Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 59: What are you unwilling to do? !


The dragon skeleton roared, and its body swayed and danced on the mountain of bones. Every movement made the mountain shake, and a large number of bones fell off. The bones hit the white gas cover like a rainstorm, making crackling sounds.

Not all of the falling bone rain hit the shield, some also fell on the ground, like some kind of explosive, creating a hole on the ground, which was terrifying to see.

Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen's bodies froze there, not daring to move, for fear that if they moved they would not be able to be protected by the white gas and would be beaten to pieces by the rain of bones.

God bless them, they have never seen a creature like a dragon.

I dare not call it a legend, but it is indeed rare to see.

In their impression, the dragon is very powerful, able to control the clouds and rain, or turn the rivers and seas upside down.

They usually don't see dragons, but they finally saw one this time. Even though it was a dragon skeleton, it was still very majestic. If the two of them were alone, let alone seeing a dragon, they would not have entered this yellow sand world before.

With this kind of power, let alone them, no one else can defeat them. Even Jin Guang would be killed by this mountain of bones.



Zhang Feixuan thought of something and first looked at Song Yin's back, then at Wang Qizhen, only to find that he was also looking at him with a similar expression in his eyes.

After all this time, it turns out that the 'dragon larynx' is the larynx of this skeleton dragon!

That damn old man wanted Song Yin to die, and wanted them to die here as well!

"A trick to wither insects."

Song Yin looked at the rain of bones falling, snorted coldly, and was about to walk out.

"Brother, no!"

Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizheng spoke up at the same time, begging, "We can't go out!"

Song Yin turned around and said, "Don't worry, my body is indestructible. This kind of thing can't hurt me at all. Don't worry."

No one worries about you!

They are worried about themselves!

This white gas cover will follow you. If you leave, what's the difference between the two of them and appearing naked in the wolf's den

It can be fatal!

But Song Yin didn't give them time to react. He just walked forward, and the white gas cover instantly left their range. They immediately felt something was wrong.

There was no wind around, as it was killed by the eldest senior brother's shout, but the breath in the air made them feel dizzy and weak. The yellow sand under their feet seemed to have an inexplicable suction force that was sucking their bodies.

Vitality is slipping away!

This damn place can suck life force!

This place is a monster!

"Brother, please save me..."


Just as Zhang Feixuan was about to speak, he heard a chuckle and saw the green little creature crawling out from the ground. Its two heads looked at the two of them in a funny way, and then from the one-eyed creature's mouth, a green mist came out that enveloped the two of them.

As the green mist appeared, their feeling of having their vitality sucked away suddenly disappeared, and they felt a lot more comfortable.


The little thing made a strange cry at them, and the head with three mouths placed its short hands on its neck, pinching it to make it thin and elongated. The three mouths opened wide, and then the head tilted, posing as if it was dead.

The one-eyed man grinned, and a row of sharp teeth grew out of his seemingly toothless mouth, and the teeth were dazzlingly white in the sunlight.

This is my senior brother...

In any case, shrouded in this green mist, the feeling of draining vitality seems to be gone.

“Well done.”

Song Yin's voice came from the front. He didn't look over here, but just said: "The little thing should also have a protective function, so that you can avoid the monster's ability, but my two junior brothers, I can't spare my hands to take care of you, you still have to be careful."

As he spoke, a large number of bones fell from above. The bones rained down from the sky and instantly covered their area.

Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen were both extremely nervous. They had just escaped the danger of having their vitality sucked away, and before they had time to rejoice, this happened.

They are not Song Yin, this thing... they can't escape!

But at this moment, Song Yin looked up to the sky and roared suddenly. With his roar, white mist rose into the sky. The white mist continued to rise and expand, forming a wall of white mist that separated Song Yin from his two junior brothers.

The bone rain first trembled at the roar, as if it was about to fall, but soon, as the skeleton dragon danced its body, the bone rain trembled and changed direction, all hitting Song Yin.

Ding ding dong!

The bones hit Song Yin with great impact, and they all bounced off his body and fell to the ground as if they were hitting hard steel.

"Monster, I am the real body without leakage, the aura of the great way is specifically designed to defeat evil demons and heretics, you..."

Song Yin clenched his fist, looked at the dragon head dancing in the air, and punched out.

"How can you be my opponent!"


A thick white light blasted out from the fist and hit the terrifying skeleton dragon head in the sky. Wherever the white light passed, the dragon skull seemed to disappear out of thin air, being swept away without leaving any trace, leaving behind a headless dragon skeleton full of vertebrae and bones.

After a punch, Song Yin bent his knees slightly, jumped up suddenly, and jumped directly in front of the headless dragon skeleton, reaching out to grab it.

But at this moment, the mountain of bones began to wriggle, and a large number of bones filled the dragon bones. In an instant, they reached the position of the dragon head, replenishing the dragon head that was killed by Song Yin, and just opened its mouth to bite Song Yin.

Compared to the dragon's head, Song Yin looked so small. The dragon opened its mouth, and its white boney teeth completely covered Song Yin, then closed it in one gulp.


Immediately afterwards, white light burst out from the bone that engulfed Song Yin, and the entire dragon skull melted away. Song Yin reappeared in the air, reached out and grabbed the larynx, and pulled hard, pulling out a piece of bone.

But he soon found something wrong. As soon as he moved his fingers, his larynx was melted by the white steam.


The dragon skull reappeared as the mountain of bones squirmed. It roared wildly, and its entire skull became huge, as if it was covered with a layer of bone armor. The dragon head pushed up and directly held Song Yin, dancing in the air for a while, and then went straight to the ground.

The bright space that had just been emptied by Song Yin's roar stirred up a large amount of yellow wind, which blew across Song Yin's body, as if trying to rob him of his life.

Song Yin held the dragon skull with one hand, letting it dance wildly in the air until it reached the ground. As his feet touched the ground, he stretched out his five fingers forward, and white gas burst out, which consumed the armored dragon skull. The white gas was almost like a shock wave, and its residual force even consumed some of the dragon's body.

The shock wave spread out, clearing away some of the surrounding yellow wind, revealing a piece of open space.

He looked at the mountain of bones, his eyes filled with anger: "Why are you so unwilling? You are just a monster, are you worthy of being unwilling?!"

Just now, when he was holding up the dragon skull and was mostly attacked by the yellow wind, Song Yin felt a sense of unwillingness.

From this world, from this mountain of bones...
