Sending the Divine

Chapter 71: Livestock


Chen Qianfan was about sixty years old. Perhaps because he had drunk some immortal wine or had figured out some magic in Mishan Sect, his hair and beard were all white, but he did not look old at all, and his body was very strong, without the skinny look that was typical of ordinary people.

Monk Juehui had a sad face, Abbot Juefei had a smiling face, and the former "Monk Jueguo" had a blank expression, which just made up the set.

However, his facial features were more outstanding than those of Jue Fei and Jue Hui, and he wore the elegant uniform of the Mishan Sect, a blue and white outfit that made him look detached and otherworldly. However, when paired with Chen Qianfan's overly strong body, he didn't look like an immortal at all.

Chen Qianfan put down the basket full of demon corpses and rubbed the snow off the soles of his shoes at the door.

"Xiaochun, is someone coming?" His tone was as cold as a person's, without any emotion.

Xiaochun-Grandma Wei immediately stood up happily: "Yes, we haven't seen guests for five or six years... Ah, Master, you are good at fortune-telling, you must have known it a long time ago."

"Well, Juefei called it. Take off the Nuo mask. Let me take a look at your face."

Only Shi Jingzhi and Shi Zhongyu showed their faces in the room, and the other three also took off their Nuo masks after hearing this. Chen Qianfan's eyes swept across everyone's faces, and did not linger on the appearance of Shi Jingzhi and Yin Ci for a moment.

“… Well, that’s fine.”

After scanning everyone's face, Chen Qianfan spoke vaguely while taking off the heavy record book hanging on his chest. Finally, he pulled a small cloth bag from his waist and threw it next to the corpse basket, and a few pale red petals fell out.

He just unloaded the weight on his body, walked to the table without any airs, and slammed the record book on the table.

Shi Jingzhi glanced at it. The record book was covered with demon skin, the paper was brown and yellow, and the edges were frayed, obviously it was quite old.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

After sitting down, Chen Qianfan drank half a bowl of soup in one breath and asked directly.

All of Shi Jingzhi's polite words remained in his stomach.

Chen Qianfan obviously didn't intend to show a "hospitable" attitude, and went straight to the point, which was a bit unkind. They were guided by Jue Fei, but this person didn't even ask Jue Fei about his recent situation.

Although Shi Jingzhi was relieved that he didn't have to lie to his face, Chen Qianfan's attitude was cold and hard, and he looked difficult to deal with.

Seeing that no one spoke, Chen Qianfan rolled his eyes and said, "Are you all mute? Could it be that you all came all the way here just to have a meal at my house?"

… It was the familiar Jianchen Temple version of yin and yang. Shi Jingzhi then relaxed a little.

He also went straight to the point: "My memories before the age of three were restricted by someone, and the restriction was triggered recently. I hope you can help me solve it. The reward can be negotiated, and I will definitely do my best."

"Oh, I don't think it's a big deal." Chen Qianfan waved his hand, "It's a small matter. I'll take a look at it for you after dinner. What about you? Yes, you, that little girl - you are not with them, right?"

Shi Zhongyu didn't expect that it would be her turn soon. She stood up carefully and saluted.

"I am Tai Heng Shi Zhongyu, and I come here to pay my respects to..."

"Don't talk nonsense here. I'm not interested in your name." Chen Qianfan said with an impatient tone, with a blank face. "What's the matter? Just say it directly."

"The master is critically ill and there is no cure." Shi Zhongyu didn't dare to say a word.

"Did you bring the pulse jade?"


"Then your problem is even more ridiculous. Go ahead and get in line in front of that guy. We'll talk after dinner." Chen Qianfan finished his soup with a slurp and burped with satisfaction. "I'm done. You guys can help yourself. Xiaochun, I've picked the demon flower for you. You can do whatever you want."

Granny Wei happily responded, "Hey, do you want more soup?"

Chen Qianfan: "Alright, another bowl."

Yin Ci took a sip of the soup without salt and frowned slightly.

This Chen Qianfan is quite interesting.

Shi Jingzhi's restriction was complicated, and even if Yin Ci still had his internal strength, he would not dare to break it rashly. No matter how you look at it, this is not a "small problem". Chen Qianfan is not a careless person, and there may be other wonderful solutions.

Upon hearing the solution, Shi Jingzhi and Shi Zhongyu ate very quickly, wishing they could stuff the bowl into their mouths as well.

After the meal, Shi Zhongyu didn't even have time to wipe his mouth before handing over the pulse jade with both hands.

The pulse jade is warm and soft, and can record the patient's pulse for about seven days. It is an auxiliary instrument for remote diagnosis, but it is so expensive that it makes people astonished. Only Taiheng can be so rich.

Chen Qianfan pressed the pulse jade for a while.

"Are you kidding me? This pulse is just a common fever. Does the patient have any other symptoms?"

I thought Mishan Zong would be able to find something unusual, but after hearing this sentence, Shi Zhongyu's expectations were dashed.

"It's just a high fever for several days, nothing else. After a few days of high fever, the leader showed signs of a broken horse—"

Chen Qianfan raised his eyelids and said, "The appearance of a broken horse?"

Shi Zhongyu suddenly realized that he had said something wrong: "'Zhe Ma' is a term used within our sect. It means that a person is seriously ill and cannot be saved. I..."

Chen Qianfan snorted and interrupted Shi Zhongyu directly, his tone showing a bit of interest: "People in the Central Plains have also discovered it, that's right. Zhe Ma, Zhe Ma. This description is quite appropriate. I called it 'Heaven's Dislike' before, and the meaning is similar. After all, Zhe Ma is hard to stand on, and Heaven hates useless people."

Chen Qianfan stroked his medium-long beard and made a clicking sound.

"Fox Eyes over there, you are a quack doctor, and you have treated some illnesses for others, so you should be able to notice it, right?"

When Chen Qianfan said this, his eyes did not even turn. Shi Jingzhi took a while to react before realizing that Chen Qianfan was greeting him: "I have only seen a few of them, but I do have some impressions."

"There seems to be a limit to serious injuries and diseases. If it is not reached, the treatment will be twice as effective with half the effort. If it is exceeded, it will be like stopping water with bare hands, and medicine and stone will be incurable... But isn't this normal?"

Yin Ci also had similar questions.

It is natural that minor illnesses are easy to treat but serious illnesses are difficult to treat. It is just too elegant that one would have the leisure to create a special word to describe it.

Chen Qianfan seemed to see through the two people's doubts: "I thought this was normal before, but this place is located at the junction of three countries, and occasionally some foreigners come to ask for help. The Luojiu people are similar to the Dayun people. They all have this invisible and intangible "boundary". The Qita people are not like this."

Su Si couldn't help but interrupt: "Maybe it's because the foreigners have different physiques."

Chen Qianfan rolled his eyes at Su Si and said, "How could I not think of such a low-level reason? If you insist, it is because the Qita people are more similar to the Dayun people in terms of physique. The Luojiu people, both men and women, are all nine feet tall, and their eating, drinking and living styles are not the same as those of Dayun. Why are they similar in this one aspect?"

Su Si felt stabbed by his glare, as if he was seen through to his bones, and he dared not say a word.

Chen Qianfan retracted his gaze: "I call it 'Tianyan' because of its characteristic meaning - any patient who triggers 'Tianyan' is destined to become a burden."

"Compare them to the Qita people who don't have 'Heavenly Disgust'. With both legs broken, the Dayun people can recover in half a month, while the Qita people need two to three months. If the legs are bitten off and eaten by tigers and wolves, even if they are treated in time, the Dayun people will die, but the Qita people have a chance of survival."

"The older and weaker a person is, the easier it is to trigger 'Heavenly Disgust'. It's not surprising that you think only old people break horses. Little girl, your leader... let me think, he is about seventy years old, his meridians are damaged, and he has been burned into a useless person, right?"

Shi Zhongyu was convinced: "Yes."

She hesitated for a moment, then finally spoke: "My family has been doing spice business with Xilong for a long time, and the people of Xilong don't allow such a situation. Last time, a man from Xilong stayed in my shop to recover from a bone injury, and it took a hundred days to heal... At that time, I thought it was a coincidence, and I still find it strange."

So that's why she is particularly concerned about the "horse-breaking appearance"

Yin Ci lowered his eyes.

The "broken horse" discovered by Taiheng is what Chen Qianfan calls "Tian Yan".

The "immortal fate" of the people of Yuanxian Village and the "cuckoo disaster" circulated among the people are the "demon material" named by Yin Ci himself.

They all seemed to have vaguely grasped the edge of something unusual, but because the information was fragmented, they were unable to reach a consensus.

"This 'God's Destruction' is a bit strange." Yan Qing suddenly muttered.

Usually it was only Su Si who couldn't control his mouth, and it was rare to see Yan Qing getting involved in these weird things. Yin Ci turned his eyes away and didn't miss this abnormality: "What's weird?"

Along the way, Yan Qing felt an indescribable awe for Yin Ci. Seeing Yin Ci looking at him, he quickly sat up straight on the bench.

"It's nothing serious. I just saw Master Bai and had some random thoughts. I used to help people raise livestock, and the owner's family had the same habit."

The more Yan Qingyue said, the less confident he became.

"If poultry and livestock are suffering from minor illnesses or injuries, you should help them recover as soon as possible. If the illness is difficult to treat or the livestock is seriously injured, you should kill and eat them immediately, otherwise it will just be a waste of feed."

It was unclear whether this association should be described as innocent or cruel. Su Si beside Yan Qing was also stunned for a moment: "Third son, you... really dare to think so."

Yan Qing quickly explained: "The real 'Heavenly Disgust' is definitely not like this. Everyone is born, dies, and gets sick normally. I have never heard of anyone being killed and eaten. I just said it casually."

Chen Qianfan's eyes lit up, and he picked up the old record book again and started writing. After writing for a whole incense stick, he realized that he had neglected his important work.

"Since you have triggered the 'Heavenly Disgust', that's easy to deal with. Come with me these two days to gather some materials, and I will make you a talisman to ward off disasters."

Chen Qianfan calmly put down the notebook and yawned, looking as if nothing had happened.

"A talisman to ward off disasters?"

"You can transfer your master's illness to yourself and protect him from disaster. You are still young and will not easily trigger the 'Heavenly Disgust'. Your master's illness has suddenly eased, which can deceive the heavens and temporarily relieve the 'Heavenly Disgust' state. Take this opportunity to quickly find out the problem of your master, isn't that the end?"

Shi Zhongyu was stunned: "Senior, you don't want to prescribe medicine?"

Chen Qianfan had a blank expression on his face. "Prescription? The patient's condition doesn't seem like he has a strange disease that has never appeared before. His symptoms are too few. It seems more like someone has set a plan to wear him down and deliberately trigger the 'Heaven's Disgust' so that he can die more naturally."

"The best I can do is make him wake up and give some clues. But let me tell you one thing. If you protect him from disaster for one or two days, it will be fine. But if you protect him for too long, you will become a useless person. You..."

"That's good." Shi Zhongyu interrupted Chen Qianfan for the first time. "It's enough for me to protect my master from a disaster."

Chen Qianfan looked at her straight in the eye for the first time: "Okay, next one."

Shi Jingzhi walked forward silently.

Yin Ci also perked up, temporarily putting aside thoughts related to "Heaven's Disgust" and "Demon Material", and prepared to watch Chen Qianfan break the impasse.

Unfortunately, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that this person was not trustworthy.

Chen Qianfan did not burn incense or prepare the room, but dragged a log and asked Shi Jingzhi to sit in a spacious place. He did not take out any extraordinary instruments, but just rummaged through the corner of the wall that was cluttered with miscellaneous items and found a pair of black cymbals.

He had a sullen face, rolled up his sleeves, and a pair of cymbals were buzzing wildly around Shi Jingzhi's head, just like a shaman in the countryside.

Shi Jingzhi sat there like a funeral procession. He looked confused and didn't know how to ask, so he just stood there like a monk in meditation.

Who would have thought that after half an incense stick of buzzing sound, a complete magic circle emerged from behind Shi Jingzhi's head. It was radiant with golden light, with extremely complex patterns, and behind Shi Jingzhi's head, it looked like a round of evil god's divine light.

Chen Qianfan: "Oh, this is not untreatable. But you have to choose for yourself."

"Choose it yourself?"

"If you just want to get rid of the pain of the restriction, a cup of tea will do the trick. I will remove the memory of you triggering the restriction, and the restriction will be completely silent. Problem solved - removing memories, I am very skilled at it."

Chen Qianfan clapped his hands.

"If you want to break the ban, that's another matter."

Shi Jingzhi licked his cracked lips and said, "Please speak."

"The level of this restriction cast by the person is higher than that of my sect elders. I am not specialized in breaking formations, so how can I easily break such a complicated thing?"

"If you insist on breaking it, the chances of life and death are fifty-fifty."

"Choose, boy."