Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 61: I'll make the decision for you!


Their eldest senior brother rushed out from the Bone Mountain, and then landed heavily on the top of the mountain, holding down the entire Bone Mountain with one hand.

"It's just a demon. No matter how big it is, I can refine it!"

Song Yin's hair fluttered wildly, and he said in a high-pitched voice: "Practice it for me!"

The white mist enveloping the entire Bone Mountain became thicker and even emitted white light. The mountain, which was larger than any other mountain in the Sumeru Vein, had shrunk visibly to the naked eye.

The sudden shrinkage seemed to frighten Bone Mountain, and it squirmed wildly in the white light. More yellow winds invaded from the surroundings, and like a sandstorm, they gathered and blew madly on the top of the mountain.

The yellow wind was almost like willows, swaying one by one, and like snakes, constantly attacking Song Yin's body, but it only blew his hair and could not make him move at all.

However, the outline of the giant mountain within the white light was constantly shrinking, and the speed did not slow down at all. Gradually, the mountain shrank to the size of a normal mountain, and it did not look so scary anymore.


A loud dragon roar was heard in the sky, and the yellow wind that had been blowing continuously suddenly rose up, as if being sucked into the sky. In an instant, the sky became clear and the earth was peaceful, allowing everyone to see the entire terrain of the surrounding area clearly.

It was a piece of yellow sand. There seemed to be nothing there except the bone mountain shrouded in white light. It was good to see some wild trees and dead grass. There were not even any insects on the ground. It was a completely dead place lacking in vitality.

This monster knew that the eldest brother was powerful, so he gave up struggling

As the two were thinking this, they suddenly shuddered and stared at the sky with their mouths wide open in disbelief.

At this time, the sky gradually turned yellow, as if the yellow wind and sandstorm before had filled the entire sky, infecting and occupying it, turning the blue sky into a yellow sky.

The clouds in the sky gradually turned into yellow clouds all over the sky. The clouds rolled and poured down like a waterfall.

A huge dragon head, as if occupying the entire world, poked its head out from the clouds. This dragon head had two fluttering whiskers, the clouds formed scales, and a pair of vertical pupils were full of yellow light.

This is not the skeleton dragon head like before, but the real one!

The dragon head opened its mouth, revealing a row of huge sharp teeth, and a ball of yellow light gathered deep in its throat.


Yellow light surged out with the roar, turning into a black and yellow evil wind that left black marks in the air and blew directly towards Song Yin's body.

The evil wind was so fierce that it covered all the white mist on the Bone Mountain. It was so powerful that even a trace of aftermath that leaked out was so powerful that it rolled up the yellow sand below like a sandstorm.

Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen, who were standing in front of the White Bone Mountain, naturally could not maintain their bodies. Even the green mist that protected them was weakened to an extreme. They were blown away and rolled on the ground for more than ten times. The green mist on their bodies could not play a physical protective role, and their faces were covered with sand, making them look very embarrassed.

The little thing popped out from the ground, pointed at the two of them with one hand, and held its belly with the other hand, making a silent laugh.

But the two of them didn't care about this anymore. They didn't get up. Instead, they lay on the ground and turned their heads to look towards the top of the White Bone Mountain.

This kind of evil wind, just a little leakage has such a powerful force, really need to catch it all intact...

"I am invulnerable to all kinds of attacks. How can such an evil wind possibly hurt me?!"

Song Yin's high-pitched voice was heard in the center of the evil wind, followed by a ball of white light rising from the black and yellow evil wind. The white light flashed more and more intensely, directly sweeping away the evil wind.

The evil wind that enveloped the White Bone Mountain also disappeared directly, and the white gas continued to prevail, shrinking the outline of the mountain a little bit again.

Song Yin stood on the top of the mountain, not afraid at all of the huge and majestic dragon that seemed to have descended from the sky. He stretched out one hand and pressed directly on the dragon's head.

"Nothing can escape my eyes. No matter how real your disguise is, you are not a real dragon. You are just... a demon!"

He twisted his five fingers and turned it suddenly.


The dragon head, which was like a real entity, exploded and turned into yellow wind all over the sky after Song Yin twisted it.

The White Bone Mountain under Song Yin's feet became shallower and shallower, and when the yellow wind spread, it finally lowered to almost the same level as the ground.


Song Yin stomped his feet violently, and the white gas under his body became stronger, causing the remaining bones to disappear.

A mountain of bones was refined by Song Yin!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen's eyes lit up. They completely ignored their embarrassment, half-crouched, climbed up, and ran forward.

"Brother, have you refined the White Bone Mountain?!"

Was such a huge mountain of bones really refined by senior brother

But before they had taken two steps, the ground shook, and on the yellow sand horizon that they could see, a familiar white building rose from the ground.

The huge and even endless mountain of bones rose from the ground again, and half a skeleton dragon rushed out from the top of the mountain.

In the sky, the yellow wind clouds that had just been dispersed by Song Yin gathered together and suddenly descended towards the half-skeleton dragon. They gathered the huge dragon head again, opened their mouths in the air and roared at Song Yin.

It seems to be endless and can never be finished no matter how hard you try.

Song Yin did not do anything this time. He stood on the top of the mountain, looked up and stared at the roaring dragon head, "Is this a monster?"

It’s not a simple mountain of bones. Song Yin can tell that this thing is not a monster.

Although White Bone Mountain is filled with resentment, it has developed some intelligence and is a monster, not a demon.

The real monster is this land of yellow sand, the blowing yellow wind, the earth that robs lives, the sky above the yellow sand, and this world.

This is the real monster.


Song Yin closed his eyes and stood there motionless.


The black and yellow dragon head kept roaring in the air. That roar was filled with endless rage, wanting to vent, wanting to destroy.

The power of the roar directly created a huge shock wave on the ground below that spread to the surrounding areas.

The shock wave was extremely fast and also hit Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen, causing them to spit out blood. Their ears and eyes were bleeding, and they curled up on the ground with their bodies twitching.

The green mist on them was obviously a little lighter.

Song Yin opened his eyes, stared at the roaring dragon, and suddenly shouted: "I don't know what you are complaining about, but why do you think that if you can't bear it, others can't bear it either? What kind of injustice has allowed you to be so presumptuous here! You are killing lives and bringing disaster to the area!"

He felt the same emotion as when the skeleton dragon head fought with him before. No, it was even more intense than that.

Unwillingness, injustice, resentment, anger...

There is also a strong distrust.

He pointed at the dragon head and shouted, "No one in the world can make the decision for you? I don't believe it! I, Song Yin, can make the decision for you today! Then..."

Song Yin's eyes glowed with divine light, and he almost shouted, "I will refine you myself and make this evil demon disappear from this world!"