Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 70: They are no longer human beings!



Listening to the old man's words, Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qi were surprised.

The ghost that formed the ghost den... is this old man's son

"You are just a mortal, and you dare to raise ghosts? Aren't you afraid of backlash?" Zhang Feixuan said with wide eyes.

Wang Qi was shouting, "This is an evil sect. No wonder they feed us human flesh. Seeing that we are Qi cultivators, the human flesh must have been poisoned so that we can be devoured by this evil sect. No wonder this village looks wrong. They must be all evil sects. Brother, kill them!"

This is too much.

Can ghosts be raised

Even if it is possible to raise it, it would be extremely bold for a mortal to raise a monster.

The most important thing is that he is still alive and this village still exists. It is simply incredible.

Song Yin shook his head, and blasted the ghost away with another punch, saying, "They are not evil."

Isn’t it an evil way

What is that

"Fairy, please be kind and let it go. My son is just a poor man and it can't do anything about it!"

The old man banged his head on the ground, overwhelmed with grief and couldn't help shedding tears.

Ten years ago, this place was not as desolate as it is now. The vast plains could be used to grow crops, and small animals could be caught for meat from time to time.

If the year is good, there might even be a good harvest.

It’s not prosperous, but it can definitely fill you up.

What people want is three meals a day.

Everyone lives with hope.

Until one day, a Taoist came and brought a batch of seeds.

This seed has great potential. It can be harvested four times a year with high yield, so it can be said that there is a bumper harvest in every area.

The only requirement is that people must be hardworking and keep turning over the crops and cultivating the fields.

But for farmers, this is a very simple matter.

The village that planted the land first had a bumper harvest, and the surrounding villages continued to introduce the seeds. They worshipped the monk as a god, and every household offered tablets to his image.

They originally thought that they would no longer have to worry about food, and as long as they worked hard, they would be able to have a good harvest.

This was indeed the case. They had good harvests for three full years, and every household had more than enough food. They even started side businesses such as raising silkworms, weaving cloth, and raising livestock. They were on the verge of a prosperous life without worries about food and clothing.

But in the fourth year, the four crops of that year began to grow less, and each crop was much less than the previous one. No one paid attention to it at the time, they just thought that the year was different.

By the fifth year, grain production dropped again, but people still didn't notice it. They just thought it was a bad year and they just had to endure it.

In the sixth year, there was almost no grain produced, and people began to beg God and worship the statues and tablets, hoping for a better year.

In the seventh year, there was no harvest and the arable land could no longer produce food. No matter how they cultivated the land or developed new land, no food was produced.

Whether it was the grain seeds left by the Taoist or the seeds they had planted before, none of them produced grain. The small animals in the surrounding land were also extinct, and the livestock and silkworms they had raised were gone very long ago.

The entire land seemed to have lost its vitality. To people, it was a dead place.

In the eighth year, famine began and the land gradually became chaotic. Some people starved to death, and some fled.

But more often than not, bandits are rampant, and this land is being looted all the time, just to fight for a bite of food to fill their stomachs.

That year, a group of bandits entered their village...

"My eldest son was born strong, filial, and hardworking. He was praised as a good man. But the bandits came into the village with many people and no matter how strong he was, he was no match for them. The bandit leader was impressed by my son's bravery, so he put forward a condition..."

At this point, the old man burst into tears: "He wants my son to give a letter of surrender, and he will let my village go, but where can I get this letter of surrender, my son, my son..."

The old man's eyes narrowed and he said fiercely, "He killed my newly married daughter-in-law, took her head as a token of his loyalty, and followed them!"

As he spoke, his body softened and he almost collapsed to the ground: "My daughter-in-law is virtuous, gentle, and sensible. She and my son have a deep relationship. How could he have the heart to do that to her?"

"But I know that if I don't marry her, not to mention my daughter-in-law, I'm afraid all the women in this village will be abducted. There's nothing I can do, nothing I can do!"

"Later, I heard that the group of bandits disappeared, and a monster appeared instead. It killed anyone it saw and ate their flesh and blood alive... I thought it was just a rumor, but one day, the monster appeared at the entrance of the village, dropped a pile of dried meat and left. I knew that it was my son, it must be my son!"

He sniffed, looked at the ghost that had condensed into a shape, and choked up, "No one wanted to eat it in the first place. No one knew what the dried meat was made of. But I couldn't stand the hunger. I'm old, and I'm hungry, but even wild vegetables are hard to find. Everyone in the village wants to eat. Those children are so hungry that they look unrecognizable. I really have no choice but to give them the dried meat and let them eat it."

“I’m starving.”

Wang Qizheng raised his head and said in a complicated tone, "I know how it feels."

Zhang Feixuan was about to ask why he didn't leave, but he shut up in anger as soon as he opened his mouth and just waved his folding fan.

But he didn't say it, the old man said it himself, "It's not that we haven't thought about leaving, but the world is so big, where can we go? We don't know where. Even if we can't bear it and want to leave, after eating the dried meat, we can't leave this village."

"Those who eat the dried meat and leave the village will be surrounded by a cold wind as soon as they leave the village. My son will come out and kill them, and then make new dried meat. So no one dares to go out, and they just live here."

After the old man finished speaking, he kowtowed again, "Immortal, we mortals are really helpless! Immortal, please let us go. It doesn't matter if you kill my son, he deserves it, but what about the people in this village!"

"What about the people outside?"

Suddenly, Song Yin spoke, which startled the old man.

He punched away the ghost that had condensed into shape again, and said to the old man: "It is understandable that they will do anything to survive, but I can only understand it. Those dried meats are just like you, living in harmony with the world, peaceful and calm, just like everyone else... If I let it live today, it will harm more people like you."

The old man was almost in a trance, and said in a desperate tone: "Then are we hopeless?"

"Brother, why don't we take them back to the mountain? It's not impossible to feed more people." Zhang Feixuan suggested at this time.

"I agree." Wang Qizhen echoed.

It would be better to go back to the Xumi Meridian. Anyway, senior brother has already raised a group of mortals, so it is not impossible to raise another batch.

With Song Yin's current ability to control the wind and fly, he can come and go very quickly.

And looking at this old man, he seems to be a perfect person and has never been sucked by anyone. If this old man is like this, then everyone in this village should be a perfect person.

However, Song Yin seemed not to hear what they said. He just stared at the old man and said, "In fact, you already know it. If we kill this ghost, no one in this village will survive."

The old man slowly lowered his head and said no more.


A ball of white flame ignited from Song Yin's palm. He looked up at the sky and said calmly, "Do you think you can pretend you don't know because the village is dark? Come and see!"

He waved the fire toward the sky, and the white flame flew directly into the air and exploded, emitting brilliant white light like fireworks, illuminating everything in the village.

There are people in the village, and those people are not hiding here.

Those children were now in the center of the village, crawling like wild beasts, with disheveled hair and unclear faces, leaving only a pair of red eyes, and the exposed skin was as white as that of a ghost.

Inside the house, on the doors and windows, the mortals who had originally peeked out were still in that position, with their hair dishevelled and their postures like ghosts.

What’s even more terrifying is that all these beings are staring at them.

That look made Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qi feel creepy.

They are still in human form...

It changed at night?!

They walked all the way here in the dark. Were they being watched by these things?!

"Since I opened my Dharma Eyes, I knew that they were surrounded by ghosts. They were neither human nor ghost. If you continue to support them like this, sooner or later, you will not even be able to support this village."

Song Yin shouted: "They are no longer human!"