Sending the Divine

Chapter 65: Gap


As the sun set, the four of them stayed in a small inn near Yongsheng.

This time Shi Jingzhi did not delay. He called Yan Qing and Su Si to his side and told them everything about the tragedy that had happened in the temple.

Yan Qing was in a good mood after getting the Mercy Sword. Even if he suddenly had to go down the mountain, it was just because the headmaster was in a hurry to do something. When he heard the bad news about Abbot Juefei, Yan Qing was stunned and his eyes turned red instantly.

Abbot Juefei was only about fifty years old, still in his prime, while Yan Qing was just in his early twenties. To the young man, such a master was like a wall that would never collapse.

Even if another twenty or thirty years passes, Abbot Juefei should still stay in Jianchen Temple with a smile on his face, waiting to meet his destined person.

"I... I wanted to..." Yan Qing started to say this, and then couldn't go on.

What did he want to do? Yin Ci was silent.

Among all the people, Yan Qing has the deepest connection with Monk Juefei. Does he want to make a name for himself in the martial arts world with his sword and win the fat monk's praise? Or does he want to do good deeds and visit Juefei openly to return the favor

No matter what resolution Yan Qing had secretly made, that resolution was destined to have no outcome.

Yan Qing didn't say anything in the end. He pursed his lips tightly, put down the sword of mercy, and rushed out of the guest room alone.

In contrast, Su Si was surprisingly calm. Contrary to his usual behavior, he did not chase after Yan Qing, but watched him leave.

Su Si sat upright, which was rare, and said politely, "Don't think too much, Third Son. I still have something to ask."

Shi Jingzhi didn't seem surprised: "Ask."

"Master Juefei was cursed ten years ago. The headmaster inferred from this that Jianchen Temple was the main target of the murderer. I agree. Although it was not explained to Jianchen Temple, I guess the headmaster knows the true nature of the curse."

At that time, Jingzhi remained silent.

Su Si smiled weakly: "The two roots are connected, living and dying together. If you use poison, the blood master will be poisoned and die. If you use fire, the blood master will be burned to death. We just saw the twin roots not long ago, didn't we?"

It was he who explained it in Yuanxian Village. As the leader of the Chigou Sect, Su Si had been exposed to everything he should and shouldn't learn.

Twin roots are evil things, but the Buddha's heart incense can break the evil and focus the mind.

When the abbot sends a guest away, touching the Buddha's Heart Incense will cause the evil root in the body to react. At that time, the murderer can use different killing methods from thousands of miles away according to the guest sent by the abbot - sword energy piercing the heart, internal force breaking bones, or yang fire burning the body.

The Buddha Heart Formation is activated, and no matter whether the criminal is from the Kushan Sect or not, the criminal can use it to kill Jue Fei and Jue Xian.

Shi Jingzhi killed Zheng Fengdao in a high-profile manner, and when he returned to Lianshan, most of the martial arts world knew about it. It was not difficult for the murderer to make arrangements based on this.

Judging from this alone, the Kushan Sect seemed to be just being used by others, but—

"But the timing is so weird."

Su Si gripped the handle of the meat knife tightly and muttered to himself.

"I'm sending you off with Buddha's Heart Incense, which means the Buddha's Heart Formation has been activated. The Buddha's Heart Formation was last activated a hundred years ago. This time, it's activated because of the return of the Woodless Sutra... and the return of the Woodless Sutra requires the destruction of the ghost tomb."

"Why did the murderer know ten years ago that the Ghost Tomb would be discovered within the life span of Abbot Juefei and was destined to be broken? How did he know that during the three-month Sutra Cleansing Period, someone would definitely go up the mountain to meet the abbot? Moreover, this time the murderer framed me, he must have known too much about the situation of Jianchen Temple and Kushan Sect..."

The more Su Si spoke, the paler his face became.

If his speculation was true, this move was made more than ten years ago when Master Juefei became the abbot. After that, the murderer waited for the ghost tomb to appear in the world and the rivers and lakes to be in chaos, and then took advantage of the situation to pull out the stabilizing force of Jianchen Temple...

Is this something a mortal can do

"Master Shi, you still have immortal sect restrictions on you, what on earth is this—"

"Okay Su Si, you are being stubborn again. How can there be such an exaggerated conspiracy in the world?"

Shi Jingzhi showed a soothing and peaceful expression.

"Abbot Juefei doesn't leave the mountain, and he has to meet with the returning guests every year. As long as he has good news, he can kill people during the meeting. It's safer to throw dirty water with the Buddha's heart as the standard."

"Ten years ago, I was still a 17-year-old boy. I ventured into the martial arts world on a whim, and it is impossible for someone to tailor such a conspiracy for me. The restrictions of the immortal sect may not be related to this, and the twin roots are not a curse unique to the immortal sect... The murderer may be a madman who is afraid of chaos in the world and is taking advantage of the chaos of the flesh to stir up trouble."

Su Si was not convinced: "Even if it is to stir up chaos, most people won't wait ten years, right?"

“So he’s crazy.”

Su Si: “…”

Seeing that the other party was determined not to investigate further, Su Si had no choice but to stand up and said, "Let's go. I'll go and check on the situation of the third son."

“Su Si, if you still want to leave Kushan Sect, now is the best opportunity. Once today’s news gets out, Kushan Sect will have a hard time in the martial arts world.” Shi Jingzhi suddenly spoke.

Su Si paused.

"Forget it, Master Shi. I am not doing well outside, and I am not doing well here either. What's the difference?"

He smiled and walked out the door without looking back.

As soon as Su Si left, Shi Jingzhi relaxed and let out a long breath. From beginning to end, Yin Ci stood aside with his arms folded, not saying a word.

Seeing that Shi Jingzhi was in a bad mood, he borrowed the inn's kitchen and made some candies. But the cheap master refused to eat any desserts, so he must be hard to appease.

Shi Jingzhi had something in his mind.

The curse of the twin roots did not seem to be as simple as "taking advantage of the Kushan Sect". Shi Jingzhi did not elaborate on it, either because he was unsure or because he had other considerations.

No matter which one it was, Yin Ci didn't want to force him to speak.

In terms of strategy, Shi Jingzhi was not much worse than himself. This matter was of great importance, and he should have known it. If he asked rashly, it would be tantamount to disrespecting "another master".

Seeing that Shi Jingzhi was in a daze again, Yin Ci put down the sugar cubes and poured two cups of hot tea: "Eat."

His tone was quite rude.

"Aci, you've worked so hard... I have no appetite." Shi Jingzhi said absentmindedly.

"You didn't eat much at noon. You'll be weak if you continue like this."

Yin Ci reached out his hand unceremoniously, pinched Shi Jingzhi's cheek, and forced him to open his mouth.

"There are many variables going forward. If I lose my mental state or lack physical strength, I don't know what will happen."

After finishing, he stuffed a dessert into his mouth without mercy.

Shi Jingzhi swallowed the snack slowly and finally laughed: "Feeding snacks is like feeding poison. I'm afraid you are the only one in the world who can do that."

Yin Ci made the candies sweet and not greasy, and they were very easy to eat. Shi Jingzhi ate one slowly, and finally opened his appetite. He ate the whole plate of candies and even ordered two more.

After drinking the hot tea, Shi Jingzhi's mood was obviously better: "I want to eat something sweet and sour. Ah Ci, do you want to make hawthorn cake? Or how about cherry meat for dinner?"

Yin Ci refused outright: "Master has eaten enough oil today. I only raise people, not pigs."

Shi Jingzhi: “…”

Shi Jingzhi said with a sad face: "My good disciple, at a time like this, you should indulge your master."

"Come on, we only have sweet and sour fish for dinner."

“Teacher will help you, make hawthorn cake…” Shi Jingzhi gave full play to his “addiction to things” and persevered.

Yin Ci looked at Shi Jingzhi with amusement, suspecting that this man was pretending to be asking for food but was really just acting like a spoiled brat.

Shi Jingzhi leaned against the window of the inn, the setting sun shining on his dark hair, giving him a layer of peaceful soft orange. Shi Jingzhi, who had calmed down, suddenly felt heavy in his heart.

If his identity as a "man in white" had not been known to the temple, he would have paid less attention. In the end, Jue Xing would only lead Shi Jingzhi to meet the abbot.

In that case, when the golden fire is lit, it is still a good idea to respect it when someone stops it.

The tragedy was already done, and Shi Jingzhi could only tear up the goodwill extended by Jianchen Temple with his own hands, kill Zhixing who was a witness, and then lead them to flee in panic.

Injustice breeds hatred, and crimes are as black as ink. At that time, will Shi Jingzhi's inner demon still be as white as falling snow

Faced with the overwhelming abuse and resentment, can he still think calmly and truly feel sorry for Abbot Juefei

For a moment, Yin Ci had a subtle feeling—he was trying to gather the fragments and piece together Shi Jingzhi's "heart." However, at the same time, someone else quietly took action, wishing that this person would be broken into pieces more thoroughly.

…it’s an illusion.

Maybe he has been thinking about Shi Jingzhi a lot recently, and his concern has made him confused.

"The store is using the stove, so the hawthorn cakes can't be made. How about I take Master to buy two strings of candied haws?"

Yin Ci shook his head and started teasing his cheap master again.

Unexpectedly, Shi Jingzhi did not respond with a joke, but slowly frowned with his eyes shining.

"Aci, if you show your true ability, how long will it take to get to Yongsheng City from here?"

Yin Ci was startled: "Without Yan Qing and Su Si, it will take about half an hour. Why are you asking this?"

"I'll go to Yongsheng with you. You don't need to bring anything." Shi Jingzhi narrowed his eyes, and his cunning look returned. "Let's go to the city to buy some candied haws and eat them secretly without anyone noticing."

Yin Ci silently reached out his hand and touched Shi Jingzhi's forehead.

Not burned

Shi Jingzhi pushed his hand away and said, "No matter what the truth is about Master Juefei, we are definitely being watched. If four of us go to Yongsheng together, we will leave traces. It is better to avoid the big city and go straight to Mishan Sect. Once we enter the city, I will write a letter to Shi Zhongyu to borrow the Taiheng magic weapon 'Arrow Horse'."

"Anyway, we have to go north to the Mishan Sect, and we will pass through Taiheng. If Jianchen Temple doesn't release the news immediately, I will say that the plan has changed. I can only deliver the treasure map rubbings in person, and then ride away on horseback..."

Yin Ci immediately understood what he meant: "Then when the Jianchen Temple tragedy is exposed, we will run away?"

"What? Master will definitely return the horse in the end! But without arrows and horses, it will take us two months just to reach the northern snowy region. I'm sure Senior Shi will understand if I lend it to you for a little longer... I'll bring her some compensation when the time comes." Shi Jingzhi's voice became smaller and smaller.

And they also wanted compensation. If Shi Zhongyu believed that they had killed Abbot Juefei, the master and disciple would probably have to pay for it with their heads on the line.

"You're just delivering a letter, so you don't have to go to Yongsheng. Do you have any other plans?"

Shi Jingzhi winked at him: "Ah Ci, the twin roots have come out, we have to confirm another clue... Hey, look at this expression, I know you still remember it!"

At night, in Yongsheng City, two figures swiftly climbed over the wall and entered.

Shi Jingzhi put on his veil skillfully and asked a runner to deliver the letter to Taiheng. Yin Ci was waiting in the dark alley, keeping an eye on the surroundings for him. When he saw Shi Jingzhi coming back, he was about to turn around and leave with his men, but something appeared in his hand -

"Let's go now." Shi Jingzhi stuffed a candied haws into Yin Ci's hand and ate one himself.

Yin Ci: “…”

It seems this kid’s addiction to food is no joke, if he says he wants to eat something, he has to eat it.

Demon Yin stared at the candied haws in his hand, and the feeling of digging a hole for himself came back. It was a long way to go to find out who was more important and who was less important.

As a result, they became the first two thieves in Dayun's history to carry candied haws into the temple.

The shrine of the Emperor's House was built in the most prosperous area of the city. The time for worshipping the gods had long ended, and there was still a guard guarding the lobby.

The temple was spacious and quiet. The candlesticks on the table shone with golden light, and the candles flickered. The offerings were bright in color and looked as fresh as if they had just been picked.

The statue of the Emperor's House God stood on the altar, his face was androgynous, very beautiful and peaceful. His face was full of compassion, exactly the same as the flesh statue in Yuanxian Village.

Shi Jingzhi hung on the beam, pulled a hawthorn from the candied haws, and threw it toward the door. As soon as the guards looked away, the masked Yin Ci descended from the sky and knocked everyone down neatly.

"Aci, go check the statue, I'll disguise the theft."

Shi Jingzhi took out a piece of cloth from his bosom and wrapped the golden candlestick on the table. He also took out a handful of copper coins from the offering box and deliberately scattered some on the ground.

Yin Ci went around behind the statue.

He condensed a bit of sword energy at his fingertips, aimed at the most inconspicuous part of the base of the golden statue, and quietly cut off a piece of the outer shell.

Yin Ci had knocked on the statue before, and he knew it was not hollow. He just hoped that there was an ordinary clay body or other common fillings inside.

However, from the gap he pried open, there was a slight but familiar fishy smell.

In the finger-wide gap, Yin Ci saw the familiar brown-red flesh paste and a deformed eye - it was a little shriveled, and the pupil shrank rapidly because of the sudden exposure to the light.

The Yongsheng Temple has stood here for more than 200 years, and the statues have not been replaced during these 200 years.

But the eye was there, still moving.