Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 55: I will find you!


The thick pillar of white light was so dazzling that Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen subconsciously turned their heads away and began to step back.

Because of what this thing emitted, their skin felt an intense burning pain.

The white light came quickly and went away quickly. With a loud bang, a huge dent was created on the ground. Above the dent, a figure stood in the air.

The figure was in the shape of a human, but different from a human.

Its skin was bluish-purple, full of wrinkles and lines. It was not wearing any clothes, but there were no sexual characteristics visible. The fingers of its hands and feet were abnormally thin, like needles, and its head was even more inhuman.

The head is shaped like a shuttle, tall, pointed and long, without any hair. The nose below the eyes lacks nasal bones, and there are only two holes that seem to be used for breathing. The rest, like the tentacles of an octopus or squid in the sea, fills the entire lower half of its face.

And in the depression, there was a piece of human skin that was exactly the same as the one found before.

The same lifelike female skin with no signs of peeling.

Zhang Feixuan exclaimed, “Seize the Divine Sect!”

Even though that thing looks weird, the human skin underneath must be there!

It's just the people of the Divine Sect...

Wang Qizheng also reacted and said in surprise: "What does he look like? He must be possessed by a demon!"

"It's obvious!" Zhang Feixuan opened his folding fan and said vigilantly, "Be careful, a cultivator who has been possessed by a demon is very difficult to deal with!"

It's not just difficult to deal with. The magical fluctuations emitted by this guy are totally beyond their ability to deal with.

But he doesn't need to be alert...

As he finished speaking, a white shadow quickly approached, shot directly into the air, and punched the man from the Divine Stealing Sect.


With one punch, the man crashed into the depression at a high speed, with soil splashing and stirring up a cloud of dust.

In the smoke and dust, Song Yin's body fell rapidly and stepped directly into the depression. There was another loud noise, and the surging white gas fell along his body, bursting out with an air wave, blowing the smoke and dust away.

Song Yin stepped on the head of the inhuman creature, making it unable to move, and he was holding an identical one in his hand.

"Humph! You evil demons, you still want to seduce my junior brother?!"

Song Yin's eyes flashed white, and he exerted force with his feet to stimulate white gas, which enveloped this inhuman thing. Under this white gas, the thing could no longer move, but its body kept twitching. Although it had no expression and did not speak, it could be seen that this thing was still in great pain.

As for the one in his hand, it was like a rag doll and had long been dead.

"Two junior brothers, are you okay?" He turned his head and said to them.

How can there be any problem

You came so quickly, they can't do anything even if they want to.

"Brother, we are fine." Zhang Feixuan cupped his hands and looked at the two inhuman creatures, "What is this?"

"The evil sect must be the God-stealing sect."

Song Yin snorted coldly, threw the things in his hands in front of them, and said:

"I followed the scent and saw a man who looked honest. He said he had suffered a disaster and was abducted here by an evil sect. Someone in my family was an official in Nanping State. He asked me to take him back to the mountain and I would reward him handsomely in the future. He spoke sincerely, but I could tell at a glance that he was not a human! The same goes for this thing!"

As he spoke, he stepped even harder, almost squashing the thing's head.

"You suck human flesh and blood, wear human skin, and commit crimes under the guise of others. You can get away with it, but leave the bad reputation to others. However, no matter how much you wear skin, no matter how carefully you hide, your evil smell cannot escape Song Yin of my Golden Immortal Sect!"

Song Yin shouted angrily: "Tell me! Where is your sect and where are your accomplices!"

But the person under his feet didn't seem to be talking either.

"Can't you speak?" Song Yin frowned and pushed harder with his feet. The white mist became thicker, causing the thing to twitch even more violently.


Zhang Feixuan's Adam's apple moved, and he said, "Is it possible that it can't speak because you stepped on it?"

“That makes sense.”

Song Yin let go of his feet, grabbed the thing's head with one hand and lifted it up, and with his other hand, white gas burst out and formed a ball. He shouted, "Speak! If you don't speak, I will refine you to death!"

Let’s refine it!

You said you would refine it!

Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qi felt a chill in their hearts.

They were also cleansed by the "Dao aura" of this eldest brother all day long, and talked about practicing the human alchemy method every day.

Now that we have encountered the enemy, we immediately change our tone.

Could it be that this aura of the Great Dao has multiple functions

But just as Song Yin picked up the thing in his hand, he saw the tentacles on its mouth wriggling, and together with his needle-like hands, it attacked Song Yin's head.

There is no sign of wanting to speak.

"Evil demon!"

Song Yin's fist filled with white gas punched forward and went straight through the chest of the thing. The body hanging on his hand trembled for a moment, then immediately became motionless and collapsed.


He snorted coldly and threw the body into the hole in the ground. He stared at it for a while and shook his head, saying, "It is full of demonic nature. It has consciousness but it is not human."

The thing in his hand didn't say anything after it shed the human skin. Song Yin was furious at the time and didn't think too much about it. He killed the man with one punch and went to find his junior brother with the man in his arms, thinking that his junior brother should know something. As a result, he found another person with the same aura.

"Junior brother? This thing is the 'devil', right?" Song Yin looked at Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen again.

Zhang Feixuan curled his lips and could only cup his hands: "Brother, I'm not sure either, but he must have been possessed by a demon."

Wang Qizheng also said: "Me too."

I really don’t know.

They are not omnipotent. In essence, they are just small cultivators from small families. Zhang Feixuan was born in a noble family and is quite knowledgeable, but this Qi-refining master from the Duoshen Sect is the first time they have seen one. They have never seen one before and have only heard of someone who can deal with human skin.

"Brother, this demon is the result of a Qi cultivator going astray. A Qi cultivator who has gone astray is no longer considered a human being, and his appearance will change. As for the people from the Soul Stealing Sect... they are able to put on human skin and speak, which should be their method, but they probably don't have any intelligence and only act to achieve a certain goal."

After Zhang Feixuan finished speaking, he added: "This is what the master said. I haven't seen it either, junior brother."

Song Yin nodded: "No wonder there is a demonic nature, different from the Armored Sect. Although they are both evil, the Armored Sect looks more like a human to me than this thing, but they all deserve to die!"

The armored disciples he met had problems with their brains and were only thinking about how to fight. But in Song Yin's eyes, they were murderous and bloody, with resentful souls wailing and flesh raging on their bodies, but they did lack the demonic nature like this thing.

It seems that there are different kinds of evil spirits...

Song Yin took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, "I will find you, even if I have to dig out all the Xumi Meridians, I will find you!"