Sending the Divine

Chapter 93: Killing array


The fire in Zhulou was swaying, and the building was filled with gloomy wind. The fog lingers in Zongwu Mountain, and a brightly lit Zhulou is crowded in the valley, as if it is a mirage coming from somewhere. The smell of corpses and wine brought out of the building was blown away by the wind, and Su Si's tense heartstrings finally relaxed.

Shi Jing, the fake elder, attracted attention. Fortunately, thanks to the attention of others, he and Yan Qing were lucky enough to go out for fun. But besides taking a few breaths of fresh air, the two of them had more important things to do - Shen Zhu stayed in Zhulou to investigate the surrounding situation. They had to exchange information with her to avoid the situation being exposed and they would not know where to escape. .

According to the agreement, Shen Zhu completed his investigation and should wait near the entrance of the valley. As a result, the two of them passed the red lantern at the entrance. Not to mention the mark or signal, there was not even a sparrow feather nearby.

The two of them had no choice but to wait where they were.

Su Si leaned against the stone wall, looking at the desolate Zongwu Mountain, and breathed out hard: "They say that the Demon Sect Chigou is the first, and the Ling Sect is the second. The two have the same power. Just looking at it, I felt that Chi Gou was wronged."

The Ling sect is loose and loose, and it only knows how to fight against the enemy but not cross the old man's body. The family's great cause will never be completely defeated. The Chigou sect also gave up its stubbornness, strictly governed the teachings, and moved forward ambitiously. The reason why the two are evenly matched in the world is that the Ling sect is not afraid of wearing shoes if it is barefoot, and carries the creed of "shamelessness" to the extreme, unlike the Chigou sect, which takes into account both good and evil.

Su Si had previously only spoken ill of her opponent, but now that she thought about it, she was right.

Yan Qing kept silent absentmindedly, his mind wandering.

"What are you thinking about, Sanzi? You suddenly see your relatives and you can't react?"

Yan Zheng also had a pair of ghost eyes. He was not too old, at most one or two years older than them. Apart from his biological father, Yan Qing has seen other "relatives" in his life, so it's not surprising that he was in a trance for a while.

Unexpectedly, when Yan Qing spoke again, the topic would be completely different: "Don't you think he looks like Senior Yin?"


"Eye." Yan Qing was used to seeing ghost eyes and was not interested in other people's faces. He cared more about what was behind the eyes than those blood-red eyes. "When I first met Senior Yin, he gave me the same feeling - I can't say, he looked lifeless, as if he was not interested in anything."

Su Si thought for a while and felt convinced. Masters and disciples of the Dry Mountain Sect are equally dangerous, but when the master's seven emotions and six desires are gone, he can still see the human thoughts. Yin Ci is more like a pool of stagnant water stained with ink, who knows what is hidden underneath. Speaking of fear, Su Si was still more afraid of Yin Ci.

That is to say, their senior Yin has been stimulated by some unknown source recently. He has become less dull and more energetic. Only when Yan Qing made it clear could Su Si register his memory.

…‌Is it Yan Zheng who is so lifeless

When he was in the Chigou Sect, Su Si learned about Yan Zheng - his parents were killed by Taiheng, and he was brought back to the Ling Sect by Chai Chao when he was fourteen or fifteen years old. He is not low-end, but he rarely appears in front of others and has always been at the mercy of Chai Chao.

‌ Yan Zheng is willing to be the leader after all, and he definitely has a purpose. After all, the demon sect is respected for its strength, and the puppet leader is so good, so Chai Chao will not force him to sit in that seat. If Yan Zheng wants to pursue his true pursuit, he can just appoint a nominal elder, just enjoy the blessings and not cause trouble, and that's it.

In this current situation, no matter how you look at it, it’s all a conspiracy, right

Su Si had a half-hearted impression of the Ling Cult, and he said without mercy: "You are not interested in anything, so why did you trouble us before? This time, we have even called back the members from all over the country. No matter how you look at it, they are all evil-minded." , can’t wait.”

Yan Qing said with a good temper: "Well, maybe I made a mistake. I just..."

He suddenly stopped talking and held out the Mercy Sword wrapped in a strip of cloth. Su Si almost immediately guarded Yan Qing's back, his meat knife shining coldly in the night.


That flash of hostility was as thin as a cow's hair, enough to make the hairs on the backs of two people's necks stand up for a moment.

The hostility was undoubtedly directed at them, and there was murderous intent in it, and the momentum was astonishing. If the demons from the Ling Cult had discovered their identities, they wouldn't have played in such a roundabout way. The problem is that in addition to large sects such as Ling Sect, Taiheng Sect and Chi Gou Sect, there are also many small sects and loners around who come to try their luck. This group of people had just arrived, and they didn't know which of the great gods had been disturbed.

Are you taking them into the Chengling Sect, or are you discovering that they are the Karesan Sect

Su Si had rich experience in escaping. When he saw a figure appearing, he grabbed Yan Qing and said, "Things are not going well. Go back to Zhulou first."

As a result, just as he was about to lift his foot, an arrow shot through the air. This time the hostility was full of murderous intent. If they were warned - if they dared to go back, they would definitely be nailed to death on these stone steps immediately.

At the same time, a strong hostility directed at the two people also appeared near Zhulou, forming a perfect outflanking trend. This time the two of them are neither advancing nor retreating completely. When Su Si still came to his senses, he saw a figure stumbling towards him -

It's Shen Zhu.

Shen Zhu's complexion was very ugly, and there was an arrow stuck in his shoulder. Panting, she grabbed Yan Qing and swooped behind Yan Qing, as if she had found a life-saving straw: "Good brother, help my sister block it!"

Before Yan Qing could react, Su Si twisted his waist and cut another incoming arrow in half with his flesh-picking knife.

Disciples of Yueshui Pavilion focus on investigation and exploration, so Qinggong is still advisable. It is difficult to judge the opponent's level just by Shen Zhu's reaction. God knows what kind of things Miss Shen might have provoked when she was exploring the road.

But looking at the situation, the other party didn't want them to escape back to Lingjiao even more than killing people. And they happened not to be members of the Ling Cult, so there was still room for discussion on the matter. The three of them exchanged glances, used Qing Kung together, and rushed into the desolate corner covered in thick fog.

Seeing that Zhu Lou was far away, Shen Zhu gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrow: "I said that since this hero was just seen by the little girl, it is better to show him openly and openly."

The moonlight illuminates the mist, and the valley is silent.

Shen Zhu's face was as pale as paper, and he seemed to be showing weakness. She managed to calm down her breathing and raised her voice: "At least we have already calculated two moves, can't you see? If we were members of the Ling Cult, we would have returned to Zhulou without any care."

"Yes, if you were members of the Ling Cult, I would have shot you to death at the door just now."

A deep voice converged into a line and came through.

"That move just now...are you from Yueshui Pavilion? You'd better mind your own business. Just stay with me for an hour or two, and I won't hurt you."

Su Si snorted, then changed his voice and said in a girlish voice: "Just bully a defenseless girl. You don't feel ashamed to ask someone to accompany you for an hour or two late at night." "

When the muddy water was stirred up, he was caught off guard and choked, letting out a trace of breath. Su Si took this pause correctly, shrunk to an inch, and rushed straight to the place where the breath was. He raised his hand mercilessly, and the cold light of the flesh-picking knife flashed, aiming at the man's throat and swiping it, and was stopped in the air by two fingers.

That's right. I took this move just by relying on strength.

The man wore a helmet on his head, a long bow on his back, and dirty animal skin finger guards on his hands. Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, Su Si was about to take off his knife and retreat, but found that the meat-picking knife was clamped tightly between the man's fingers. Su Si had never suffered such a loss before. He immediately abandoned his sword and changed his attack, stabbing the man's eye hole with a pair of fingers -

Poke a hole.

The other party sighed in admiration and took half a step back, just in time to dodge Su Si's attack: "Good boy, you are so dirty. You were the one who pretended to be a woman just now, right? I thought there was another little girl popping up out of nowhere."

There was nervousness in this man's words, but instead he expressed appreciation. Su Si thought that he would have the upper hand in a close fight, but he never expected that he would touch half of his opponent's clothes. The man was obviously not young, he had a large wound on his waist and abdomen, and he used his bow as a sword to fight, but he did not lose.

"Your approach is not like that of Yueshui Pavilion. Let me think about it. Chi Gou's Red Scorpion Feet?"

The man revealed Su Si's origin in a few words, and the smile in his voice deepened.

Yan Qing confirmed that Shen Zhu was not injured and joined the battle with a big sword. After a few moves with the Jade Chime Sword Technique, the person let out a leisurely "Huh", which sounded like a surprise. The flesh-picking knife was flying, and the sword was powerful, but the man was fighting one against two, with no sloppiness in his movements, and only half of his flaws were exposed.

This battle is like a quagmire. The more they fight, the deeper the two of the Dry Mountain Sect sink into the mud. This person probably only used two or three efforts at first, just to test their background. After a few sticks of incense passed, let alone feeling tired, this person was playing more and more steadily, which made people feel fearful.

And they don't even know what his purpose is.

Encountering such a powerful enemy as expected, Su Si couldn't help but get anxious and asked: "Shen Zhu, what is the background of this person?"

Shen Zhu clicked his tongue: "This person took advantage of the fog grave formation to cover up and prepared a large formation nearby. I saw the subtle aura, and followed the fluctuations of the aura. I happened to bump into him drawing the formation... It's my fault. I didn't retreat quickly enough. He noticed it."

Su Si smiled bitterly in his heart. Even though Shen Zhu blamed her, they all understood that this person's strength was unfathomable. Let alone Shen Zhu, even if he was someone who had been trained as an assassin, he might not be able to do it all. ‌And retreat. Shen Zhu originally went to explore the surrounding situation, but he would be unlucky if he collided with him.

In order to avoid accidents, she even brought Master Bai with her. Who knows if the goose was lazy.

The creation and activation of large-scale formations does not take a moment. This person was probably worried that Shen Zhu would leak the secret, so he pursued him here, and by the way, he even took the blame from them who were waiting at the door.

Yan Qing closed his eyes tightly, and his momentum gradually became calmer. He held up the opponent's long bow with his big sword and said simply: "I saw that senior's actions were gentle, unlike those from the Demon Cult. We can swear here that we will never reveal senior's secrets."

"You're a good young man, but it's a pity that I'm such a well-known and upright person, so I don't believe in people's oaths." The person sighed softly, "Either I swear not to kill you, will you follow me?"

He asked, and he planned to wait for an answer.

There was a powerful explosion like a bell. It did not spread, but continued to reverberate in this area like an echo. This time, the man had enough energy to hold back, and Su Si immediately vomited blood and was knocked back several steps. The sword in Yan Qing's hand buzzed and resonated, making his jaw numb. Just as he was about to fight back, Shen Zhu grabbed his sleeve.

She snorted softly and looked calm: "Okay, we are no match for this person. A hard fight might alarm the Lingjiao, so why not let him go first. This person has been killing me before, so he probably means what he says. . Now that we have met, we are destined to have this calamity—”

Su Si: "... You weren't the one who brought him here!"

Shen Zhu smiled calmly: "This is the moment and the other is the moment. Keep the green hills and don't worry about burning firewood."

In the last half of the sentence, she vaguely added a warning. Yan Qing took a long breath and quietly let go of his hand, letting the Mercy Sword get stuck in an inconspicuous stone crevice.

‌After a while, the three members of the Kushan Sect were strung together and dragged into the Fog Grave Formation.

The person's magic circle is not far away, located in a jagged and strange rock. The place is extremely difficult to find. The man drilled holes for the three of them, tied them tightly to the giant stalagmite, and then used blood and ink to carefully outline the runes, doing so with great concentration.

Su Si was extremely bored and lowered his voice: "Where's my goose?"

Shen Zhu moved his injured shoulder and hummed back: "I ran away in time, it's okay."

The three of them could make a sound, but the person was not far away. No one dared to let go and chat, so they could only watch the complex array flickering with dark lights.

The person was afraid that they would run away, and even refused to tie them to the edge of the demonic mist. He specially took a fog-avoiding pill and fed the powder to the three of them, so that they would not die under the influence of the fog grave formation.

The Master and Disciple of the Dry Mountain Sect also got the Mist-Repelling Pill, and thus gave the servants a taste of it.

Su Si suffered a lot of losses and was very anxious. This man seems to have a desire to kill people and silence them. If their lives are in danger during this trip, Mr. Bai will definitely come to him. Although he didn't know what this man was planning to do, this formation was not aimed at the Kushan sect. He was idle anyway, so he couldn't help but take a closer look.

This formation took at least seven weeks and is almost complete. The power of the formation was already faintly revealed, and the newly green grass withered and turned black, turning into powder at the first touch. There were many insect corpses on the ground, all lying on their bellies, leaving only empty shells on the ground. The killing intent in the formation was so thick that it made people breathless.

Su Si thought something was wrong, and frowned slowly: "Is this... a battle formation?"

At this time, all sects are resting in their respective territories. Most ‌‌ sects are scattered here and there, ‌ a few experts support the field, and they are worthy of ‌ a blow from a large battle formation...

Yan Qing reacted instantly and his face turned pale: "Lingjiao Zhulou?"

The Ling sect has always been disorganized, with elders running around everywhere. Now that the clues have come out in Zongwu Mountain, not only are all the elders in the main altar, but most of the people in the altar are also gathered in the Zhulou. If everything is done at this time, half of the Ling Sect will be destroyed.

Setting up battle formations is not an easy task, and formation fluctuations can be easily exposed. However, that is only for ordinary people - this is Zongwu Mountain, and there are many ancient remnants of formations in the mountains. A group of remnants of formations are buzzing every day. Om chorus. Now the Ling Sect has established the Fog Grave Formation again, and the demonic mist has covered everything that is unusual, even the people guarding the formation have been spared.

If this was really a battle formation against the Lingjiao Zhulou, Shi Jing‌‌Yin Ci would still be in the Zhulou‌.

Yan Qing was so anxious that he wanted to rush into his acupoints. He gritted his teeth and kept his voice as low as possible: "Miss Shen, can your bird... Miss Shen Zhu?"

Shen Zhu had no reaction.

She stared at the corner of the magic circle, her soul seemed to be pulled out of her body. After a long while, she managed to speak out, her voice filled with unbelievable shock.

"This is not an ordinary battle formation. I know this kind of magic formation."

After that, she shouted at the person, her voice was extremely sharp, with a certain hatred that was almost bone-deep.

"You madman, are you going to kill half of the people in Zongwu Mountain?!"