Sending the Divine

Chapter 99: guard


Yin Ci didn't really close his eyes.

It was a short while after daybreak, and the morning mist had not yet dissipated, but it was enough for people to see the situation clearly.

With Jin Lan here, Tai Heng will not focus on attacking them. But this place is right in front of the Lingjiao main altar, and Lingjiao has the advantage of the terrain - Yan Zheng and Chai Xin had already had a quarrel. Even if Yan Zheng succeeds in returning to the sect, he may not be able to control the situation. God knows how many Lingjiao masters will run away.

In this situation, stalling for time is not an easy task. Shi Jingzhi actually had the leisure to ask him to close his eyes. Now that the sky was slightly bright, could he set off a daytime fireworks display

Forget about Taiheng, the Demon Cult will not just sit there and wait for them to mess around. Ling Cult members have always been ignorant of what "fairness" means, and they also have an old grudge against Zheng Fengdao. The crowd of cult members quickly split into two groups, one group rushed to the Taiheng camp to stir up trouble, and the other group rushed directly to the two people in the encirclement.

Yin Ci drew out his Shadow Sword and glanced at the few Chi Gou teachers not far away. He was afraid that his identity as the "descendant of the old master" could no longer be concealed, which would add a bit of confusion to the situation.

On the other side, seeing that Yin Ci was not cooperating, Shi Jingzhi stopped urging him. He ignored the Lingjiao team that was charging straight ahead, freed up a claw, and slapped it in front of Yin Ci.

Yin Ci sighed inwardly and let Shi Jingzhi cover his eyes.

Then a soft buzzing sound was heard, and a golden light penetrated through Shi Jingzhi's fingers and entered Yin Ci's eyes. The Lingjiao believers' momentum suddenly stopped, revealing a sense of stagnation and powerlessness. Shi Jingzhi moved aside, and Yin Ci finally saw the scene in front of him clearly -

He actually made a "ground firework".

Fireworks flashed and disappeared, just like flowers withering and dying. But this one seemed to be frozen in midair. With the master and apprentice as the center, countless golden threads radiated outward, leaving beautiful arcs. The golden threads were condensed by the sun fire, like spider silk covered with morning dew. They were pulled very thin by Shi Jingzhi, and they were firmly supported in the mist, with a stream of light flashing from time to time.

If you rush forward rashly, you will be cut into several pieces by the Yang Fire Gold Thread.

This strange "flower" flickered in the morning light. In terms of attack power and magic strength, it was far inferior to the previous battle formation against the secret book, but it was obviously of the same origin as that battle formation, implying a drizzling murderous intent. Shi Jingzhi deeply cut the palm of the other hand, and blood slowly flowed down the flagpole. Before they touched the ground, they were burned as materials by the magic.

This technique did not require precise control, the fire was thin and sparse, and combined with the slowly flowing blood, everything was calculated just right.

The Lingjiao members who had just charged forward did not have time to stop, and many of them bumped into the golden threads. Lingjiao footwork was fast and fierce, and the crowd was cut into several pieces in an instant. The gaps in the golden threads were large enough for people to pass through, but considering the difficulty of the fight, only those with top physical skills could pass through freely.

For example, Yin Ci.

The first to rush out were the Lingjiao minions. Yin Ci had already drawn his sword, but no one managed to rush to him. Yin Ci stared at the fire thread that was so close, then slowly turned his head and looked at Shi Jingzhi who was a few steps away.

Thousands of golden threads are gathered in the flagpole, like golden acacia flowers bending under the silk threads.

"Forget about internal strength. When it comes to external strength and combat reaction, I am still not as good as the top masters. There are so many enemies right now. If I force myself to fight alongside you, I will only be a burden to you in the end. That is not 'precious', it is just willful."

Shi Jingzhi's smile deepened.

"If you think about it carefully, you have always been protecting me. Under the ghost tomb, in Yuanxian Village, and even more so before the secret book. But if you cherish something and never go there, it is not considered 'treasure', it is just a sacrifice."

The sword flashed, and Shi Jingzhi's empty hand also had a bloody hole. Several Yang Fire balls for protection ignited around Yin Ci again, and they fluttered around Yin Ci affectionately, like chirping sparrows. Compared to the time when they dealt with the secret book, they were much more flexible, and the air around them was soaked with incomparable warmth.

"A hundred years later, it's hard to change old habits. You have forgotten what it means to 'cherish each other'. As a teacher, I teach you. This time it's my turn to say this - Ah Ci, I will protect you."

Yin Ci's hand holding the sword moved, but he didn't answer. This kid is really greedy, he thought. He closed his eyes and covered his ears. Just rely on him. Shi Jingzhi used his own blood as material and spent a lot of effort to think of magic, just to save himself a little pain

He no longer cared about the pain, because they wouldn't even leave any wounds anyway.

It would be a waste to let a scarred person lie on soft silk. But looking at the golden silk that blocked hundreds of people in front of him, Yin Ci couldn't easily change the subject.

Shi Jingzhi looked at him very seriously. Yin Ci could see the attachment and dependence in his eyes. But there was a little strange emotion mixed in, and Yin Ci didn't know how to describe it - Shi Jingzhi didn't seem to be looking at a powerful partner, a profitable target, or a rare treasure in the world.

Shi Jingzhi just looked at him expectantly, like a mortal looking at another.

Yin Ci suddenly felt a pool of warm and soft swamp under his feet, which made him sink deeply into the mud, but he was reluctant to leave. The slight stinging pain spread throughout his body, like an old scab falling off, revealing new tender flesh.

This feeling was quite strange, as if, in his life, apart from "immortality", "experience in cultivation techniques" and countless other goals, what else could he have left

I am still a human being, Yin Ci thought in a daze.

After all these years, he had long forgotten it.

Outside the golden threads, the elders of the Ling Sect saw their followers being defeated and rushed in personally. There were also many brave small sects who squeezed into the golden threads. As a result, Tai Heng had to move forward to prevent the group of confused lone rangers from being used as meat shields. The encirclement was tightening, but they had to spend time and energy to avoid the golden and fire threads. In Yin Ci's view, they were just living targets that could be captured.

It is more difficult to keep some invaders alive than to kill all of them.

Anyway, the Ling Cult was at the forefront, and Yin Ci originally wanted to use the Bone Sweeping Sword to sweep out a few bloody skeletons and pile them around to scare the monkeys. But as soon as the extremely familiar sword technique was used, Yin Ci felt a little boring.

The stinging pain was still there, and the golden fireballs surrounding him were extremely warm, just like the body temperature of the caster. Shi Jingzhi was still waiting for his response, but Yin Ci didn't want to answer, he just wanted to enjoy that look for a while longer.

In this state of mind, he couldn't force out much violence. Yin Ci didn't force the sword out again, but changed to a more smooth posture and casually made a few sword flowers.

Gold and fire are slender, and the sword is thick.

Those swords didn't cut anyone's skin. They were like transparent giants, slowly but firmly pushing away those who approached. Yin Ci's body skills were very strong. He passed through the golden thread like a phantom. The wind of the sword caressed the golden thread, and it moved slightly. In this situation, the killing power of magic became increasingly indifferent, almost disappearing.

If you don't evacuate after being pushed away, you will be caught in the sword wind and hit the nearest golden and fiery filaments. At the very least, you will lose your arms and legs, and at worst, your head will be torn and your neck will be broken. The corpses of the Ling Sect elders were piled up in a scattered pile at the outermost part of the golden thread. The small sects immediately stopped fighting and were forced to slowly retreat by the unfamiliar sword moves.

Yin Ci raised his lips unconsciously. He hadn't been so focused for a long time. After a hundred years of accumulation, his aura was already strong. Coupled with the calm and slow sword movement at the moment, it actually exuded another kind of strange majesty.

The sword returned, and the sword path was free. Compared with the bone-sweeping sword that left no one alive, he didn't even need to select which faction the enemy belonged to. The new sword style had fully conveyed his meaning - one step forward was as oppressive as a mountain about to collapse, but just one step back would reveal a broad way out.

I will stop here and hope you can continue on your own.

The trajectory of the Shadow Sword became more and more beautiful and smooth, setting up a defense comparable to an iron wall. Yin Ci moved freely in the golden net without even breaking the oily skin. Even if someone wanted to use hidden weapons to take advantage, they were caught one by one by the golden fireballs around him.

At this point, he probably didn't need to give Shi Jingzhi an answer.

A sword technique that had never been seen before appeared, and everyone was unpredictable about Yin Ci's moves, so they were more cautious in their actions. Shi Jingzhi stared at Yin Ci's back, and for the first time he smiled so warmly.

This was the first time that Shi Jingzhi did not smell death in Yin Ci's sword style.

… After this fight, this sword style will have to have a name. The morning mist in front of me began to dissipate, and the broken light splashed everywhere. Yang fire surrounded Yin Ci's body, and golden flowers grew in the pool of blood, but the atmosphere of the sword style was peaceful and serene, not gloomy.

The flesh and blood were withered and the bones were swept away before. But now the withered bones are blooming, which is very beautiful.

Near Zhulou. Yan Qing and Yan Zheng were covered in wounds and in a very bad state. The battle had lasted for nearly three hours, and the clothes of both of them were soaked in blood and stuck to their bodies.

Yan Zheng's hair was loose, and he was much paler than Yan Qing. At first glance, he looked like a human coffin under a ghost tomb. Yan Qing, panting, held the sword horizontally, protecting Yan Zheng behind the sword. He used the defensive style of the Jade Bell Sword Technique, and used the move "Today is yesterday's wrong" countless times. The enemy did not move, and I did not move either, so I barely managed to survive.

This battle started with the youth's will, but unfortunately the gap in strength is the gap in strength, and it cannot be made up by bravery alone.

Chai Xingui was an elder of the previous generation. Although his ability to govern the sect was limited, his martial arts skills were solid. His pair of daggers were called "dragonfly feathers", which were almost transparent and extremely sharp. A single touch would leave a deep bloody wound.

Chai Xin was vicious and had specially smeared an anesthetic on the dagger. Even if the opponent was injured, he might not be able to judge the injury immediately. By the time he regained consciousness, he had already lost too much blood and it was too late.

Chai Xin's most famous battle record was skinning alive a family that had offended the Ling Cult. The family was said to be related to Tai Heng, and more than a dozen people in the family were sliced into thin slices, and their bodies were placed on banquet plates and neatly stacked at the door.

At the moment, he was enjoying taking care of Yan Qing and Yan Zheng, just like a cat playing with a mouse, and he didn't even let the corpse-raising team show up.

"Have you two had enough fun?" Chai Xin twirled the dagger between his legs, dropping a few drops of blood. "I caused the wound myself, and I will have to send someone to heal it later. If you two come back with me sooner, you can suffer less."

After the fight, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the two descendants of the Yan family together were no match for him. It was just that Yan Qing's strange swordsmanship was particularly difficult to deal with, and Chai Xin was too lazy to dawdle here, so he simply put away his blade for the time being.

"Your swordsmanship is interesting, but your state of mind is a little off. Just your courage is not up to par. You should stop being so stubborn when it comes to such crude skills."

Yan Qing wiped the blood off his face without concealing the hostility on his face, and the giant sword did not move at all.

Chai Xin laughed for a while, and his pair of cloudy old eyes pierced Yan Qing as if he wanted to pierce him through.

"Your swordsmanship is like this, no one is willing to teach you, right? You don't look satisfied with the situation. Wait for you to become my disciple. In a few years, I will make sure you are among the top ten in the martial arts world. You are wasting your talent by following that messed up Kushan Sect."

"When I picked up Yan Zheng, he was already a teenager. I taught him for less than ten years, and his Kung Fu..."

"Brother, don't listen to his nonsense." Yan Zheng interrupted coldly, "You definitely can't afford the price of the Ling Cult."

Chai Xin looked as if he had heard a very funny joke. The wrinkles on his old face trembled with laughter. "Hey, hey, hey, my disciple. Anyone can say this, but you shouldn't say it. According to the standards of those righteous people, we are nothing but dog biting dog. We have wasted their kindness."

"Yan Qing, right? Do you know why I killed their entire family back then?"