Sending the Divine

Chapter 66: Disrespectful


Yin Ci looked at that eye.

There was only confusion in that eye. As soon as it saw the light, it turned slowly, then stared straight at Yin Ci. I don't know if it was stimulated by the light or if it was the residual consciousness. The eye in the slit slowly became moist, and tears appeared on the surface of the deformed eyeball.

Unfortunately, the flesh statue has no mouth, and the temple is still silent.

The gaze was only for a moment, but it seemed so long to Yu Yinci.

As a popular belief in Yun Dynasty, the Diwu God Temple is a very sacred place. The greatest disrespect in the temple is just what Shi Jingzhi is pretending to do - steal some gold coins and then leave immediately.

Even the most unruly villain would not dare to directly charge the statue for fear of retribution.

In fact, Yunchao did not reject other beliefs. Jianchen Temple, a sect that was devoted to Buddhism, also lived in harmony with the outside world. It was not that Yin Ci had not sought answers in the temple, but there were thousands of statues of gods and Buddhas, and he was not crazy enough to cut them open one by one.

What’s more, it is a statue of a god in a prosperous place.

The shrine is bustling with people, and the statue is stained with the mundane atmosphere of the world. Who would have thought that it was related to such strange events

If I hadn't called you up, "here" would have been a place you would never have been to.

Over the past few hundred years, he had stopped at countless shrines, but had never thought of exploring the statue itself. Come to think of it, this was just another "unreached place" that was within reach.

Yin Ci touched the gap, feeling mixed emotions.

Who could have imagined that after searching for a hundred years for the "immortal", the first thing he found was a flesh statue that exuded a faint fishy smell.

The only one of his kind to have outlived a mortal lifespan.

Beneath the statue, a row of cushions were quietly placed. The offerings were still moist and the incense ashes were still warm. Do the residents of this bustling city really know what they are worshipping

Why did someone deliberately place the meat statue here

Since the founding of the Great Yun Nation, the number of followers of the Diwu God has been increasing day by day. Thousands of shrines have been built in various places, and how many flesh statues are mixed in among them

The progress of Yuanxian Village in creating statues with living people is not very fast. How many "Yuanxian Villages" are hidden in various places in Yunnan

After a long absence, Yin Ci's blood seemed to freeze, as if he had touched a spider web in the dark. He couldn't figure out whether he was the prey, the spider, or a strand of spider silk that had been lost.

Finding that Yin Ci did not respond, Shi Jingzhi picked up the package and took the initiative to squeeze behind the statue.

He first saw Yin Ci with a complicated expression, and then he saw the dry eye in the gap. The eye just stared at Yin Ci firmly, without moving away.

After doing it the first time, he became familiar with it. Shi Jingzhi did not tremble this time.

He took the fragments out of Yin Ci's hand and mercilessly put them back into the gap. After making sure it was sealed, he used Yang fire to bake the cracks together, leaving only a few uneven marks that were difficult to detect even if you looked closely.

This person kept a stern face throughout the whole process, without showing any reluctance or hesitation.

"Aci, let's go."

After finishing, Shi Jingzhi hooked his waist without waiting for Yin Ci to answer and led them out of the shrine.

Yin Ci closed his eyes and let him lead him away.

Outside the shrine, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

It was early spring, and the severe cold had gone. Before midnight, the streets were still bustling. Many people were setting up stalls, selling small sundries and snacks. Some were taking a break from work, with all kinds of strange tools or goods hanging from their bodies.

The two men were dressed simply, and even with veils on, they were not conspicuous among passers-by.

Even though he noticed Yin Ci's abnormality, Shi Jingzhi tacitly did not ask any further questions. He just took Yin Ci to a secluded dark alley, melted the golden candlestick into broken gold beads, and silently waited for Yin Ci to come back to his senses.

Now Shi Jingzhi could control the Yang Fire with ease. He gently held the broken gold in his palm, melting it into small round beads bit by bit.

Shi Jingzhi melted it carefully and glanced at Yin Ci. He deliberately exuded the aura of "I just happen to be busy with something" and his movements were slow and steady, without any intention of urging him.

The shocking discovery made Yin Ci feel overwhelmed, and this considerate silence was like timely help. He glanced at the silent Shi Jingzhi, and did not pretend to be nothing, but continued to think on his own.

Shi Jingzhi lowered his head and continued, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

By the time he calmed down, Shi Jingzhi had melted the golden candlesticks into small golden beads, leaving no trace of their original appearance.

Seeing Yin Ci showing some life again, Shi Jingzhi was shocked and asked, "Are you done thinking?"

"Go back." Yin Ci's tone returned to normal, "This stove is free, I'll go back and cook sweet and sour fish for Master."

Unexpectedly, Shi Jingzhi shook his head, grabbed Yin Ci's wrist, and dragged him back to the street from the alley.

"We're heading north tomorrow, and I don't know when I'll be in this city again. Ah Ci, let's go shopping before we go back."

Seeing Yin Ci frowning slightly, Shi Jingzhi added another sentence.

"Your hands are cold. At least have a hot meal first. This is the master's order." His words were irrefutable, but his tone was quite soft.

Yin Ci rubbed his forehead, thinking that this person was just acting on impulse again: "Got it, I'll go with you."

Shi Jingzhi smiled even more. He put on his veiled hat and pulled Yin Ci to a wonton stand.

The wonton stall was half-open to the open air, at the street corner, and was filled with people from all walks of life. The orange-red firelight shone through the white hot air, bringing a bit of warmth in the cold wind. A few strong men, who had drunk enough wine, were arguing by the stall. The white steam of their words and the steam of the hot food flew together, and most of the diners' faces were dim.

Although this place is in the downtown area, it has a different kind of seclusion, and the stalls are unusually clean.

Shi Jingzhi's vision is as accurate as ever.

Even if it was money from the offering box of the shrine, this person spent it without any psychological burden. Shi Jingzhi ordered two large bowls of wontons and asked the store to add some meat and egg toppings before returning to his seat.

Shi Jingzhi's mood is relaxed, and coupled with the scene with a strong sense of fireworks, the chilly night also seems warm and lively.

As he looked at it, Yin Ci's gaze softened a little.

The eyes in the slit faded in his heart, replaced by a warmth. He sat in this ordinary stall, and the coldness in his bones slowly dissipated, as if being dragged back to earth by an invisible hand.

The wontons were served, smelling delicious.

The wontons have thin skin and little filling, just enough to eat one at a time, and they taste simple and warm. Hot food on a winter night always has a special charm that makes people feel at ease.

Shi Jingzhi did not pick up his chopsticks immediately. He lifted the soft gauze in front of his veil and looked at Yin Ci with a smile.

… I didn’t succeed in coaxing him, but was instead coaxed into my heart by this kid. Yin Ci didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and he didn’t know what to feel.

Shi Jingzhi knew that he had an unknown origin and amazing strength, but his momentum was not reduced at all. The cheap master sat opposite him calmly, and the kindness he released was neither humble nor arrogant, which was justified by his arrogance.

It must be said that this "arrogance" had previously made Yin Ci wary, but now he somewhat liked it.

"Ah Ci, if you keep staring at me, the wontons will get cold."

Shi Jingzhi took a sip of the hot soup and sighed.

"Eat slowly and eat until you are full. We still have a lot of work to do later. As for the coins, find some places where beggars hang out and put them away. Gold is too conspicuous, so we can distribute it on the way back to the inn."

"Why, Master, are you afraid of the Emperor's House God's revenge?"

"What are you afraid of? After all, I have chopped that thing off before." Shi Jingzhi exhaled.

Yin Ci: “…”

I understand. His master is afraid of things that cannot be seen or touched. No matter how unreasonable something is, once this person knows that he can chop it, he will not be afraid of it.

Yin Ci suspected that these "irrational things" even included himself.

Disrespect ghosts and gods, disrespect immortals, disrespect elders and disrespect heaven. Yin Ci always felt that his cheap master should not be called Shi Jingzhi, but should learn from Yan Budu, and it would be more appropriate to call him "Shi Bujing".

"But the money was donated by the common people. If I spend it without permission, wouldn't I be betraying those devout believers? Anyway, the money will be taken away by the temple and put into the pockets of the Yinxian. Why don't I do a favor for the God and use the money to help the weak, and only charge two bowls of wontons as a reward for my hard work."

Shi Jingzhi spoke with great confidence.

"These wontons are picked by gods. Eat more, Ah Ci."

Yin Ci had no choice but to stuff a large bowl of wontons into his stomach. When he put down his chopsticks, there was even a little sweat on the tip of his nose.

"Ah Ci, I actually understand. You have followed me without regrets until now, and the matter you are investigating is most likely related to this meat statue."

After Yin Ci finished eating, Shi Jingzhi spoke briskly.

"It's very tiring to play along, I know that very well. Ah Ci, from now on, you don't have to hide yourself in front of me - even if I want to find out more about you, if you don't want to say it, I won't force you to ask."

He smiled even more happily.

"As we agreed before, this is a fair competition."

Yin Ci laughed: "Master, are you still thinking about that 'exposing the secrets competition'?"

"That's natural."

Shi Jingzhi reached out and adjusted Yin Ci's veil.

"I hope you are stronger than I thought, and find out everything about me sooner... and find me sooner and come to my side."

"In that case, why don't you just tell me all the information?"

"If Ah Ci is only good at martial arts but doesn't have many connections, it's better not to get involved in this matter. To be honest, I really don't want to let you go as a helper, and I really don't want to involve you in something you can't handle."

Shi Jingzhi smiled and shook his head, and for the first time, his sense of relief dimmed a little.

"Let's go. Let's place our coins separately. After lighting an incense stick, we'll meet outside the city gate."

"also may."

After the two separated, Yin Ci did not hide the copper coins immediately, but went straight to the post station.

Before going up the mountain to break into the Buddha Heart Formation, he sent out letters to investigate Shi Jingzhi. According to the original agreement, the gray pigeons would deliver letters to Yongsheng City. Even if Shi Jingzhi did not come on his own initiative, he would still come quietly.

It’s convenient now.

Unfortunately, as Shi Jingzhi said, his background was not so easy to find out - Yin Ci combined several letters and only got one clue.

The old man Sun Huaijin has seven descendants of the same surname who are still alive. They all look very ordinary. Those with rich families are not considered wealthy, while those with poor families are only middle-class. They are all simple and innocent, as honest as the crops that grow in the fields and die in the fields.

No matter how they looked at it, few people cared about such a weird relative like Shi Jingzhi.

But there was some gain - one of the records of a dead person aroused Yin Ci's curiosity.

Sun Huaijin had a granddaughter named Shi Chongyu.

Shi Chongyu's father was a well-off merchant, and he and his daughter had two sons and two daughters. Shi Chongyu was beautiful, good at both literature and martial arts, and quite outstanding. Unfortunately, her father was conservative and only wanted to marry her off early.

Shi Chongyu was a very tough man. He refused to accept his fate, so he broke away from his family and went out on his own.

This venture really made a name for itself.

Shi Chongyu was a strong-willed person and was very good at using a spear, earning her the nickname "Broken Jade Spear". She had already shown some skill at a young age, so she was chosen by Tai Heng and accepted as his disciple. However, the mountains and rivers were vast, and people from all walks of life came and went. Shi Chongyu, the "Broken Jade Spear", was active for five or six years, and then disappeared.

She was self-taught and spent too much time outside, so she could not be considered Tai Heng's first-class disciple. Talented people emerge in every generation, and no one cares about her disappearance. All that Shi Chongyu left in the world was a rumor that she "died of illness in her early twenties."

And that rumor happened more than 20 years ago.

Yin Ci closed the letter and burned it on the spot in the brazier where the letter was standing.

It seems that according to Sun Huaijin's bloodline, Shi Chongyu is the most likely person to be related to Shi Jingzhi. Anyway, they have to pass through Taiheng on this trip, so this clue is worth exploring.

He had to find out about the twenty-four years between the "little mute" and the "cheap master".

…Don’t mention that Shi Jingzhi hopes to “find him”.

Even if Shi Jingzhi wanted to retreat, he would tear through the fog of years and go to that person.