Senior Brother, yes you are right!

Chapter 98: Fire gun!


Outside the tunnel was an even more open area. After Song Yin stepped out of the tunnel, he saw the ground still paved with bluestone slabs. It covered a large area and was surrounded by rock walls. Next to the rock walls, there were a large number of buildings.

These buildings are dilapidated, most of them are just ruins, but some are still half-remaining, and the shadows of some shops and houses can be seen in front.

"City walls?"

Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen also walked out of the tunnel at this time and exclaimed in surprise when they saw what was ahead.

Not far ahead, there is a broken city wall. There seems to be a city gate in the center, but it has been damaged to the root. There are only a few traces of the wooden city gate left, and on both sides, the roots of the city wall are broken and worn away, almost to the bottom.

Combined with the nearby buildings and the bluestone floor

"Was this a city gate before?" Zhang Feixuan couldn't help but say.

“It’s not that simple.”

Song Yin frowned slightly, waved his sleeves, and white flames flew out from his sleeves, flickering in the air and illuminating the area.

As the surroundings became brighter, the area around them could be seen clearly. Inside the ruined buildings, there were large amounts of supplies that were completely inconsistent with this ancient city.

Among these supplies, there are clothes, cloth, food, and even pots, pans, and other daily necessities are all here.

That is not an old thing. Compared with this underground ancient city, this thing looks as new as if it had just been built.

It also seems to be taken from that Huren Town.

"That Gui Feng is indeed instructed by someone, and all the things he collected are here." Song Yin said in a deep voice.


As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of cold wind blew inexplicably. It was clearly underground, but the wind miraculously appeared.


Wang Qizheng swallowed hard at this moment, "Something is coming!"

The place he was looking at was a dilapidated building, but a cold wind was blowing out from inside.


There was a slight sound, and at the other end of the building that Wang Qi was looking at, a figure inexplicably appeared, making a sound of bones moving. The figure then staggered out of the building, revealing its shape under the illumination of the white flames.

That's a skeleton!

The skeleton's bones were completely black, and it wore a helmet and armor, holding a knife in one hand and a shield in the other. As it stood still, a faint blue fire flashed in its empty eye sockets.


Its lower jaw moved and opened downward, and its body leaned forward, as if it was roaring at the men.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound, and a ball of dark wind gathered under Zhang Feixuan's body. The dark wind turned into a skeleton soldier, holding a halberd, and quickly stabbed towards his head.

His eyes widened and his body subconsciously leaned back, almost arching his body. The violent movement caused the hair in front of his forehead to fly straight up, revealing a very "full" forehead. He suddenly turned from a nobleman into a middle-aged wealthy man.

But even though he dodged so quickly, a strand of hair was cut off by the halberd, leaving a gash on Zhang Feixuan's forehead.

“My hair!”

Zhang Feixuan's eyes were filled with ferocity, and he subconsciously swung the fan in his hand forward, blowing out a bloody blade that quickly cut the skeleton soldier in half.

"What the hell!"

At the same time, a gust of cold wind gathered on the side of Wang Qizhen and transformed into a skeleton soldier, holding a big knife, and chopped towards his head, making him scream subconsciously.

The attack came quickly, and Wang Qi was obviously unable to dodge it. His body tensed up and his arms expanded, turning into thick arms with red hair like a baboon. Then he raised his arms to block the incoming sword.

The big knife looked rusty and full of gaps, but it was extremely sharp. The blade embedded into his arm with just one strike. Blood spurted out instantly, making Wang Qi grimace in pain.

But at the moment when the blade was embedded in the flesh of his arm, one of his legs suddenly became thick and strong. His skin was as rough as an elephant's, and his leg was shaped like a pillar. It kicked the skeleton soldier apart with one blow like a sledgehammer.


On Song Yin's side, a group of dark wind condensed and transformed into a skeleton soldier holding a steel gun. However, before it could attack, Song Yin glanced at it and saw that the skeleton soldier spontaneously combusted without fire. White flames appeared all over its body and burned it to ashes.

The actions of the three people were completed almost at the same time. Except for those that were burned by Song Yin, the skeleton soldiers that were broken into two pieces and scattered did not even fall to the ground. They turned into cold wind and then condensed again to form a complete appearance.

As they gathered, the surrounding cold wind blew even stronger, and a large number of skeleton soldiers formed in front of the buildings. They were so densely packed that it was impossible to see their number, and they all held a variety of weapons.


The skeleton soldiers holding swords pressed forward, and behind them, more skeleton soldiers with swords and shields formed a circle, raised their shields, and pushed forward, forming an encirclement.

Behind them were skeleton soldiers holding halberds and steel spears, with their worn-out weapons sticking out from between their shields.

Further behind them, there was a group of skeleton soldiers holding bows and crossbows, drawing their bows and arrows and aiming at them.

"The people in that town were right. It really is an ancient battlefield. This looks like an army."

Zhang Feixuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and was about to speak, but was suddenly stunned.

He was not the only one who was stunned. Wang Qizhen also widened his eyes and stared straight ahead.

This army...there are even more terrifying things!

A little behind the archer skeleton soldiers, long tubes emerged from between their heads and aimed at them.

That thing.

Wang Qizheng yelled, "Fireguns!"

Bang bang bang!

Along with the sound of the volley of bullets, arrows from bows and crossbows were also fired, so densely that the field of vision was almost invisible.

At the same time, the skeleton soldiers with big swords moved their legs and charged forward. Their lower bodies turned into cold wind. Their speed was no less than those arrows and bullets. In the back, the skeleton soldiers with swords and shields and the skeleton soldiers with long weapons pressed forward together.

The dark wind was everywhere, mighty and unstoppable!

These skeleton soldiers are no joke. A single touch from those shabby weapons can injure them. If they are hit by so many arrows and bullets, they will probably be turned into sieves.


"Senior Brother!" Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen shouted in unison.


The yellow wind blew up, quickly spreading around, and quickly made a circle, destroying all the bullets and arrows.

Song Yin raised his hands, and yellow wind kept coming out from his sleeves, blowing away the arrows and bullets, and then blew away the charging skeleton soldiers with big swords. The yellow wind did not stop, and directly penetrated into the skeleton soldiers who were pushing forward, blowing them all over the place and breaking them apart.

But soon, the scattered skeleton soldiers turned into dark wind again and condensed into the previous military formation, and were not affected by the yellow wind that could absorb life.

This kind of dead thing has no life itself, so the yellow wind naturally cannot absorb it.

The skeletons condensed and appeared, but their movements did not slow down at all. The charging sword skeleton soldier was still charging, and in an instant, he was close to the three people.


A ball of white fire blasted out like a pillar, spreading in a fan shape, and instantly burned the team of skeleton soldiers with big swords that rushed towards him into ashes.

"Evil and heretic!"

White flames appeared on Song Yin's fist, and he flashed directly in front of Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen. He stretched out his arm and punched out, burning the skeleton soldiers with big swords who were about to reach them.

Then he opened his hands, and white fire quickly burned from the surroundings, burning the entire skeleton soldiers that surrounded them!

The densely packed skeleton soldiers were completely wiped out under the white fire.

The dark realm was burning like the sun in the sky, and the bright white light illuminated the rock wall high above.

"Brother, your power is indestructible!"

After being stunned for a moment, Zhang Feixuan started to flatter him.

It's not magical, it will be gone after a burn.

“It’s not over yet”

Song Yin, on the other hand, stared at the white fire burning in front of him, clenched his fists, "The evil spirit is still there!"

The cold wind arose again, passing directly over the avenue fire and falling into the open area where the avenue fire was not burning. It transformed into a skeleton army that was exactly the same as before, and this time they surrounded it even closer.

It made Zhang Feixuan and Wang Qizhen's scalps tingle.


The skeleton soldier with a big knife at the front opened and closed his mouth, and cleverly used the big knife to wipe his neck.

That posture seemed to be a provocation.


Song Yin's eyes were almost as bright as day. He took a step and flashed directly in front of the skeleton soldier. He punched it with a white flame and smashed it into pieces. The white flame burned forward and burned a gap in the circle-like skeleton soldier.

Ding ding ding!

As his body approached, the skeleton soldiers with big swords on both sides surrounded him and hacked at him on the head. However, the blades that could hurt ordinary Qi Refiners were like toys in front of Song Yin's body. The blades hacked past him, making a crisp sound and then broke apart.


Song Yin threw another punch, and a pillar of white flame shot out horizontally, blasting the skeleton soldiers on the side into nothingness.

His hair was flying, his brows were raised, and he shouted, "How dare you, a mere demon, challenge me?!"

Obviously very angry.