Sending the Divine

Chapter 54: Snow and wind


It was fine if Yin Ci didn't pull it, but once he started, the pale thorns on the ground immediately collapsed. Yin Ci subconsciously let go, and the thorns grew back vigorously.

Yin Ci: “…”

Shi Jingzhi's eyes were still red, and he tried his best to look calm. Unfortunately, the Buddha's Heart Formation was ruthless and didn't give him any face. Shi Jingzhi's mood was like a withered willow in the wind, with great ups and downs. The inner demon also rose and fell, and the changes were quite straightforward.

Yin Ci suddenly felt that what was covering the ground were not the thorns of his inner demons, but Shi Jingzhi's fox tail.

Demon Yin has always been heartless. When this thought flashed through his mind, he laughed out loud. Shi Jingzhi stood there as if struck by lightning. The fragility on his face did not have time to dissipate, and turned into a shocked "How could you do this?"

"You care about me so much?" Yin Ci asked.

Shi Jingzhi was full of sadness and heroism, but when they collided with Yin Ci, who was unmoved, they instantly became limp. He shrugged and put his hands back into his sleeves, and his serious anger turned into exasperation.

He then struggled for a moment, suppressed the blood on his face, and reluctantly asked, "Ah Ci, what do you...what do you think about my inner demon?"

He should take the initiative to open his heart. Shi Jingzhi resisted the urge to reveal his inner panic and kept repeating it to himself.

Yin Ci still looked like he didn't care even if the sky fell. However, this time, he didn't change his tone and answered quite seriously: "It's growing well and looks energetic. I envy it."

Shi Jingzhi: “…” Is it really too late for him to change his apprentice now

Seeing his uncertain expression, Yin Ci couldn't help laughing: "What else can I think? Love and hate are passionate, it's better to let go than to block. It's a good thing to be able to figure it out."

Shi Jingzhi and his inner demon both breathed a sigh of relief, and the thorns that were running all over the ground finally calmed down.

Before Yin Ci finished speaking, he added, "My Master's true character is actually more lovable than I thought."

Shi Jingzhi's heart had just settled down in his stomach, but now it jumped up to his throat. After a while, he stammered, "What nonsense are you talking about? It's more important to find the demon master first."

However, he stretched his hands out from his sleeves again.

Yin Ci had enough, and said seriously: "Just now, Su and Yan led the demon master, and I followed the demonic energy to the edge of the cliff, but I couldn't locate the two demons. There must be something fishy. The inner demon is the body, and yours is overwhelming, like a spider web everywhere, which just comes in handy."

Shi Jingyi understood everything at once: "Come on, take me to the cliff."

Shi Jingzhi's inner demon is somewhat similar to that of Master Bai, but it is not connected to him and will not affect his actions. However, the thorns are all over the mountain, with dense spikes and surging from time to time, making the road particularly difficult to walk. Shi Jingzhi wanted to take Master Bai with him, but the goose demon stayed beside the unconscious Su Si and refused to move no matter what.

So he had to give up and head towards the edge of the cliff with Yin Ci.

The inner demon scene was broken, but the blue sky remained. The cliff was rolling with mist, and Huilian Mountain was filled with fairy air, and its majesty remained unchanged.

Yin Ci stood at the edge of the cliff, frowned and thought for a while, then pointed in a certain direction on the cliff: "The demonic energy is the most concentrated over there, but it is scattered and elusive."

Shi Jingzhi understood. If it were him, he would not rashly try to test it - there is no foothold in the void. If he made a wrong judgment and was attacked by the demon lord in mid-air, he would be doomed.

"I'll do it. I'll spread some more thorns to cover the surrounding area."

Yin Ci shook his head: "You just had a demon, and your emotions are unstable, so it's best not to exert all your energy. I have my own demons to help me, you just need to find their approximate location."

Yin Ci's tone was full of tolerance. In the past, Shi Jingzhi would have doubted and analyzed it. But now he stopped thinking and accepted it without hesitation, which actually made him feel quite useful.

Shi Jingzhi took a few deep breaths, and despite the fatigue and headache, he directed more than a dozen demon thorns towards the empty cliff. The sensation outside his body was the same as that of his body. As soon as the thorns were shot out, Shi Jingzhi felt a demonic aura brushing against the thorns.

"Aci, you move thirty-five steps forward and twelve steps left!"

Yin Ci stopped the headlamp at the edge of the cliff and jumped towards it. The Shadow Sword danced like a storm, and the whole area within five steps was swept up in it. Not long after, a scream sounded in the sword wind. The two monsters gradually appeared.

The cliff was empty, without even a crooked tree to lean on. Yin Ci couldn't stay there, and before the monster fully revealed itself, he swung back using the shadow chain behind him.

The black flame in the headlights didn't even flicker.

The demon lord was injured and revealed his true form, and only then could the two see their appearance clearly.

As expected of the guardian monster of Huilian Mountain, including the greedy master, none of the three monsters are ferocious beasts. On the side of the cliff, there was an invisible floating stone platform, and a cow and a monkey were resting on the stone platform.

The bull demon seemed real and unreal. At first glance, it looked like a faint shadow, similar to the shadow hand on Yin Ci's body. But if you look closely, you can only see a small part of its body that you focus on. The part outside the focus of your sight is like a cloud. If you force yourself to see it, you will only get a headache and anxiety.

In a nutshell, it is impossible to directly see its shape. I think the demonic aura of the two demons is fragmented and unpredictable, and it is probably due to the characteristics of the demons.

Anger blinds one and one fails to see the overall situation; this is probably the root of anger.

The fool master was easier to recognize - the monkey demon was sitting on the cow's back, with two faces on each side, but one of its eyes was misplaced, still growing on the front of its head, looking coldly. Its two mouths were all bared with teeth, chirping softly.

Seeing that their tracks were exposed, the two demons turned and fled, disappearing in mid-air again. This time they did not use magic to become invisible - the two demons did not disappear completely, but disappeared from head to toe, more like running into an invisible doorway.

Yin Ci and Shi Jingzhi looked at each other.

Then, Yin Ci hugged Shi Jingyi and jumped onto the invisible stone platform. The demon lord's blood was still dripping on the stone platform. Looking at it suddenly, it seemed as if only a few drops of blood were moving in the air, which was very strange.

The stone platform was floating everywhere, and Yin Ci had already memorized the location of the doorway. He pulled the shadow bracelet and looked at Shi Jingzhi: "Master, are you ready? If you want to rest, we can wait for a while."

Shi Jingzhi stared at the place where the two demons disappeared, and said without hesitation: "Follow."

Yin Ci smiled and flew into the air again.

His lightness skill was much more solid than Shi Jingzhi's. Even though the stone platform floated away, he still jumped into the invisible "doorway" with one leap.

Shi Jingzhi's hands tightened subconsciously, and the two of them hugged each other and crashed into the void.

In just a moment, the sky and mountains disappeared, they fell into a cold shadow, and then hit the ground somewhere.

The doorway was extremely dark, like a small world of its own. Yin Ci let go of Shi Jingzhi and touched down, only to feel cold and rough rocks.

There was frozen soil under their feet, and there was only a huge gray-black rock wall where they came from. It seemed that the two of them did not jump into the void at the edge of the cliff, but fell into a narrow cave.

The cave was silent, with only a ray of light coming from the far entrance. The formation was different for humans and monsters. Without the two masters of anger and stupidity, they would not be trapped here and would have fled long ago.

Shi Jingzhi was the first to rush to the cave entrance. The cave was desolate, and the blizzard had turned the sky and the earth into a white mess. He carefully stretched out a hand and tried to touch the blizzard in the cave, but he only touched nothingness.

It is the boundary of the magic circle.

Shi Jingzhi turned around and looked at Yin Ci behind him. The thorns around his waist disappeared before he came, and the shadow hand on Yin Ci's body also disappeared.

He took a breath and continued to share his findings: "The inner demon has disappeared, and we are no longer in the Buddha Heart Formation. Judging from the situation, someone has solidified a small magic formation here, and the two formations are incompatible."

Yin Ci looked at Shi Jingzhi with some surprise, and took over the conversation: "Indeed. A small magic array of this scale must have been created by one person... We only know one person who is crazy enough to tamper with the Buddha Heart Array."

Shi Jingzhi leaned against the cave wall with a worried look on his face: "This must be done by stealing the essence from the Buddha's Heart Formation. Can't we leave the book behind if Yan Budu doesn't save us?"

"It means he has a lot of clues he wants to convey, which is a good thing." Yin Ci sat down where he was and stretched.

The moment they stepped in, the small magic circle was activated. Although this magic circle was created by Yan Budu, it was rare that there was no murderous intent, so it was probably safe.

Although it was an illusion, the coldness in the formation did not diminish. As if to protect the integrity of the formation, Shi Jingzhi no longer had his inner demons, but his internal strength was still suppressed by the small formation. He stood there and exhaled white steam for a while, but finally gave in and moved closer to Yin Ci.

"Can I lean on you for a while? I'm a little cold."

He asked politely.

Yin Ci seemed to be quite impressed by this, and he kept moving a little: "No need to be so polite, come here."

Shi Jingzhi's inner demons were just beginning to emerge, and he was already exhausted. He leaned on Yin Ci for a while, then carefully adjusted his position, half hanging on Yin Ci, and watched himself weaken as he exerted all his strength, and he became drowsy.

Yin Ci simply hugged the person next to him, and while whispering to Shi Jingzhi to regulate his breathing, he stared at the entrance of the cave.

Yan Budu has played so many tricks, he wouldn't just bring people in to freeze to death.

Of course, not long after, a figure stumbled into the cave.

The man was dressed in dark red clothes, and his white fox fur was stained with blood and snow. One of his arms was hanging limply, obviously injured. From a distance, the red jade pipe on his waist looked familiar and annoying.

Yin Ci quickly poked the half-asleep fox awake: "Here it comes."

In just two sticks of incense, Shi Jingzhi buried his face in Yin Ci's shoulder and had a bunch of scattered dreams. Now he was suddenly awakened, and he was dazed for a moment, almost jumping up: "What? What's coming?"

His voice was quite loud, but Yan Budu in the distance seemed not to hear it.

Yan Budu narrowed his red eyes, tore off his clothes, and treated the wound skillfully. After fixing the broken bones, he leaned against the rock wall and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he had tied his hair into a high ponytail, and the messy hair stuck to his pale skin, revealing a bit of bright color. However, this bright color on Yan Budu also had a bit of sinister and dangerous smell.

Yan Budu didn't have a long peace. Before a cup of tea had passed, he suddenly frowned, covered his mouth, and vomited a large mouthful of blood without warning.

Shi Jingzhi and Yin Ci: “…” This scene looks so familiar.

After spitting out the blood, Yan Budu still had no expression on his face. He didn't show any surprise, but just habitually held a ball of snow and wiped the blood off his palm. Then he wrapped himself in fox fur and tried to close his eyes to rest - but every time he rested for a while, he would turn his head and spit out more blood.

Yin Ci had a strange expression on his face: "He has this problem? I've never heard of it."

Shi Jingzhi also held his breath and concentrated: "I haven't seen any records. It may be that the Ling Sect values strength and is unwilling to admit that their Saint Leader can also be sick... It may also be that he endured it in front of others. If it were me, I would be able to endure it if necessary."

Yan Budu fell asleep and vomited, vomited and woke up, his face barely regained some color. As if he was tired of sleeping, he turned his head listlessly and looked at the snowstorm outside the cave.

Shi Jingzhi watched for a while, and then the chickens started pecking at the rice again. Unexpectedly, it was not Yin Ci who woke him up again, but Yan Budu.

"Since you are here, why not come in and sit down."

Yan Budu's voice was lazy, with a tone full of hostility, without any sign of weakness. He just tilted his head and greeted the cave.

"... Master Kongshi, the situation has become like this, do you still want to capture me and take me out of the mountain immediately?"