Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 100: Soldiers' grave



Just as Wang Qizhen finished speaking, a pillar of white flame shot out from the air and hit the rock wall directly, causing a loud bang in the center of the rock wall. The cracks on the rock wall also emitted white light in the white fire, spreading all over the surface of the rock wall, as if it was about to crack.

Then, it really broke apart.

The impact force of the white flame was not low. After spreading, it directly caused the rock to crack and splashed debris in all directions.

Several of the stones hit the city wall directly, and fell down with a dull sound. It can be seen that the cuts of these stones are very unnatural, and they do not look like normal landslides. And upon closer inspection, the colors of the stones do not belong to the same main body at all.

"It's really pieced together," Zhang Feixuan murmured.

Suddenly, a faint blue light shone behind him and shone forward, dyeing the area illuminated by the white flames with a layer of faint blue.

The two looked back and saw a very high staircase behind the broken rock wall. A faint blue light was emitting from the staircase, spreading outwards.

At the same time, the dark wind was obviously rolling outward more vigorously because the rock wall was opened. In front of the city gate, more skeleton soldiers appeared along with the dark wind and occupied the places not burned by the white flames. More dark wind swirled in the air, almost forming dark clouds.


Song Yin burned a group of skeleton soldiers to death with another punch. His figure flashed, white mist spread out, and he jumped into the air, landing directly behind the city gate and arriving next to the two of them.

"Senior brother? Don't want to fight anymore?" Wang Qi asked blankly.

Zhang Feixuan glared at him, then smiled at Song Yin and said, "Brother, there are too many skeleton soldiers. It's good to take a break. It seems that the skeleton soldiers behind the city gate cannot come in. Just let them blow."

I think my senior brother has also realized that it is futile to fight, so he must have decided to avoid it.

This is normal. We should speak nicely at this time. Unlike Wang Qizhen, who is uneducated and feels hurt when he hears something he says.

Song Yin didn't react at all. He let the skeleton soldiers blocking the city gate from behind shoot arrows and bullets. The arrows broke apart and the bullets bounced around, flying away from his body and rubbing against the base of the city wall, creating sparks.

This made Zhang Feixuan subconsciously take two steps back.

He didn't want to be hit by stray bullets again.

Song Yin looked up at the steps and said, "The real evil demon is here."

As he spoke, he walked up the stairs. When he walked up the stairs, the skeleton soldiers who were about to attack put down their weapons and just stared at him.

Seeing this, Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen also hurried up the stairs, fearing that these skeleton soldiers would change their minds.

The stairs were not long and the three men moved very quickly. In a short while, they reached the top. In front of the stairs was a large square. The floor was no different from the one below, and there were also some dilapidated buildings. The difference was that here, there was a weapon almost every few steps.

The weapons were also broken. There were long weapons, short weapons, bows and arrows, and muskets. All of them were standing upright, as if they were roots growing out of the ground.

Around the weapons, there were things that looked like pieces of armor scattered around.

Shoulder armor, skirt armor, leg armor, helmets, and even breastplates are scattered around these weapons.

"Soldiers' tomb?" Zhang Feixuan asked in surprise.

Except for the lack of a tombstone, it's very similar to a tomb.

After Song Yin took a round inspection, he set his sights on a soldier's tomb in the deepest part. This soldier's tomb was different from the other scattered soldier's tombs. A huge spear was rooted in the center. Next to the spear, there was an equally huge human-shaped armor. At this time, it was half-kneeling, holding the spear in one hand and the other hand in his arms. It was unknown what he was protecting.

The armor is very complete, as if the person has maintained this posture after his death until his body disappears, but the armor remains.

Next to the armor, there is a complete makai preserved. The makai is also in an upright posture, but it is empty inside. However, it is inexplicably upright, as if accompanying the owner of the armor to death together.

The huge blue light came from this armor, illuminating the earth.

The cold wind is not emitted by it, but when illuminated by its blue light, it can produce cold wind.

"Is that you?"

Song Yin stared at the armor and said in a serious tone, "He is the one who brings disaster to this world."

White flames emanated from his body, almost rising into the sky. The blazing white flames, as bright as the sun, quickly split the dark blue light and competed with the other radiant light.


Song Yin raised his fist, and the white flame was like a pillar, directly hitting the armor.


Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizheng reached out their hands at the same time, but it was too late. They saw the white flames hitting the armor and engulfing it.

Zhang Feixuan withdrew his hand reluctantly, a hint of regret flashing in his eyes.

This is obviously a treasure.

The armor and weapons were not damaged at all. Instead, they looked very new. They must be good things to have been preserved for such a long time.

Although it is a bit big, if I can get this, I can refine it again by depriving it of the materials.

But under the fire of senior brother, there was nothing left.

What a treasure. Just gone like that.

"Senior Brother." He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but he saw Song Yin's body tense, his fists clenched, his eyes pointed straight ahead.

This scene made Zhang Feixuan stunned at first, and then he realized something and subconsciously looked in the direction he was looking.


At the edge of the white flames, a huge figure flashed down, as if it had avoided the bombardment of the white flames, and fell to the ground from mid-air, trembling.

Still wearing the huge armor, holding a spear, maintaining a half-kneeling posture, he fell to the ground with Ma Kai.

From the moment this thing fell to the ground, the dark blue light around it became even more intense, causing the nearby soldiers' tombs to glow as well.


The scattered pieces of armor on the soldiers' tombs suddenly floated up, as if connected by something, forming a half-broken set of armor. Regardless of whether they had arm armor or not, they all seemed to be in a unified posture of holding weapons.


A cold wind began to howl, and it swirled out from the soldiers' tombs, carrying armor and weapons, and moved towards the huge armor together, as if they were melting together, constantly combining and deforming.

Seeing this scene, the two of them stepped back subconsciously.

This thing doesn't seem to be just armor!

As it melted, the huge armor seemed to be filled with flesh, but it was also very illusory, becoming a dreamlike bubble that appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Arms and legs also grew out of this illusion, but it seemed like there were more than just one pair of hands and legs, it was extremely unreal.

And on the helmet, countless phantoms that looked like heads grew out, as if trying to break free from the armor, constantly pulling and roaring.


The upside-down spear was pulled out by the armor, but soon a phantom appeared on the spear, causing the weapon to constantly deform and eventually merge into the armor.

Ma Kai who was standing nearby was also absorbed and gradually merged with the armor. Human figures kept flashing in it, including Ma Kai under him, who was also constantly moving.

It looks like a cavalry general, and also like a group of cavalry.


The wind was howling, and the shadow of the human head above the armor kept stretching forward, as if it was roaring, or announcing, or like the shouting of a cavalryman before a charge.

The weapon in its hand, which changed without reason, pointed directly at Song Yin, as if it was saying to Song Yin:


I wanted to update five chapters today, but it seems that I don't have enough time. I'll keep up the good work. I'm sorry that I wasn't in good shape in the past two days. I'm back to normal now, and I promise to update frequently.

I shamelessly ask for monthly tickets and rewards.