Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 3: Conceal the Qi in the body, and the true body will not leak out


The dilapidated building, the strange statues, the medicine racks filled with organs and skulls, the furnace that looked like a steamer, and the master's gloomy expression...

Song Yin looked deep in his eyes and said calmly, "Master, I wanted to say this just now. This place... doesn't look like the right way."

Jin Guang's impatient heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Oh no!

I forgot about the medicine shelf.

In the past, he would have cleaned up the things on the medicine shelf, but the scene of him beating Zhao Yuanhua to death just now was so shocking that he forgot about it.

"Yin'er, listen to my explanation!"

Jin Guang spoke in a panic, but he made a seal with his hands.

"No need to explain, Master, I know everything clearly." Song Yin said in a deep voice.

My heart bleeds as I failed at the last moment!

A ferocious look suddenly appeared in Jin Guang's eyes, and he was about to strike out with the seal.

"Master!" Song Yin took a step forward, his eyes seemed to be full of spirit. When he saw the golden light, his body trembled inexplicably and he couldn't even hold the seal.

"Give me..."

Jin Guang bit his tongue, forced himself to regain his concentration, raised his arm, and cast a seal...

"I know that Master is not particular about small matters, but there are still some things that need to be done. The building needs to be repaired, and the statues need to be refurbished. How can such a run-down place attract disciples? When the disciples see this scene, they will either think that this place is evil or that this place is not good. It still needs to be presentable."

"And those brothers are too weak. When they encounter an evil sect, they don't even have the courage to resist. They just stand there in a daze. Their lack of courage is a disgrace to the orthodox tradition."

"The things on this medicine shelf are also unsightly. I am not a pedantic person. I know that those corpses and human bones must have come from legitimate sources. After all, we are the Dan Sect, and it is normal to have some folk remedies. But others may not think so, and there will definitely be misunderstandings. It is better to put them away."

Song Yin uttered a series of words, then clasped his fists and said, "Master, I speak my mind and I have nothing to say. I hope you will forgive me."

"Oh, no sin, no sin."

Jin Guang just raised his hand, then took it back tremblingly and wiped the sweat from his face.

This ups and downs really affects your mood.

Affect his golden state of mind.

After adjusting his mentality, Jin Guang smiled again: "Disciple, what you said makes sense. I have listened to you. Then, let's make the elixir first... No, let me let you get started first."

"Yes, Master, what should I do?" Song Yin asked.

Jin Guang waved his sleeves, and the side hall door behind him closed automatically with a creaky sound. A gust of green wind blew out from his sleeves, blocking the door like a seal.

Then, he waved his sleeves again, and the pagoda above the cauldron flew open automatically. The inside of the pagoda was hollow, and the edge of the cauldron platform rose upwards, and in addition to looking like a steamer, it also looked like a big barrel.

"go... "

A large stream of water flew out from the golden sleeves and quickly filled the cauldron.

"Disciple, go inside." He tried to make his tone sound more calm and harmless.

"Yes, Master."

Song Yin stepped on the ground, creating a circle of dust, then jumped into the cauldron, splashing water.

"My disciple, don't be afraid. I didn't want to tell you before because I was afraid you would think too much. Entering the cauldron is... Hmm? You went in?"

Jin Guang continued speaking, but realized something was wrong halfway through and stared blankly at Song Yin who looked like he was taking a bath in there.

"What's wrong, Master?" Song Yin asked curiously.

"No, nothing..."

In the past, when the bewitching pill reached this stage, Jin Guang had to use some deception, almost to the point of turning it into a rhetoric, but the effect was not so ideal, after all, it was a living person entering the pill furnace... As a result, when it came to Song Yin, this most troublesome step was omitted.

"My disciple, our Jinxian Sect is a Dan Sect. The entrance is slightly different from other sects and requires some special methods. Don't panic too much.

Jin Guang spoke in a very calm tone as he walked to the medicine shelf and started taking out some materials.

"Mercury, saltpeter, alum, soap alum, and salt..."

"Dodder, Bupleurum, Licorice, Peony, Saposhnikovia, Stephania, Papaya, Poria, Dipsacus, Astragalus..."

"Flying lizard bones, tiger bones, deer antlers, Achyranthes bidentata, colored glaze..."

The materials were thrown into the water as if they were free, making the clear water immediately turbid. He also saw some things like chili peppers that choked his nose.


Just as Jin Guang was about to continue emitting light, he suddenly paused, glanced at Song Yin, gritted his teeth, and said, "Disciple, wait a moment!"

He walked to the medicine shelf and made a gesture with his fingers. Then he saw the wall at the medicine shelf ripple like water, and the wall disappeared, leaving a large broken hole.

Jin Guang walked into the cave, and after a while came out carrying a bag decorated with silver ornaments. Then he saw Song Yin looking at this side with sharp eyes.

"Master, is that an illusion?!" Song Yin pointed at the big hole excitedly.

"Ah, yes..." Jin Guang nodded.

"Then what other magic spells are there? The spell to walk through walls? The spell to turn beans into soldiers? The spell to ride on clouds? The spell to transform into three pure ones?" Song Yin's eyes were sparkling.

To cultivate immortality, one must have magic skills!

Song Yin has read mythological books!

"Ah, yes, yes... You will learn first, and then I will teach you slowly."

Jin Guang was a little absent-minded. He just dealt with it casually, his eyes fixed on the bag in his hands, a look of pain flashing across his face.

"Oh, forget it. My disciple, you are extremely talented, so you deserve to use these herbs!"

He took out a glowing object from the bag. The light was extremely dazzling after it came out of the bag, but it quickly faded.

It was a ginseng with thick and dense roots, and there was a human face faintly visible on the ginseng.

"Nine hundred year old ginseng will become a spirit in another hundred years. I originally thought I would use it after it becomes a spirit..."

Jin Guang looked at the ginseng reluctantly, and then threw it into the water.

"It's all for you, disciple!"

Jin Guang gritted his teeth, took out one glowing object after another from the bag, and threw them all into the water.

"300-year-old red fruit peel, 500-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, 800-year-old Ganoderma lucidum..."

The light was sometimes light and sometimes dark. As it was thrown in, the water became more turbid and even a fragrance emerged.

In my previous life, I felt that drinking a sip would make me feel better...

"Master, don't release it. I don't need so much." Song Yin looked at the golden light, which looked like it was cutting flesh, and showed reluctance.

"No, we have to release them all. This is the best way to achieve the best results!"

"Master..." Song Yin was moved.

Such precious medicinal materials were used right away. The master really treated him very well.

He will definitely not let down the Golden Immortal Sect!

Only when there was nothing left to take out of the bag did Jin Guang throw the bag away. He took a deep breath, and when he looked at the cauldron again, his face was full of desire.

"Disciple, let me tell you first, the entrance to our Golden Immortal Sect is different from other sects. It requires some special means to condense a person like a pill in this cauldron, forming an impeccable true body that points directly to the Golden Elixir Avenue. Only then can you store Qi in your body and practice Qi cultivation."

"Yes, Master!"

"Okay! Then I will teach you the formula. The technique that we practice in the Golden Immortal Sect is called the Golden Immortal Great Pill Formula. It is a righteous sect that directly leads to the Golden Pill Dao. When I condense it, you will keep the formula and hold on to Yuanyi. The Golden Immortal Great Pill Formula begins with the words - the human body has a great medicine that can lead to the Great Dao..."

A dense and complex mnemonic formula came out of Jin Guang's mouth, and he didn't seem to care whether Song Yin could remember it or not. Song Yin nodded as he listened, with a solemn expression on his face.

"... This means that the mysterious sky has changed, but the elixir remains the same. Okay, let's get started."

After finishing the last paragraph, Jin Guang didn't waste any more words. He put two fingers together and the hollow pagoda on the ground floated into the air, directly covering Song Yin.


With another finger, the cauldron spontaneously ignited into a raging fire.

Jin Guang made a seal with his hands, making the fire in the cauldron burn even more vigorously. Not long after, wisps of green smoke emerged from the cauldron.

After a while, Song Yin's voice rang out from the cauldron: "Master, it's hot and stuffy inside."

Jin Guang suppressed his excitement and said, "It will get even hotter later. If you want to refine your Qi, you have to pay a price. You have been preparing for two months. I have high hopes for you. You can't let your efforts go to waste!"

"Yes, Master, I won't say it again."

As expected, there was no sound from the cauldron, only the crackling sound of the flames burning in the cauldron and the more swirling green smoke.

As the fire in the cauldron burned more and more vigorously, Jin Guang's expression became more and more strange.

It's so quiet...

Jin Guang asked cautiously: "Disciple, are you still alive?"

"Yes, Master... I... am alive." An intermittent voice came from the cauldron.

Jin Guang's face relaxed, and he kept the seal, sitting cross-legged, and said with a smile: "It's really amazing, I have seen many people who couldn't hold on in the cauldron, and when they practiced to this point, they all cried for their parents, after all, the pain of a mortal body being refined by fire is unbearable, but you are the first one who didn't cry, it's really... a top-grade pill among top-grade pills!"

"Master... what... I can't hear clearly..."

The sound from the cauldron made Jin Guang smile even more: "Of course you can't hear clearly. The skin turned to skin, spontaneous combustion, and burning bones, from fast to slow. You should be in the stage of spontaneous combustion to burning bones now. The skin and flesh have been burned almost. The fact that you can hear and speak already surprises me."

Jin Guang's smile became increasingly presumptuous: "'The human body has the Great Dao, and can become a great medicine'. Your master did not lie to you. This is the true method. It's just that you are the elixir, and I am the Great Dao. Hahahaha, hahahaha!"

He was very excited and his heart was trembling.

For many years, ever since he acquired this technique, he has been deceiving mortals into taking elixirs to turn them into human pills that he can take. Now he can finally break away from Qi refining, complete the foundation building, and become a god-like figure on earth!

The seal in Jin Guang's hand changed its position, and the fire in the cauldron suddenly burst out and swirled around the cauldron.

"What a pity, what a pity..."

He suddenly sighed again: "If I leave you to practice until I build my foundation, I'm afraid the effect will be greater, but I can't wait any longer."

Once the foundation is laid, there is no need to talk about the state of mind of the human elixir.

Those top-quality medicinal materials were prepared for him after he established his foundation. Now, in order to ensure that the pill was effective enough, he threw them all in.

There are many talented people in the world. Not to mention the speed and time it took Song Yin to absorb the great medicine pill, just based on his performance when entering the cauldron, he is worthy of being a talented person. Thinking of this way, those medicinal materials are not considered to be in vain.

Jin Guang shook his head and closed his eyes to maintain the seal.

It was not until an hour later that Jin Guang opened his eyes and said to Dinglu, "Disciple, can you still speak?"

As he said this, he smiled.

My bones are starting to burn, how can I say anything

Sure enough, there was no more words coming from the cauldron, only the flames surrounding the cauldron were burning brightly.

After another hour, the flame in the cauldron turned from red to milky white, gradually shrinking inward from surrounding the cauldron, and the fire began to die down.


The cauldron began to vibrate, and the blue brick floor in the side hall shook suddenly, raising clouds of dust.

This is the trend of Dancheng...

Seeing this, Jin Guang smiled grimly, stood up and performed a ritual, gathering his seals: "It's almost done. Once the fire burns out, our top-grade pill will be ready. Hunyuan Tianzun, thank you for giving me this kid!"


The cauldron trembled even more violently, and at the same time, the white flame inside turned into a small flame, swaying like a candle in the wind.

The golden light formed a 'Yin' character seal and shouted, "Get up!"


Like the sound of a huge bell, the pagoda above the cauldron exploded directly. The surging air wave swept out a circle of smoke and dust around it. The fragments of the pagoda burst out and penetrated into the walls of the side hall, even cutting off Jin Guang's robe and hair, which made him open his eyes wide.

The furnace exploded?!

How could the furnace explode when the elixir was ready

But in the smoke and dust, a white light suddenly appeared, like a priceless treasure, which attracted Jin Guang's attention.

"What a big Dan light, good! Good!!" Jin Guang couldn't help but say.

This is Dan Guang for sure. Although it is a little bigger, it is still Dan Guang. His top-grade Dan is successful!

Jin Guangxi's teeth were almost bared. He took two steps forward, and before he could reach out his hand, he heard a sound coming from the white light.

"Thank you, Master."

When the voice sounded, Jin Guang seemed to be under a spell and froze on the spot.


How come there is still sound

When the flame turns into milky white, it means the fire is dying down after burning the bones. The person should be dead at this point, but it is transforming into the step of condensing the pill. When the fire is completely extinguished, the pill will be ready.

How can we talk when the people are gone?!

Before Jin Guang could think about it, he saw that the white light shrank and gradually formed a human shape.

That human figure had no skin, and its flesh was red as if it had been peeled off, with its tendons and veins clearly visible. But soon, a layer of jade-like skin gradually grew out of the flesh and instantly covered the human figure's body.

Who else could it be but Song Yin!

The white flame inside the cauldron was still shrinking, like nutrients. As it shrank a bit, Song Yin's skin recovered a bit. Then, fine hairs grew on the top of his head and brow bones, and they grew darker and darker...

"My elixir, my elixir! No, you have to make the elixir for me!!"

Jin Guang's body was shaking. He stomped his foot on the ground and three flames appeared on his head and shoulders. He pinched his hands and the fire turned into a green flame that rushed straight towards the person on the cauldron.

As the flame was emitted, Jin Guang's body became more withered and wrinkled, no longer looking like an immortal.

The Three Corpses Transformed into Divine Fire, his special ability was to condense the Yang Energy of people into flames that could even burn up the soul.

At this time, the white flame in the cauldron also burned out...


The thick white mist was like a flame, swirling around Song Yin's body. As soon as the three balls of fire came into contact with the white mist, they melted into the air like ice and snow meeting the sun.


A clear sound like a sword being unsheathed sounded beside Jin Guang's ears, and then he saw the eyes on the cauldron suddenly opened, and two bright rays of light as big as the sun flashed.

When Jin Guang was looked at by that gaze, he felt as if he had been hit hard. His vision went dark and he almost collapsed.

“The human body has great medicine, which can lead to great success!”

Song Yin raised his hands, clenched his fists, and smiled brightly: "Master, I have achieved the Immortal Body!"


Stimulated by these words, Jin Guang could no longer bear it. He felt a sweet taste in his throat and spurted out a mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground.