Sending the Divine

Chapter 82: Reunion


The suffering of lust is as painful as being skinned.

When Shi Jingzhi was young, he closed his eyes. Everything was silent, the maple forest was gone, and only the pain and darkness remained in his memory.

Once the key memory was restored, the pain penetrated time and was unstoppable. The moment he completely recalled the past, Shi Jingzhi's mind was almost torn into pieces.

In that brief moment, he finally realized the danger of breaking the ban.

As the fragments of memory swept over him, the pain continued. It was like sinking into the depths of a swamp, unable to breathe or move. It was like being stuffed back into a slap-sized iron cage, and his whole body was in so much pain that it felt like it was about to explode.

Shi Jingzhi tried his best and barely maintained a glimmer of clarity.

It was not for the sake of a date. For a moment, all the desires and bets were thrown aside. In Shi Jingzhi's increasingly confused mind, only one thought remained.

How about Hou Xiao? How about Hou Xiao

Yin Ci hurriedly returned with the herbs, only to find a pile of corpses. How would he feel when faced with the torn organs and broken bones

This was the second time that I didn’t wait for him to come back.

Will Yin Ci go crazy again? Without me by his side, he will be alone again. In the moment of extreme pain for Yin Ci, no one will hug him anymore.

They only have one month together. The best day is the last day.

Twenty-four hours later, they met again in Kushan, but there was a silent ban between them, so they did not recognize each other.

As far as he knew, three generations of the mountain household Yin Ci were all in Kushan... After they separated in Juyi Valley that day, did Yin Ci never leave the vicinity of Kushan again

The pain and sadness in my heart even overshadowed the severe pain caused by the restriction. The sadness was not just due to separation—

On the day when they were forced to separate, the bizarre battle between Yin Ci and the giant monster was still as vivid as if it had been carved with a knife.

According to legend, the immortal body uses blood-colored roots to restore its body, thus it is immortal. The ink words recording the legend swirled in Shi Jingzhi's mind, and the scattered clues were like pearls, strung together at this inopportune moment.

Yin Ci is also an immortal person.

Shi Jingzhi had been searching for a way to live forever, but had never heard of the immortal body. Chen Qianfan had studied this for thirty years, but had only heard of a rumor. The immortal body was not like mushrooms after rain, and it was impossible for them to appear in such large numbers.

An almost absurd guess slowly took shape.

…What if there has been only one person since ancient times

Since the reunion, no matter what the situation was, Yin Ci had no obvious external injuries. His long-honed aura and rich combat experience were not like those of an ordinary person.

Twenty years ago, Yin Ci was here. He called himself "this seat", and his pressure was already very strong.

Is it that Yin Ci is only looking for the descendants of the "Su Family"? The Chi Gou Sect became the world's number one evil sect, but they still couldn't find the "Su Family". Is it just because they are hiding from the world? ... Does the "Su Family" really exist

One hundred years ago, the world-famous Sweeping Bone Sword Master simply died of old age, rather than creating the illusion of aging with a ghost leather coat? Two hundred years ago, was the strange man kneeling in front of the village also Yin Ci

When did this almost sad “immortality” begin

Countless questions came and went, and eventually turned into waves of palpitations. Thousands of words came and went, and in the end, he just wanted to give that person a hug that was 24 days late.

Shi Jingzhi had never wanted to wake up so much before.

The restriction sensed his intention. His headache became more excruciating, and more memories came flooding in, trying to confuse his thoughts and occupy all his mind.

He finally saw his mother.

The woman leaned against the bed, so haggard that only her eyes were left. She looked at Shi Jingzhi expressionlessly, with traces of her former beauty still on her face. As far as he could remember, he seemed to have only seen her once.

The strange mother didn't say anything, but just reached out and stroked his head. The skinny hand naturally slid down the side of his face and tucked a strand of the child's messy hair behind his ear.

The next moment, he found himself being held down by the eunuch Lu Fu, and reluctantly put on a piece of tattered mountain clothes. The clothes were stinking, exuding the fishy smell of wild beasts, and the young Shi Jingzhi was retching from the stench.

The eunuch struggled to put clothes on him: "Ancestor, just be obedient. If you wear that luxurious and fragrant robe, you will be taken away by wild beasts the next day!"

Shi Jingzhi remembered the carriage carrying him into the withered mountain, the bitter taste of the mute medicine lingering in his mouth. He also remembered the master carrying him back to the mansion, the mellow fragrance of the elixir in his mouth. He heard people talking in low voices, arguing angrily. He also heard people whispering and crying.

The memories became more and more trivial, the voices became louder and louder, and the various emotions from the past kept repeating. The three combined to form countless invisible hands behind him. They kept tempting him to be distracted, angry, and even confused, trying to drag him into the depths of darkness.

Somehow, Shi Jingzhi seemed to have returned to the Juyi Valley again, embarking on that strange road with no exit. The sweet fragrance of flowers floated behind him, and he knew that as long as he turned around and gave up struggling, the endless pain would stop.

However, this time, he walked forward without even looking back.

Ah Ci asked him to wait for her, but he had been away for too long and couldn't waste any more time here.

The "god" under the maple tree had been waiting for him for twenty-four days.

Finally, at the end of the memory, a faint sigh sounded. In the last memory, a skinny finger pressed on his forehead.

"Desires are endless, and the world is boundless. You have gathered all the desires of the world, and you are often destroyed by desires. If you want to maintain your mind, you have to choose one desire."

"It's a pity that there are more than 300 people in the country. All of them indulged in lust, either for wealth, sex, fame, or to raise their children. In the end, they all became disasters, without exception."

"You are special... your desires are early and your character is immature, which is just right for me to carefully prune you. Perhaps you can accomplish a hundred great achievements with my own hands..."

Shi Jingzhi suddenly felt like laughing.

It is natural that desires are hard to satisfy, and unsatisfied desires will inevitably lead to disasters. He even tried to recruit a disciple to "grab the week", but it turned out that the heaven and earth had already made him "grab the week" once, allowing him to choose one from thousands of desires.

A thought flashes through my mind, and my mind becomes clear.

Shi Jingzhi knew what he wanted. That day in Yin Ci's arms, he caught a moment of fearlessness and long-lasting satisfaction.

All living beings in the world spend their entire lives searching, and what they desire is nothing more than this.

The old man was wrong after all. He promised to give 300 people. Shi Jingzhi didn't know how the greedy people came into being or how many people there were, but he was definitely the greediest one among them.

In the past, he fought for survival at all costs, but was never satisfied. The reason was simpler than he imagined - what he wanted was "the blessing of life", but it was brutally denied to him, leaving only the meaningless word "life".

…until I met Yin Ci again.

At this moment, the person I want to see so badly is right before my eyes. If I die from the restriction, wouldn't it be unworthy of what the old master said about "enormous desire"

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up and a heavy feeling of oppression came over me.

Chen Qianfan was busy trying to dismantle the formation and nearly vomited blood, and his movements almost stopped.

Shi Jingzhi on the wooden stage had his eyes tightly closed, his face distorted. Bloodshot like lust appeared around him, and his powerful internal force lost control, blowing sparks off the stage. The forbidden magic circle behind Shi Jingzhi's head reappeared, emitting a series of explosions, and the brilliance of the magic circle instantly weakened a lot.

The golden magic circle was like a living thing, with talismans breaking away from it, crawling to Shi Jingzhi's temples, and drilling into his flesh regardless of anything. They bulged and squirmed under his skin, like restless blood vessels.

Chen Qianfan's fingers were wrapped with silver-blue light, which condensed into sharp "tweezers" between his fingers. He held his breath and carefully disassembled and twisted the talisman, pulling it away from the magic circle. The golden talisman he picked up twisted like an earthworm and soon turned into tiny specks of gold dust.

It's just that there are too many of them, their structure is too complicated, and they penetrate into the skin too quickly. Chen Qianfan's face was stretched long, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Shi Jingzhi's face turned pale, blood kept flowing out of the corners of his mouth, his fingertips trembled slightly, and his aura was full of struggle.

Without Chen Qianfan's explanation, Yin Ci knew that the solution to the formation had reached a critical moment.

Shi Jingzhi must have discovered his "original desire" and was fighting desperately with the restriction, which caused the restriction magic circle to counterattack frantically. If Shi Jingzhi lost consciousness, the talisman would immediately take advantage of the opportunity and turn him into a useless person who could only close his eyes and breathe.

Although Shi Jingzhi was good at dealing with people in a roundabout way, he was not a spineless person. Seeing this scene, he used his momentum to forcefully intimidate Fu Xi, and was brave enough to confront him head-on.

Yin Ci did not see any sign of retreat or fear on his face, but he did find an inexplicable sadness.

Shi Jingzhi was very good at finding joy in adversity. Even when he was desperate and angry, he was always full of vitality. He had never seen Shi Jingzhi look so... sad.

Fortunately, Yin Ci was familiar with this solution.

Yin Ci tightened his bloodstained coat and stepped into the formation again. He withstood the frenzied internal force, and with his right hand, he pressed the acupoints around Shi Jingzhi one by one in coordination with the method of Wuchenyan.

His left hand held Shi Jingzhi's trembling fingertips and covered them with his palm.

Chen Qianfan almost immediately glared at him, "What are you doing? Be quiet!"

Yin Ci did not let go: "It won't hinder you from breaking the formation, it's just to help him."

As if sensing a familiar breath, Shi Jingzhi's trembling gradually stopped, and the raging internal energy also calmed down a lot. I don't know if it was unconscious or intentional. Shi Jingzhi's fingers moved in Yin Ci's palm, as if he wanted to hold that hand back.

Just a little while, and the ban went completely crazy.

After a moment of calm, Shi Jingzhi's condition did not improve, but became even more horrifying—he was bleeding from all seven orifices, and his whole body was twitching. The wriggling talismans were struggling frantically at his temples, making his face look even darker, and the vitality that was once abundant gradually showed signs of fading.

Shi Jingzhi's fingertips were originally extremely hot, but now they were a little colder. Yin Ci tightened his grip, and his heart turned cold.

Is he wrong

Did he once again choose the path that seemed right but actually led to destruction

The burning sensation in his palm suddenly changed in nature. The scene before him overlapped with the tragedy that happened twenty-four hours ago. Yin Ci almost couldn't control the anger that arose in his trance.

On that day many years ago, he did not know the little mute's illness. But Yin Ci knew that he had to find a magical medicine to cure the internal injuries in order to stabilize the little mute's condition.

He had never used Qinggong so hard before. Arriving at the nearest pharmacy, Yin Ci threw down a few silver ingots and took the most expensive medicine in the store. He did not stop along the way, and he did not know how many wounds he had been scratched by the branches along the way.

I handled it properly and returned in time. The Juyi Valley is so big, and monsters are sparsely populated. I'm just leaving for a while, so the little mute will be fine.

Nothing can happen.

Yin Ci knew that praying was useless, but he made a wish for the first time. The world was so vast, he just hoped that fate would allow him to have a three-year-old child.

When Yin Ci returned to the place, the autumn wind was blowing and the red leaves were still there. The demon corpse was still there, just as it was when he left.

However, the smell of blood in the wind was too strong.

It was as if God had destined that his wish would never come true, and all the luck he had in his heart would eventually fail. Facing the blood and flesh on the ground, Yin Ci felt a kind of almost cruel calmness in a trance.

He remembered how he had examined the remains over and over again, trying to find some sign that the "little mute" was still alive. He also remembered how he had grown more and more desperate in front of the roasted fish and wild fruits in the stomach of the corpse.

Yin Ci did not go crazy, although he never hoped so much to go crazy.

Even if he couldn't die, he just wanted to escape from the tragic scene in front of him and get relief. It's easy to blame others, but hating yourself is like hell. People say there are eighteen levels of hell, but his hell is like a bottomless abyss.

Unfortunately, this time, he failed to take a single step down the cliff.

In just one month, Yin Ci developed a sad habit. His anger would just surge up and then dissipate without a sound.

In a trance, it seemed as if someone held his hand and gave him a sticky hug.

It's a pity that he still wanted a flower.

Fate did give him an answer, which was so sharp that it was almost ironic—there was indeed a person who had never let him down once from birth to death.

Then he would just leave it to fate, continue to stay awake, and wander around the world. If one day, that hand could no longer hold him, that hug could no longer stop him. He would jump off the cliff once, and perhaps he would never see the light of day again.

Now that he had finally found a little flame, was he going to watch it go out

Yin Ci held Shi Jingzhi's hand in confusion, and for the first time he dared not look directly at the blood on the man's face. The evil spirit that had been sealed for twenty-four hours smelled his fear and was ready to move again.


There was a burst of shattering sounds, followed by a series of light explosions.

There was a hint of warmth in Shi Jingzhi's heavy aura, and golden light dust filled the room. Chen Qianfan's hand froze in mid-air, and the talisman on the "tweezers" was still twisting.

A hand grasped Yin Ci's wrist. The hand was so hot that it almost burned him, and the strength was just right, gentle but unyielding.

After just a moment of stunned silence, Yin Ci was pulled towards the wooden platform, and the slight anger in his heart had not yet dissipated.

Then he received a warm hug.

On the wooden platform, Shi Jingzhi's face was covered in blood and he looked miserable. His embrace was very warm, and his heart beat steadily and powerfully. The restriction was completely broken, and the dark green sparks on the wooden platform turned into brilliant golden red. They were rolled up by Shi Jingzhi's inner force, like tiny petals flying in the air.

"You're back."

Shi Jingzhi buried his nose in the crook of his neck and sighed softly.