Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 65: Ugly words first


Zhang Feixuan kicked wildly at first, but found that he could not break free from the support of the yellow wind, until the yellow wind carried him away from the ground and into the sky.

Although he was still in a mess, he looked at Song Yin standing in the yellow wind with ease and asked hurriedly: "Brother, this, this... is your magic? Can it fly?!"

Song Yin nodded and smiled, "This is controlling the wind. I have already reached the stage of using wisdom, and I have used my magic power to create magic. I have used many wonderful methods. Although I cannot fly in the clouds, I can still control the wind and fly."

As he spoke, he felt a little embarrassed again: "This Yellow Wind was originally used by me. It mainly relies on the power of the Yellow Wind, and I am only responsible for urging it. It can't be said to be flying. It's just to get things done faster and save energy. It's just a shortcut."

Wang Qi was stumbling around in the yellow wind, fearing that the increasingly high wind would not be able to support him and that he would fall from the sky. However, the more he worried, the more his body became crooked, and he swayed more and more in the yellow wind.

Hearing what his senior brother said, his eyes twitched and he subconsciously said, "Is this a trick? Senior brother, this is flying. If it were me, I would be so happy!"

That would really make me happy.

Growing flesh and bones, holding the world in one's sleeves, and flying with the wind. Let's not talk about the first two, as that is a luxury. But flying with the wind alone is enough to make people jealous.

To fly normally, one must reach the eighth level of 'sitting' to be able to generate wind by oneself. Even if one could barely fly, it would not be as smooth as it is now, let alone flying with these two people.

If he could fly at level five, then he would not be afraid of anything. He could turn into yellow wind and come and go freely, going wherever he wanted.

Zhang Feixuan gradually accepted the yellow wind that accompanied him. Although he could not step on the yellow wind like a banished immortal like his senior brother, he could still barely keep his body steady. He stuck half of his head out and did not forget to flatter Song Yin:

"Brother, you are too modest. Regardless of whether you have external things or not, that is your ability. I envy you."

Song Yin stood in the yellow wind, controlling the wind to go westward. He put one hand behind his back, shook his head when he heard it, and sighed: "I'm afraid you will envy me."

These words made both of them stunned.

Could this envy lead to anything going wrong

This is because they have no way to deal with this person, Song Yin. If it were someone else, they would have wanted to kill him just for the ability to fly.

"Are you thinking in your heart that if you can get a magic weapon as good as mine, you will be willing to do anything?" Song Yin asked.

Of course!

Judging from the ability currently demonstrated by this piece of clothing, if they could get this, the Xumi Meridian would be nothing and they would be able to walk around the world with their heads held high.

Song Yin turned his head and glanced at their expressions, revealing an expression of "as expected". He sighed and said, "You will have to face it sooner or later. As a senior brother, I will tell you about it now."

"Magic weapons, elixirs, and blessed lands are for the capable. Those who practice Taoism and cultivate immortality are competing for these resources to become immortals. Whether it's the blessing you envy or this demonized treasured robe, you envy the person for being a better Taoist and a stronger person, right?"

The two of them nodded in unison, this was of course correct.

Song Yin sighed, "Back then, before I started practicing Taoism, I thought the same thing. But my master brought me in, took good care of me and taught me, and told me the purpose and original intention of the Golden Immortal Sect. Only then did I understand that practicing Taoism is not about cultivating these things. Practicing Taoism, cultivating the mind, cultivating life, cultivating longevity, cultivating the future, and cultivating ambitions, but no matter how you practice, it is for yourself. I have never heard of it being for external things."

"If you cultivate for external things, you will want any magic weapon or elixir you see, and you will take any blessed place you know of. The world is so big, how long can you run? If you can't satisfy your desires, you will easily fall into evil ways, and become like the God-stealing Sect we encountered, and become a demon without even a human form."

"We cultivate the Tao to straighten our hearts. It is normal to be tempted by a little wealth. It is a good thing to be able to obtain it, but we still have to base it on ourselves. Don't put the cart before the horse."

"Brother, what you mean is... you don't plan to use this precious robe more often?" Zhang Feixuan asked.

Song Yin glanced at the yellow wind under his feet and said, "It's so useful, why not use it."

Then what are you talking about!

Aren't you being lenient to yourself and strict with others

Zhang Feixuan opened his mouth but didn't dare to say this, he just cupped his hands.

"I'm different."

Song Yin seemed to see what he was thinking, and said, "I am a great immortal, immune to all evil, and my heart is pure. Even if I have many magic weapons, I can tell that I am not disturbed by them. For example, this treasured robe is indeed effective, but I will not be greedy. If this thing leaves me one day, I will not feel reluctant to part with it."

In his previous life, he had read a lot of related things. Those who cultivated immortals had to compete for resources and fight with others before they could decide who the resources belonged to. They would do anything to get the blessed land, magic weapons and elixirs, all for the purpose of becoming immortals.

Before he practiced Taoism, he also thought this was the case, but after practicing Taoism, he followed the teachings of his master and understood a lot of things.

But just because he understands it doesn’t mean his fellow disciples can understand it too.

After all, their physiques are different. He, Song Yin, can treat external objects as nothing, but his fellow disciples should not be able to do that. If they get good treasures in the future and are blinded by desire and do wrong things, it will be too late to repent then.

Song Yin advised his two junior brothers with great sincerity: "Two junior brothers, you must remember that it is not impossible to fight for good things, but you must also consider how to fight and for whom to fight. Fighting for selfish desires, having evil thoughts, and causing the suffering of lives is an evil way."

"I know you two junior brothers won't do that. After all, we are all taught by the master, and we all value saving people and fighting evil. But as the eldest senior brother, I still have to say the ugly words in advance. If you do something wrong at that time..."

He waved his sleeves, and a yellow wind flew up from the sleeves, wrapping around a tall tree below. The green leaves of the tree immediately turned yellow and fell to ashes. The trunk of the tree was so dry that it seemed that it would turn into ashes at the touch of a finger.

"Just like the wind, it can give life to things, but it can also kill things. When that happens, don't blame me for cleaning up the mess."

Song Yin turned his head and looked at them. The divine light in his eyes made the two of them shiver inexplicably. Great fear arose in their hearts, and their bodies trembled a few times in the turbulent yellow wind.

If it weren't for the yellow wind binding, they would have thought that they were afraid of getting into trouble and would have run away no matter what.

But it seems that this should be impossible, otherwise the eldest brother would not have flown westward, but would have flown directly to Pingdingshan and wiped out their entire nest.

"My words were a bit serious, but please don't blame me, my two junior brothers..." Song Yin said to them with a smile.

Zhang Feixuan poked his head out again because he was afraid of sinking into the yellow wind, and said seriously:

"Brother, your sincere words are all for our own good. How can we blame you? We would like to thank you for your kind words. We will keep your words in mind and always follow your example!"

"Me too!" Wang Qizhen was not far behind and glared at Zhang Feixuan.

Why does this guy always steal his lines

Song Yin smiled slightly: "There is no need to do that. Just listen carefully, my two junior brothers, but don't worry too much. There is no reason not to fight for it in this world. Master is sitting in the Xumi Meridian to protect mortals. Isn't he also fighting for justice against the evil ways in this world? So..."

His voice sank, he clenched his fists, and said firmly: "If you fight for justice, for conscience, even if you kill people all over the world and call you evil, I will protect you! Even if everyone in the world wants to kill you, no one will hurt you before stepping over my corpse!"