Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 25: Did you secretly kill the master?


"Qingbao, Qingbao..."

Song Yin chewed on this word and walked out of the hall, then looked towards a corner of the square and said, "Junior brother, you haven't slept either?"


Zhang Feixuan walked out of the darkness, his eyes showing a hint of embarrassment, but he quickly adjusted himself, cupped his hands and smiled awkwardly: "I also want to see the master, that's why I didn't sleep."

"We are all eager to learn from the Master." Song Yin's eyes flickered: "I just met him and told him about the Resentful Poison Pill."

"Ah, is he still alive?" Zhang Feixuan asked subconsciously.

"What are you talking about..."

Song Yin frowned and looked at Zhang Feixuan deeply. "Master is kind and has a good temper, but that doesn't mean you can arrange things at will. Junior brother, I don't know how you and Master got along in the past, but I hope that you can maintain due respect for Master in the future."

"Yes, senior brother." Zhang Feixuan hurriedly bowed.

Song Yin nodded and said, "Master suddenly had an inspiration and asked me to come out. I guess he has made some breakthrough in his research on that evil way and he is very anxious."

He shook his head, a smile on his face again: "Master is like this, he is very concerned about the things related to the Great Dao, so he doesn't care about the affairs of the sect. But I will do my best to serve you. In the future, you will have to work harder in this sect."

"It should be, it should be..."

Zhang Feixuan agreed with a strange expression on his face.

"Junior brother, what should this Qingbao Tianzun look like?"

Song Yin turned his head and looked at the statue in the hall that was missing from the chest up, his eyes filled with inquiry: "We believe in Hunyuan, but Master said that this statue is a Qingbao. It's just as I thought. This place was found by Master and he settled down here to establish the sect."

"Brother, you have a keen eye. Indeed, this place is a site that Master found."

When he was practicing with Jin Guang, they didn't have a sect yet. There were only Zhao Yuanhua and him. Later, as more people came, they settled in the Xumi Meridian.

"As for this Qingbao Tianzun..."

Zhang Feixuan looked at the statue, and was a little unsure for a moment.

Qingbao Tianzun, who was famous for his magical powers and endless ways, had no fixed appearance at all. The things worshipped by those who believed in Qingbao that he had seen were not the same.

"Brother, Qingbao Tianzun is also known as the Lord of All Things. He has infinite variations. His most common image is either a bird, a cloud, or simply represents the sky. I really don't know what he looks like."


Song Yin thought about it, then nodded thoughtfully: "I see, it's late, go and rest."

"yes... "

Zhang Feixuan took his leave obediently.

What will happen if I don't say goodbye? That old man Jin Guang seems to have stopped talking. No matter whether he is really in seclusion or pretending, I will definitely not see him today.

I'll find another chance later...

Then, he couldn't find any chance.

After several days, the mortals had built their houses at the foot of the mountain, but there was still no movement in the alchemy room. Zhang Feixuan waited for several nights, but did not see any golden light coming out of the alchemy room.

He was brave enough to knock on the wall of the alchemy room, but there was no sound. It was useless to break it open violently because he couldn't break it...

The restrictions imposed by the master were too severe, and his Taoism was shallow, so he had no way to deal with these restrictions.

As for my brother...

"There's nothing to worry about Master's seclusion. For those who practice Taoism, seclusion is normal. Master himself is at the ninth level of Qi Refining. Maybe he will be at the foundation-building stage after he comes out of seclusion. By then, our Golden Immortal Sect will be able to reach a higher level!"

It is not possible to be in seclusion for such a long time in the Qi Refining Realm, Brother!

Did you secretly kill Jin Guang and are now pretending to be stupid

But he didn't dare to ask, and he really didn't have time.

After meditating during the day, he would go down the mountain to teach those mortals, and then collect resources with the mortals. At night, he would be tortured by Song Yin. Over the past few days, his tolerance for the aura of the Tao has increased a lot.

Probably, during the day, it increased from half a cup of tea to almost a cup of tea, and at night, it increased from sixty breaths to one hundred and twenty breaths.

In the words of my senior brother, he increased his time from five minutes during the day to seven minutes, and from one minute to two minutes at night. Although I don't know which place uses minutes as a unit of time, the time has indeed become longer.

The time he needed to recover was getting longer, and he saw his grandmother for a longer time. Today, his grandmother chatted with him...

How could he have time to pay attention to the golden light? He himself was not able to pay attention to it.

If he had not been thinking about his master's human pill method, and had not gained a lot from Song Yin's teachings, he would have run away long ago even if he had taken the top-grade pills blessed by the Hunyuan True Spirit every day.

In the mountains and forests, a figure kept jumping on the tree trunks, like a ghost, and at an extremely fast speed.

He jumped forward quickly from the tree trunk and landed on the ground, pressing the surrounding grass outwards.

The man had monkey-like hair all over his body, and his arms were very long, hanging down to his calves. His palms were extremely thick, but he was not an ape, because he had a pair of hooves suitable for running under his feet.

The man's body shape changed immediately after he landed on the ground, making crackling sounds. The fur on his body shrank and turned into human skin, his arms shrank inward to a normal length, and the hooves under his feet changed into a pair of human feet.

The man was more than two meters tall, and was extremely strong, with muscular body, a face full of fat, and no eyebrows, making him look ferocious.

He bent down, took out his boots from his waist and put them on, then stood up, looked at the flat ground around him, and made a rough sound:

"Fuck it! I remember there were trees here, how come it's flat!"

But before he could take a closer look, he was suddenly stunned, because not far ahead, a young man carrying a wicker basket on his back was squatting on the ground, holding a strange root in his hand, staring at him.


"Monster, monster, monster!"

The young man stood up suddenly and ran back in fear, "There is a monster! The monster is coming!"

But he had only run a few steps when he felt the back of his collar lighten and his whole body was lifted up.

In the back, the strong man held the young man and cursed: "How dare you think I'm in your eyes! Have you ever seen a monster as kind as me? If I were a monster, you would have been dead long ago! Kid, why are you here in Xumi Meridian..."

As he spoke, his eyes rolled and he suddenly smiled: "Are you here to escape? How many people are there at home? I am the third disciple of the Golden Immortal Sect. I see that you have the talent to practice Taoism. Do you want to come with me to practice Taoism in the mountains?"

The young man was being lifted up and was struggling in fear. He was suddenly startled when he heard the words and looked at the fierce and fierce man. "Golden Immortal Sect?"

"Yes, the Golden Immortal Gate!"

The sturdy man put the boy down and said, "It's the sect in Pingdingshan not far from here that the evil... evil ways dare not invade. It's the righteous way. The name... what's it called? Damn it, it's so hard to remember!"

His brows were raised, he started cursing, and looked even more ferocious.

But the young man was no longer afraid. He looked at the strong man curiously and said, "Are you trying to talk about the right path of a famous family?"

"Yes, yes, yes! A noble and upright family!" The sturdy man nodded quickly.

The young man shook his head and said, "You are wrong. Master Song said that we are of the right path, but we are not a famous family yet. Besides, I don't have the qualifications to seek the truth. I am just a mortal."


Of course you don’t have the qualifications to seek the truth. I lied to you. Otherwise, why would you follow me up the mountain!

The sturdy man complained in his heart, and suddenly he was stunned again, "Do you know the Golden Immortal Sect?"

The young man laughed and puffed out his chest: "Of course, we are at the foot of Pingding Mountain. Those who are protected by the Golden Immortal Sect are originally members of the Golden Immortal Sect!"