Sending the Divine

Chapter 88: Lanterns


Shi Jingzhi was quiet for a moment. He looked at Yin Ci confusedly, as if he had realized who "Your Highness" was calling.

Then he opened his eyes slightly.

Although the fifteenth year is a new year, many days have passed since New Year's Eve, and there are only a few fireworks in the sky. But Yin Ci watched the man's eyes light up little by little, as if he had caught a light he couldn't see.

Yin Ci tried his best to wait patiently.

Twenty-four years have passed. When they first met, they each got what they needed, and they just had to compete to see who could use whom more. Every move and every move was like a chess game, and their thoughts were twisted into swords and swords. It's a bit refreshing to see a move at a glance, use a sharp knife to make a mess, and it's so neat.

Now you have to take the other person into consideration, but you have to think twice about even the slightest temptation.

"This matter is my private matter, it belongs to you."

Shi Jingzhi finally spoke, but his tone contained a warning.

"There are many royal secrets involved, and the Imperial Master is focused on the immortal way. Just looking at the fight for flesh and blood will cause most of the world to be in turmoil. You have gone through dangers for me, and if your immortal body is exposed, you will only be stained by ‌‌ A lot of trouble."

Yin Ci smiled: "Back then, I used the name Su Zhi and fought openly and secretly with Yan Budu, which was just one of the many 'trouble's. I won't be too hesitant about your matter."

"So what?" Facing this former "longevity" idol, Shi Jingzhi didn't show any excitement at all.

"What's the matter?"

"It's just that you can't die. It's not blood and tears. People with your heart won't go crazy." Shi Jingzhi said calmly, "If you just think you owe me a favor or want to protect your childishness, you don't have to. That's it. Twenty-four years ago, you saved my life, and I protected your innocence. We owe nothing to each other."

Yin Ci frowned, this development was different from what he expected.

Not only was Shi Jingzhi smooth and smooth, but his words seemed to be smoothing over the past between the two of them one by one and slowly unraveling it.

"To you, I may be just a mayfly on the morning dew, but I was lucky enough to take pity on you for a moment. You treated me carefully and didn't allow me to hurt myself. However, you hurt yourself deeply just to save my life two days ago. I am grateful... But even if you don't... ‌I can’t treat you like a god if I’m a human being.”

Just like many years ago, Shi Jingzhi stretched out his hand and smoothed Yin Ci's temples.

Both are helping hands, whether they are humans or gods, is there any difference

Since you desperately want to live, wouldn't it be nice to be frank and accept help? Yin Ci didn't understand Shi Jingzhi's persistence for a while.

Shi Jingzhi seemed to have seen through his doubts. He stood up on the roof with a smile: "I really want to live. Now that my opponent has appeared, I will go all out. As for Aci... you can just watch until the end."

"When you think of me a hundred years later, I don't want to be confused with words like 'regret' and 'pain'. You said you promised me a long life, and you are worried. Now I have ‌‌Worry‌Don’t worry too much about the first half of the sentence—if I fail accidentally, it will only be my own death.”

With you, you need to blame yourself.

The night breeze was blowing, and Shi Jingzhi's sleeves were slightly blown up. He looked down at Yin Ci, who was sitting on the ridge of the roof, with gentle eyes, and the moonlight behind him.

"...Furthermore, if Ah Ci insists on being an immortal that he cannot do. That way, I will be filled with desire. When I am about to die, I will inevitably feel resentful towards you. Such a way to die, I will No matter how you think about it, you hate it.”

I see.

The maple forest in front of Yin Ci faded away, and the child with a bright smile gradually blurred. Shi Jingzhi completely dispelled the illusion of the past and talked to him openly and honestly.

"Then I won't be your 'god'." Yin Ci smiled.

"Not as a disciple, not as a senior, not as an immortal, and not just for you - I will continue to investigate the matter of the flesh statue in detail. As you move, I can always get more clues."

Yin Ci breathed a long sigh of relief, stood up as well, and stretched out a hand: "Your Highness, are you willing to join forces with me?"

Shi Jingzhi's eyes suddenly softened.

He breathed out gently, closed his eyes for a moment, and then gently held the hand: "I have a slight heartache, but I can barely suppress it. I will travel around the world later, so I ask the master to be more considerate."

Yin Ci had never seen that man smile so brightly.

For some unknown reason, before that smile, Yin Ci felt a little inexplicably guilty—his disaster-proof talisman had been given away a long time ago, and now they had a fair and cooperative relationship, so it probably wasn't a violation of their oath.

Fortunately, he only worried about gains and losses, and Yin Ci quickly suppressed this matter in his heart. Quan thought that was the last memory of his "immortal" career, and no matter how much he respected it, he couldn't get through it.

"But this decision is not final. You can think about it for a while."

Shi Jingzhi knew all about his apprentice's thoughts. He thought for a moment and pointed to a street not far away with lights on.

"If this is the case, before you and I go back, we will walk down that street together - if you haven't changed your mind at the end, then I won't accept going back on it."

Shi Jingzhi's tone was much lighter, and the expectation and joy in it were so full that they overflowed.

The Lantern Festival has not yet arrived, and the Shuangchuan Lantern Festival has not yet been held. Fortunately, many stores have taken precautions and prepared lanterns in front of their stores in advance. There are only a few pedestrians on the street, the warm light has not been extinguished, and there are many businessmen resting at the door, so they can take part in the excitement for the time being.

The master and the disciple wore Nuo masks and walked slowly side by side. There were obviously only simple houses and dim lights on both sides, but the two of them felt relaxed as they walked out of the lively gathering.

Shi Jingzhi walked slowly and leisurely, every step was correct and he used enough strength. Yin Ci suddenly came up with a guess - rather than giving him time to regret, Shi Jingzhi was more like giving himself a chance to stabilize his emotions.

It looks so funny.

As soon as the thought was about to come up, Yin Ci stopped it. We had just agreed to join forces, so what are you kidding about? Shen Zhu recorded it as "yes", but Shi Jingzhi misunderstood his attitude, and it was troublesome.

‌‌The habit of teasing people has lasted for decades, and it is difficult to get rid of it. Yin Ci had no choice but to find another way and began to recall the mute's innocent face again. As soon as he lost his mind, his whole body froze.

Shi Jingzhi turned his head instantly, his face full of suspicion.

Yin Ci: "It has something to do with what happened just now. I was just thinking... you and I have a pretty deep friendship, and I won't tease you anymore."

"I thought Ah Ci wouldn't care about those trivial things, but the thought of it makes me so upset."

Yin Ci clicked his tongue and ended the topic angrily: "I can't say that I'm still worried about it. I only think about it occasionally."

Shi Jingzhi didn't know how to answer the question. Yin Ci said nonchalantly, "I think of it occasionally", but his face was deeply impressed by "I hugged you when you were here" and "Elders should behave like elders."

This person still cares about those jokes, which shows that the elders' hearts are not dead, and he has to completely erase the shadows of the past. Isn't this simple? At this moment, they know each other well. It would be better if they all interact with each other, and this page would be considered closed.

Using Nuo's face to cover his face, Master Shi gathered up the courage to cut through the mess with a sharp knife and planned this counter-tease.

At the end of the street, there are half lanterns and half dead trees.

The wooden Nuo surface is rough and the oil paint is peeling off, making the half of the face under the Nuo surface look more and more elegant, like a fairy.

Yin Ci's steps are extremely stable and restrained. Under the dim firelight, the long ‌ moved slightly, giving off a soft light like still water. The man's skin was pale, his lips were slightly lighter, and his face was free of any minor blemishes, as if he was far away from the bloody dust of the world.

But he knows the taste of blood better than anyone in the world.

Shi Jingzhi had never seen Yin Ci in such detail, and suddenly felt that this person was a bit more handsome than he remembered. He originally thought it was very easy to tease people, but now that he saw it, he didn't know how to act.

The heroism of the leader of the time pulled out the sticky silk. He observed it for a while, then decided to run away and kiss the other person on the cheek to end the problem... He had fed Yin Ci mouth-to-mouth before when the ghost tomb was filled with medicine. Was it so difficult at that time

His eyes were glued to those pale lips, and he felt like he had swallowed a live rabbit alive, and his whole heart was kicked several times.

...Forget it, this matter must come to an end. There is no reason to destroy your own prestige first to increase the ambition of others. Shi Jingzhi adjusted his face slightly, hesitating in his heart, there was a sudden attack.

He turned slightly and kissed the corner of Yin Ci's lips.

He originally wanted to imitate himself and kiss Yin Ci on the lips, but he couldn't do it. Just a light kiss, and a layer of sweat started to form on the back of his neck. The warmth in his heart completely changed the taste, and there was an inexplicable sweetness in it.

It was as if this was the first time they were so close.

Shi Jingzhi was busy trying to suppress his uncontrollable heartbeat. He continued to walk, pretending to be clear-headed, and said casually: "In this way, we are even, and you also need to..."

Wait, something's wrong. Shi Jingzhi suddenly felt something in his heart, and turned his head to look - there was someone around him.

Yin Ci stood there in a daze, then took another step forward.

A rough lantern was wrapped around the dead tree behind him, and the flame in the lamp flickered, revealing a hazy warm red color. Yin Ci was indeed wearing an ugly Nuo mask covering half of his face, but he couldn't hide the shocked look on his face.

Yin Ci seemed to have never expected this scene. There was an offended anger on his face, but he looked at Shi Jingzhi in shock, as if a monster even more exaggerated than the secret code had appeared.

Shi Jingzhi had to stop.

His head was so tangled with strange thoughts that he could hardly see the road. The headmaster suddenly thought to himself that this person's fault of only allowing the state officials to set fires but not allowing the people to light lamps was simply the worst. Suddenly, I thought that they seemed to have completely missed the opportunity to "eliminate the embarrassment" and brought the embarrassment to a whole new level.

Surrounding this mess of thoughts, there was only one thought that stood firm. In front of Yin Ci, he seemed to have completely forgotten how to act for the occasion.

Having said that, although Shi Jingzhi couldn't control his heartbeat, it wasn't that he didn't recognize how to write "风花雪月". The opponent is an immortal body, so he should be more capable than himself.

Shi Jingzhi looked at Yin Ci, uncharacteristically, he had never been so happy to show weakness - Master, what's going on, please solve this problem quickly.

‌‌Yin Ci could not respond.

When it comes to the degree of heartache, Yin Ci is not inferior to Shi Jingzhi at all.

In the previous conversation, Shi Jingzhi couldn't wait to push him away a hundred thousand miles, so he had to go through his heart and soul with him and make a list to settle the favor. As soon as Yin Cicheng reluctantly put this man back into the position of "another strong man", he got a counterattack, and he was completely unprepared.

Before he realized it, his feet stopped without permission. This hand is indeed effective, Yin Ci thought to himself, he really misses the mute all the time.

But I don't know if he has gone too far into the world. He felt shameful and his heart palpitated for a moment - his childish appearance sank into his mind, and all kinds of things came back to him in recent days. His sentiments of sadness and affection reached their destination, and were shattered in the air by the kiss, turning into some kind of subtle pity.

The words "disrespecting the elderly" shone brighter and brighter in his heart, and the meaning of condemnation was extremely strong.

Fortunately, it was only a momentary lapse, and there was still time to recover.

Yin Ci raised his head and met Shi Jingzhi's bewildered eyes. The two of them looked at me and looked at you. They just wanted to accuse the other party on the spot of why they could successfully pretend to be stupid.

The two wooden chickens just stayed at the street corner, letting the night wind blow here and there.

‌Anyway, they finally finished walking this street, Yin Ci thought to himself. Even if the process differs from expectations, the result is the same -

In the end, he could no longer be regarded as this person's "god".