen-like.

A little further away, the gray-red "bald branches" were swaying, as if they had entities, and they did not perform any aggressive behavior. Yan Qing's eyeballs and hand shackles were covered by his sleeves, and Su Si's snake tail was ordinary. Except for the hill-like headlights behind them, everyone has basically adapted to the existence of their inner demons.

There doesn't really seem to be any danger.

Su Si tensed up his nerves for a while, then looked at the masters and disciples of the Kushan Sect who were walking in front.

A little strange, I thought. As the night passed, Yin Ci's feeling seemed to have changed.

Previously, Su Si was more afraid of this disciple with a clear background than the leader of the Kushan Sect. Although Yin Ci is gentle and low-key and not as conspicuous as the blustering leader, he still gives him an inexplicable sense of danger. Su Si thought about it carefully and found no flaws in this man. With just a vague intuition, there is no reason to persuade Yan Qing to leave.

But now, that feeling is a little more obvious.

Although the man was being held by Shi Jingzhi, he seemed to have lost a layer of veil, and his aura was astonishing. That aura enveloped Shi Jingzhi beside him, exuding a strong feeling of "keep strangers away".

The leader of the time acted as usual. I don't know whether he didn't notice it at all, or if he did, he pretended to know.

... What dangerous sect does his friend belong to? Do you want us to simply find an excuse to stay in Jianchen Temple and become a monk

Su Si was thinking wildly here and almost bumped into Yan Qing in front of him. The Snaketail's climb up the stairs was already very stable, but if Yan Qing had caught him in time, he would have almost slipped down.

Yan Qing didn't stop randomly - in front of everyone, the appearance of the mountain road changed.

The snow and weeds disappeared, and there were no dust or cracks on the stone steps. The wind stopped without warning, the atmosphere became solemn for no reason, and a strong feeling of being spied on fell from the sky, like a thorn in the back. It seems that this road leads not only to the monk's temple, but to the bliss of the West, and the Buddha is looking down at them from top to bottom.

Headmaster Shi looked at the stone steps that suddenly changed his face, and his smile gradually disappeared. ‌ lingered for a cup of tea in front of the stone platform, and it was not until Mr. Bai took the lead that he moved again.

After walking for another two hours, the surrounding scenery was no longer the same, but our position had not changed, and we were still wandering on the mountainside.

There were no enemies coming, it was just freezing cold. This endless feeling was terrible enough.

Shi Jingzhi said horrified: "Do Buddhists also stir up ghosts to break the wall? Ah Ci, do you feel anything?"

Yin Ci shook his head: "No. We are indeed moving forward, not just wandering around in the same place."

Once upon a time, Yin Cixian was so bored that he took a few walks on Huilian Mountain. Xu Shi has nothing to say about greed, anger, and ignorance. Yin Ci has never seen the three demon lords.

Looking at this alone, their ability to hide their aura is quite extraordinary. The legend of the mountain-guarding demon has lasted for five to six hundred years. Regardless of whether generations have changed or not, some bizarre abilities are still strange.

Not getting an answer, Shi Jingzhi had no choice but to move forward.

Finally, everyone reached the end of the road. As soon as one steps onto the stone platform at the end, the road beneath his feet disappears.

‌We were led to a pond.

The pond is huge and surrounded by snow. The bottom of the pool is all bluestone, and the water is so clear that it seems like there is nothing there. Several koi carps are swimming leisurely among them, making the scene very leisurely.

In the center of the pond, there is a Buddha head as tall as one person lying diagonally.

The Buddha's head was eroded by wind and rain and his face was blurred, but his peaceful and indifferent expression was still obvious. ‌'s neck was inserted diagonally into the bottom of the pool. The water in the pool covered one side of ‌'s cheek, soaking the white stone into blue ash. At a sudden glance, it seems that he is sleeping leisurely on his pillow on the water.

However, the most eye-catching thing is not the Buddha's head itself, but the "thing" on the Buddha's head.

Everyone saw the eyes of the Buddha - countless butterflies clustered around the eyes of the Buddha and formed a group. From a distance, it seems as if those giant eyes are filled with colorful bouquets.

As people approached, the outermost layer of the "bouquet" suddenly exploded, and the brilliant butterfly wings fluttered in the sun, blocking out the sky.

Shi Jingzhi stayed where he was.

‌ I have never seen such beautiful butterflies, and Shi Jingzhi ‌ knows how to describe their colors. Under the glow, the color of the butterfly wings keeps changing, making people completely open their eyes. They seemed to be aware of the presence of everyone, and flew over lightly, bringing up the soft wind.

It's like the concept of "beauty" itself.

Time suddenly slowed down, and Shi Jingzhi's mind felt like it had fallen into cotton wool. His limbs gradually lost feeling, and his whole body felt as if he had been soaked in a pool of warm water. A sleepy contentment rose from his belly, bringing out a heavy sense of peace of mind.

Maybe I'm dreaming, I thought. ‌What did you just see

‌Why are you here

Forget it, none of that matters. There were only ever-changing colors left in front of Shi Jingzhi's eyes, wrapped in this colorful wind, and he had a very strong premonition in his heart - all the longings in this life will soon be obtained. This fascinating wind is pushing ‌, taking ‌ towards the bliss that he has been seeking in his whole life.

The feeling of relief was so wonderful that I couldn't think of anything for a moment.

With endless yearning, Shi Jingzhi took steps forward without hesitation. But as soon as he took a few steps, he couldn't move forward - something was pulling on him and holding him in place, which made him extremely irritated.

The nameless fire immediately burned for three feet, and Shi Jingzhi raised his hand and struck in that direction.

Although this palm has no internal power, the wind and evil energy in the palm are not bad. Yin Ci raised his hand and took it lightly. Even so, ‌'s fingers were also shaken by the force.

Yin Ci saw the situation around him, but he could also guess that the situation was not good.

Su Si and Yan Qing knew that Shi Jingzhi had definitely fallen into the trap. Shi Jingzhi's breath changed a lot, and the airflow when his head turned back was also very strange. Yin Ci stretched out his hand and touched Shi Jingzhi's face with both hands, which were all thin and smooth.

Like butterfly wings.

There seemed to be countless butterflies wrapped around Shi Jingzhi's face, wrapping his head in three layers, inside and outside. Even though there was no ventilation, it was enough to turn Shi Jingzhi into a blind man who couldn't see.

However, Shi Jingzhi showed no resistance, as if he hadn't seen the butterfly. ‌Failed to achieve a single blow, he knelt softly on the ground. There were more and more butterflies wrapping around his head. Shi Jingzhi's head was two or three times bigger than the group of butterflies. The rustling and rubbing sound made his whole body uncomfortable.

"Brother Yin, I, Yan Qing... have a big problem..." Su Si's voice was vague and clear.

Yan Qing was still able to speak: "Master Shi, I'm asking you to please... His condition is particularly serious..."

Shi Jingzhi turned a deaf ear to their words. ‌I shook on the spot for a while, then stood up unsteadily and walked straight down the mountain. Yin Ci's steps almost staggered with a desperate momentum.

There is no wind around, and the sound of butterflies flying is very soft, like petals falling. Yin Ci held Shi Jingzhi's waist firmly while holding his breath and concentrating, sketching the dance of the butterflies in his mind.

People are intoxicated and butterflies are whirling strangely. Although he saw the appearance of this thing, Yin Ci still recognized it—

There have been very few records of this kind of butterfly demon in ancient books. Some people call it "daydream", some people call it "Huang Liang Le". This monster is considered ferocious, but it is extremely rare and difficult to deal with. As soon as he recognized this object, Yin Ci's heart sank.

In Huilianshan, their name is probably "Gandie".

This demon always appears in groups, and the butterfly wing pattern has its own natural magic circle. In order to protect their nests, they will form groups to paralyze their enemies, using their desires as bait to lure them away. Once they leave, the confused enemy will not have any memory and will naturally not look for the nest again.

The butterfly demon who returned to Lianshan had obviously been trained. The monks use the human magic circle as a supplement to lead all greedy people under their noses. They all came out in full force again and kicked the enemy back to Lianshan. Their cooperation was perfect.

If you attack the butterfly demon rashly, the butterfly demon will most likely use the deluded person as a human shield. Even if Yin Ci tied up all three of them and continued to drag them up the mountain, the butterfly demon would easily disperse.

On the other hand, if one is confused by "Greedy Butterfly" for too long, the person's mind may be damaged and it will be difficult to distinguish reality from reality.

There is only one way to drive away greedy butterflies.

This thing is attracted by human desire and needs to be driven away by human desire. Those who are deceived must realize their own enlightenment and completely curb their desires.

Yan Qing and Su Si are young and pursue greatness. He still has his sanity and can break free. But looking at Shi Jingzhi's situation, we can conservatively estimate that 90% of Greedy Dies came here to have fun. Yin Ci has never seen this person's almost crazy persistence. Even on ordinary days, Shi Jingzhi is greedy and loves money. If he waits for his own enlightenment, it will be harder than climbing to heaven.

I am so greedy, angry and ignorant that I send my master down the mountain alone...

‌, with the interference of the Buddha’s Heart Formation, ‌ cannot move forward alone. Even if you think about it, you can't hand over such important clues to two outsiders, Su Si and Yan Qing. Yin Ci sighed secretly and closed his eyes.

Are we going to fail so easily when we return to Lianshan