Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 121: Protect the lake water of the 'land'


Wang Qi was touching his chest in astonishment.

Time freezes, which sounds like eternal youth. However, if wounds on the body can heal themselves, then it is more than just the concept of eternal youth.

Zhang Feixuan looked at the friction marks on Wang Qizhen's face. Those were small scratches caused by friction with the ground when he was accidentally landed on the ground when he was swept away by his senior brother Huang Feng.

With the third brother's physical condition, the scratches on his face should have healed long ago. Before he drank the water, they were still healing. But after drinking the water, the scratches on his face were obviously still there, with no signs of further healing.

"Has the time I've been waiting for stopped?" Zhang Feixuan murmured to himself.

"That's right."

Song Yin said: "Your time was frozen at the moment you drank the water. Your state at that moment will be preserved forever."

He paused and continued, "But the strange thing is that our bodies can still feel, whether it's pain or hunger, they all exist. Even though time has stopped, we still have to rely on the water here to survive."

"Senior Brother, you drank too?" Wang Qizhen couldn't help but ask.

Song Yin nodded and said, "I drank it the moment I entered the water. After entering the water, the water seemed to merge with me. But who am I? I am invulnerable to all evils. The water in the lake cannot harm me."

Yes, the senior brother has personally confirmed that the water in the lake can really melt people.

Fortunately, it was stopped at that time.


"Can time freeze here? Then won't I be immortal?" Zhang Feixuan thought of something and his eyes widened with a little excitement.

When Wang Qizhen and Gao Sishu heard this, their eyes shrank.

If time stopped at this moment, he wouldn't have to die.

This is not just the simple immortality of the body, but the freezing of time. Then this dangerous world will be safe for them.

Even if the price is to stay here forever and be unable to leave, it is not unacceptable.

"We are cultivators, and we are not content to stay in one place. This idea is unacceptable."

Song Yin looked at them strangely, and then said: "Time has frozen, which means that you can't grow. No matter how you refine your Qi, you can't make any progress. If you only rely on water to survive, you can't get away from this world. You are like a bird in a cage, you no longer have freedom. And..."

Song Yin looked forward: "After a long time, there will obviously be problems. The water in the lake is not that simple."

Following his gaze, several people looked forward and saw the child who had spoken to them before walking out of the village and heading towards the lake.

The child was not as lively and agile as before. He walked unsteadily and his eyes were obviously dull.

Behind him, all the people in the village gathered together and looked at the child from afar.

It seems to be sent far away.

Song Yin's eyes lit up, and he said, "That water is not without a price."

He flashed in front of the child and grabbed his hand.

The child's hand was grabbed, but he seemed unaware of it and continued to walk two steps towards the lake. He stopped only when his hand was completely grabbed. However, he still did not look at Song Yin, but just stared at the lake.

Song Yin looked at the group of people and said, "It's time for him, right?"

An old man from the village came forward. He was leaning on a broken crutch and had a broken leg wrapped in white cloth, but blood was constantly oozing out of the cloth.

"I am the head of this village. Who are you?"

"I am Song Yin from the Golden Immortal Sect. I am here to look for medicinal herbs and to find my fellow junior sister. I also want to clear this harmful lake while I am here."

Song Yin looked straight at them and said, "I'm sorry, old man, my sister is a Qi Refiner, so I can save her from death, but I can't guarantee your survival."

What's the meaning

The three people at the back looked suspicious.

"Doctor Lingdang, is she your junior sister? Although the villagers think she is crazy, I know she is a good person. It is a good thing to save her. After all, this matter has nothing to do with her."

The village chief lowered his head and smiled bitterly, looking at the child that Song Yin was holding: "This child's parents were also summoned half a year ago and went to the lake. I thought we should be ahead of him, but he was ahead of me."

In the crowd, several women covered their faces and cried, and others could not hide their sadness.

Song Yin just looked at them without saying a word.

The village chief sighed: "It is our fault that caused the current situation, and we should pay the price."

"A few years ago, a merchant came here and brought seeds that were said to be able to produce four crops a year. The villagers planted them and had a good harvest in those years. But three years ago, everything suddenly changed. The land became what it is now overnight. Nothing can be planted, and not even a drop of rain falls."

"We wanted to leave, but no matter how we walked, we would always end up back. We couldn't get out of this place. Not only that."

The village chief pointed at his leg and said, "My leg was bitten off by a wild beast three years ago. But since that night, until now, my leg has not healed. It is just like three years ago. It keeps bleeding and I suffer pain every day. Sometimes I don't want to live anymore, but I just can't die. Whether I hang myself, commit suicide, or even have someone chop off my head, I am still alive."

"Later, I didn't want to die anymore. There are still so many people in the village. As the village chief, I can't just leave them alone."

"It's dry here, so we won't starve to death, but we still feel hungry. Later we found that as long as we drink the lake water, we can be full, so we just drink water when we are hungry. I thought this was not bad, since we can survive anyway."

"But the water can't be used for anything except drinking. It can't soak into the earth, and it can't be used for daily washing. My daughter couldn't stand it one time, so she ran into the lake and never came out again."

"We later stayed away from the lake. Except for daily needs, we tried not to get close to the lake. But it was no use. I don't know when, as long as the time came, some people would automatically go to the lake, enter the lake, and disappear into it."

As the village chief spoke, a look of grief appeared on his face. He looked towards the lake and sighed, "Lake God, what are you going to do? Is this a punishment for us?"


Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen's faces looked a little strange.

They seemed to have heard somewhere about seeds that could produce four harvests a year.

"Senior Brother." Zhang Feixuan looked at Song Yin.

Song Yin waved his hand to stop Zhang Feixuan from speaking, and said to the village chief: "So that's how it is, I understand"

"That seed is an evil seed that steals the vitality of the earth. Normally, your land would become barren, and you would either starve to death or leave your homeland. But there is something different."

Song Yin asked, "This lake has existed for a long time, right?"

"As far back as I can remember, my grandfather said that this lake has been here for a thousand years. It is the lake where we live. Every year, we hold a lake festival. In the past, there were water monsters called Yaksha in the lake, but they did not harm anyone, and we did not provoke them. We all lived in peace."

As he spoke, he smiled bitterly again: "I also think it's a problem with the seeds. After all, before the seeds were planted, nothing happened around here. But as soon as the seeds were planted, something went wrong."


Song Yin looked at the lake and said slowly: "Sure enough, I was not mistaken. This lake is already full of life. For thousands of years, you have relied on the lake for your lives, and the lake has also become the spirit of the land because of you. But when those seeds are planted, they will snatch the vitality of the lake."

"It's not punishing you, it's just protecting you and this land."