Sending the Divine

Chapter 84: Peach blossom


"You're going to cast the puppet spell on me now? Do you think I'm not dying fast enough?"

Chen Qianfan stopped the crazy talk of the headmaster with one sentence. He stood up from the wooden platform and stretched his muscles for a while. Time is not forgiving, and even he couldn't bear to concentrate on breaking the restriction for six or seven hours.

There seemed to be something wrong with the defense array outside. It should have lasted for two or three days, but it failed much faster than he expected.

Fortunately, these people were desperate and jumped high, and they had enough corpses and flesh. The plan to solve the formation in three days was completed in half a day.

Old man Chen had suffered a lot, and he was polite to Shi Jingzhi for once: "Anyway, eat something first. You are so weak that you can hang it in the sky as a flag. If a fight breaks out later, if there is any consequences, that disciple will tear me to pieces."

Granny Wei saw the light in the front hall dimming and went back to it.

She brewed a pot of hot tea as usual and handed it to Chen Qianfan. Then she wrung out a hot towel and moaned as she wiped the dirt off Shi Jingzhi's head and neck.

Chen Qianfan drank his tea slowly and looked at the tired young man on the wooden platform.

After Yin Ci left, Shi Jingzhi no longer tried to pretend that he was fine. He vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood, and then collapsed. He was breathing out more than breathing in, and it took him a long time to recover.

No wonder he was in a hurry to get rid of them. This master and disciple couple was so annoying that it hurt his eyes.

After being scolded by Chen Qianfan, Master Shi said nothing more and drank the sweet porridge obediently. He held the porridge bowl with both hands, with a peaceful face, as if he was about to ascend to heaven with the bowl in his hand.

Chen Qianfan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Seeing how sticky he was before, he thought that the headmaster was going to stage a tragic drama and rush outside to help his apprentice. But he didn't expect that this man was so honest that he ate the porridge calmly.

This person only recovered his three-year-old memory, not a cure for his illness, and I don't know where he got the peace of mind from.

After Shi Jingzhi finished his porridge, he adjusted his posture on the wooden platform and closed his eyes to prepare for a nap.

Chen Qianfan couldn't hold back, and his unhappy mood came back: "People say that caring too much can lead to confusion, but you have a good attitude, kid."

Previously, he was afraid of death and dared not go up to the wooden platform. The head of the sect wanted to dig his hands and feet into the ground to resist. Now he had to go out and face the secret book, and the risk of death was half a step less, but he became calm.

It's really weird.

This kid doesn't look like a wicked person, but he has too much evil aura, and he is not a kind person. Although he knows that this person will not betray, Chen Qianfan said without mercy: "Did you make an appointment with your apprentice and run away as soon as you go out?"

Shi Jingzhi smiled and said, "Wouldn't that be a betrayal of Senior's kindness?"

"Good intentions? You won't be able to feel at ease when the Living Puppet Curse is imprinted on your head."

"Under the Living Puppet Curse, I can't control my every move?"

"What are you thinking about? I'm going to be exhausted. I'm just temporarily imprinting my experience in performing the spell into your brain and setting a target for you to attack. I'm going to make it clear. Even if it's just a temporary initiation, it's going to be painful enough. And now that this spell is complete, you and the secret book will fight to the death, and you can't escape."

Shi Jingzhi: “I see.”

He still didn't show any fear, but instead looked eager to try.

Finished, finished, this restriction might be a little wrong, it must have hurt his brain. This person is not stupid, but crazy in a unique way.

Chen Qianfan went straight to the point in a sad tone: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

Shi Jingzhi: "I am afraid, but now I am more afraid of being muddle-headed and living just for the sake of living."

Chen Qianfan sighed and said, "You're still being witty. Did you live in a temple before the age of three?"

Shi Jingzhi narrowed his eyes and said, "No, it's just that I have the strength to fight a desperate battle, and there are people around me who don't need to be suspicious. It's really a bit unreasonable to shrink back and give in to fate."

Unfortunately, after thinking about it again and again, Old Man Chen couldn't figure out where the three-year-old boy's heroic spirit came from, so he could only regard it as a side effect of lifting the ban. He ignored Shi Jingzhi, poured himself a cup of hot tea, and rolled up his sleeves to prepare for the living puppet curse.

After half an incense stick of time, Chen Qianfan rummaged through the drawers and took out a wrinkled dead head from somewhere and hung it in front of Shi Jingzhi's nose.

The head was shrunken and deformed, like a crooked gourd. The broken neck was sewn up into a small body made of braided hair, and the strange stench hit the nose directly, looking funny and scary.

The heroic spirit of the Sect Leader Shi froze instantly. He swallowed his saliva, and his whole body shrank slowly, visibly.

Anyway, he has strong emotions and desires, so it's better to be afraid in a harmless way.

Seeing that the man was trembling again, Chen Qianfan breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, don't close your eyes, watch carefully, I'm going to start."

"Junior, I understand."

Outside the door, the moon was obscured by the gloomy air. Shi Zhongyu covered his injured arm, speechless.

She and Yan Qing tried their best to stop the attack of the secret book, and also destroyed many corpses. The two were afraid of interfering with the solution of the formation, so they just threw them into the house through the window.

It's not that their power has skyrocketed, it's just that the secret book has another purpose -

The secret book seemed to have its own intelligence and was extremely cunning. It did not directly target the two people and defeat them one by one, but passively avoided the group of monsters and attacked the protective formation with all its strength when it had the chance.

With every strike, the light of the protective array would dim for a moment, making people terrified.

For this, he is even willing to lose a little bit of his body.

As the night deepened, the evil spirit of the secret book grew stronger. The two men had limited physical strength and gradually became unable to fight.

Shi Zhongyu's arms and ribs were injured, and he had lost most of his fighting power. Yan Qing was also exhausted, with many deep bloody wounds on his legs. His hand holding the sword was shaking slightly, and he was extremely anxious.

The secret book obviously intends to reap the benefits.

Once the protective formation could no longer hold out, the monsters would immediately transform into hungry locusts and sweep away all living things in the formation. They would no longer be able to hide back in the formation to rest and would inevitably be wiped out.

They tried their best, did not make any mistakes, and even worked harder than the previous two days, but they could only watch the situation deteriorate.

This feeling was quite hopeless. When the trickle of water still had some effect, they had plucked out a lot of corpses, but the other side seemed to be doing nothing.

The demonic energy is so strong that it is about to turn into a physical entity.

No wonder no one from the Mishan Sect came to his aid even after this - even without considering the restriction of "not destroying the secret book", this thing in front of him was not something that ordinary people could deal with. It would be better for me to die than for my fellow Taoists to die. Compared to being targeted by the secret book, sacrificing one or two disciples was a completely acceptable "loss".

The secret book seemed to sense her discouragement, and it narrowed its eyes and tilted its head slightly, with thousands of looks full of mockery.

Yan Qing's ghost eyes were red and frightening. He had been protected by Shi Zhongyu intentionally or unintentionally, and he still had some physical strength. Young people always gambled, and thousands of demons roamed in front of the Mercy Sword. The scene was like hell, which really disgraced the name of Kongshi.

The monsters on the ground smelled the blood on Yan Qing's legs, and their eyes widened in strange shapes, and their chirping became even more shrill. Secret Book was waiting outside the formation leisurely, waiting for this ignorant kid to seek death.

A hand pressed on Yan Qing's shoulder.

"The restrictions have been lifted. Everything went smoothly. It took some time to take care of the Sect Master. We even have some extra corpses, enough for the battle... Thank you for your hard work."

Yin Ci said in a deep voice.

"It's time to dismantle this ungrateful monster."

Shi Zhongyu's tired heart beat, but he didn't calm down - there were plenty of corpses, at least there was no need to worry about the disaster-preventing talismans. But now only Yin Ci came out, and that person had no internal strength, so the battle situation would not change much.

Yin Ci didn't say anything else. He just held up the Shadow Sword and walked towards the group of screaming monsters outside the formation.

He did not hide his true strength, and there was no caution or hesitation in his steps. The demons were like flying catkins, and when they were rushed by the aura of the iron horse and the icy river, the demonic aura and murderous intent instantly faded by three points.

Under the moonlight, the black sword swept past.

This time, even Yan Qing could see the difference in the situation—

Yin Ci stepped over the heads of the monsters and headed straight for the secret book. His sword moves were complicated, and each sword pointed directly at the vital points. At first glance, it seemed like the past. However, this time the tip of the sword pierced the secret book and actually left a wound.

Somehow, something was different.

The Bone Sweeping Sword has a treacherous and unpredictable style. One of its most famous points is that the sword moves are just like its name - the sword path is full of heavy death, as if it comes from the underworld. One move follows another, each move is connected, and one move affects the whole body, making it extremely difficult to change the moves.

The more powerful this sword technique is, the more oppressive it is. There is no other emotion except the murderous intent to kill the enemy.

Shi Zhongyuzhi suspected that she was seeing things, as she actually saw a glimmer of life in this bone-sweeping sword.

Just like the snow melting and the ice disappearing, there is a ray of warm breeze in the chilly spring weather.

It wasn't Shi Jingzhi who lifted the ban, so why would his state of mind change so much

Yin Ci was not much calmer than Shi Zhongyu. Tens of thousands of demons howled, and thousands of dead eyes were glued to him. But he had never enjoyed it so much before. The blood that had been cold for many years gradually warmed up, bringing waves of thawing-like stinging pain.

If it were the previous two days, this would have been just a "must-fight" battle. At this moment, something seemed to be burning inside him, and countless emotions mixed together, all bursting out from the tip of the sword.

Yin Ci had long guessed that Shi Jingzhi was a little mute. He originally thought that "recognizing Shi Jingzhi" would not change him too much.

But his world was almost turned upside down.

Whether it was the initial use or the recent protection. Whether it was the previous joke or the current promise. He didn't need Shi Jingzhi's understanding or response.

Immortality was like a cold glass cover, allowing him to overlook the world. However, when Shi Jingzhi hugged him tightly, after a hundred years, he was finally completely connected with the world.

The feeling of "concern" is actually so good

The sword moves the heart, and he sees a faint vitality coming out of it. When the secret book attacks back with magic, he even tries his best to dodge unconsciously -

In an instant, Yin Ci forgot his longing for death. He only remembered that there was a place he had to return to.

Hundreds of years of snow broke apart on the mountaintops, and stagnant water stirred up huge waves. Yin Ci turned into a bloody wind full of fighting spirit, stabbing at the secret book again and again, taking away a large piece of corpse each time. The sword energy and evil energy entangled endlessly, colliding with each other and making sharp explosions.

The secret book never touched the protective array again.

Yin Ci seemed to have forgotten how to write the word "fatigue", and his moves became more and more wanton, free and unrestrained, and he never returned to the protective formation to avoid it. Even though Yin Ci had no internal strength, the secret book slowly opened its eyes, changing its previous calm attitude and becoming obviously alert.

Yan Qing stared at it intently.

The top masters were actually fighting, and every time he saw it, he would miss it. He held his breath, forgetting the pain in his leg, and almost saw stars.

It would be great if Yin Ci had internal strength, he thought. That man's flesh and blood body was equal to the secret book magic, and it had reached its limit. Compared to him and Shi Zhongyu's dripping water wearing away the stone, Yin Ci was like a raging wave hitting the cliff, but unfortunately the rock was still a rock and could not be destroyed in an instant.

Midnight finally arrived, when Yin and Yang met, the Yang energy suddenly weakened and the Yin energy became stronger.

The secret book retreated several dozen feet away, hiding in the turbulent group of monsters, raising its terrifying head and looking up at the sky. The two arms formed by the corpses crossed over the chest, making a praying gesture.

Countless spells on his body flew rapidly, emitting a dazzling blood-red light.

The next moment, they were no longer in human form kneeling on the ground. Countless deformed arms and legs protruded from the pile of corpses, wrapped in spiral spells and pulled to abnormal lengths.

In the previous two days, the speed of the secret book was not much faster than a turtle. At this moment, countless long arms and legs supported its body, and its movements brought about nauseating twitches. This same deformed centipede was even faster than the smaller demon.

On the head of the secret book, countless dead heads surged again. The gap used for eating cracked, and a broken and piercing laughter came out.

This was the first time Yin Ci stopped his attack.

He fought with the Secret Book for nearly two hours, and the affected demon corpses piled up into a pile of corpses. He stood on the top of the pile of corpses, looking at the Secret Book with caution.

Something is not right.

Even if the ban is lifted, the secret book is just a mindless magic weapon. In any case, my first priority is to protect myself, not to perish together with the enemy. The north is desolate, and I don't know how long it took me to save this ancient corpse for energy.

In the previous battle, his awareness of self-preservation was no less than his awareness of attack. As his opponent, Yin Ci knew this better than anyone else.

However, at this moment, he was like a mad dog that smelled blood, overdrawing his strength without any care.

In the halo of the bloody spell, the secret book was covered with corpse water. It crashed into the fragile protective array, which made a shaky crackling sound and the whole earth suddenly trembled three times.

The spell even left the body of the secret book like a snake, scurrying around it. Yin Ci only brushed past it slightly, and most of his arm was ulcerated.

This means leading by example rather than just sitting back and reaping the benefits.

Although he didn't know the cause of the change, he had to continue the battle. The situation was bad and he had no time to take care of himself. Fortunately, there was the cover of night and the monsters. As long as he "died" secretly, Yan and Shi should not notice anything.

Yin Ci adjusted his breathing and just as he was about to raise his sword—

The ends of her hair brushed across his cheek, and the night was split in two by the golden fire.

Shi Jingzhi changed into a long gown of Mishan Sect. He rushed out of the magic circle, and the flag of "Cure the Disease" was ablaze with golden fire.

"Ah Ci, this governor set a fire that burned all over the country, but he won't even let me light a candle. It's really unreasonable."

Shi Jingzhi's voice was full of laughter, and he joked meaningfully, as if he hadn't seen the mutated secret book.

Unlike more than 20 years ago, Shi Jingzhi did not hide behind him crying and screaming. The man jumped onto the pile of corpses lightly and stood beside him.

"Senior Chen lent me his experience in performing magic. I have a brilliant idea. Come closer and I'll tell you."

Half a cup of tea.

Unlike the forbidden area, Shi Jingzhi used the demon corpse as a guide to form a formation in the air in front of him. The Yang Fire did not spread everywhere like before, but floated in the air into a fist-sized fireball, spinning lightly around the Diaoying Sword.

Shi Jingzhi stood still on the mountain of demon corpses, meditating on the spot. Even though the secret book was very close, he had no intention of avoiding it - Shi Jingzhi was doing two things at once. His left hand controlled the fireball, and his right hand kept moving, forming an extremely complicated formation.

The formation was not yet complete, but its might was already astonishing. Beside Shi Jingzhi, the spirit of the demon corpse turned into a vortex, and the pressure was as strong as a mountain collapsing.

The secret book seemed to feel threatened and gave up attacking the protective formation. Instead, it rushed forward at a very fast speed, just wanting to stop the unfinished spell.

But it can't touch Shi Jingzhi.

Yin Ci switched from offense to defense, standing a few steps away from Shi Jing. Ten golden fireballs spun around him, igniting along the edge of his sword without any deviation, just making up for the disadvantages of the Bone Sweeping Sword—

Whenever the secret book approached, the protective spells were instantly burned away by the golden fire. In the blink of an eye, several ancient corpses fell to the ground and turned into materials for Shi Jingzhi's spells.

If the secret book turns to attack Yin Ci, those fireballs will gather around and turn the spell attack into a gust of hot wind.

Like a living suit of armor.

Dark clouds rolled up, forming a dark vortex above Shi Jingzhi's head. Ice and flesh on the ground were blown up by the wind and fell from the earth to the sky.

Shi Jingzhi did not move a step on the pile of corpses, his expression calm. The long sleeves of the Mishan sect uniform fluttered, his feet stepped on the blood and mud, his hands controlled the formation, his posture was neat and graceful. Circle after circle of golden formations unfolded behind him, and from a distance, he really was a statue of an evil god.

In front of the "god statue", Yin Ci held his sword horizontally. There were more and more golden fireballs around him, flying faster and faster like living things. His sword became more and more erratic, and although it was not tainted with magic, it became more and more purely erratic, unlike anything in this world.

"They are going to use a large battle formation." Shi Zhongyu murmured, "Two people support a large battle formation... Sect Master Shi is simply..."

It's crazy.

She was sure that Chen Qianfan had not borrowed Shi Jing's magic reserves to make him show off. Large-scale battle formations usually took several people and several days to complete, and there could not be any mistakes, not to mention multitasking. The formation could not be too far from the target, otherwise strange phenomena would appear during the process, which would definitely be noticed by the enemy, so more people were needed to guard the formation.

Now, one dared to cast a spell, and the other dared to defend the formation. She couldn't tell which one was crazier.

The evil aura of the secret book rolled in, but was completely blocked by the lone sword five steps before Shi Jingzhi took any steps forward, and was unable to get beyond the line.

The secret book suddenly stopped moving.

The golden light of the formation was reflected in its thousands of turbid eyes. It hugged its outstretched long legs and arms tightly and no longer attacked rashly.

The dead heads on the skulls trembled continuously, and each opened its black mouth, revealing a dark tongue, as if it was about to vomit. However, after a commotion, what came out of those mouths was not corpse water, but a strange melody that gradually became clear and drifted away in the night.

‌Start singing.

Thousands of dead heads moved their lips, singing in a rough and chilling voice. The lyrics sounded like the ancient Milan dialect, with a strange singing style and rhythm.

Hearing this makes one's hair stand on end and one's heart tremble with fear.

"Cover your ears!" Shi Zhongyu immediately roared at Yan Qing who was still in a daze, thus missing the best opportunity. Her internal energy was stimulated by the singing, and she spat out a large mouthful of dirty blood on the spot, almost going insane.

Yan Qing was a little slow and couldn't stand still, curling up on the ground in pain. Shi Jingzhi also frowned and his hands began to tremble.

Yin Ci smiled.

He immediately retracted his sword and retreated behind Shi Jingzhi. The Shadow Sword stabbed diagonally into the pile of corpses. Yin Ci freed his hands and gently covered Shi Jingzhi's ears. Immediately, the pain on Shi Jingzhi's face disappeared, and his hands stabilized again.

Yin Ci just listened to the ominous ghost song from the underworld with a calm expression.

He had already witnessed even more desperate states of obsession, and this was just an alien elegy, not worthy of pushing him into the abyss.

“… You can’t hurt him.” Yin Ci said silently to the secret book.

In an instant, golden light appeared everywhere.

What ignited was not a prairie fire, but thousands of finger-thick chains of fire. They flashed in an instant, instantly piercing through the huge body of the secret book, locking it firmly between heaven and earth.

The blood-red spell tightly wrapped around the fire chain, as if trying to cut it off. Unfortunately, Yang Fire was naturally able to overcome Yin evil, and Shi Jingzhi's Yang Fire was extremely pure, so the resistance spell emitted burnt black smoke, which melted away like snowflakes.

The secret book was at its end, and the demonic arm stretched out again, reaching out to Shi Jingzhi who was not far away. All kinds of spells exploded without any care, illuminating the night sky full of dark clouds.

The singing continues and the cursing continues.

Sect Leader Shi's face turned pale. Even with the ancient corpses and demon corpses as materials, the battle array had completely drained him of energy. Countless corpse hands of the secret book reached out in front of him, and were about to touch Shi Jingzhi's body, but the latter didn't even waste his energy to tremble.

Shi Jingzhi just turned his head slightly to feel the warmth of Yin Ci's palm.

Then he used up all his remaining strength, put two fingers of his right hand together, and raised them upwards.

The Yang Fire Chains tightened gently, cutting the body of the Secret Book like a saw. Thousands of Fire Chains swayed slightly, without a single mistake. One by one, the complete ancient corpses were stripped of the Secret Book, like the autumn wind blowing and the dead leaves leaving the branches.

Even though it was only experience borrowed temporarily from Chen Qianfan, Shi Jingzhi still made full use of it.

In just a moment, the blood-red spell was completely destroyed. The "Queen" fell, and the group of monsters running around on the ground were stunned for a moment.

The corpses were scattered all over the ground, stiff but intact. The secret book was still standing there, but it looked... not so secret book.

Queen Xu Luo of Mi Lan has fair skin and a beautiful figure.

Her body was still standing, like a fairy born in the snowy mountains of the north. The queen stared at Shi Jingzhi with her cloudy eyes, her stiff face expressionless.

The clothes on her chest were rotten and torn, revealing half of her chest, and a dark blue spider nevus lay quietly on her snow-white skin.

The queen stood there blankly for a moment, then opened her arms to the two people in front of her.

"Smile at me..."

Her vocal cords were stiff and rotten, and her voice was unpleasant, but it was also clear and vague.

"… Smile at me."

Yin Ci showed no mercy and pulled out the Shadow Sword - Queen Mi Lan had already died, and what was in front of them was just a pure corpse, the core of the killing weapon.

However, Shi Jingzhi seemed to have some idea. He grabbed Yin Ci's wrist with one hand and shook his head gently.

The closer she got to Shi Jingzhi, the clearer her voice became and the more vivid her expression became—there was even a hint of hatred on the face of the corpse.

"... My... compatriots... it's good that you can defeat me..."

The queen's corpse emitted a faint halo, the blood-red light was too faint, more like sadness than evil. Gradually, the light narrowed and condensed into one place.

It turned into a half-dead rune and collapsed in the queen's palm.

The queen's body clasped her hands together and handed them stiffly to Shi Jingzhi, her expression returning to its dull look.

"Yes... I smile..."

"Aci, under the curse of the living puppet, I can at least recognize this technique. What Queen Milan left behind was not a killing weapon, but a will, a will for her 'kind'... Only after the restrictions of the Mishan Sect were lifted, the weapon recognized me."

Shi Jingzhi sighed and closed his eyes. He slowly stretched out his hand and touched the rune that was about to dissipate.

"I'll be fine, trust me."

The tip of Yin Ci’s sword dropped.

The moment the spell touched Shi Jingzhi's fingertips, it suddenly dissipated. Yin Ci remained silent and caught Shi Jingzhi's fallen body - the man's body was warm, his breathing was even, and he seemed to have fallen into a coma.

Queen Milan's body fell almost at the same time.

She fell onto the blood-soaked snow and turned into ashes in an instant. The demon group had not yet dispersed, and the protective array was already thin as a cicada's wing, but it was still flickering steadily.

Not long ago, inside the house.

The younger generation was fighting to the death outside, and Chen Qianfan had already prepared the magic weapon for escape. He was extremely bored, so he picked up the corpses from under the window and made two pairs of disaster-proof talismans.

Granny Wei used the magic flower to dye the thread and sewed two exquisite peace bags. She didn't care whether Yin Ci was asking her seriously or just sending her away. She just packed the bags, patted her stiff back, and looked calm and peaceful.

"It's late at night, those kids are still outside?"

"Yes." Chen Qianfan put away the disaster-preventing talisman and put away the research tools on the table. "Xiaochun, pack some clothes and food, we have to run later."


"Even if they win, they can only delay us for a while. There are many monsters outside, and the protective formation won't last long. We have to run away and find a new place to live."

Granny Wei stared at him blankly, and after a while she asked, "Why are those kids still outside at night?"

Chen Qianfan paused, and he rarely lost his temper. He just repeated his answer: "Well... this place is going to become a monster's nest. Remember to pack your things and follow me."

"Ah." Granny Wei's face was pale and she twisted her hands nervously. "If I want to go out casually, the master will beat me again."

Chen Qianfan straightened up and felt Granny Wei's pulse. His eyelids twitched, but he said nothing.

Granny Wei suddenly came to her senses, and when she saw Chen Qianfan's expression, a trace of sadness appeared on her face. She stood there in a daze, like a child who had done something wrong.

Chen Qianfan's face was calm: "... Is the dementia acting up again?"

Granny Wei lowered her eyes, still smiling: "I just forget things occasionally. I'm old and confused. I forget more frequently recently. It's okay. I'll go pack my things."

Chen Qianfan didn't say anything, he continued to pack his luggage. Less than half an hour later, there was a dull thud. Chen Qianfan turned around and saw Granny Wei fall to the ground - she struggled for a long time, but seemed to have forgotten how to get up.

Chen Qianfan walked to her side, and within ten steps, she forgot to crawl. Granny Wei lay there blankly, humming the tune unconsciously. The air around her seemed to be a little colder, and there was a hint of urine smell in the air.

The hoarse voice echoed in the cold hall, revealing a sense of desolation.

Chen Qianfan picked up a piece of the demon corpse and carefully lifted up the back of Grandma Wei's head. A blood-red line wrapped around her forehead. Then Chen Qianfan quickly formed a formation and cast a spell. However, he had been lifting the ban and casting the living puppet spell all day. He was at the end of his strength and his face showed some grayness.

Granny Wei finally came to her senses. She opened her mouth blankly and asked, "What? Those kids are still outside at night?"

After asking this question, she seemed to be aware of something and slowly shed two lines of turbid tears. Then she immediately raised her hand and wiped the tears from her face.

"Master, is this the 'Heavenly Disgust' you are talking about?"

Chen Qianfan said calmly: "Yes."

There is a limit to serious illness. If it is not serious enough, it is easier to treat, but if it is serious enough, it is difficult to cure. Unfortunately, everyone is born different, and no one knows the exact location of that limit.

"I just haven't figured out a solution to my dementia yet." Chen Qianfan brought her a new pair of pants, his tone still calm. "Let's go first, there will always be a way."

If her intestines were rotten, he would replace them with new ones. If a tumor grew in her stomach, he would make her a new stomach. Repeating this process, a mortal could also become immortal.

But what if you are confused

Chen Qianfan thought hard for a long time, not knowing what to change. This disease was a bit difficult, and he needed time.

However, time will not slow down for anyone.

Granny Wei stood up shakily, as if an invisible hole had opened up in her body, and her vitality was uncontrollably draining away. She tried three or four times but failed to grab the pants that Chen Qianfan handed over. After finally getting them in her hands, she looked at them in confusion, wondering why she was holding this strange thing.

Fortunately, there were still a lot of corpses left. Chen Qianfan simply used the ancient corpse this time, consuming four or five pieces in one go, and most of Grandma Wei's face was covered by the magic circle.

She came to mind again, touched the uneven marks on her face, and said nothing.

Chen Qianfan breathed a sigh of relief and continued to pack his luggage. Beside him, Granny Wei changed into clean clothes, quietly sorted out her daily necessities, and touched the peach blossoms she had embroidered.

"Master, do you still remember the first day we met?"

"do not remember."

"Do you remember why I called you 'Master'?"

"do not remember."

"It's good not to remember." The wrinkles on her face gathered and dispersed, and it was unclear whether she was sad or relieved.

Granny Wei carefully smoothed the wrinkles on the corners of her clothes and stood there in a daze for a while. After a while, she seemed to have recovered and said softly, "It's midnight, I'll go make tea."

The small pot is on the fire, and the fragrance of tea is everywhere.

Not long after, four people staggered in. Shi Zhongyu was seriously injured, and her internal injuries were not light. Yan Qing was holding her up, her legs were covered in blood, and her originally healthy skin looked pale.

Yin Ci held the unconscious Shi Jingzhi in his arms, looking respectable: "Senior, we completely dismantled the secret book. The core of the magic weapon was destroyed, but the rest of the ancient corpse spells were intact."

Chen Qianfan: "Well, now that we have completely unlocked the magic weapon, this place can become lively. Even if the core is broken, the merits and demerits will be offset, and nothing serious will happen."

"That protective formation—"

"The protective formation won't last long. The secret book's evil aura has not yet dissipated. It won't be easy for the monsters to retreat."

Chen Qianfan stroked his beard as if nothing had happened.

"Let's bear with it for a while. We can leave on the magic weapon and run away for a day and a night. Those things won't chase us."

Yan Qing's expression changed: "Su Si hasn't come back yet, what if..."

"We are in a bad condition now, so we can't find him." Yin Ci shook his head. "Su Si is being guarded by the goose demon, and he knows how to protect himself. It won't be too late to look for him when we get to a safe place."

Yan Qing looked at his companion who was covered in wounds, lowered his head, and swallowed the words that he had not yet spoken.

Yin Ci's judgment was extremely rational. If he insisted on doing something unreasonable at this critical moment, he would only cause trouble for others. Not to mention others, he couldn't even walk far with his injured leg.

He still remembered Shi Jingzhi's gold and fire battle formation and Yin Ci's strange swordsmanship in his mind, and knew what kind of chasm there was between them.

If he also had such power, would he not have to abandon his companions temporarily

Yin Ci ignored Yan Qing's distressed thoughts. He took the lead and stepped forward to put Shi Jingzhi on the magic weapon.

The magic weapon was a wooden boat-like object. There were no arrows, horses or other monsters towing it in the front. There were only two boxes with complicated magic arrays at the stern. Next to the boxes were filled with dried corpses of monsters. The boxes themselves also emitted a faint corpse odor.

The wooden boat was floating in the air, and the magic circle under the boat was already flashing and was in the process of being activated.

When Yin Ci was sleeping, Jingzhi put him at the stern of the boat and covered him with a thick coat.

Chen Qianfan picked up the talisman and handed it to Shi Zhongyu, who was close to coma. Then he quietly handed a pair to Yin Ci: "When you lifted the ban, you said that we had an agreement?"

"I know where to find the immortal body, and I'll get one for you to study." Yin Ci took the disaster-preventing talisman and smiled. "Senior, please remove the remnants of the Living Puppet Curse as soon as possible."

Chen Qianfan's beard trembled. He hugged the record book tightly in his arms, and his eyes brightened instantly: "No problem."

About half an hour later, the wooden boat finally started.

Chen Qianfan dragged the demon outside the house, and the demons were grinding their teeth outside the protective array. As the saying goes, ants can kill elephants, and without the secret book, the protective array collapsed much more slowly. However, it could not withstand the attack of the demons, and cracks gradually appeared.

Chen Qianfan stepped into the wooden boat: "Xiaochun, let's go."

Granny Wei came over and cautiously leaned towards Yin Ci: "Child, this is the safety kit you asked for. Take it and have a safe journey."

The brocade bag was beautifully embroidered, with fine stitches, and it was obvious that she had put a lot of thought into it. Yin Ci thanked her. At that time, he just wanted to get the old man out of the way, and Granny Wei must have known that. But she still did it very seriously, just like decorating the room with an embroidered tablecloth that no one appreciated, and small flowers tied with dead branches.

Yin Ci looked at the old man's kind eyes and always felt that something was wrong.

Granny Wei looked at him kindly for a while, then turned around and continued, "Master, this bag contains pots, pans, and utensils, this bag contains spare clothes, and this bag contains..."

There were already five people sitting on the wooden boat, with ten bags bulging with luggage. Granny Wei was still unwilling to give up, and pulled up a large bag: "This bag is what Master usually uses."

"Please spare me," the protective array made an ominous crisp sound, and Chen Qianfan was in a hurry to leave, and his tone was also a little faster. "If it's gone, I can buy more. It's almost time."

Granny Wei glanced at the group of monsters not far away and said, "Yeah."

"Come up, we'll fly out from there later. And then..."

"I'm not leaving." Grandma Wei said with a smile.

Chen Qianfan's words stopped abruptly. He frowned, as if he had heard something ridiculous: "Xiaochun, what are you talking about?"

"Not long after the master used the precious materials to treat me, I started to get confused again... I can only talk like this now, but I will talk nonsense again later."

Her smile grew gentler.

"Thank you, Master, for letting me steal these years from God. I have lived peacefully here for another thirty years... People say fallen leaves return to their roots, and I also want to die at home."

Chen Qianfan: "There is always a way."

"If it can be cured, you would have told me long ago." Granny Wei shook her head. "It's okay. I'm not a big shot like the head of a sect. I don't need to fight with 'Tian Yan'. It's better to die with dignity than to suffer while alive."

Chen Qianfan was quiet for a while, then said calmly, "Have you thought it through?"

"Think it over carefully."

Granny Wei was exceptionally calm.

Shi Jingzhi was still asleep, Shi Zhongyu was already sleeping with the talisman in his arms, and Yan Qing was also in a semi-comatose state due to excessive blood loss. Yin Ci was silent, with a complicated look in his eyes.

No one tried to keep her, and Grandma Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go." She waved her hand and turned back into the house.

Chen Qianfan underestimated her, Yin Ci thought. The old man had seen the group of monsters, and his face, which was covered with magic circles, was calm, without fear.

Chen Qianfan pulled the trigger with a stern face. The heavily loaded wooden boat floated up with difficulty, shaking dangerously, and it looked like it could not bear the weight.

Not far away, the protective formation was in danger. Chen Qianfan seemed to have forgotten about Granny Wei and sighed: "It's too heavy to fly. I have to throw something else."

The rest of the people had almost no luggage, so he could only say this to himself. Old man Chen rummaged through the luggage expressionlessly, digging through the pile of junk research equipment and found the bag of pots and pans he had just brought.

The bundle that Grandma Wei packed was neat and beautiful, and it was also very convenient to throw. The bundle hit the snow, making a series of cracking sounds. The wooden boat was more stable, but still failed to fly high.

Chen Qianfan grabbed the large bag of clothes. The clothes were soft and gentle, and as soon as they fell to the ground, there was only a dull thud.

The boat flew higher, but unfortunately it was still not high enough.

Old man Chen took a deep breath and untied his bag of "usual things". He looked into the bag several times before untying the bag, and the sundries inside fell out. In a moment, teapots, tea boxes and other sundries were scattered all over the floor, making it a mess.

There were no valuables inside, just some insignificant gadgets. Old man Chen calmed down quickly, and the speed of dumping became much faster.

Amidst the torrent of debris, a dusty teacup rolled out of the bag and fell to the ground.

And Chen Qianfan caught it instinctively.

Yin Ci remembered that cup - every midnight, Granny Wei would pour a cup of tea for Chen Qianfan without fail, and that was the cup he used to drink tea.

Chen Qianfan's hand trembled, as if the cup had scalded his palm, but his fingers refused to loosen their grip. He held the cup tightly, frozen in thought.

The next moment, Chen Qianfan cast his spell mercilessly.

"I have to clear my mind and have no time to record. Brother Yin, please tell me the situation later."

Chen Qianfan is a well-deserved master of magic. His magic moves are extremely skillful and everything is just right.

But the spell stopped midway and failed.


"… It's too trivial." Old man Chen was a little confused. "It's too trivial. How can I delete it?"

There was nothing thrilling between him and Wei Chun. There was only something different when they met, but he had already forgotten it. After that, they just spent two or three hours together every day and talked to each other in a plain way.

Plus a bowl of hot rice and a cup of warm tea, nothing else.

In addition to treating her illness, Chen Qianfan would at most bring her a few magical flowers so that she could dye the thread and embroider by herself.

He thought about it, but couldn't find anything special. But the past thirty years were filled with these tiny fragments, which he couldn't remove, and he didn't know what would be left after removing everything.

Chen Qianfan lowered his head and looked down at the dilapidated house he had lived in for thirty years. He remembered every corner of it, the hall was messy on one side and warm and pleasant on the other, with a clear distinction.

Shouldn't they be clearly distinguished? This makes no sense.

Most of the diseases in the world are like this. When nothing happens, there is nothing to worry about, but after the moment of injury, the pain is continuous and piercing.

Chen Qianfan shook his head and suddenly laughed. He listened to the crackling sound of the protective array breaking apart, his tone was still as calm and steady as usual, and it was unclear who he was talking to.

"It's interesting, too. I can get the hearts, livers, spleens and stomachs of living people, and I can throw away the ups and downs of this life, but I can't throw away a broken cup."

He looked at the Sword of Mercy that Yan Qing was holding tightly, and suddenly remembered the moment many years ago when he was knocked away by this sword.

At the time, he thought that he might not be suited to being a monk.

Now he thought that he might not be suitable to be a god.

Chen Qianfan pondered for a while and then sighed.

"Brother Yin, forget it." He adjusted his beard and said with a dull look. "I suddenly don't want the immortal body anymore."

"My friends are in bad condition. We need to get to a safe place to rest. It doesn't matter if you don't know any magic. The magic circle is burning the corpses. You can just adjust the direction... I'll leave my record book to your master. It's a pity to waste my talent after all this hard work."

Chen Qianfan still had that infuriating tone.

Even though Yin Ci was well-informed, he was still stunned for a moment: "‌… "

Chen Qianfan shook his head and put the teacup into his arms. He looked at Yin Ci carefully and smiled again.

"Even if I could gain an immortal body, I am not the material to be free from emotions and desires. I am not born to be suitable, so I am just trying to make it."

"So be it."

He said.

“It’s fine this way.”

Before Yin Ci could reply, Chen Qianfan pushed over the edge of the boat and jumped down. Without the weight of one person, the boat shook immediately and rushed towards the sky.

Chen Qianfan landed on the ground, put his hands behind his back, and walked into the door leisurely.

"It's not even midnight yet. Have another cup of tea."

The protective array was broken, and the demons rushed in with the remaining demonic energy of the secret book. Under the starry sky, a spell was activated. The demon that broke into the room sucked it all up, then stretched its trunk, pulled out the flower buds, and exploded into a string of bright flowers.

A peach tree stood among the ice and snow in the north, blooming quietly for half an hour.

Eventually disappeared without a trace.