Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 7: How can I be righteous with a bunch of you termites!


"The blessing is gone, the way to immortality is gone..."

While Zhang Feixuan was secretly criticizing the old man, Jin Guang finally regained some consciousness. He stared at the puddle of mud, walked over with a staggering step, and suddenly knelt down on the ground and reached out to dig out the mud.

As soon as his hand touched the mud, it was grabbed by another hand.

Song Yin looked at Jin Guang with concern: "Master, what are you doing?"

Jin Guang turned his head blankly, stared at Song Yin for a while, and suddenly shuddered.

"No, it's okay. I suddenly feel a little tired. Please let me be quiet. Please..."

Looking closely, there was an extra layer of mist in Jin Guang's eyes.

But Song Yin pretended not to see it, grabbed Jin Guang's hand, and said seriously: "Master, you also agree that I will be the eldest brother, so I have a few words to say to the junior brothers, is that okay?"

"Okay, whatever you want, do whatever you want..."

Jin Guang just stared at the mud with a hint of anticipation in his tone.

"Okay, then I won't disturb Master from studying this evil way."

Song Yin nodded and let go of Jin Guang's hand. The latter immediately picked up the mud and quickly returned to the alchemy room with it. Then a stone wall appeared out of thin air at the door of the alchemy room and sealed it off.

Song Yin walked to the front of the hall, looked at the disciples outside the hall, and took a deep breath:

"Stand still!"

He glared at the disciples outside the hall and shouted with great force. Zhang Feixuan, who was in the lead, was especially shocked and subconsciously stood up straight.

The disciples outside the hall were in a similar situation. After shaking their bodies, they stood up straight.

Song Yin frowned and continued, "Line up."

A dozen disciples seemed to have received some kind of training. They quickly stood in three rows, neatly arranged and orderly.

"Yes, yes, yes, everything is lined up, lined up!"

Zhang Feixuan fell behind Song Yin, fanning Song Yin madly with the folding fan in his hand, and was servile like a lackey.

He was terribly frightened, as if the puddle of mud beside him had already made it clear that if he disobeyed this vicious man, he would be killed along with him.

"Junior brother, you go over and stand there too." Song Yin glanced at him.

"Oh, okay!"

Zhang Feixuan immediately ran to the front of the team, put his hands together on the outside of his thighs without leaving a gap, and stood like a javelin. No one knew who learned this from.

Song Yin glanced at them, nodded, and then said: "Everyone, thank you for your kindness and for recommending me as the eldest senior brother. Since I am the eldest senior brother, for the development of the sect, there are a few points I have to mention."

"Our Jinxian Sect is a righteous sect and an alchemy sect. Master often told me that all of us in the Jinxian Sect have a heart to eliminate demons, defend the way of Taoism and save the world. I believe that since everyone can follow Master, they must have the same idea."

The disciples standing upright in the square looked at each other, all in a daze and confusion.

"But we..."

One of the disciples was about to speak boldly, but Zhang Feixuan suddenly glared at him, suppressed his words, and then shouted: "Senior brother is right!"

That’s not quite right.

Although he didn't know what old man Jin Guang had brought into the sect, he was sure of one thing.

This guy still believes in Jin Guang. Not only does he believe in him, but he also wants to practice the same tricks that Jin Guang uses to cheat people on a daily basis.

You say he is stupid, he is definitely stupid.

But when this fool's martial power is so overwhelming that you despair, then you don't know who is the fool.

Zhang Feixuan didn't think about whether his Taoist faith was broken or not. He only knew that if they were exposed, they would have no choice but to live with the meat paste taken away by their master.

"I know you have some resentment in your heart..."

Song Yin looked at them and suddenly said, "In just less than a day since I joined the sect, two evil ways have already broken into the sect. This shows what the sect is like on a daily basis. And people like you, to be honest... I look down on you."

As he spoke, he paused and paid attention to everyone's expressions.

But the expressions of these disciples did not change at all, as if they were numb...

Song Yin shook his head and continued, "Not to mention that your talents are comparable to those of the great immortals that my master personally acknowledged, your talents, from what I see now, are even worse!"

Still no one responded.

Song Yin showed disappointment in his eyes, but he regained his spirit and continued, "Don't think I am belittling you casually. The Golden Immortal Great Pill Art has a method of looking for Qi. I see that you are loose in your Qi circulation and your steps are weak. None of you is decent. This sect is in ruins, and you don't even want to maintain it, but!"

Song Yin raised his voice: "Have you ever thought about why the master chose this place? You are obviously not talented, but the master accepted you as a disciple and taught you carefully for such a long time. What is this? This is teaching everyone. We in the Golden Immortal Sect do not judge by talent, but by whether you have the heart to save the world!"


Song Yin slapped his chest fiercely, his eyes filled with tears.

Think about his master, who came down from the sky that day and wanted to take him as his disciple. Could it really be seen at that time that he had the potential to become an immortal

Now that he has read "The Golden Immortal Great Pill Art" and understood the method of observing the Qi, he knows that it is impossible to see it, so there is only one truth...

The master is the one who teaches without discrimination. Seeing that I was at a loss, he felt pity for me and wanted to take me in as his disciple so that I could have someone to rely on.

February at the foot of the mountain, the turbid air was removed, and the master also took good care of him and explained patiently. How could it be summed up in just one sentence 'the potential of a great immortal'

"Not only are you lazy, but you also lack the courage to fight against evil. If I hadn't happened to enter the mountain gate, how much damage would have been caused? If you continue to be muddle-headed, how can you do the right thing?! You must change! Everything must be changed! Master has pity and cares for you, but things still need to be done! Master can't say it, so I, the eldest brother, will say it!"

Song Yin's eyes were firm: "As a righteous person, you must not bring shame to the Golden Immortal Sect, and you must not bring down the reputation of our Golden Immortal Sect. From today on, as the eldest senior brother, I will urge you to change. If you can't rule this house, how can you rule the world? If you can't sweep the dust, how can you sweep the world?! From today on..."

Song Yin raised his arms high and shouted, "Clean up! Repair the buildings!"

This is what Song Yin wanted to do as soon as he entered the mountain gate.

This place is not only run-down, but also dirty.

And these disciples had no idea how they spent their days. As a righteous sect, no matter how small it was, it had to have a decent demeanor.

The house is not clean and the buildings are not maintained. It is impossible to recruit good disciples and become famous!

"Spring cleaning?" Zhang Feixuan was dumbfounded.

Kang was so excited for a long time, but this is the result

"Junior brother, do you have any different opinions?" Song Yin looked over.

He had a great liking for this humble fellow disciple who was the first to say "there is no order of precedence in the Tao".

Although he is dressed in fancy clothes, he has a kind heart and is a very nice person.

"No, no..."

Zhang Feixuan said dryly, "I firmly support Senior Brother's call!"