Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 87: That's fine


The golden light did not approach him, but as Song Yin stepped forward, a white flame ignited in his hand, and his body quickly reached the old man. The white flame instantly burned over, stirring up a ball of fire, and also burned those magic puppets. The white flame continued to attack forward, igniting all the countless people who were muttering with their heads down in the hall, and made them unable to maintain their bodies and fall down.

"Break it for me!"

The white flames did not burn people to death, but with Song Yin's shout, the bodies of those magic puppets softened and fell to the ground.

The old man let out a scream of pain, and the connection with the Dharma was directly severed, and he collapsed to the ground.

The Dharmadhatu could no longer maintain the expression of lowering his brows and examining others. His huge body flew away directly, and his four heads showed expressions of fear.

"What have you done to my devotees!"

No, Pude found that his physical body and spiritual consciousness had returned to the Dharma form and could no longer be connected, and the magic power of those magic puppets also returned to the magical power.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't possess the body. The magic power that he had refined through ten reincarnations seemed to be fixed, and he couldn't exert the magic power fluctuations on the believer.

"It just cuts off the connection. My Dao Fire is specifically designed to defeat evil spirits and heretics."

Song Yin looked at the Dharma image in the sky and said calmly, "In this case, you will be trapped in this thing and will never be able to escape."

From what the Dharma Eye saw, the golden threads connecting these people were the deepest, so his spiritual consciousness could attach itself to them. However, his Great Dao Fire was specifically used to refine these ghost paths and isolate them with flames, so he could not do so.

The four heads of the Dharmakāya roared, and the two arms without wrists coordinated with the remaining four hands, flashing with golden light, and attacked Song Yin directly.


The sound was like the loud bang of a huge bell, but Song Yin did not move at all, allowing the six arms to imprint on his body.

Then, white flames ignited around his body, and his body spun violently. He spun away with just one foot, and the white flames almost turned into circles as he danced, and kicked off all of the Dharmakāya's forearms like chopping melons and vegetables.

The severed arm was covered in white flames and fell to the ground, then disappeared into thin air after being burned.

The four heads all showed a look of pain.


It hurts so much!

Xumi Mai is such a poor place, full of small families that are not presentable. Why would such an existence exist

Not only is the physical body unable to resist, even magical powers and spells are useless!

This was the magical power of a land immortal, not the small magical power he gained while refining Qi. However, it was useless against a Qi refining person.

What kind of indestructible Vajra that is immune to all attacks? He has never seen such a thing from the Far West to the East!

The most important thing is that this white flame is even more powerful than his Pure World Lotus Fire. When the flame burns, he feels like he is in a furnace. If it burns for a while longer, his entire Dharma image will probably melt away!

But escape.

When they were in the hall before, Pu De Fa Xiang broke away, but this guy was also very fast. He didn't know what the yellow wind was, and although he was not blown away, he always felt that if the yellow wind blew, it would not be much worse than the white flame.

The body of the Dharmakāya flew high up, first moving a little further away from Song Yin. The four heads fixed their gazes on Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen who were burned by the golden flames.

These two are quite weak, and they are also the junior brothers of this weirdo. If we attack them, maybe we can escape.

The evil way is so powerful that we must avoid it!

Thinking of this, he even felt a little sad. He was a land immortal, but when he encountered a mere Qi Refining Realm, he had to run away.


As his mind was racing, he suddenly felt a sharp pain. He saw Song Yin flying up on the wind, his hand with white flames, grabbing his huge ankle, and his five fingers deeply embedded in it.


Song Yin pulled forward violently, and a large piece of the calf of the Dharma image sitting on the lotus pedestal was torn off.

"You can't get away!"

Song Yin shouted loudly, and after tearing off the legs and feet, a ball of white flame burst out from his hand and burned on the legs and feet.

"Look at my lotus platform!"

Pu De gritted his teeth, and the lotus platform he was sitting on automatically fell off, carrying his two burned calves and smashing towards Song Yin.

He had just discovered that once the white flame started, his Dharma image would not be able to recover on its own. And now those devout believers were also blocked by the white flame, and they could not even allow him to absorb the Dharma and practice, so he could not recover.

He doesn't want his legs anymore!

I don’t want the magic weapon anymore!


Song Yin kicked the lotus platform down, without even looking at it, and chased after him. His fist blasted out a pillar of white flame. Even though Pu De dodged quickly, half of his arm was burned by the white flame.

Immediately afterwards, his three arms also fell off.

No more hands!

Pude's Dharma image was flying at a very fast speed in the air, moving away from the monster while looking at the two people who were burned by the golden flames.

Although they looked in pain, they had no intention of repenting, which resulted in the golden flames not being burned away completely and unable to express their piety.


Song Yin flew up and this time removed the other three hands of the statue, turning it into a human-pig with only a head flying around in the air.



White flames flew out and directly burned the head of the Dharma image that was filled with joy.

The remaining three heads opened their mouths wide, and together with the golden wheels behind their heads, real golden light burst out from them, hitting Song Yin's body directly.

However, the golden light still could not get close to Song Yin's body. Instead, because of the short spell, it allowed Song Yin to get closer.

"Look at my golden wheel!"

The anxious Dharma image caused the golden wheel behind his head to fly and hit Song Yin's forehead.


With a crisp sound, the golden wheel hit Song Yin's forehead and sparks were obvious. The force did cause Song Yin's head to tilt, but other than that, nothing happened. Instead, the golden wheel was shattered and hit the ground directly.

This time, Song Yin had already arrived in front of his head, and his legs and feet were like whips, exploding the angry head with white flames.

Pu De Fa Xiang continued to fly away, trying his best to escape from Song Yin in the air, constantly dodging the white flames that Song Yin blasted out from time to time.

In the sky, gold and white shone against each other. Although the white light was small, it was extremely fierce, and it would occasionally emit a beam of white flame.

Although the golden light was huge, it was flying around without any rules, like a large headless fly.


There was finally a beam of white flame that Pude couldn't dodge, and his ever-laughing head was also engulfed by the white flame and disappeared directly from his neck.

"Is it okay?"

This time, the only sad head could no longer bear it and yelled at Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen.

“It hurts, it hurts!”

Wang Qi was rolling on the ground, being burned by the golden flames. When he heard the sound, he subconsciously raised his head, opened his mouth slightly, and uttered a tone, "Ah?"

What's good

How did this horrible thing still have time to talk to them

"Why haven't you been refined yet!" Pude continued to roar.

They have been burning here for such a long time, but why are they only feeling pain instead of feeling any regret and being directly refined

If he is not refined, how can he possess me? !

At this time, Zhang Feixuan was jumping around like a monkey, enduring the pain while trying to find a way to put out the fire.

But when he heard Pude's words, his body suddenly paused, "Refine? Isn't your fire specially used to torture us?"

Upon hearing these words, that sad head actually forced out a trace of anger.

Are these two little Qi-refining people worth torturing? !

In the exaggerated golden flame, Zhang Feixuan carefully felt his body, reached out and touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Is it burning the soul?"


Wang Qizheng also realized something. He got up from the ground and stretched his arms and legs, completely ignoring the golden flames burning on his body. "Really? There is no damage to my skin. Hiss, it still hurts!"

Then, the two of them said in unison: "That's fine!"

They thought that the fire was burning them, but after burning for a long time, they did not see any serious damage to their skin and flesh. After all, they realized that it was not burning their flesh.

Such flames are painful, but they have experienced it before.

Zhang Feixuan endured the pain, picked up the folding fan on the ground, and fanned himself gracefully, smiling with white teeth: "You can call it refining just burning the soul, it's far worse than what Senior Brother can do!"

Wang Qizheng showed even more disdain on his face, and raised his head arrogantly: "I am invulnerable to all kinds of attacks!"

What's the big deal about burning the soul

They were tortured by the eldest brother every day, and were burned so hard that even their dead grandmother could chat with them.

This kind of pain is far less than what the senior brother experienced when he refined it!

They can totally handle it!


This time, Song Yin landed directly on Fashang's neck, and his fist, with white flames, smashed the last head into pieces.

At the same time, he pressed his other hand on his neck, and a large amount of white flames rose from his body, rushing towards the huge body of the Dharmakaya, instantly wrapping it up.

The moment the white flames enveloped it, the body of the Dharmakāya fell directly downwards, and its shadow almost covered half of the backyard. However, before the Dharmakāya completely landed on the ground, it disappeared as a whole, scattering into white flames that exploded like fireworks.

In the white flames, Song Yin fell down, his feet touching the ground. He waved his sleeves and the white flames fell on the ground like rain, making him look like a banished immortal.

"It is not a pity to die if you are an evil heretic."

Song Yin snorted coldly.