Sending the Divine

Chapter 49: tyrant


In an instant, Yin Ci thought of many alternative plans.

For example, he could lead someone to escape first, and then ask someone to lead him to visit Jianchen Temple. As long as the reward was sufficient, it shouldn't be difficult to find a child who didn't know greed, anger, or ignorance, or an old man with little desire.

But Yin Ci felt uncomfortable when he thought about getting close to a stranger. On the other hand, when the monks saw that the leader was trapped outside the mountain, they would probably attack the Kushan Sect. The monks were all very sharp-eyed, and since he was just a disciple, he couldn't ask too much.

Yin Ci lowered his eyes.

To take it to the extreme, this matter is not without room for maneuver. But he subconsciously resisted further thinking. After living for so long, Yin Ci would no longer deceive himself.

... He hasn't given up on respecting him yet.

Jingzhi's hands were shaking, as if they were wrapped in the cold wind of the previous night. Even though he was deep in the dream and attacked himself, Jingzhi's other hand was clenched loosely, as if he was looking for his apprentice's hand.

I won't let you down.

That's very good.

Yin Ci let go of Jingzhi, and the empty darkness buried him again. He did not panic this time, but smiled. All his worries were gone, and the mess should be cut with a sharp blade.

If Yan Qing and Su Si dared to leak the secret, they would be killed. At least today, I will not give up respecting them.

Give me a peach, and I will give you a jade in return. As time went by, he almost forgot this feeling.

Yin Ci held the Diaoying Sword tightly, but did not unsheathe it. He slowly released his aura, and a heavy bloody aura instantly enveloped the entire place, even the greedy butterflies flying in the air stopped for a moment.

The breath was mixed but clear. Under the surging blood, Yan Qing and Su Si dared not move. Jingzhi, who was staggering down the mountain, stopped and turned around.

A familiar sense of oppression rose from Jingzhi, confronting Yin Ci's murderous aura. Compared with the Origin Fairy Village, his aura had a little more childish grievance.

The two forces collided, the earth trembled, fish scale patterns appeared on the surface of the lake, and countless birds in the forest were startled.

"Respectfully, I never like disturbing people's sweet dreams. I just want to take you up the mountain. Please bear with me."

In the Tomb of the Ghosts, Jingzhi had bought him a scabbard made of ambergris. Ambergris has a very subtle fragrance that can soothe the mind. Yin Ci knew that foxes have sharp noses, and the scabbard probably served as an invisible rope to mark the way he looked for his apprentice.

Using it at this moment can be considered an unexpected success.

The scabbard slid across the ground very quickly, and the collision of wood and stone caused a spark. The precious ambergris wood emitted green smoke, and the fragrance became even stronger. Yin Jingzhi paused, and Yin Ci followed the wind and went up.

The scabbard hit Xi Jingzhi's shoulder neither lightly nor heavily, hitting the Qinghui, Renshen and Yinjing acupoints.

"Calm down your desires and keep your energy flowing slowly!" Yin Ci shouted, his tone extremely harsh and full of the majesty of a superior.

This is one of the Buddhist exercises, derived from the "stick and shout". This method can eliminate distracting thoughts, guide people's true nature, and then teach people to look directly at the true nature - remove the influence of the mundane world, and the desires will naturally fade a little. The one who is respectful and talented is outstanding, and the demons are not heavy, so he will find a way to restrain his desires.

Yin Ci was originally like this.

It is said that even a wise man will make mistakes after careful consideration.

However, human nature is like a mountain of knives collapsing and a sea of fire boiling.

The madness under the ghost tomb that day suddenly magnified a thousand times. The momentum of Jing suddenly rose, almost swallowing up Yin Ci's heavy blood.

The might was like a tsunami, and the premonition of destruction rolled over his spine like pins and needles. After a moment of shock, Yin Ci not only did not retreat, but his cold blood slowly burned.

The man stood straight in place, his hands hanging unnaturally. His cotton coat had long been blown away by the wind, leaving only a thin gray-white shirt. At this moment, the corners of his shirt were blown up by the wind, his black hair was flying, but the butterflies on his hair were all strangely still.

No fear, no restraint.

The trembling Jingzhi of the past seemed to be just a shell, but now the shell was completely shattered, revealing the raging torrent inside.

Yin Ci had seen this kind of madness before.

In the history of Dayun, there was a well-known tyrant who reigned for only one year. In just a dozen months, he caused wars to break out across the country, and the people suffered. Yin Ci had seen him riding on a golden chariot, the wheels of gold and jade rolling over rotten corpses and scorched earth, crushing thousands of pairs of outstretched hands, and the rumbling sound of the wheels drowned out the pleas and curses.

The tyrant laughed heartily, his yellow robe fluttering in the wind.

The young emperor, who looked like an immortal, had already lost his mind and fallen into madness. That madness was like a sticky vortex that could sweep in all the creatures around him and crush all those who resisted.

Yin Ci descended from the sky, stopped in front of the golden chariot, and slashed the tyrant's throat with his sword. Blood sprayed on the golden relief, and before the man died, he still had a crazy smile on his face that looked down on the world.

In terms of strength, the tyrant is far inferior to Jingzhi, but the madness of the two is similar and frightening.

But at this moment, the madness of Jingzhi had no source and no destination, it just floated in the air. Yin Ci met the momentum of the natural disaster, tore a hole with his own strength, and rushed forward again.

He can continue.

This set of exercises focuses on concentration and is harmless to people, but Tan Die has already had a negative reaction. Now that things have come to this, how can he give up halfway? It is better to see what his master looks like after the smoke and dust have cleared and the snow has melted.

The scent of the scabbard became stronger, and it struck more than a dozen acupuncture points on Yin Ci's waist, thighs, and back of the neck. Yin Ci was like a war puppet with exquisite reactions, sticking to him like a thorn in the flesh. His palm broke several of Yin Ci's ribs, leaving a long stretch of purple bruises.

In the midst of severe pain, Yin Ci's voice did not tremble at all: "When all gods are united, the wind will stop and the rain will calm."

‌ Jingzhi's aura became stronger, but it was like a fire without a source, burning and spreading further, which was extremely strange. His hands seemed to be possessed by divine will, and although he had lost his internal strength, his every move moved the heaven and earth.

With the help of the reverse air flow, Yin Ci managed to dodge, but the wind blade left several holes on his side.

I don’t know if it was an illusion caused by my blindness, but for a moment, Jingzhi seemed to have merged between heaven and earth.

Yin Ci still did not stop his actions. The opponent had borrowed the power of heaven and earth, so he had no chance of winning by head-on confrontation. He tried to make his movements gentler, and his sharp hostility turned into a drizzle, so as not to alarm the irrational Xi Jingzhi.

"Ask yourself or the heavens, not the world."

The scabbard, like burning incense, struck again. Then it struck the upper arm, chest, forehead, and lower back. The movements became lighter and lighter, like the touch of a lover.

Xu Jingzhi attacked and retreated at the same time, as if something was struggling inside him, trying to resist the process of "cleansing". Unfortunately, Yin Ci's people's lights were like mountains, and Xu Jingzhi had nowhere to retreat. As soon as he hit the huge demon, he was tied to the spot by countless shadow hands.

"No dust is left unsweeped, and all thoughts are at peace."

The sword fell back, and the aura of respect was instantly frozen.

Butterflies fluttered and flew away from his head, revealing a tearful eye. Yin Ci could not see the scene, but the overwhelming sadness and confusion replaced the pressure, spreading with the butterflies in the sky, and piercing his skin like needles.

‌ Jingzhi finally broke free.

It's just that desires are withdrawn and dreams are shattered. The stronger the yearning was, the more despair there is now.

Yin Ci was most familiar with despair. He put away his sword and changed the last step of the technique without authorization.

Yin Ci did not give him a slap in the face, but instead grabbed Jingzhi's hand and pulled him directly into his arms.

"Shh." He coaxed like a child, "Don't worry about anything, it's okay."

He Jingzhi closed his eyes, and the wave of emotions finally receded, leaving behind only ruins.

At first, he was tripped and Jingzhi was angry—countless desires were like a soft cocoon, wrapping him in it. All fear and anxiety were isolated outside, and he didn't move, just continued to move forward in the most relaxed place.

He had never felt so at peace since his birth.

Why bother him

Doesn't he deserve a moment of peace

"Restrain your desires and calm your mind, let your true energy flow slowly. When all gods return to one, the wind will stop and the rain will calm."

Someone used magic to slowly peel off his desires. For a moment, he wanted to destroy the world and kill all the living things in the world so that his ears would be quieter.

...But why can he hear all this

The familiar pain reappeared, and in the colorful illusion, a red leaf slowly floated by.

Compared to the overly bright colors, the red leaves were dull. They were like a sharp blade, splitting his heart.

Little brat, do you want to die by coming to such a place

Jingzhi saw a man in black clothes, half undressed, with his black hair loose. He leaned against a giant tiger monster, his posture was casual, and there were several empty wine jars beside his bare feet. The tiger monster closed its six eyes and fell asleep on the ground. A man and a tiger leaned against a giant maple tree, with snow-white bones scattered around them, and blood on the bones.

In late autumn, the ground is covered with red leaves, and under the glow of the setting sun, the whole world seems to be glowing.

In his memories, Jingzhi could not see the man's face clearly, but he remembered the smell of wine and blood on his body.

Just reading this clip made him feel excruciatingly painful.

It was as if countless voices were questioning him: You are seeking to survive, so what are you seeking for the rest of your life

This person had entered his mind without reason, and must be inextricably linked to his "desire", Jingzhi said in a daze, his ears filled with the sound of the fluttering butterfly wings.

... No, isn't what he wants to do "to survive"? Where do all these messed up methods come from

Restrain your desires and calm down, and let your true energy flow slowly. All gods will return to one, and the wind will stop and the rain will calm down... Boy, you should recite the mantra more often, and don't chew your finger all the time. If you leave a messy scar, you will not be liked by girls in the future.

In the next fragment, he was held in the arms of that person. The person's voice was a mixed mess, but there was no doubt that he was smiling.

However, he only remembered the warmth in that person's chest, and was busy catching the red leaves in front of him. He didn't hear a word of it.

Perhaps that was the most peaceful moment in his life.

But did such a moment really exist? Why had he never remembered it before

All desires were slowly taken away, and he felt as if he was naked in the snow. He gradually became panicked. His penis was getting more and more painful, as if it was determined not to let him see what was left.

His most persistent and profound thought.

In his memory, that person stretched out his arm, helped him catch the red leaves flying in the air, and handed them to him.

Don't grab it blindly, just take it.

There was no hunger in my stomach, and I could see the golden and red colors. I was held in someone's arms with great care, and it seemed that I saw the world clearly for the first time.

The red leaves are like butterflies, and the stream water is golden. There are no curious or hostile eyes around him, only the warm wind and the boundless sense of security behind him. The man looked at him very seriously, his eyes full of smiles. Jingzhi played with the red leaves for a while, then let go and watched the red leaves fly with the wind, like a cluster of burning flames.

It seemed as if at that moment he was truly born into the world.

It was just at that moment that he seemed to want nothing... For more than 20 years, was his only desire really just to "survive"

Ask the heavens and yourself, don't ask the world. If there is no dust left, all thoughts will be at peace. Remember this, little mute. If you bite your finger again, I will beat you every time I see you.

Even then, he still couldn't get rid of his abnormal desire. Whenever he bit his fingers subconsciously out of respect to suppress his desire, the man would always pick him up, pull his hand to his mouth, and repeat the formula again... Although the man hit him hard, he never really hit him.

How could he forget

"Ask the heavens and yourself, don't ask the world. If there is no dust left, all thoughts will be at peace."

The sounds outside became clearer.

Yes, that gorgeous dream is just a dream after all. After leaving the cocoon of desire, he still has to face the upcoming life and the suffocating reality.

But he had to move forward, he had no time to escape.

With a whimper, he finally escaped from that extremely gentle dream. His body was in such pain that his heart felt like it was about to burst. Just as he was about to fall, he fell into a warm embrace.

The vague memory seemed to have a fulcrum and suddenly pierced into reality.

“… Ah Ci.” He subconsciously hugged the person in his arms tightly.

Where did you learn the formula? Who are you

Who am I

Jingzhi had a thousand questions to ask, but the severe pain in his head almost drove him crazy. So he could only hug his apprentice tightly, like a drowning man hugging the last piece of driftwood, still panting.

He was completely hopeless, with only a small wish burning in his heart.

The butterflies all over Jingzhi's body had scattered, and now there were only a few left. Looking at the mess on the ground, Jingzhi was left with a feeling of exhaustion. He reluctantly raised his eyes and looked at Yin Ci's face.

That face remained calm, and those dark pupils were still unfocused, but with a hint of concern in them.

Unlike just now, a greedy butterfly landed on the tip of Yin Ci's hair and quietly folded its wings.

not far away.

"Now... am I okay now?" Yan Qing had not been in contact with Greedy Butterflies much since the beginning, so even though he was a little dizzy, he was immediately awakened by the unusual aura of the Kushan Sect's master and disciples.

Under the pressure of the two unusual forces, Yan Qing felt cold all over, his knees were as soft as syrup, and he couldn't even stand.

It's okay to be respectful, but isn't Yin Ci just 20 years old? Could it be that he has been in Taiheng Sect for too long and has unnecessary misunderstandings about the martial arts world

Under normal circumstances, Su Si would have been jumping up and down and told him that he could no longer stay in Kushan Sect - after what happened, Yan Qing missed his friend's chattering, at least it could bring him a little sense of reality.

However, Su Si just had a solemn expression and a frown on his face.

His condition was not much better than Yan Qing's, he was half-kneeling on the ground, his posture was a little more polite than Yan Qing's. At the moment, Su Si did not rush to persuade Yan Qing, he stared at Jingzhi and Yin Ci with his eyes, muttering to himself.

"Why..." He looked at the shaky light behind Xi Jingzhi, his face never so serious. "Why does the head of the sect have immortal sect restrictions on him?"

"Ah Si, what are you talking about?"

“…Nothing, maybe I saw it wrong.”