Sending the Divine

Chapter 76: Immortal


It was a sunny day, the sunlight was clear, and the sun was moving slowly in the sky.

The little demons on the ground screamed one after another, piercing people's ears. The secret book was surrounded in the middle, with thousands of dead heads on the top, mouths and eyes tightly closed, silent. The corpse smell was so thick that even the midday yang energy could not disperse it.

Perhaps it was because of the time, his movements were stiff and slow, a characteristic of a corpse, and a little slower than in the morning.

The enemy is weak and we are strong. Once the conversation started, Yin Ci did not hold back. The sword energy surged, the murderous aura was overwhelming, and the evil intent was no less than that of the half-dead secret book.

Shi Zhongyu was shocked by the fierce momentum. However, as her master was in danger, she didn't waste any time to make a fuss. Shi Zhongyu completely gave up fighting alone. She picked up the tattered Qingnu sword, turned the sword, and did her best to assist Yin Ci.

Old man Chen finally hummed in approval, but put his hands behind his back, still showing no intention of taking action.

As soon as Shi Jingzhi felt relieved, his hands started to itch. He believed that actual combat was the most important thing, and being forced to watch the battle was more uncomfortable than having ants crawling on the soles of his feet.

"Senior Chen, I will go and help... Ouch!"

He had just uttered half a sentence tentatively when he was slapped in the face by Chen Qianfan.

The headmaster sucked in a breath of cold air, his eyes were sore from being hit. He touched his head and felt a very obvious swelling.

"Impatient." Chen Qianfan commented bluntly, "It's so hard to get a position as a spectator, but you don't even analyze the battle situation properly. You just fight, fight, fight, and all you know is to fight."

Shi Jingzhi was speechless, he didn't know what was so good about that hellish thing across from him. Although there was a restriction that distracted him, he at least stared at it for a whole morning, and his head was numb and goose bumps were rising and falling. The secret book was always the same, with only the same three tricks over and over again.

Now that he had received his disciple's promise, he felt extremely confident and even retorted, "I saw it this morning and have memorized it."

Chen Qianfan squinted and said, "Oh? Take the dead-faced kid's move for example - if you poke the corpse's head, how will the secret book react? How will the other corpses move? Come on, show me every one of them without leaving out any."

Shi Jingzhi: “…”

I suspect that this old guy is being unreasonable. The secret book is covered with unknown spells, how can I possibly see it

Chen Qianfan snorted and laughed, not disguising the contempt on his face: "Young people are young people. At least the two kids on the opposite side know what to do, but you are idle. I told you that it's useless to follow me, why are you so clueless?"

"You two have to figure out how to damage the secret book and turn yourself into a sharp blade. You can't do two things at once. Since you two have chosen to be blades and have no time to study the overall situation, then I can be the one holding the blade. Sharpening the blade does not delay the chopping of wood. It's always a good idea to study first... Alas, I originally hoped that you would be of some use, but I was overthinking it. It's no use."

Shi Jingzhi took the sarcasm in his face but did not show any anger.

He stood there quietly despite the "useless" evaluation, and bowed respectfully to Old Man Chen: "Junior, I am grateful for your advice."

Shi Jingzhi calmed himself down, his amber eyes glued to the secret book, and his gaze slowly turned into complete concentration.

Chen Qianfan was slightly startled, then he raised his beard and smiled without much irony.

Shi Jingzhi was no longer distracted by the restrictions, and his heart was completely focused on the secret book. In his eyes, hundreds of ancient corpses were scattered into neat troops, and then turned into chaotic meat paste. Even a slight movement under the sword energy would spread like a ripple, and there would be no trace left.

Shi Jingzhi watched and became fascinated. Those horrible corpses became symbols to construct puzzles and no longer aroused fear.

If you attack this place, the corpse will turn around. The three corpses will gather together, and the five corpses will scatter. The talisman will come from the southwest and be lifted up by the corpses...

“Bang!” “Ah!”

Shi Jingzhi was lost in thought when he was hit hard on the head unexpectedly.

He felt that he was going to be beaten into a fool by this old man, but he couldn't get angry, so he gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Senior?"

"You should eat something. You were in good shape just now, but it's really exhausting. When you really go to the battlefield, it's not good to be too focused - not only will you have to use your brain, but you also have to defend your body."

Shi Jingzhi suddenly realized that he had been so absorbed in watching that he had not moved for two hours. As soon as he took a step, he felt dizzy and immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. His legs were so sore and numb that he almost fell down.

Chen Qianfan lit the fire and threw a piece of sweet brown sugar cake to Shi Jingzhi.

"Eat, and then take a rest."

“… Have you ever fought with the secret book, senior?” Shi Jingzhi was convinced and sat upright by the fire.

Chen Qianfan stroked his beard and flipped through the record book: "I've fought him two or three times. I could still handle him when I was in my thirties or forties, but I couldn't fight him anymore when I got older, so I could only cooperate with the younger generation."

Shi Jingzhi was silent for a while and looked at the thick and old record book.

"Senior, are you abandoning your memories in order to become an immortal?"

"Although I am indeed seeking immortality, cause and effect cannot be omitted like this."

Chen Qianfan took a bite of the cake calmly.

"People tend to dwell on the ups and downs of the past. Forget about them and avoid feeling sad. This way, when I become an immortal, I won't have to suffer from the mundane world."

"Of course, I won't delete the daily trivialities... Otherwise, I won't even remember who I am. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?"

Perhaps people who are not addicted to substances are just so free and easy, Shi Jingzhi sighed in his heart.

‌ tried hard to swallow the overly sweet cake: "Senior, are you so sure that the 'immortal body' exists?"

"There are few people who die of old age in this world. Most of them die of illness. If all the internal organs fail at the same time, I will use magic tools to replace the part that is failing. Take Wei Chun for example. She was beaten up in her early years and became ill. If I hadn't replaced her internal organs, she wouldn't have lived past the age of 40."

Shi Jingyi felt a little pity for a moment, because he was the one whose whole body and meridians were damaged. Otherwise, replacing his internal organs here would be a solution.

"Immortal body... Senior, from my perspective, this is more like a way to die of old age?"

"So I still need to look for a method."

Chen Qianfan raised his eyelids and flipped through his son's thick record book again. He found a page and pushed it to Shi Jingzhi.

"I did travel a lot when I was young, but it's a lot of work to talk about it, so you can just read it for yourself... This is a unique legend I got, and you may be able to use it since your life is at stake."

Unlike the brief record just now, the text on that page was neat and dense, covering an entire page. Shi Jingzhi had good eyesight, so he found it a little difficult to read.

Regarding the immortal body, the young Chen Qianfan recorded it in great detail.

The immortal body is often related to the legends of immortals and Buddhas. Chen Qianfan is just like Shi Jingzhi today. Relying on his youth, he rushes around in the land of Dayun, looking for relevant clues everywhere.

‌ He had been to Shafu City in the northwest. In the desert adjacent to the ancient battlefield, Chen Qianfan found a village that was almost isolated from the world.

There are usually similar stories of gods and monsters in a certain area, and Chen Qianfan has long learned to distinguish the true from the false. However, in that small village, he heard an unprecedented legend.

The village was tiny, and the villagers didn't have much contact with the outside world. It was rare to see a strange thing, but any old man could tell the story vividly, as if he were there.

More than 200 years ago, the village was plagued by bandits and wolves. One winter day, the bandits that often invaded the village suddenly disappeared. The village was surprised, so they nominated the most courageous young man to go to the bandits' lair to find out what was going on.

The result was only a bloody skeleton scattered all over the ground.

The bandits seemed to have been devoured by wild beasts, leaving only sticky pieces of flesh. Amid the blood and energy, there was only one survivor.

The man was very young, wearing luxurious clothes that looked like rags, and looked like an immortal from heaven.

What a pity he is a fool.

The young man didn't recognize him when he spoke, and he didn't answer when he was called. He just stood there blankly, like a dead tree that had lost all its vitality. The young man thought that he was a slave captured by the bandits for fun, so he carefully lured him with food and brought him back to the village, where he and his wife and children took care of him.

Even if that weirdo didn't do anything, just looking at it was pleasing to the eye. Not to mention that it was quite strong and could help with some simple heavy work if you tamed it.

But year after year, the weirdo still didn't talk, and didn't want to pay attention to anyone. When he had nothing to do, he would just find an empty place to sit, and he would sit there for most of the day without moving at all.

The old people in the village said that this was a "bad heart" and there was no cure. The people in the village were simple and honest, and they just thought that there was a quiet scenery in the village, and no one disturbed the weirdo.

Ten years of peace and harmony.

Ten years later, the young man has become a middle-aged man in his forties, his children have married and had children, and his grandchildren are learning to speak. But the weirdo's appearance has not changed at all, without a single wrinkle or gray hair.

If it weren't for the strange man's extraordinary appearance and his confused and foolish look, people would almost be afraid of him.

The climax of the legend is a wolf attack.

Every winter, the village would be attacked by one or two waves of wolves. Usually, the villagers only needed to guard the outer wall of the village and close the village gate. But that year, a wolf demon appeared among the wolves. The wolf demon was very smart and actually led the wolves to break through the village wall.

People were terrified and immediately returned to their homes, closing their doors and extinguishing their candles.

The weirdo was carrying firewood to the woodshed. The male owner pushed him into the small woodshed, turned off the lantern, and tried to lock the door.

"The cold wind blew past, and the flesh on the man's right arm disappeared in an instant, leaving only a bloody arm bone."

Chen Qianfan swallowed the cake and ate it with great interest.

"I also read this legend from time to time. It's very exciting."

Shi Jingzhi frowned. This move of the weirdo seemed a little familiar. Considering that this was old news from 200 years ago, he just continued to watch it.

The male owner was seriously injured, angry and scared, and felt that his kindness was wasted. He left the strange man behind and ran to the main house, bolted the door tightly, and only dared to look out through the crack in the window.

The weirdo looked at his hands covered in blood and showed a look of pain for the first time in ten years.

He stumbled out of the woodshed and was faced with an attacking pack of wolves.

There was no yard in the village and the moonlight was bright enough that several families living nearby could see everything clearly.

The exiled immortal was instantly pounced on by the wolves, his limbs torn to pieces, and he died on the spot. The next moment, he stood up unsteadily, and his legs and feet had all grown back - the wolves didn't even have time to swallow the remaining limbs in their mouths.

The sword energy flashed, and the hungry wolf was instantly skinned and dismembered, turning into a bloody pile of corpses.

The man burst out with an extremely cold murderous intent, and walked forward among the beasts empty-handed. Wherever he went, corpses piled up like mountains and blood flowed like rivers. The frosty moonlight was dyed red.

During the killing, for some reason, the strange man seemed to become more and more sober, and his eyes became more and more desperate.

The wolf demon suffered a great loss and was furious. He rushed towards the monster with murderous intent, and once again performed the tragic act of crushing a living person in front of everyone.

But no matter how many times he fell, that person would always recover from his corpse.

Under the bright full moon, blood-red roots shot up into the sky like monsters rising from the abyss.

They kept gathering together and mending their wounds. The strange man seemed to feel no pain and rushed forward with his bare hands countless times, leaving wounds on the giant wolf. It is said that the wolf demon was frightened and wanted to escape, but was caught by the tail and forced to stay.

As the morning light gradually faded, no one of the wolves survived.

The strange man, with disheveled hair, no clothes to cover his body, and blood and flesh all over his body, stood quietly in front of the wolf's corpse, watching the villagers who had gathered.

The man said something in a hoarse voice, but no one could hear it. The man's arm was badly injured, and the villagers were united in hatred and threw stones at the weirdo.

The strange man stopped talking and let the villagers hit him. He lowered his head and bowed to the village. Then he peeled off the wolf demon's fur, put it on his body, and left.

At the end of the legend, the immortals and demons always disappear without a trace.

Shi Jingzhi frowned.

Chen Qianfan raised his eyebrows: "Did you notice it too? Shafu is near the headquarters of the Chigou Sect. This is a legend from more than 200 years ago. A hundred years ago, Chigou had a master named Su Zhi, whose bone-sweeping sword was famous in the martial arts world. The bone-sweeping sword technique is very similar to that of that weirdo. I have checked it carefully, and this legend is probably true."

"But Su Zhi lived to be ninety-nine and died of old age. Maybe that weirdo was the ancestor of the Su family, and his immortality technique was not passed down."

Shi Jingzhi: "More than two hundred years ago, it was the heyday of Queen Mi Lan. Senior, do you think that weirdo is related to Mi Lan's magic?"

Chen Qianfan didn't shy away from it and put out the fire with a pee.

"Well, I've only seen such strange effects in Milan magic. Even if that person didn't use Milan magic, he must have been inspired by it... Boy, if you didn't get the visual meat, it's not bad to try this route. I'm in need of a helper."

Shi Jingzhi responded absentmindedly.

I have personally witnessed the legendary "recovery with bloody roots". In the forbidden area, I chopped off the unfinished flesh statue, and it was restored in this way.

And as a descendant of the Su family, Yin Ci is also tracking down the Meat God statue. Is this a coincidence

The battle in the forbidden underground that day played over and over in his mind. Shi Jingzhi sat on the cold snow, sweat oozing out of his back - the movements of the Flesh Statue seemed more and more familiar to him the more he recalled them, so familiar that he felt uncomfortable all over.

Shi Jingzhi raised his eyes and looked at the secret book not far away.

the same.

Compared to the Flesh God Statue, the Secret Book has a rougher appearance, but it has evil magic that the Flesh God Statue does not have, and it also needs to devour external objects to replenish energy. But the way their bodies move is exactly the same.

When was the Emperor Wu Shenjun Temple in Yongsheng built? It seems to have been built more than 200 years ago, at the same time as the secret book.

What happened on this land two hundred years ago? If the secret book is a cursed instrument, what is the meat statue

Shi Jingzhi felt horrified and had difficulty breathing.

"… Senior, if I chop off the corpse on the secret book, will it regenerate?"

Chen Qianfan said disdainfully: "How can such a good thing happen? It used to be much bigger than this. The ancient corpses are gone one by one, they don't grow in vain."

Unexpectedly, just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Chen Qianfan added another sentence.

"The corpse is dead, and the meridians are disconnected. Even the vital energy can't flow, so how can it regenerate? If you really want to unblock the vital energy, you need to connect it into a whole living piece of flesh."

For example, using monsters to corrode living people, turning them into living meat paste, and then patiently collecting them.

Someone… or rather, something has done this before.

Shi Jingzhi was motionless.

He sat between the vast heaven and earth, his whole body icy cold. His skin and flesh seemed to be made of paper, and the cold wind blew through his bones. The giant statue in the forbidden underground appeared before him again, weighing him down so much that he couldn't even lift his head.

Shi Jingzhi clenched his teeth, and a smell of blood slowly wafted through his mouth.

‌For the first time, I realized that the world before my eyes was so strange.

The meat statue is related to immortals, and viewing meat is also related to immortals. Nowadays, the meat statue is covered with a layer of gold, which makes it look beautiful for people to worship. The saying that viewing meat can make people immortal has spread widely, and people in the world are fighting for it.

As for the "theory of immortality", isn't it just a thin golden shell

At this point, I can’t help but realize how amiable the legendary immortals are.

But even if he doubted it, Shi Jingzhi couldn't let go of that glimmer of hope. It was as if he was tied with countless threads called "desires", and he was hung by those threads, and he had to walk towards the path that had been destined.

The feeling was downright nauseating.

If Ah Ci hadn't been by my side this time, I would definitely have chosen to erase my memories and continue to survive passionately but ignorantly.

Not long ago, he still had a trace of fear and hesitation about breaking the restriction. At this moment, the struggle was completely overwhelmed by determination. Shi Jingzhi wished he could do it himself right now and dig out the restriction with "immortal spirit" from his head.

This restriction is definitely broken.

Chen Qianfan didn't know what the young people were thinking, so he waved to Yin Ci and Shi Zhongyu, calling them over.

"It's getting late. The yin energy is strong at night, and the secret book is hard to deal with. The effect of the cessation pill is almost over. Let's go back first and come back tomorrow."

As he spoke, Old Man Chen wrote down what he saw and heard that day quickly, and then erased his memories swiftly. The whole process was as smooth as eating and drinking.

Without an opponent, the secret book did not leave, but was still wandering slowly in the same place.

Just when the group of people were about to disappear from sight, it slightly raised its huge head and turned in the direction where they were leaving.

In an instant, the thousands of dead heads on the ground opened their eyes at the same time. Thousands of cloudy eyeballs bulged slightly, reflecting the four figures in the snow.

Thousands of lips were tightly closed, and the secret book was as quiet as ever.