Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 104: What senior brother? What righteous path?


"It's a pity that your obsession is too deep, otherwise I would have a good chat with you."

Song Yin looked at the armor and weapons on the ground, waved his sleeves, and put everything, including the paper man, into his sleeves.

This thing was about to die after being refined by the white fire, but it was precisely because it was about to die that Song Yin allowed it to regain consciousness and open its eyes to take a good look.

When it transformed into a human form, it had no resentment, but was full of heroic spirit, and it was obviously not like a demon.

Song Yin needs to take a closer look at this obsession, instead of resolving it without knowing the reason.

It is easy to kill, but it is difficult to understand the truth.

These heroes also act in accordance with the right path, so perhaps they can communicate.

Unfortunately, his obsession was too strong, and when he refined it to this step, he could no longer hold on.

Zhang Feixuan felt the terrifying pressure disappear, and couldn't help asking, "Brother, is this...dead?"

Senior brother

Hearing this, Gao Sishu's eyes widened as he looked at this obviously terrifying figure, then looked at Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen.

Did Zhao Yuanhua have plastic surgery

He doesn't look like this

These two

Changed the venue?!

Song Yin said, "It has dissipated. The thousand-year obsession, as well as the evil ways and demons that besieged him, hum! If I meet them, I will definitely settle the score!"

As he said this, he looked at Gao Sishu, cupped his hands, and said, "I haven't thanked you for telling me the origin of Zhenshan Pass. I am Song Yin."

Gao Sishu was stunned for a moment, then immediately responded: "My name is Gao Sishu, and I am from the same sect as your two junior brothers. I don't know which sect you are from. If you accepted them, can you also accept me?"

This man's magic was too powerful. Just by looking at the terrifying evil demon, its body would become stiff and its breathing would stop. In the end, it was easily killed by this man.

It must be from a famous and righteous family!

They hadn't seen each other for a long time, and he actually married into such a famous family. With such a good thing, Gao Sishu naturally wanted to marry into the family as well.

If they can get in, then naturally I, who are from the same school as them, can get in too.

A noble and upright family!

By joining this place, he no longer has to hide from place to place, and he can also raise mortals and absorb them.

I don't know which sect this is.

"My sect is the Xumi Meridian Golden Immortal Sect, and I am the eldest disciple under the seat of Jin Guang. As for the matter of accepting disciples, I cannot make the decision since you have your own cultivation. You can return to the mountain and ask the master for advice."

As he spoke, he frowned again and looked at Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizheng: "Were you two from other sects before? Aren't you both mortals? How come you are from the same sect as this person?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding"

Zhang Feixuan bowed and smiled: "Brother, this is the fourth junior brother who is living outside, and he is also a disciple accepted by the master."

As he said this, he glared at Gao Sishu and said, "Brother, don't talk nonsense. Before we entered the Golden Immortal Sect, we were genuine mortals."

Hearing this, Gao Sishu was obviously stunned, and it took him a long while to utter a sound: "Ah?"

Sumeru Meridian

Golden Immortal Gate

He is familiar, very familiar!

So familiar that I don’t want to go back!

"Senior Brother? Wait, how can you be a senior brother? Then Zhao..."

"Sacrificed in Zhao State! It turned out that the eldest brother died in Zhao State while fighting against the demons, right, third brother!"

Zhang Feixuan suddenly ran up to Gao Sishu, grabbed his arm, stopped him from talking, and then blinked at Wang Qizhen desperately.

"Oh yes, it is!"

Wang Qizhen nodded blankly at first, then immediately reacted and said, "Brother, I was born in Zhao State, and my original brother died because he was protecting me."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and squeezed out two drops of liquid, not sure whether it was sweat or water, from the corners of his eyes and wiped it away.

Song Yin sighed, "Don't be sad, Third Junior Brother. Sooner or later, we will go to Zhao State and destroy the evil demon that killed our former Senior Brother, to offer sacrifice to his spirit in heaven!"

Don’t offer sacrifices!

The evil demon is you!

You beat him to death a long time ago!

Wang Qi pursed his lips and said, "Brother, you are right."

Song Yin nodded, turned to look at Gao Sishu, and smiled, "So it's you, Fourth Junior Brother. Junior Brother, you don't know that I inherited Master's legacy and was chosen by Master to be the Senior Brother of our sect. Although I came from behind, I am not a person who seeks fame and fortune. I was recommended by my junior brothers. Please don't misunderstand me."


Gao Sishu was still in a daze, unable to react immediately after hearing Song Yin's words.

When did Zhao Yuanhua go to Zhao State? He even hid in the small country of Nanping State, so how could he run to the big Zhao

Still saving Wang Lao Tu? Didn't this cook come here himself

He knew very well what the Golden Immortal Sect was doing. Even if that old man Jin Guang accepted a disciple, how could he be so powerful

No matter how many human pills I eat, it won’t help. The golden light in my memory didn’t seem to be this strong.

"Junior brother?"

Seeing that he had no reaction, Song Yin frowned: "Could it be that Junior Brother doesn't recognize me?"


Zhang Feixuan held Gao Sishu's head and made him lower his head. He smiled and said, "Brother, please understand. Fourth Junior Brother hasn't been back to the mountain for a long time. He must be very happy to see us brothers all of a sudden."

Song Yin's eyes suddenly showed admiration: "You are out there saving people and not coming back to the mountain for a long time. I admire your heart very much. I will have more exchanges with you in the future."

"But, are there any other junior brothers in the outside world? Master never told me about it."

The master never told me about this. Actually, it was not until the second and third junior brothers returned to the mountain that he realized that the Golden Immortal Sect did not only have disciples at the first or second level of Qi Refining, but also some good ones.

"There is another one. She is the fifth apprentice sister."

Zhang Feixuan said, "Except for the former senior brother who died, we are the only ones who have been admitted to the master's house. However, the fifth junior sister is also like us, saving people and spreading my righteous thoughts. I haven't heard from her for a long time, and I don't know where she is."

It would be best if that crazy girl died to save us from trouble.

"So that's how it is." Song Yin nodded thoughtfully.

"No, what!"

Gao Sishu shook off Zhang Feixuan's hand, took a few steps back, and widened his eyes, unable to maintain that indifferent look any longer.

"What are you talking about!"

He didn't understand what these people were talking about. What was this about saving the world, eliminating evil and upholding justice

Still the same as them

When did they do these things

He did use this rhetoric when trying to trick people into giving him the elixir, but how did he use it against himself

What about other people's Dan? !

If you don't want to die, shut up!

But soon, Gao Sishu saw a line of large characters suddenly appear in his eyes and filled his entire field of vision.

Zhang Feixuan put his hands behind his back, secretly cast a spell to confuse the mind, and then laughed:

"Brother, Fourth Junior Brother specializes in refining pills and detoxifying. He is as good as Master in this aspect. He must have the herbs we need. Maybe we don't need to collect them everywhere."

"Oh? There are medicinal herbs? Fourth Junior Brother, may I know what medicinal herbs you have collected?" Song Yin asked, his eyes lighting up.

If there are enough medicinal herbs, there is no need to look for them here anymore and you can go back to the mountain directly.

Gao Sishu frowned, took a few steps back, and his body tensed.

He didn't know why Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen got together again, but he was determined not to go back to the mountain. These people had nothing to do with him.

But now

This man is terrifying, and Zhang Feixuan is threatening him. It is obvious that he is surrounded and has no way to escape for the time being.

"Yes, in that room."

Gao Sishu pointed to the house and said, "You can go get it yourself."

Keep them stable first, then find a chance to escape.